Member Reviews

Oooh this book is steamy!! Nigel May writes the most incredible stories full of passion, heat, revenge and drama. This is so tense and suspenseful. I loved it!

Lots of drama in this murder mystery set in - sigh- the south of France. The title is a big clue to what's going on but it's a good read.

Sexy, racy, not able to put down, twists and turns and everything you want inbetween with this book. Read it and enjoy. Excellent book. well done.

Review: Revenge
I received a copy from Netgalley.
I must be a black sheep on this one. Most of the reviews I browsed through were fairly positive, there was a handful of one stars but no actual reviews. It caught my eye whilst browsing Netgalley because I like revenge themed books featuring famous people with glitz glamour and potential murder. When I looked it up on Goodreads and saw that the author was compared to the British equivalent of Jackie Collins that pretty much sealed the deal for me.
I thought it was one of the stupidest, most annoying books I have ever read.
I didn't find it glamorous or captivating or anything. The characters were unremarkable and annoying with maybe one exception and it was nearly 70% into the book before the reason all these people were brought together was finally explained. It started out okay, the frost problem I had with the book was that the review copy I was reading on my iPad kindle app had an appealing font which wouldn't go out of bold which annoyed the hell out of me. I ended up buying a finished copy with a sensible font I could read properly. At this point the book still had my attention to want to know the what was going on.
The premise was interesting enough, a bunch of people have been invited to the opening debut of a new snazzy restaurant by popular celebrity chef Dexter Franklin in St Tropez. It's all expenses paid as well. It becomes obvious immediately that bringing this particular group together is a disaster waiting to happen. It's also made clear right away that each person invited to the opening have history with Dexter and pretty bad history at that. The tag line hinted at murder so the interest for me was who do these annoying people is going to get bumped off first?
The characters:
Two members of a former squeaky clean girl group Crazy Sour, who had a massive career as pop idols for teen girls until one of them, Holly, fell into drugs and drink and ruined the band and destroyed everyone's careers. Holly wound up becoming a high class prostitute and raked the cash in until she got caught up in a scandal with a politician and the whole thing came crashing down around her, again. She’s an utter bitch, out for number one and doesn't seem to give a fuck about anyone else other than herself. Of course, she's got a few secrets of her own which sort of explain her deplorable personality and the defensive attitude she displays. She had a hot fling with Dexter at some point and it didn't end well.
The other girl band member Mew, I got the impression was supposed to be the sensible smart one of the group. She and Holly rubbed each other the wrong way. There wasn't much mentioned about the third member of the band or there than she wasn't all there. I think the only reason she wasn't brought in on this little trip was she didn't have anything going on with Dexter. When Crazy Sour failed Mew made her fame and fortune by winning a celebrity cooking show hosted by Dexter. There was a big scandal when it was discovered that Mew was screwing Dexter behind the scenes. Mew went on to have her own cooking career and wrote best selling cookbooks. Mew brings her assistant/agent Olivia along on the trip complexly oblivious to the fact that Olivia is head over heels in love with her. Of course, neither Holly nor Mew know the other has been invited.
Leland Franklin, Dexter’s older brother. The two brothers never got along. Leland is actor who made his name as a hunky TV action adventurer star who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread and God’s gift to women. A better than thou jerk who thinks the sun rises and sets on him, and completely unfaith to his supposed long term girlfriend. To the point where he brings some fame hungry American girl he picked up and has been screwing on the side, the girl who was notorious for having once been a hooker on the trip. Leland’s supposed actual girlfriend is a Brazilian actress Rosita Velazquez. She's a huge star in her own country and wants to break into other markets and she's convinced that dating Leland will raise her profile. She's outlandish and takes over the top to a whole new dimension. Neither knows that the other has been invited to Dexter’s restaurant opening. Rosita has her own complex history with Dexter.
Finally DC Riding, a restaurant critic. Openly gay and friendly DC is probably is the only likeable character amongst this lot. He had a failed try at producing a big broadway production. He's had some not so pleasant things to say about Dexter’s restaurants before. He’s into really kinky sex stuff as well and doesn't seem to care where it comes from and is quite happy to pay for it.
A few other minor characters are introduced who wind up having fairly decent rolls as the plot goes on.
The bulk of the novel is all these characters arriving in St Tropez and their reactions to each other. Which in the most case are not happy reunions. It's drama drama drama. They've all worked out there must be something going on. Dexter hasn’t made an appearance yet. Most of his chapters up to this point are reflections on his relations with the other characters and hints of something big that's going to happen. By this point I am bored to tears with the book. I lost interest in the drama between the characters, the bitch fest between Holly and Mew, Olivia pining over Mew, Rosita and her ridiculous attempts at making a name for herself, Leland who I despised right from the start and remember very little about. The only fun chapters were the ones from DC Riding. Opening night approaches and the reasons for bringing these particular people together were finally revealed. Over 70% in and no ones been killed. What happened to the murder hinted at in the tag line and why is these thing called Revenge?
It turns out it's all involving a show girl Cher Le Visage. Dexter was madly in love with Cher, now Cher is dead and every person he has invited to the opening has a reason to want to kill Cher. So…who did it? More secrets are revealed and more past information comes to light.
One thing I did actually like at the end was how the women came together to defend each other when found in a dicey situation with the killer. Mew and Holly really came together and wound up with a new understanding and a budding friendship that allowed them to reconnect and come together in a way they hadn't before.
Not enough to salvage the book for me, but something about it I actually liked.
There was a brief what happened afterwards conclusion detailing where each of the main characters when after the eventful opening night of Dexter's restaurant. Most of them had shown some sort of growth over the novel and some found new relationships, new friendships and new directions in life.
This wasn't a page turner for me, nor was it a gripping thriller at all. I found myself skimming a large portion of the middle. It had its moments but in the end just not for me. I’m not really interested at all in trying anything else by this particular author. Every now and then I try something different from my usual type of book but unfortunately this one wasn’t for me at all.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookoture for approving my request to view the title.

