Member Reviews

I LOVED Rebel Of The Sands so I couldn't wait to read this one. Whilst I didn't enjoy it as much (some people may disagree with me on that), I still really liked it.
If you liked the first book, obviously you should like this one, but the tone is slightly different than the first, with different settings from the first book, and a focus on different characters.
Without giving too much away, Traitor To The Throne follows on from Rebel Of The Sands, with the rebellion ever growing and gaining traction. Amani ends up infiltrating the palace and inserting herself into life there, becoming an aid to the Sultan. The book follows her balancing staying on the Sultan's good side whilst also trying to gain information and helping the rebellion in overthrowing him.
I actually liked the Sultan as a character, which may be an unpopular opinion, but I did think he was incredibly clever and resourceful and I look forward to seeing more of him in the next installment. We are re-introduced to characters from the first book (although I think the hints at their reappearances were a little heavy handed) and introduced to brand new ones that come with the new setting. With the exception of the Sultan, and possibly Sam and Rahim, none of the secondary characters were fleshed out enough for me to care about them. Ones who were set up as major players for the third book didn't have a lot on time on the page here so I wasn't exactly caring about them or their motivations for their actions. Like I said, as we got to see Amani interacting with the Sultan a lot, and then with the end reveal, I was incredibly satisfied with his character because he was given the time to develop. I hope the last book does have more of a focus on necessary characters
Pacing is still a problem with these books. Nothing really happened for the first 25% of Traitor To The Throne, but then so much happened in the last 10%. Hamilton's books are definitely enjoyable but I would like to see more plot and twists throughout the book rather than most of this being left until the ending.
There definitely were twists though, and some of the events that transpired early on in the book did have pay off at the end. Chapter 49 genuinely made me gasp, and the fact that it was sprung on us added to the suspense. The fact that there was a further twist on this was so much fun to read even if it did stress me out a little bit.
I did like that multiple events and actions that could have been written off did serve a purpose, but these could have possibly been revealed or hinted at earlier on in the book.
One of the things I absolutely love about Hamilton's writing, is the old tales that she weaves throughout the book. It might be an idea for her to release a spin off book of some of these tales and flesh them out a little bit more, because they truly would be magical.
Whilst I didn't enjoy this book as much as Rebel Of The Sands, it still definitely had enjoyable moments, and the action scenes are always a delight to read. I'm absolutely looking forward to the final book to see how everything turns out for Amani and the rebellion.

I absolutely loved the first book, the universe, a mix between western and a thousand night worked right with me. Let me tell you that I didn't wait long to read this sequel.
In this book, we leave the rebels's camp to finally learn more about this "famous" king. Without saying too much, Amani, is now in the capital and in direct contact with the king, whom everyone wants to overthrow. I liked that we have a glimpse of the power game that happens in the capital, that we see the other side, because everything is never black or white. And we realise here, that the king seeks the good of his people in his own way. It is really a character built in layers and it makes him interesting.
Speaking of character, Amani is always on top. Despite her new environment, she does not let go even if her situation is not ideal, she is a fighter as I love them. As for Jin and romance, I love their relationship, but it is not really present in this book, I would have liked more of Jin and Amani but that alright maybe next book. And without saying too much, there are some characters I did not think I'd see again that are present in this book and that I adore. They have key roles and for one of them, it becomes one of my new favorite.
For the plot, the beginning is very fast, we quickly plunge back into the pulsating dynamics of the first novel, however the middle is slower, it gives place to the characters, and I think it does not hurt because we understand better some actions. And finally, the ending, I went through a series of incredible emotions and the cliffhanger is really unbearable. I know in advance that the wait will be very long for book 3 (that is so cruel Alwyn).
Overall, this series really has a unique universe and I adore the characters, I advise everyone to read this serie because I know that it will please the majority.

