Member Reviews

I've heard lots about author Nigel May, and seen many people on various blogs and Twitter raving about his books, but up until now I have never gotten around to reading anything he has written. There was a part of me slightly dubious as to whether a male author could pull of a bonkbuster/racy/raunchy novel. This is a genre which I wouldn't read in abundance but I do love dipping in and out of books written by the likes of Anna Lou Weatherly or Victoria Fox every now and again. I like the escape these sorts of read offer you and behind the cast of many colourful characters there is a good mystery always waiting to be uncovered. The nature of these novels are pure escapism and, yes I'll say it, ideal holiday reads. They are filled with characters whom you question could even exist in the real world outside of fiction such depraved, lavish lifestyles do they lead. Also there are plot lines that boarder on the credible and often teeter on the edge of ridiculousness, yet there is something that always pulls you into this genre and the read becomes riveting and engrossing as you read on in equal measure of amazement and horror at what is unfolding before your very eyes. You find yourself thankful that you for the most part you are grateful you have a humdrum normal life and that in reading this genre you are given an escape for a couple or hours or days if need be and the stories and lives of the characters take over and leave you open mouthed at their antics yet strangely fascinated with everything going on.
Revenge is the sixth book published by Nigel May and although it won't win any literary awards (but then how many of us actually read those high brow award winning books) but god it was a very good story well told that kept the reader guessing until the last possible moment before the reveal was upon us. Revenge is a story I presume similar to the others Nigel has written full of sex, lies, glamour, intrigue, temptation, manipulation and mystery. Right from the prologue there is no holding back. This is a no holed barred insight into the lives of the rich and maybe not so famous as they once were who are all attending the opening night of world renowned chef Dexter Franklin's new restaurant. The story picks up five years after the prologue set in Brazil when we met burlesque star Cher Le Visage as she is about to perform at a charity event near Iguazu Falls. Unfortunately for Cher she is on the very bottom rung of the celebrity ladder and is desperate for any kind of 'gig' that will bring her some much needed money. But this night is not to be her best and she is found strangled by a feather boa.
As we fast forward five years to St. Tropez we are introduced over several chapters to a whole host of characters each in my opinion worse than the last as we meet them although Mew did prove to be my favourite. It's not that I hated the rest it's just they are very difficult people to like or identify with but then I wonder are we really meant to considering our lives are so vastly different from theirs? There is little mention of Cher and the prologue, and in all honesty I forgot about it and wasn't in that much of a hurry to discover who had committed the deadly deed, as I became enthralled with the goings on of the characters.
Dexter a celebrity chef is a man with a grudge, his career has slightly floundered no thanks to restaurant critic DC Riding and his way with words. But now Dexter is on the cusp of opening his new Moroccan themed restaurant in St.Tropez and wants the world to know he is on top of his game. Several people receive a specific invitation to the opening night and the reasons behind this become clear towards the end but there is a lot of water to flow under the bridge before everything can be revealed.
Mew Stanton is a celebrity chef having won a tv competition with Dexter as the judge. She is releasing a new cookbook and on a publicity tour with her publisher Olivia when she receives an invite from Dexter. Something which she thought would never happen considering their history and she wonders whether it is worth going. Would it stir up old emotions best left buried or even long held secrets? Mew had been a part of mega successful pop group Crazy Sour before things with fellow band mate Holly Lydon all went sour. Mew still has hatred deeply ingrained in her heart and mind and hopes by accepting the invite things won't go back to the way there were considering the success she has now achieved. Olivia tags along for the trip as well. I found her to be a character who was very much on the outside, a hanger on and someone aiming to achieve a higher position than where she was. She was annoying and frustrating even if she did play the part of support when needed to and found answers at just the right time. She was often forgotten but boy was she soaking everything up in St.Tropez and could put her info and what she had seen to good use.
Holly Lydon is a former member of Crazy Sour now very much down on her luck, even her antics as a kinky call girl don't get her much attention these days. She arrives by bus to St. Tropez far from the helicopter arrival of the others. Why has Dexter invited her here? She is a has been who knows no boundaries. As we flash back and forth in Holly's story there is an element of compassion the reader does start to feel for her and throughout the book the author makes us realise that not everyone is as they first seem. Beneath the brash exteriors there are hidden depths and secrets and connections some want kept that way and others are determined to bring things out into the open.
As mentioned DC Riding is a restaurant critic and maybe Dexter has brought him to the opening just to prove he is on top of his game. DC loved the high life and his scenes with a certain somebody left me open mouthed. Suffice to say no detail is spared in the slightest. At times you do just have to keep reading and not fully absorb some of the sexual antics of the characters as the author doesn't hold back with descriptions.
Rosita Velazquez is a Brazilian actress famous in her native country and not really anywhere else. She longs for worldwide fame and is dating Dexter's brother Leland who is an extreme TV star whom one could compare to Bear Grylls. I didn't care much for Rosita even though she was full of self confidence but again she had her role to play. Leland was a man obsessed with women and sex. Treat them mean and keep then keen, he used woman to his own advantage and to further his career. Missy is his latest conquest along for the ride. Someone not officially invited but gets in on the action is Fabienne Delacroix, a news reporter for the La Riveria newspaper. She seemed to be the sanest person amongst the motley crew but will she expose what's really going on through her clever investigative journalism?
Once all the characters had been introduced we flash back and forth between the past and the present and I began to like Nigel May's style of writing. Initially I had thought there were too many characters and would certain people have a more flimsier storyline than others but really it was all actually very clever and as the connections and intentions slowly started to be uncovered I was applauding the author at weaving everything together so well. All the gossip, scandal, animosity, tension and thrills just increased apace in the days leading up to the big launch night as they guests are forced to mingle together at the hotel. There were so many tangled webs and connections that I didn't see but the flashbacks helped to make things clearer and gave great insight into the mindset and intentions of many.
The glamorous locations used apart from St. Tropez were fantastic and really brought the book to life. There were plenty of sex scenes for those who like to see many included in this sort of read. I just take them for what they are and the added spice they bring to the overall story and become amazed at how the characters intermingle and move from one person to the next so quickly. As we build and build to the main climax of the story there are revelations aplenty one in particular which really took me by surprise. I loved how I had never seen it coming and as we tie back to the prologue I was astounded by what unfolded and how brilliantly Nigel May really had written this book.
Although Revenge may have been the first book I have read by this author it certainly won't be the last. Definitely Nigel is a rival to the authors I have mentioned previously and yes a male author can successfully pull off this kind of story. This thrilling, sexy read was a great way to pass a couple of hours over my holidays and I will certainly be reading the other book I have from Nigel which has languished on my Kindle for far too long.