Sex, drugs, girl bands, the rich, the famous, has beens, wannabes, call girls, reality TV stars, murder, blackmail, glitz, glamour and the ultimate…. revenge. This book has it all; wrapped around a compelling mystery. It’s delicious, shocking, scandalous and at times laugh out loud funny.
<i>”Brother Leland, diva Rosita, call girl Holly, Ex Mew and critic DC. His lips curled into a knowing smile as he considered what was about to be served to his illustrious guests. Revenge, regrets and explosive revelations.”</i>
Dexter Franklin, successful celebrity chef, invites five special guests to the opening of his new restaurant, Tresor, in St Tropez. Each of these guests has a connection to Dexter but they also have a connection to each other which we find out through some very revealing backstory on each character.
I loved every one of these characters. The development throughout the story is well done with chapters of backstory on each character slowing revealing more of their life so you become really invested in who they are.
There is never a dull moment and plenty of drama as the mystery unfolds. An abundance of sex, drugs, scandals, bitchiness and accusations makes this a racy page turner.
I love nothing better than a bit of revenge.

This book is a saucy whodunnit, set in the glamorous world of celebrities and full of secrets, scandal and even murder. It is an easy and fun read, perfect for the holidays.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for ARC.

Well I suppose everyone is going to hate me but yes I really only gave this 3 out of 5 and I'm being generous.
From the blurb I expected to absolutely love this book it sounded right up my street but sadly it wasn't to be. The storyline is good the setting is great the reason why all the characters are gathered together for that one evening was a good twist in the story but for some reason it didn't hold my attention. I didn't feel myself drawn to liking any of the characters particularly, the story seems to go on and on and not all of it relevant. I found myself scanning pages for bits that would be needed to piece this story together and flicking through pages unread. This is the first book in a long time that I didn't want to read every spare moment I got. Sorry.
I would like to thank netgalley and bookouture for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a good book!!! We get a glimpse of the lives of those rich and famous people we always wonder about, but find out that the grass is not greener on the other side. The story starts with a group of people who are invited to Dexter Franklin's’ restaurant launch. The story pulled you in by wondering why these particular people were invited to the opening. Each person’s life or past is like a puzzle piece that comes along and helps form the whole picture of past events and sets up the scenario for present day drama.

Wow, what an amazing book this was, loved it from start to finish, was such an addictive read. The story never stopped, and you never knew what was going to happen next. I was truly captivated from start to finish.
The storyline is cleverly done and the characters are well thought out, there was lots going on in the book & lots of characters to love & hate but at no point was it confusing to follow at any point.
If you love books by Tasmina Perry, Jackie Collins, Rebecca Chance, Louise Bagshawe or Tilly Bagshawe, then you should definitely give Nigel May's books ago as you won't be disappointed. I've already read 4 of his previous books and definately looking forward to reading his others.