Rebel of the Sands was one of my favorite reads of 2016. So naturally I was very much anticipating its sequel and beyond happy when I got approved for it on Netgalley. But I always approach sequels with caution because sequels are known to be a bit of a let-down when they're the second book in a trilogy. And while this book was by no means bad, it just wasn't as good as the first book to me. Which gives me the sad. But lets go over why it disappointed a bit, shall we?
Honestly, I'm a bit confused. I felt like so much happened but at the same time nothing at all. And it was at the same time also original, while also being a story I've read before. There were a lot of characters and places and myths and stuff that, honestly, were a bit overwhelming to me since I'd read the first book quite a while ago and none of it was fresh in my memory. It took me a long time to get back into this world and reconnect with the characters. That is a personal thing, sure, but it did affect my overal enjoyment of the book. Don't get me wrong, I still love this world and its characters and the amazing myths the author made up. But it was nonetheless a bit confusing to me.
I also still like the writing, but for some reason it felt like there was a lot less sass in this book, which was one of the things I LOVED so much about the first book. Guns + sass = win. But there weren't many guns in this book. And a lot less sass. And I missed that. I also liked the action but I wanted more of it. I was SO bored throughout most of this book. Because I just don't like this kind of story. Also a personal thing but still. I have to mention it. Amani also felt a lot less badass and strong in this book compared to the first book. Sure she had stuff blocking her from being badass but that didn't stop her before so why does it now?
There is also a time jump between the end of book 1 and the start of this one. A whole year. And SO much happened in that year that we don't know about as reader but it is so relevant to the story that it made me feel a bit lost. And, again, confused. I'm not into the romance as much anymore either. I was very indifferent to it. Though, small cheer for no love triangle! And the romance didn't take over the plot too much so that's good too? And also cheers for Sam, one of the new characters introduced. I love him!
So overall... I'm very conflicted, confused and a bit disappointed, but I still want to read the third book. Obviously. Because I want to know how this story ends and ultimately, though it might not seem like it judging from this review, I did enjoy this book. Maybe not as much as I hoped I would, but I did. So if you loved the first book, do read this one. Especially since a lot of other reviewers have already read it too and loved it more than me. So go forth and read it, I say.

Traitor to the Throne is an outstanding sequel to Rebel of the Sands. It surpassed my expectations. Please remember that the first was my favorite book of 2016. That should help put things in perspective. The writing is magical. There is plenty of action and political intrigue. For a book with this many pages, the story maintains a fast-pace throughout. Filled with twists and more excitement than you could possibly imagine! There is no second book syndrome here. If you enjoyed the first, there is no doubt you will fall head over heels for the second. I couldn't possibly recommend this series enough!

•Rebel of the Sands may not be one of my favourite series, but this second instalment struck me dumb. I was expecting an enjoyable ride, yes, but I wasn't expecting Traitor to the Throne to be so much better than its predecessor. I still had some issues, but at the end of the day, the thrill of the story got the better of me.
•I still am not a fan of the writing. When the moment is heavy with tension, the writing becomes stiffer and colder in trying to achieve the very opposite; where it should convey emotion and mark the climax of a certain sequence of events, there it turns into an edgeless weapon, and in mini-sentences all clustered together in the attempt to create a declamatory tone that does not work at all. Because to be good at rhetoric, one must pay attention not only to words, but also to all the other components of a text, such as rhythm and timing. A trivial, silly thing like knowing when to start a new paragraph becomes fundamental. When you read and the text doesn't sound quite right, it's like riding on a bumpy road -to me, at least; others may not mind. Punctuation, emphasis, fluidity... these are requirements that a good text cannot dispense with.
•I am deeply impressed with the plot. I should warn you not to be fooled in this respect, because this plot is one of those that bloom and reveal themselves in their delicious intricacy only as the end draws near. Plots, sub-plots, schemes and devious manoeuvres: I'm home.
•As much as I love it when things are not at all what they seem, I also tend to turn up my nose at characters that change so much that they end up seeming caricatures of themselves. Leya's character, for instance, was not very well-handled, in my opinion. She goes from an extreme to the other ans still remains as flat as a pot holder, because the whole thing doesn't seem likely at all.
•I love Hamilton's legends. They're so flipping amazing. Should she ever write a collection of myths and legends of her own invention, I would be the first buyer.
•I hoped Amani's new-born controversial feelings toward the revolution would be further developed, instead of merely mentioned and then forgotten. I think I would have loved it if the story had taken that direction -thorny issues are my thing way more than easy solutions are.
•And speaking about this, I refuse to believe I was the only one who cheered for the Sultan. Actually, I think I do prefer him to Ahmed. Don't know what that says about me. The thing is, there is a moment, in one of the first chapters, when basically Ahmed accuses Amani of being selfish for not wanting Jin to go on a mission, when Ahmed himself is so reluctant to let his sister do the same that Amani and her group would rather not let him know Delila was with them.
•Amani and Jin- well, I regret to say that I'm not into this romance, but it isn't too heavy and, plot-wise, it lightens the mood, and does it well. Pros and cons balance each other, when it comes to this ship. I honestly care very little, personally.
➽ I wasn't anticipating Traitor to the Throne with much excitement, but now, for the last instalment, I will. Traitor to the Throne gave hope to a series that seemed meant to be good-but-not-special. Now, instead, I am confident the conclusion could be special.
I can't wait.

OMG! Where do I even start? I genuinely have no idea but it's absolutely safe to say I loved this one so freakin' much!!
Ok let's give this review a try...
Amani has become a firm favourite female lead, her character development from book one was great. I just liked her so much more this time around. I also loved the new cast of characters including Sam, Leyla, Rahim, and yes, even the Sultan! They were all intriguing in their own way and each brought a history that was beautifully woven into the story.
It was action packed and fast paced from the very start and had wonderfully subtle undertones of romance and humour flowing throughout.
The majority of the story was set in the Sultan's royal court which I could not have been happier about because its one of my favourite settings. And the added Arabian flavour provided a fresh feel to it all too, making it even more captivating.
I don't really want to say too much about the plot because of potential spoilers but there were so many unexpected little twists it certainly kept me guessing about what was really happening right up to the very end.
Much like the new character's back stories, I adored the folklore and tales that were interweaved. It added so much more depth and made the world all the more vivid. I was just so engrossed in some of those stories I could happily read an anthology of them.
I genuinely could not pick a single fault with this book so the only thing I have left to say is how soon can I get my hands on the next one? Because that ending!!!