Juicy, soapy, and smutty. It reads like a soap opera in a delicious way. It's not my typical read at all, but it was still very enjoyable. I would say it would be an excellent beach read... too bad it's freezing here! Interesting characters, lots of sex, lots of drama... complete with a mystery that will keep you guessing.
Famous chef Dexter is opening an exclusive new restaurant in St Tropez. Extremely talented and popular with the ladies, he's made a lot of friends and enemies in his time. He extends an invitation to several people to come to the opening... including former flames, enemies, and his own brother. The list includes Mew, a former pop star turned celebrity chef; Holly, another pop star turned call girl; Leland, Dexter's reality tv show star brother; Rosita, a demanding actress determined to get to the top by whatever means necessary; DC, a food critic who has previously lambasted Dexter's food; and Olivia, who is the publisher responsible for the celebrity chefs books. This sounds like a lot of characters to keep track of, but they're so different that it's easy. I read this book in several sittings and never got confused. Not only are all of these people connected to Dexter, they're connected to each other... but how? And why would Dexter invite these particular people? Several are certainly not fans of his...
I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley and Bookouture, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.

This is the 3rd book of Nigel May's that I have read and I think it was the best. It had a bit of everything in it with twists and turns the whole way. Recommended

Are you stuck under meters of snow? Has the rain been pouring for days on your windows, making your days longer and duller? Nigel May has the solution!
As a French myself, France appears so low on my wanderlust list that I never bother mentioning it. I am fully aware we have beautiful places (after all, I live in the most gorgeous city, Bordeaux) and a lot to offer to every one of your senses. But after finishing Revenge, I felt the strong urge to book a ticket to St Tropez for the hot season and see drama at its best.
I am lucky to have spent many summers in the South of France, I know the warmth of the sun on your shoulders while you’re sipping a cocktail, I know the endless view of people wearing the less clothes possible, I have taken a look at the private clubs and their terraces full of Hollywood-like faces. I climbed the (empty) Cannes festival stairs, and I have caught glimpse of the sparkle of the Riviera.
Well, Nigel May captured the best and the worst of this French little world of glitters and champagne.
First of all, I need to mention it took me thirty minutes, a jar, papers and a pen to choose which quotes to use. The writing seems to be flowing so easily and sharply you won’t even notice you are reading. The book is like the gentle wave among the gigantic yachts of the Riviera bay, it rocks you and transports you, it cuts where it hurts and makes you laugh, it touches you, it moves you when you least expect it, it surprises you and offers you TMZ “OMG” moments.
Nigel’s characters are onions. Like all those people we see on TV or on the front page of glossy magazines I never read, their public face is on and at first it is all you see. Who knows if paps aren’t hiding being the bushes ready for their best shot. The introduction of each fundamental instrument of the story made it difficult for me to find a favorite as I learning about them, but Toni, Fabienne and Mew won me over. Hell, Nigel May managed to make me feel for every single of those characters, and believe me, it took work for some of them. I took it all in, like a sponge, and I loved every minute of it. They all have issues. Some you’ll guess or be told, some you’ll wonder about, some will make you feel happy you don’t belong there. Everyone has something to say, everyone has a plan, everyone has a reason. I loved loving them, loathing them, judging them, falling for them.
Like onions, those characters have more than one face. Don’t you worry, you won’t fall into chapters slowly revealing everyone has a good side and even the brightest have a heart. You will truly meet those characters the way I did. The hard way. Through drama, through lies and flashbacks, through barely visible scars and still bleeding cuts. Everyone is linked, one way or another, for better or rather for worse. Because Revenge is not about a nice friendly reunion. Revenge is about secrets from the past, forbidden tastes and helping fate do its job.
One of my favorite aspect of the book is that St Tropez feels real. It is a character, it invites you in with a crimson red invitation to the party. Front row. The best seats. St Tropez is scary, because despite its sweet famous name and show-biz life, St Tropez is dangerous. It reunites the elite, and what do people who have everything do when gathered in one place? The flashes of the photographs and the smiles can only hide so much. The exuberance and beauty of the city puts stars into eyes and knifes through hearts.
Revenge takes you on the road travelled only by Louboutins and Jimmy Choos; it takes you behind the curtains and takes the picture of faces without make up. You’ll be the judge to decide if those naked features are as ugly as their painted version. I took a guilty pleasure watching people go down, I relished in the well-executed plans that brought the truth on the front page, I shivered at what hides behind the lights.
Revenge is exquisitely glanderous: Glamorous and dangerous. Addictively hot and absolutely delicious.