Many other reviewers are calling this the ultimate beach read and I agree. It meets all my checks to make it a superb smutty beach read. Tropical setting, sex, drama and intriguing characters.
The book opens with the death of Cher Le Visage, a stage performer. Fast forward 5 years where Dexter,famous chef has just opened a new restaurant in St.Tropez and has invited many people to the grand opening of his restaurant. The reader is introduced to many characters but they are easy to keep track of- trust me! Dexter has planned this evening perfectly. Why? and how is everyone connected?You can bet someone will be getting some delicious revenge.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for my ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

I am sorry to say that i did not finish this book.
I almost never give up on a book i start but in this case I read more that the third and i couldn't make my self read it any longer.
From its summary and the glorious reviews about it , i expected a very good story. But i simply couldn't enjoy it, and i really did not like the whole set of characters.
Besides i think there should have been some warning about the sexual contents in the story, i actually kept skipping part in each chapter.

Revenge sucks you in with the crazy prologue leading you to this murder mystery - exclusive dinner party - set in the super chic, St. Tropez. I love all the different characters and how you are able to follow along with each of their interconnected lives as the plot develops. This is a great book to read enjoying poolside with a cocktail while dreaming that you are enjoying this addictive, delicatessen in the South of France. Well done Nigel May!!!!

I have been a fan of this author for a while now and his latest offering did not disappoint.
Once again he weaves so many different storylines together in such a way that the reader is immediately drawn into the story and held kicking and screaming till the bitter end.
Great story and excellent characterisation. Fans of Jackie Collins will love this author and his books.
Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for providing a copy.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Bookouture for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Nigel May has the ability to bring the old fashioned bonk buster style stories of the 1980's, into the 21st century. He knows how to spin a good yarn centred around the glamour and wealth of characters with a celebrity status and lifestyle.
Dexter Franklin is a well known chef, as he plans the opening night of his new restaurant based in the stunning setting of St Tropez, in the south of France. He has hand picked a group of friends and acquaintances to a private gathering on the opening night. With no expense spared he makes sure that they are all able to attend.
As the group begin to assemble in St Tropez, some new relationships are formed and some older grudges are brought to the fore. None of them are aware of what Dexter has in store for them on opening night and as the night begins, we the reader sit back to watch the fireworks begin!!
Told in the present with flashbacks to the past, this story is well written and soon has us embroiled in the lives of the characters.
This was the first story that I've read by Nigel May and it won't be my last. I can thoroughly recommend this story to anyone who loves to escape real life to experience the trials and tribulations of those that have a celebrity lifestyle.
I was more than happy to give this story a 4 stars or 8/10.

Well nobody stands Nigel May in the corner! I could be put into a room full of books that have brown paper backing and I could still pick out his. This book, Revenge, is no exception as Nigel May deserves centre stage yet again.
Revenge has even more glitz and glamour as the rich and famous are invited by the world renowned chef Dexter Franklin, to the opening of yet another exclusive restaurant, this one in St. Tropez, Southern France. At some time each of the invited guests have crossed Dexter but the greed of these people, for an all expenses paid trip to the Play Ground of millionaires makes them jump at the chance to grab the lime light again. The has-beens and wanna-bes are all fighting for poll position.
He always gives his characters character to put it bluntly and you get an instant like or dislike for them straight away, to the point you could in some cases turn to murder yourself! What I do like is how I get to know these people before they really start to interact in the story. There are some sparks flying around as it seems that all their lives have crossed at some point. It makes for perfect entertainment.
I just love how Nigel May builds the suspense in his books, it always makes me feel like I’m on a murder mystery weekend, like I am there looking over someone’s shoulder at what is going on and I don’t want to leave until its all over. Well you won’t want to put this book down. Oh it gets hot though, phew really hot! Steamy Hot! Lots of taking clothes off and very descriptive action hot. I did mention brown paper backing earlier didn’t I? No seriously the scenes are very well described which for me adds to the whole story of these people. He always wows me with the story and the unexpected outcome. A massive must read for any Nigel May fans and I hope many more too. It is soooooo goooooood!

Revenge is a strange one for me.
Strange in a good way mind.
We've have literally got it all in one book. Love, murder, mystery, romance and sex.
What more do you want exactly?!?
Well, aside from the lack of a high body count, blood, guts and gore I normally appreciate in a book, I really enjoyed Revenge.
It's a very well written and brilliantly thought out plot which really had me guessing all the way through. Why did Dex want all these old rivals at the opening of his new restaurant? What had they all done to each other in the past? Thankfully this book isn't marketed as a gritty crime/psychological thriller and I'm so glad I knew not to expect that.
It is bonkfest with a murder, a bitchfest with a mystery, a hunkfest with a crime! It's got it all and not in a bad or confusing way. Nigel keeps it real, there's no confusion and it works really well.
I'll certainly be looking out for more of Nigel's books in the future and would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a steamy chick-litty murder mystery (who'd a thought I'd ever say that?!?)

