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When I said I loved Costanza's debut book Clytemnestra, believe me when I say I LOVED it, and I've been looking out for her name ever since, and so there was an audible squealing when I got sent an early digital copy of Babylonia.

I don't know much, if anything really, about Babylonia, and so I came into this book completely fresh. It wasn't a retelling for me, as I knew nothing to be retold. And I think that's maybe why I felt closer to Clytemnestra because I already knew something about it. Not to say I didn't gel with this, don't get me wrong, it's equally as fabulous, it just took me a little longer to feel comfortable in its reading.

I don't know why I keep insisting I don't like mythological retellings when that's clearly not true! I am on such a roll with reading them and they just get better and better.

There are Greek retellings here, there, and everywhere, and whilst I enjoy them, it's refreshing to see a retelling of a different part of the world. Especially a part of the world I know little about and often gets a bad press nowadays. I know there are Greek myth elements to this, but it is definitely broader than that.

There are many characters, the main ones being, obviously, Semiramis, the Governor Onnes, and King Ninus. There are too many others to get into but I loved the dynamic between these three. They work wonderfully off each other, off all three, one or the other of them, and by themselves. They were fascinating to read individually, but also as a trio. I also want to mention the slave Ribat; he is obviously a very different character to the King and Governor and whatnot, but he shone equally as bright.

I love Costanza's ability to write strong women during a time where women were there to marry, keep a house, and have babies. They didn't speak up. They didn't fight. They knew their place and they stayed there. But Semiramis (much like Clytemnestra) doesn't accept this, and that's really powerful to read.

I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce Semiramis, and so spent the majority of the book with my brain replacing it with "sbdimebge" or some other nonsense. And yet, by the end of it, I was reading her name as if it was the most natural thing.

It is incredibly detailed, so many layers, so much history of the characters, the immediate settings and wider worlds, the wars, the emotions, the weather - it is so detailed and so full on, that in less talented hands it would definitely have felt too much and too difficult to read and keep on top of. But the way Costanza is just so fluid and seamless that you just absorb all the background details which helps you concentrate on the story.

Babylonia has another beautiful eye-catching cover. I read a digital copy of this but I might just have to buy myself a physical copy just to have it shine on my shelf.

With the same as her first book, Costanza has this wonderful ability to show the brutality of everything, the wars, the murders, the abuse, but alongside the beauty of power and strength, She isn't hiding the bad things, she doesn't sugar coat things, but then that's what makes the beautiful bits even more beautiful, as you can see how difficult it has been to get there.

What I really like about her writing is it is so visual that you can - or at least I can - visualise everything in my head. I can see Semiramis walking, I can see the fire pits, the ashes burning. It plays out almost like a movie, it's so clear, and yet holds a lot of suggestions which allows the reader to make their own decisions about certain aspects.

It's a far more complicated story than I was expecting. Lots of characters, different locations, histories, love affairs, complex relationships. There is a lot in this book, a lot! You are not short changed. It often felt far longer than 400 pages, not because it was slow or or boring but the opposite. There is SO much in it that you feel it must be longer to fit it all in.

Whilst I enjoyed it all, I definitely enjoyed it more the further I got into it, with the battles and fighting and whatnot. It really sped along then.

There is a lot of fantastic stuff in this book. Costanza is a beautiful storyteller, has such a talent for picking the right words for the right situations. Nothing falls flat. Her characters are multi-layered and well written, her settings beautiful, her peril frightening. I admit that I preferred Clytemnestra, but only marginally, and i fact I can't give you a reason why, because there's nothing wrong with this one at all. It's just a gut feeing. This is still utterly fabulous and I will recommend it to everyone and Costanza has definitely cemented her place on my list of go-to readers.

But taking everything I've said into account, this is no less than a 5 star read. Phenomenal storytelling and characterisation, and I will continue to long for the next thing she writes.

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I was so excited for this book after reading Casati’s first book, Clytemnestra, which became one of my favourite books and actually got me into reading historical fiction.

