Member Reviews

FBI agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela (called Mike) Caine are the heads of the new Covert Eyes team. They only work on the most difficult cases. Nicholas gets a phone call from the famous thief Kitsune known as "The Fox." Kitsune asks for help from them to help her rescue her husband. Cassandra and Ajax Kohath want Kitsune dead because she knows too much. What does she know? They are twins -- evil twins caring for no one but themselves and their ultimate goal to find the Ark of the Covenant. They think it will give them immortality and power beyond belief. The twins' mother was working in the Gobi Desert when she disappeared. Nicholas and Mike also learn from Kitsune that the Kohaths have the ability to control the weather. How do they do it? Meanwhile the twins are frustrated with how Kitsune avoids getting killed. They also want the weather control in their hands instead of their grandfather. Will he give it to them?

This is an action packed thriller with twists and turns that definitely surprised me. With the island in the Bermuda Triangle, the Knights Templar, Etruscans, and the Ark of the Covenant in this novel makes it a wild thrilling ride! It is a great blend of science fiction and adventure. The authors did an outstanding job writing this novel. Don't miss out, read it!

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If you're a fan of Catherine Coulter and her Brit in the FBI series, you will love this next installment (don't worry, these books can be read standing alone) Mikaela and Nicholas Drummond have now partnered with Kitsune (The Fox) to save her husband Grant who has been kidnapped. An unlikely pairing for sure - one of the greatest thiefs in the world and Special Agent in the FBI.

I didn't find this an "easy" read and it's for sure not a beach read or one that you'll knock out in a day but don't mistake me saying that for me saying it was a bad book. The story line is a bit complex with a dash of conspiracy level meets reality tossed in. That's the only reason that I gave this 4 stars instead of 5. The conspiracy level stuff was just out of my realm of possible. I get it, it's a fiction book. Fiction means not real, blah blah blah.

Anyhow, the characters are amazing and I just love the chemistry between Mike (Mikaela) and Nick. A really good book. I've been following this series since book 1 and I'm looking forward to seeing it continue!

Thank you Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Wow! Nicholas and Mike and the rest of the FBI agents took me on a twisted suspenseful thriller! The way the author incorporates actual historical events makes you question history and be in awe thinking "this could really happen!" It constantly kept me anxious for the outcome, making me read faster. I definitely recommend this book! Book provided by NetGalley.

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Incredible read! I woke up at 3 AM and just had to finish it. The plot is incredibly fast paced - a real page turner! Nicholas and Mike are likeable good guys. I can't help but wonder what their next adventure will entail.

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Nice, fast paced read. Enjoyed the play between the characters.

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This is a great story to add to this series! If you like Indiana Jones, Clive Cussler's books, or other adventure thrillers, then you'll love this series. Nicholas and Mike make a great team and it was wonderful to see Kitsune back! She is, for sure, Wonder Woman! Great character. Great story.

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I read 30% of this book and gave up. Just didn't care for it all. The dialogue was just....childish and silly. It seemed awkward to me, unrealistic and at times overly dramatic. This was just a book I was struggling to try to finish and not a book I couldn't wait to get back to so I decided to let it go.

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Fast paced, quick read holds your interest. Somewhat different from what I usually read as it has a bit of suspension of belief in it. But still an exciting addition to the Nicholas Drummond series.

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Interesting concept. I like Catherine Coulter writing style. I do like unusual stories which this was. I do think the story will have a limited audience.

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This was a fast-paced, hang onto your hat thriller. Yes, it was a little unbelievable, yes these FBI agents did things that would not really happen, but it was exciting and an enjoyable read.

When Nicholas Drummond and Michaela (Mike) Caine are given carte blanche to pick their own assignments, their own team as well as a private plane and unlimited resources you know they are going to get involved in some unconventional situations. Team up with super-thief Kitsune and not only do they end up flying to Italy to deal with a situation, but the body count rises. Kitsune (The Fox) has been hired to steal Moses' staff from the Topkapi Museum in Turkey. When she shows up to make the exchange for her fee, the clients try to kill her. Enter Nicholas and Mike. When they arrive in Italy, they are met by a team of assassins. If not for Kitsune, they probably would not have survived. As they delve into the situation, they find out it is not what it seems. It gets a little science fiction at points where an eccentric old man has developed a way to control the weather, but it works.