Nigel May is back with his sixth book or as he calls it, his sexy six pack, I love that! This is only the second book of his that I’ve read but I’m packing the other four the next time I head to Mexico. Full of deceit, betrayal, glitz, sex and scandal they are THE definition of a beach read. I was dreaming of a warm beach, a lounger and a cocktail the whole time I was reading this and with the majority of this taking place in St. Tropez, it was easy to escape to a stunning locale (in my mind at least!)
When the book begins, Cher a famous burlesque dancer (think Dita Von Teese) has been strangled in her dressing room and the murderer was never found. Now it’s five years later and Dexter Franklin wants revenge for many reasons, and he has planned a night that won’t easily be forgotten that coincides with the opening of his new restaurant. He meticulously plans for this evening, taking care to ensure that several very important guests are in attendance. There’s Mew, a fellow celebrity chef and ex pop star, Holly who was in the same girl group as Mew, Leland, his estranged brother, Rosita, a Brazilian actress and Leland’s girlfriend and D.C. a food critic. Each and everyone of them has several juicy skeletons in their closets and most of them have slept with each other at some point. There are all the key ingredients necessary to mix a volatile cocktail, mainly drama, sex and scandal and May delivers on every level exceptionally well.
This book is hot and steamy, it’s always fun to get a glimpse at how the other half lives and Nigel May books are officially my guilty pleasure. I love the campy feel of his novels, there is so much bitchiness, the claws are always out especially amongst the women, but the men can be brutal as well. He knows how to create characters that you love to hate, but there are always a few, that despite their spoiled behavior still manage to wrap me around their fingers. This was a total page turner and by the end, opening night of Dexter’s restaurant, I was dying to see how things would play out. The best way for me to describe this is to say it’s a gutsy, glossy, glam thriller that makes for a titillating read.

The rich and famous are gathered in San Tropez for the opening of the new restaurant of top chef Dexter Franklin - the guest list has an explosive content, including Dexter's exes, some of whom he shared with his brother!
Before long the fireworks start and secrets, scandals and lies start to be uncovered and it soon becomes apparent there is a definte agenda for revenge!
A great light read ideal for holidays and the beach where you can lap up the glamour and absorb the atmosphere

VA-VA-VOOOOOM! -fans self-, how the hell do you cool yourself down after THIS?! I am rather embarrassed; I need to admit something...awful. Before I read 'Revenge', I hadn't read any other books by Nigel May before. Yes, that's right, I popped my 'Nigel May' cherry with this novel. Sniff, will you forgive me? Although, what a belter of a book to pop your author cherry with! A first time guaranteed to hold no regret (yes, I am still talking about the book...maybe).
Seriously though (cough), WHAT A BOOK! 'Revenge' had my attention from the very beginning with its sassy, flirty yet edgy storyline, sowing seeds for enough drama to rival Paris Hilton & Nicole Ritchie's friendship. Dexter Franklin, a man who most females know very well (inside of the bedroom that is), and has females falling over their feet to get to him OUTSIDE of the bedroom. Apparently he's a looker but I can't really see it myself..
The thing is, hunky Dexter has got himself into a bit of bother with three females and the score needs to be levelled out; where better to do it than in the South of France. Revenge is sweet...apparently.
The storyline flicks between several characters lives and it actually wasn't as confusing as it sounds. Sometimes it takes me a while to get comfortable with a multi character switching storyline, but this time I didn't. Each characters story flowed brilliantly into the next character's life, without any trouble at all.
What surprised me and caught me off guard, was how the storyline seemed to contain snippets of various genres. One moment I was playing detective like Scott and Bailey, the next moment I was being a fly on the wall to several, highly charged sexual antics, and the next I was on the edge of my seat thinking 'what the hell did I miss along the way?!'. Wait, no, I didn't think that, I actually said it out loud as I was reading!
'Revenge' has everything you should ever want under one 'roof'; suspense, raciness, romance, shock factor; the book has it all. I'm not going to lie, it got a tad hot hot hot, whilst I was reading the novel! Who wouldn't be hot after reading THAT?! I adored everything about Nigel May's 'Revenge', especially how the storyline gave you variety without diverting from the original situation. Incredibly clever.
A flirty, fun and toe curling novel which kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Full of gritty moments, shocking moments and extremely PHWOAR moments; 'Revenge' is a 'dish' which needs to be served up hot, and now.
Absolutely fantastic book! Thanks to this one, my Nigel May book collection is about to get a whole lot bigger!