The writing in this book is beyond beautiful, the way Castati writes is mesmerising, it pulls you into the story and makes you feel like you are there with the characters. I almost had to highlight every page, there are so many of her quotes that I could read over and over.

I actually didn’t know who Semiramis was before reading this book, so I had no idea what to expect but I absolutely loved her. She had strength and fearlessness anyone could envy.

Every single character was portrayed beautifully. No one was a hero, no one was a villain, only human. They each had their own flaws and struggles. I did not hate a single character, they all had their reasons for their actions and no matter how extreme, I could always understand.

Although Semiramis is the main character of this book, we also get two additional POV’s. Ninus, King of Assyria and Ribat, a slave for Onnes and Semiramis. I loved Ninus’ POV, we get to watch his thoughts of Semiramis change, from hatred and jealousy to love. As the book progresses, we also watch him become colder although he never becomes cruel.

I had not expected there to be a POV of a slave, but I am glad we got to see the world through the eyes of Ribat who would hide in the shadows and dream about becoming a scribe. I also think his POV was important, slaves are usually overlooked, however here we get the chance to understand what his life was like.

After reading both of Casati’s books, I can now say she is one of my favourite authors. Her writing is beyond anything I have read before, the way she writes is poetic. Clytemnestra and Semiramis will always be on my list of favourite characters. I anticipate Casati’s next book, I cannot wait to experience her beautiful writing once again.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for this amazing ARC.

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I jumped at reading this after reading other work by the author. Although different, I would say I enjoyed this equally. Character development took time and the second half of the book was much better than the first - as others have said. I very much enjoyed this, and would recommend. Just persevere a little and you will be rewarded!

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Semiramis, a woman who has haunted the pages of history for thousands of years. Nobody knows if she existed or if she was created by Diodorus to explain a concept he could never quite understand.

Regardless, she has fascinated, horrified and intrigued for generations and now she gets to give voice to her own truth; all thanks to Costanza Casati.

Casati had delivered a stunning debut in Clytemnestra and now with Babylonia she has done it again.

Semiramis is brought to life. We see a girl abandoned by her mother, hated by her adopted father, abused by the villagers; a girl desperately seeking love whilst also trying to overcome her struggles.

We see her develop from a thief into the governor’s wife when she marries Onnes and we see how she develops an understanding of the cold-hearted governor in a way that no one else has.

Her life as a villager has taught her to play the game in a way that nobody else can. It makes her ruthless, thirsting for knowledge and power. At times, she comes across as cold and uncaring. Almost like her husband. But then a flash of light shines through and she becomes human again.

Her relationship with Ninus—Shamshi Adad V— goes from one of mutual loathing to a burning passion over the duration of the book. This love triangle, for that is what it is, is heightened by the fact that Onnes and Ninus were themselves close once. But as Ninus and Semiramis become closer, Onnes’ coldness turns to rage.

The Greeks loved their tragedy and here, Casati brings it in full force. Heartbreak, betrayal, rage and finally love. All of these emotions and feelings play out over the course of the story, hooking you in and keeping you glued to the page; desperate to find out what happens next.

For me, whilst Semiramis is the main character and her story is compelling, I enjoyed Ninus. He resonated. A tortured soul trying desperately to be a good man in a world where being good is looked down upon and often gets you killed.

His ending is tragic and is the one quibble I had with the story, but we can’t always get what we want.

A fantastic story by Casati and one you need to pick up when it is released on 4th July via Michael Joseph. You can buy it here: Pre-order

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This was an okay read, it just wasn’t really for me. I struggled with the first half of the book. The second part was much better, I don’t know if I just got more involved in the story or appreciated the writing still better. I think the problem for me was there wasn’t a lot happening and I didn’t really gel with the characters. However if you like historical/mythological retelling you may enjoy this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for the ARC

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Where do I even start – I have to warn you, I'm going to gush about how good 'Babylonia' by Constanza Casati is. It left me breathless, uncharacteristically speechless and just amazed by the sheer scope of Casati’s vision. I have highlighter over 50 passages while reading so if you haven’t pre-ordered it yet, stop reading this and do it now!