This book has everything I have come to expect from the Britt in the FBI series. There was action, danger, injuries, computer hacking, a few crazy villians, a plot to control the world or destroy it, a little romance, a little humor, some chases across the Atlantic and a little confusion between the good guys (FBI team) and the bad guys (Kitsune) as well as some co-operation. I had a hard time putting this book down once I got into it. I knew good would overcome evil, but how do they get there; who gets hurt or possibly killed on the way, how much danger is the world/US in, what happens to the relationship of Nicholas and Mike? If you like mystery/thriller/suspense and can suspend belief for an enjoyable time, pick this one up, you won't regret it.

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I have been a Catherine Coulter fan forever. I love her style the details and the research she does with every book and THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE is no exception. Fast paced and excellent plot and characters . If you like the fast pace of her other books you will really love THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE i received this book from netgalley free in exchange for a review.

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This is an excellent book by one of my favorite authors. Two FBI agents who think out of the box put themselves in danger to save the world. Sounds extreme but this author makes it work. I love her characters and look forward to reading them again and again

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This book starts off with a master thief stealing Moses staff from the Topkapi museum. But the people who paid her to steal it try to kill her. She escapes and overhears them bragging about causing a huge dust storm in the Gobi desert that is killing thousands of people in Beijing. She calls the FBI for help when the people who control the weather kidnap her husband.
These insane criminals are searching for the Ark of the Covenant. While I did finish this book, it was just too preposterous to be believable. The first James Bond movie with the crazy Dr. No was clearly tongue in cheek. This book was not. The FBI team was filled with likeable characters, but some of the stunts they pulled were not realistic.
My wife is a big Catherine Coulter fan and didn't finish this book, reading only the first 8 or 9 chapters. She has decided not to read any more books in this series.
Two stars out of five. My wife says one star. Thanks to NetGalley for sending me this book.

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Incredible, impossible, unbelievable, improbable, and yet the story is riveting. It’s all in the telling, and this is from a reviewer who has worked with magnetic force fields for over 25 years, as well as other methods for determining the soundness of materials. The authors make a good team when it comes to weaving a web that catches the reader up in a visit to Venice and other regions of Italy, add in some London and follow with a visit to the Caribbean, and of course New York and D.C. Add in a few lines about the Templars, the Ark of the Covenant, and a wild west type shootout along with an erupting volcano and the story turns into a plot the reader can become absorbed in. Oh yes, some computer wizardry and romance to turn a good read into five-star entertainment.

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This was a nice thriller with lots of turns and twist. I just didn't come away saying Wow. If your a fan of Coulter, you may find the novel to be great.

This is my second novel by the author and it just seemed to be missing something.

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Genre: Mystery/Thriller - FBI, International
Stand-Alone: Yes
Part of a Series: Yes - Book 4 of the A Brit in the FBI Series, which is a spin off from her for FBI Thriller series
POV: Lots and lots
Steam-level: Minimal, just a few kisses and hints of more

This is the second Catherine Coulter book I've read and the first J.T. Elison. (Fun fact, the first book I read written by Catherine Coulter was the very first book in her FBI Thriller Series). It was a ton of fun and kept me on the edge of my seat. This book puts the international in international crime. In it we go from the US to Italy to England to the Caribbean. An unlikely team of the best thief and FBI agents. The action and fight scenes keep your adrenaline roaring throughout the race to stop the bad guys. In a game of who to trust the risks are real. This is an awesome series and I cannot not wait to read more. If you're looking for an international thriller that keeps you guessing and leaves you breathless this is definitely the book for you!

I received this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley and I'm voluntarily giving an honest review.

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I love Catherine Coulter's and J.T. Ellison books so...Ok, so maybe it's a little unbelievable. It's entertaining as heck and definitely kept me turning pages.

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Catherine Coulter’s A Brit in the FBI series would make a perfect Tom Hanks-style Da Vinci Code vehicle. The Devil's Triangle is the 4th in the series, and—as in Dan Brown’s stories—the ancient world extends its tentacles into modern day, and Biblical knowledge is as important as crack surveillance skills to win against the enemy.

