Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this story!

I found that the story was really well written and it was certainly a book that had me hooked.

The storyline was great and I loved the mix of characters and their development.

It was romantic and sexy, a totally addictive read that I didn't want to put down.

It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended!

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super fast and fun read.. I devoured this in one sitting. Viper and Sophie were everything.. You know the ole saying.. what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..? Well...... Not so much..

A drunken night and some wedding vows later.. Sophie and Viper are married.. Sophie has instant regret and wants out of it.. Viper says he will give her what she wants BUT she has to do something for him first. She has to give him 30 days.. meaning she has to stay with him at this clubhouse and only then after the 30 days are up.. if she still wants the divorce, he will sign the papers..

Thank you Bianca Lee Ward.. now off to read the rest..

I received an advanced reader copy of this book via Netgalley.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.


I don't know how to start with this review. I requested this book because it had an MC main character and I am a sucker for an MC romance.

There were several good things about this book. I loved the sibling relationships and the sex-positive attitude. I like a romance book where a woman owns her sexuality and what she likes and this hit the mark on that. It missed the mark on everything else.

One thing I hate to see in a book is grammatical errors. And this ebook was riddled with them. That might not necessarily be the author's fault - it could have been the formatting service, the editor, or any number of things. It is not something authors can always control, especially if they are doing the whole publishing thing by themselves. This lowered my rating, yes, but I truly believe that if the story itself had been what I was looking for out of an MC romance, it wouldn't have bothered me as much.

The story itself was too fast-paced. I really like the idea of it all, the accidental marriage, the drunken mistakes. However things were happening by the end of page three and I just found myself wishing there was more build-up, more detail, and more between the two main characters. This may have benefitted from a strong enemies-to-lovers storyline as the storyline of 'we want to sleep with each other but don't want to be in a relationship' just didn't work with the story.

I did love the persuasion aspect, the moving Sophie into his clubhouse and wooing her to try and get their happily ever after. I also loved the aspect where Sophie was a strong personality that many men were scared of but Viper somehow saw through and was strong enough to handle her without changing her.

3 stars.

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I mostly really enjoyed this MC romance, and found the relationship between Viper and Sophie entertaining and believable. The other MC characters are all intriguing.

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Viper is a man, obsessed with the idea of having Sophie. A woman he's only ever truly met in passing, till one night in Vegas.

Sophie has never let a man think they can have her, besides the one night she gives them, until she wakes up with a ring on her finger.

I struggled through Viper. It felt like there wasn't enough down time between events and that it was just plot point after plot point which was like going at .5 speed.

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Two people got married in Vegas and later the woman came to the guy named Viper wanting a divorce. Viper will not sign the papers unless she stays with him for a month. This was a good story with action and a lot going back and forth between the two of them as well.

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Did not like this book I really could not follow it for some reason disappointing dialogue and found the book confusing

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First of all, one thing about me is I love a drunken married in Vegas trope. I thought this book was such a fun read, this is the first book l've ever read by Bianca and I really enjoyed the banter between the two MC's. This book I thought was so well paced, I sometimes end up losing interest when things really start to drag out but I can appreciate this book got straight to the point. This can be read as part of a series or a standalone (which are my favorite types of books), this was also my first time reading a book about a motorcycle club so I think I'll have to finish the series! If you're looking for a good easy read this summer, I recommend giving this book/series a try!!

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I found this to be far too over dramatic for my preference. I understand it is an MC book but it's very hard to get that perfect ratio, balance, of grit and badass to romance and depth. I found this book to be missing that balance.

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Viper and Sophie get married during their first drunken encounter in Las Vegas much to the dismay of Sophie’s father.

Viper is part of a motorcycle gang and Sophie is portrayed as an independent gal.

I loved the idea of the forced proximity and the one month countdown. I liked getting to know the rest of the biker gang and seeing the softer side of Viper. However, I feel like the story as a whole didn’t gel very well. Although Viper and Sophie had a lot of chemistry that chemistry didn’t flow through the story.

Sophie’s father was very overbearing and his meddling was more annoying than anything. Sophie was supposed to be an independent, boss queen but she kept letting her father overshadow her and push her around.

Overall I did like it but I think I need to delve more into the war brothers series to get a fuller picture. I feel like a piece of the jigsaw was missing with this book if that makes sense.

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Sexy and full of great characters! I read in one sitting. I love MC stories and this book had all the things I love about the trope. I will definitely be reading the others in this series.

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✨ Spoilers ✨


Viper - Bianca Lee Ward



𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬:

- Sophie
- Viper


"If given the chance, I could show her I’m a decent guy and maybe, just maybe, I’d be worthy."

“I’ve never craved to get to know a woman like I have with her."

"I could be setting myself up for failure, but I think she’s worth the risk."