Let’s go back a bit – last year I read over 200 books and, for what it's worth, 'Clytemnestra' by Casati was unequivocally my favourite. I didn't think anything could top 'Clytemnestra', but 'Babylonia' has not only met but exceeded my expectations. It's one hundred percent my top pick of 2024. Seriously, this book is a masterpiece.

So, you’re Semiramis. Orphaned, a nobody at the fringes of an empire, your life seems destined for obscurity. You should know there's no way Semiramis is going to let that happen. She's strong, she's cunning, she's hungry for power. Watching her journey from the edge of her village and into the high halls of the emperors is the stuff of legends. What will she do for a throne that was never supposed to be hers? What will she give up in its pursuit? Trust me, you need to find out.

Casati's writing is ... I don't even have the words. If you thought 'Clytemnestra' was beautifully written, 'Babylonia' will knock you down. The prose is so precise, so meticulous, so gorgeously lyrical it’s like poetry written as prose invites you in. I found myself pausing, rereading sentences, just to walk in the beauty of her words. The way she tells a story is full of life, of love, of beauty; you’ll actually feel like you're living in the ancient Assyrian world, following Semiramis along the way.

The characters – God, the characters. They are incredibly deep, complex and real. Semiramis herself is a wonder: powerful, resourceful, and just incredibly human. Her relationships with her husband, Onnes, and Ninus the king of Assyria, are so beautiful, so powerful, so real. They are textured, flawed, and absolutely fascinating. Ribat is key to the story, demonstrating the cruel hierarchy of the time. The narrative is compelling, told mostly through the perspectives of Semiramis, Ninus, and Ribat. The multiple viewpoints lend depth to the story and make it even more engaging to read.

The novel is full of twists, schemes, and bloody clashes, feudal and epic at times. One thing I noticed about 'Babylonia' was the balance between beauty and trauma. Casati does not ignore the brutal truths of the time, but she also demonstrates the resilience, the strength and the remarkable spirit that was Semiramis. The name of semblance; the story is one of survival, empowerment, and unwavering dedication.

If you enjoy historical fiction, mythology retellings, or you just like a character-driven adventure, you are going to need this book in your life. Just like Natalie Haynes and Madeline Miller, Casati has made her mark in the genre. The skill and talent to bring ancient worlds to modern life while creating deep and relatable characters is second to none. To summarize, 'Babylonia' gets a solid 5 stars from me. This is just an exquisitely written, emotional, pleasurable book to read. And if you haven't read 'Clytemnestra,' add it to your TBR immediately. You do not want to miss out on Casati's talent.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the e-ARC copy. I can't wait to own a hard copy of this treasure!

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Ok wow. This book...THIS BOOK. I knew nothing about this story prior to reading so I was so invested in the story of Semiramis and I adored her characterisation, she's flawed and strong and incredible. The other characters in this story are all great too, super developed and interesting.
What I loved most about this book was Casati's writing, it's so beautiful and lyrical yet still accessable and well paced. I skipped Clytemnestra by Casati because I had read a retelling of her story around the same time, but it's getting added to the top of my TBR because I am addicted to Casati's writing.
Would 100% recommend this to fans of historical fiction, mythology retellings, and anyone who loves an adventure story which is character centered. Loved this!

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I fell in love with Constanza casati’s writing after reading her first novel ‘Clytemnestra’ Babylonia is a beautifully written retelling of Assyria’s only female leader, Semiramis.
Semiramis rises from nothing to taking the throne. She is a fearless warrior who fights for her future.
Highly recommend if you love a strong female main character and ancient history

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I tend to really enjoy mythology retellings and historical foction. This one is well put together but the narrative wasn't my cup of tea, which made me struggle to read it at times and keep my interest. Probably is a me problem. I haven't read the author's previous book so I cannot compare it to it.