I had really enjoyed Rebel of the Sands so I eagerly awaited Traitor to the Throne and it did not disappoint. In fact, I think it was an even stronger novel then its predecessor. The plot went places I was not expecting and many of the minor characters from the first book had more depth which really added to the richness of the story. I love the mythology that Alwyn Hamilton has created and enjoyed the myths that were sprinkled throughout the novel. I also really appreciated that this was not bogged down with a love story or love triangle. Romantic elements were there but they weren't forced nor did they take over the story, as it seems often happens in YA series.
I thought that that this series was only a duology so was pleasantly surprised to discover that a third book is in the works (thank goodness because that ending can't be the end all!) which I definitely will be reading when it comes out.

Thank-you so, so much to Faber & Faber for giving me the chance to read this book before the release date. It’s such a thrill to read because this epic story has been one I’ve been dying to read more of and I also get to read it sooner than I expected! Traitor to the Throne is about a hundred pages larger than Rebel of the Sands and I’m really curious to how the cover will look in person compared to the first book since it was a huge selling point. The plot the first book was intriguing but honestly, that cover was too damn pretty not to buy. I’m glad I did buy it because I ended up loving the book but I also love the frame of the second book’s cover and the silhouette jumping across buildings.
I was reading my review of the first book before I wrote this one and it reminded me of how fantastic it was but I think the timing of the events throughout this book were more evenly paced compared to RotS so it made for a more interesting book overall. In the first book, I think a lot of people agree that the start was incredibly slow. The build-up was worth it and definitely necessary with the information we learned but it wasn’t until about the 10% mark that I was hooked into the story. Thankfully, in this book the adventure happens fairly quickly. Amani is still recovering from the events at the end of the last book almost a year ago but she’s quickly pushed back into danger when she’s forced into an incredibly hostile situation that could endanger everything she’s working for and her life.
It’s interesting that there’s a time gap between these two books but I think it was done to sidestep the awful middle book that most trilogies have where the main characters practice their skills and set up for a thrilling third book. So basically, we dived right into the fantasy, action and adventure with TttT. The Sultan’s palace and the harem were interesting settings because it seems like something very different to Amani with a thriving, large city with such a sexualized and dangerous arena of lies and threats in the harem. There wasn’t too much description with what happens at the harem but plenty is implied and enough to make you feel uncomfortable while you imagine the Sultan’s disgusting son and his many wives. I loved reading about her journey throughout the harem where she meets old acquaintances and makes new friends.
The ending of this book was such a shock. I kind of saw where it was going but it was wonderful to see it confirmed and then watch it grow from there into a fantastic ending that sealed the story. I like that Alwyn Hamilton ends her stories complete. Obviously, there are still questions and stories to continue at the end of both books but she wraps up the strings well enough so you’re not feeling lacking about any part of the story when you get to the end. Honestly, you have to read it to understand and feel this chill down your spine because what happened at the end was so awesome. So make sure you buy or borrow Traitor to The Throne as soon as you see it in store or online. A new dawn! A new desert!
(Full review at TheBookishKirra.Wordpress.com)

I was worried going into this because I could not remember the first book - at all. That wasn't promising. Did I not like it? Was it truly that forgettable?
But I started Traitor to the Throne and all my fears were lost. What a book.
I raced through it, desperate to know where it was going, because I found myself surprised that I couldn't work it out (possibly because I couldn't remember the first one; who knows?). It was more claustrophobic than the first one and the element of menace was real. However, the main 'villain' had that enigmatic quality of you being able to empathise with them which is always unnerving.
I also felt like I understood the actions of Amani despite the world being so alien. I also appreciated that she didn't get (massively) hooked up on Jin and carried on being a badass.
Honestly, if you enjoyed the first one, I don't know how you could not love this one. If you forgot the first one? Also, possibly worth a try. Don't give up on Amani just yet.

Amazing story! Just as good as the first book. Can't wait for the next!!!

This was such an enjoyable read!
It might even be better than the first one! Great storyline and plot twists and carries on the story so it's able to go just that little bit deeper and darker.
I admire and can relate to Amani's viewpoint and the excellent pacing kept me guessing until the end.
Plus, even more gender-defying antics! A thief who tries to be cavalier but can't quite manage it! Ladies rescuing ladies all over the place! Charmingly manipulative royals & distraction kisses!