Sophie has it all. Her own business, brothers who love her and her best friend. When one drunken night turns into a accidental marriage can she fall in love with her new husband?


From chapter one I had some laughs. This story had so much banter. The characters were all so funny and caring. I LOVED that about them. My man Viper, well he fell hard from the start without even knowing. He was quite the guy and so was Sophie. She had me cracking up with how sassy she was. Quick with her replies too. The plot was perfect with action, suspense and some ✨spice✨. I so need to pick up the others in this series.


• Blackmail
• Small town
• Feisty fmc
• Jealous mmc
• Accidental wedding
• "Mine!"



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This was the first book that i had read from this author but i am loving MC romance books at the moment and i thought i would take a chance on this one and i am so so glad that i did because i thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be coming back for more!

I really loved both of the main characters, Viper and Sophie and really enjoyed getting to know them both. I thought that they were perfect for each other and absolutely loved all the exchanges of banter between them!

I loved this book so much, it was fast-paced, emotional and fun and with a little touch of spice too! Oh and don’t forget that all one big family feeling…….

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Great story that grips you from the begining! Love the strong female lead and sexy male lead and the with-holding of sex at times makes for a fresh change.
I need to go back and read the authors back catalogue now!

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This was an enjoyable read, it’s just that it get like it lacked content. Some of the things I did not like was the fact that we had no big bad guy in the book or a climax. I like that book is spicy, it gives an extra layer. The main characters aren’t as dynamic as I would want them to be. Sophie is a young business owner and a young heiress. She has three brothers and is seeking her father’s approval. Viper is part of a MC and is the vice president. Also, he’s very good looking. The side characters are awesome and very supportive of the main characters. Overall, it’s a good and would recommend. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

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I love me a good MC book and this one did not disappoint. In a lot of ways, Viper wasn't the "traditional" biker dude, but he sure fit the bill. I liked how he fought for what he wanted and how tapping into desires of the heart is always the best thing to do!

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I am all for a good MC romance book and relationship. I love the idea of the high affluent girl bonding with the motorcycle club hottie. This lacked a bit in the chemistry and I felt focused more on her daddy issues. Her relationship with her father is complicated and I get that it adds to the issues within the book, but it wrapped up with no real climax - it was just over. And then they "lived happily ever after"? Just was too quickly wrapped up in my opinion. I feel like this is a 2-1/2 star book for me at best.

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"Viper" is hands down one of the best MC romance books I've read this month. Bianca did an incredible job creating a story that captures the essence of family within the MC club, the strong bond of brotherhood among the men, the sisterhood among the wives, and the power of friendship. The way Sophia and Viper's love story unfolds is simply beautiful. It all starts with a wild night in Vegas, and despite their stark differences, their chemistry is undeniable. The banter between them is so entertaining, and I admired how they both made compromises to make their relationship work, even if they did things in a non-traditional way. Viper, as the male main character, was absolutely amazing. He loved and cared for Sophia in a way that I rarely see in MC romances. I truly appreciated how Bianca allowed her characters to show vulnerability while also maintaining a deep connection. However, my favorite character was definitely Sophie. She was a strong and independent woman even before meeting Viper, but she also embraced his world and the MC family with an open heart. She was sweet, loving, and fought hard for what she wanted, even if her dad didn't approve. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I'm eagerly looking forward to diving into more of Bianca's series in the near future.

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Viper by Bianca Lee Ward, is a fast paced (almost) instant-love story where instead of the bikers going out and committing crimes to raise money, these people go out of their way to do good to help families in need, specifically women and children, Ms. Ward does a great job bringing each of her characters to life, and giving them each very unique qualities you can't help but fall in love with, especially the lead female and how she stands up to her father to to let him know she is serious about what it is she wants, how what she wants is Viper, and he can either support her or get out of her life. Granted, a real father wants to protect his daughter anyway he can, but there comes a time when he has to let her "grow-up" and make her own decisions, and just be there for her to help get her through the consequences if that is what is needed, emotionally speaking that iis, and Ms. Ward a fantastic job bringing these family dynamics to life. This is the first book I've read by Ms. Ward, and I am eagerly waiting for the next book she has coming out soon.

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Another lively read in this series.
I'm really enjoying these books, they are not long and drawn out, but rather sweet reads, that give the reader the ultimate goal. . . the much anticipated HEA.
In this book, it takes a bit to get there, but our couple find thier happy place.
After a drunken night Viper and Sophie find themselves happily ever aftered! Yes, they've only gone and gotten themselves married!
Sophie is not happy, and her brothers wear the brunt of her anger for letting it happen, that is, only after she does the jit, leaving poor Viper in the hotel suite, while she heads home, and files for divorce!
Great story, another quick witty read, in this, the War Brothers MC, series.

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