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Babylonia is the second novel by Constanza Casati. This book follows Semiramis who dreams of power whilst living a life of toil. She is strong as well as quick. Semiramis will have to rise from nothing to become exactly who she should be.

For me this wasn’t a new favourite novel. I really wanted to love it and in general I do like retellings and historical stories of women claiming their power. The narrative was just very boring to me and I struggled to stay interested in reading it. It was okay and I would recommend this. It just wasn’t great for me.

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This is a really difficult one to review. The characters were just all so unlikable, but something kept me reading. The writing was well done and lyrical which I really appreciate, but I just couldn’t root for anyone.

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‘What had Ribat called a queen? A šarratu, a woman who rules in her own right. A leader. A conqueror. A Ruler.’

Last year Constanza Casati’s debut ‘Clytemnestra’ absolutely blew me away; and now, somehow, ‘Babylonia’ has managed to surpass my sky high expectations and left me utterly speechless. Although she’s only written two books Connstanza Casati is now undeniably one of my favourite, must read, authors and, despite some very steep competition, ‘Babylonia’ is within my top reads of 2024 so far. Needless to say if you’re remotely curious about this book I advice you pick up a copy of it as soon as possible.

One thing that constantly struck me whilst reading ‘Babylonia’ was how beautifully it was written. From her debut I was well aware of how wonderfully compelling a story by the author could be and I remember finding her writing delightful to indulge in. Even so I was surprised by just how often I found myself longing to share a quote with the world, staring at a line, marvelling at its power and re-reading a certain segment because how exquisitely it was crafted left it impossible not to go back and revel within it again. The temptation to share a combination of incoherent gushing and mesmerising quotes, rather than a standard review for this book was surprisingly strong.

Another element of the author’s novels that I can’t help but love is her characters. They’re so deliciously complex, layered and compelling. Not everyone is going to be a pleasant person to discover yet you’ll inevitably find yourself desperate to discover more about them regardless. Everybody has such wonderfully crafted backstories, histories and connections. The unusual bond between Semiramis, Ninus and Onnes was superbly shaped. And there honestly wasn’t a single individual that I didn’t long to spend time learning about.

The narrative is split mainly into three perspectives, each of which was a wonder to lose myself within. Naturally much of the story is seen through Semiramis’s eyes and I utterly adored seeing exactly where she came from and where her journey ultimately led. For someone with a thirst for power and desperation to be remembered I found her depths surprisingly refreshing. Ninus, King Of Assyria, is another viewpoint that you get to explore, offering a rather different ruler than you’d expect from such a brutal, bloody world. And Ribat, a slave, is the third perspective, one that you can’t help but feel for. On occasion you get a small segment from someone else and although rare each of these was memorable.

The world was wonderfully crafted and detailed, bringing its setting vividly to life. And the plot was filled with memorable moments, twists and turns. The type of scheming involved within this novel, along with its brutal clashes, gave it the glorious feel of a fantasy offering on occasion, even though it’s more historically rooted (Gods are mentioned but not seen). The overall style was reminiscent of the Greek retellings that I adore so I’d definitely recommend it to fans of those too.

Needless to say I wholeheartedly recommend ‘Babylonia’ and can see it leaving many readers star struck. From its very first page it reels readers in, leaving them entranced enough that it’s impossible to look away. If this book doesn’t find itself within many ‘books of the year’ lists I’ll be surprised. Whatever the author writes next I’ll certainly be reading it.

‘”We have grown up longing to rule the world,” he says, “and now we are turning it to dust.”’

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When discussing first class authors of this genre; (Madeline Miller, Natalie Haynes…) there’s a writer who deserves to be up there and her name is Constanza Casati.