An idiom that never loses its sting: “It takes a thief to catch a chief.” So when master-thief Kitsune feels a frisson of worry on her way to make a delivery in Venice, it’s an instinct to be taken seriously. For the princely sum of five million Euros, Kitsune—aka The Fox—agreed to steal the staff of Moses from the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul. Of course, Kitsune was successful, so why, on her way to Venice to make the delivery, does she feel worried?

Kitsune had been a thief for too long to ignore the prickle of unease that went down her neck. The tube was heavy, and she hugged it closer.

Turns out her Spidey sense saves her life. After the handover, “she felt that familiar shiver down her neck and went on red alert.” Later, after a vicious gun battle through the rooftops and canals of Venice, Kitsune is breathing hard and bleeding, but she commandeers a water taxi and is on her way out of Dodge. She tears into her pay packet.

She opened it and saw a rough drawing of a dead fox. She felt the tearing pain in her arm as she wadded up the paper and tossed it overboard. Five million Euros was that critical to them? But why had they wanted her dead? It didn’t matter; she didn’t care. There would be hell to pay.

Kitsune turns to FBI Special Agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela “Mike” Caine and their Covert Eyes crew to a) find out who her clients really are and b) help her rescue her husband Grant, who has been kidnapped. What a cinematic plea for help.

Moments later, she heard a deep male voice with a posh British accent say, “Drummond here.”

“Hello, Nicholas. I trust Michaela is nearby?”


“This is Kitsune. I need your help.”

Nicholas, Mike, and their team uncover the truth. Kitsune’s client is the Koath family, reputed to be descendants of Moses. The Koath’s ultimate goal is to find—shades of Raiders of the Lost Ark—the Ark of the Covenant. Once they have that in their possession, they’ll be able to ramp up their “engineered-storm business” into a world-destroying weapon. Mike lays it out to the team.

“We have it from a reliable source that this monstrous sandstorm from the Gobi Desert that is hitting Beijing isn’t a natural disaster.” She drew a deep breath. “It was engineered.”

Kitsune, Nicholas, Mike, and their team fight their enemy on multiple fronts: cyber warfare, shoot-outs in Venice’s fabled St. Mark’s Square, and interrogations masked as civilized discussions in Italy—like when Nicholas talks to the enigmatic Cassandra Koath at her family’s ancient castle:

“You are full of questions, aren’t you? My father died two weeks ago, a heart attack, we were told. We weren’t close. He left the business, nearly 10 years ago. I suppose you could say he was eccentric, a man who liked his parties and conspiracy theories. But of course, your family’s history is much more illustrious than mine. I’ve seen photos of the Drummond estate in Farrow-on-Gray as well as photos of the gardens—and your labyrinth is famous. I’d love to visit sometime. And you’ll be a peer soon enough, won’t you?”

“Not for a very long time. You’ve learned a lot in the past day and a half.”

She laughed. “Come now, Agent Drummond. You were all over the news last week. You’re famous, the man who saved the lives of the president and vice president of the United States. And now you’re here, killing off Italians.”

Nicholas smiled at her.

Perhaps Nicholas is thinking, “Life moves pretty fast.” Certainly, Nicholas and his team have to race to stop Cassandra and her twin Ajax before the duo can wrest control of the family weather weaponry from their elderly grandfather. The struggle culminates in a climatic showdown in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Nicholas snarls at Ajax, who is lunging at him with a knife, “Well, come on, you puking little nutter, let’s get this over with.”

Fast-paced and scarily prescient, The Devil’s Triangle will keep you up until you turn the last page.

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I gave this a 4 because it was slow to start and wasn't the type of book that kept you on the edge of your seat until towards the end. However the writers are excellent at their trade and it is written well.
Thank you for the opportunity to receive this book for an honest opinion review.
Everyone has their favorite book type. This intriguing storyline was different by far than my usual. Written by one of my favorite authors I had to push on myself to get it all read. I am one that wants to be challenged by the book not just mildly entertained. Worth the read you may really enjoy it.

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