In a time where Greek retellings have become a dominant genre it would appear difficult for newer authors to bring something fresh to this crowded market. However, with her debut novel - Clytemnestra - Constanza Casati proved there were indeed many more stories to tell and voices to be heard, with her second novel though she has not only gifted readers another beautiful story she has affirmed her position as a frontrunner and standout writer of the genre.

I really enjoyed reading Clytemnestra last year so Babylonia was definitely a book I was excited to read and boy did it deliver! Unlike its predecessor, I went into this book rather ignorant about its characters so I loved delving into a world and time I knew little about. Casati has clearly meticulously researched the history of the Assyrian Empire and she brings it to life in such a vivid and rich way that I felt as though I was walking the streets and palaces alongside her characters.

I cannot express enough how much Casati’s writing style sings to me. Her turn of phrase, her rich language, her perfect pacing and the emotional depths she reaches all blend seamlessly together to create an authentic story. Her words read like honey.

‘𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘶𝘴, 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘴, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘴. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴.’

As with Clytemnestra, Casati gifts us with another incredible lead female character - this time warrior Queen Semiramis. Her journey lies at the heart of this story as we watch her transcend from orphaned commoner, to general’s wife to Queen. Semiramis was certainly a woman ahead of her time; she is fearless, she is upfront, she fights to get her voice heard and she doesn’t accept her predetermined place in society. Semiramis isn’t a leader who sits on a throne giving orders, she’s a ruler who leads from the front and I loved her for it.

What really elevated this story was the relationship between Semiramis, Onnes and Ninus. All 3 are brilliant, all 3 are broken and all 3 feel things so deeply you question whether any of them will ever truly find happiness. There are no one dimensional characters here, she cracks open the complexities of Semiramis, Onnes and Ninus never shying away from their individual flaws and painful truths. No one is a hero, no one is a villain the beauty lies in the light and shade of each character.

I was so sure that I could predict the direction of the story but Casati cleverly weaves the intricacies of their evolving relationship so beautifully that my feelings for these complex characters kept evolving too. Casati’s choice to tell this story from multiple perspectives only served to enhance the connection I felt to each one. The inclusion of Ribat, a slave, also added another layer to the story and offered some perspective on the barbaric hierarchy of the time.

There is beauty and there is trauma in this book, I was devastated, enthralled, repulsed, inspired and uplifted. Casati’s words just make me FEEL and that is the true magic of her writing.

This is an easy 5 stars for me, and I hope this book receives the recognition it deserves. It really is a sublime read.

*Thank you NetGalley for the arc. I cannot wait to own this book in print!

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The product of an illicit liaison with a priest, Semiramis is born in Assyria to a mother who kills her father for failing to acknowledge his role in her conception before killing herself.

The abandoned, nameless baby is raised by a cruel widower named Simmas, whose son Amon is one of the few people to show her any kindness in her childhood. Many of her peers taunt her, including Baaz, the tormentor of her youth.

But despite this less than promising beginning, the stunning young woman is destined for a great future, one that she already dreams of as a lonely girl who's mocked for her lowly status. How that destiny unfolds is vividly described in Cassati's absorbing book.

The warmth, flavours, smells, culture atmosphere and perils of life in Assyria and Babylon are brought vibrantly alive through Cassati's storytelling, and she succeeds in doing the tale of Semiramis justice. This story is perfect for those who love history and legends.

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A retelling of the story of Queen Semiramis from the Ancient Mesopotamian times. This book does a truly wonderful job telling us Semiramis' story. Of her love, loss, humble beginnings, and her eventual queendom.

Like with Clytemnestra, Costanza does a terrific job of staying true to the original myths and legends. While also giving the characters a new depth and life that the originals usually miss.

"As long as I breath, I will sob for him"

Beautifully written and a joy to read. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this arc. I am sure this book will be considered one of the best releases of 2024.

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The story of Semiramis, well researched with brilliant characters, especially Semiramis herself. I always wanted to know more about her, having read about her before, and this fictional account brings her to life. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book, it was enjoyable and gets five stars easily from me.

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