Over the last year or so, I've become a huge fan of Nigel May's work so I was eager to get stuck in to his sixth novel Revenge, and I was certainly not disappointed.
There is so much written within the pages of Revenge that I fear that if I start going into characters and scenarios too much I will give away far more than I intend, so for that reason I apologise if this review is a little vague - please just trust me when I say it is a must read!
As the title may suggest, the book is primarily about Revenge, but I also found that there was a line of friendship, belonging and love within its depths too.
The book started with a prologue giving details of a murder being committed, giving details of the location, surroundings and method. The one thing we don't know is who carried out the crime,
The novel then moves forth and is based in the idyllic setting of St Tropez, where celebrity chef Dexter Franklin is about to launch his latest swanky restaurant.
The first few chapters were brilliant, each one focused on a character, giving us a taste of their personality and careers. Each of the chapters also started with an invite from Dexter to the opening.
Other than Dexter the main characters are Mew and Holly - ex member of a successful girl band whom haven't spoken a word to each other since the day the band split, and Leland and Rosita, Dexter's brother and ex-lover respectively.
There's also some smaller characters, Dexter and Mew's publicist Olivia and food critic DC Riding to name a few.
All have a significant connection to Dexter and are wondering why they have been invited, because let's face it, their relationships haven't all gone smoothly with him.
As the group are treated to a glorious stay in a top notch St Tropez hotel their stories unfold deeper and darker. Nigel May has a great way with words making you feel like your right there in the thick of the action and the exotic locations that he throws back to when the characters are remembering times they've been together in the past are described as gloriously as the next.
For me, there was a couple of chapters in the middle that I felt the book got a little lost with, I was eager to get to Dexter's opening night as I wanted to know why he had hand selected these few people and of course to know who the murderer was - although I did have my suspicions and guess correctly at about 80% of the way through - and so I felt that the details in those odd chapters could have been added together, or maybe that's my impatience showing, haha!
Once the opening night had arrived, it all became clear as to why the chosen characters where there and this had a few surprises thrown into the mix to keep it entertaining.
Overall the book is brilliantly written with the glitz, glam, scandal and sex that we come to love from Nigel May, but as I mentioned at the beginning, Revenge wasn't all about its namesake for me.
Once everything had been revealed there were moments of mutual understanding between certain characters, whilst new relationships formed and existing ones now amicable between others.
Sadly Revenge is the last book from Nigel with his publishers in the glam - fiction category, but I can't wait to see what he comes up with in the future and wish him every success.

Nigel May is described as the “New Jackie Collins” and let me tell you, he is every bit worthy of this title. His books are one of my guilty pleasures. 80s books without the bad hair and shoulder pads.
The glitz and glamour is in full swing as a group of handpicked guests make their way to St Tropez for the grand opening of celebrity chef, Dexter Franklin’s swanky new restaurant Trésor. An eclectic mix of current celebrities and has beens with larger than life personalities are all on the exclusive guest list. Some even have shared pasts with each other having crossed swords on more than one occasion. When all these people are finally put in a room together the explosive fireworks start. Someone has a plan for murderous revenge as scandalous secrets and lies are uncovered.
The setting could not be any more picturesque, sun drenched and packed with the rich and famous living the life some can only dream of. The writing flows effortlessly as the author explores themes of power, sex, jealousy, rivalry and revenge.
The characterisation is superb, Nigel has a talent for creating colourful, tenacious and outrageous characters you just love to hate. When you are not shaking your head in faux outrage you are holding your breath, eager to find out what skeletons are next to come out the closet.
There are a lot of sex scenes through the book, but this is not some 50 Shades shady offering, it’s a Bonkbuster with an enthralling story line you cannot tear yourself away from. It’s a fun and flirty read, and whilst the blurb advises that you should pour yourself a glass of champagne, I would say you would be better buying yourself a bottle as when you sit down to this indulgent tale you won’t want to stop till it’s finished.
Treat yourself, I PROMISE you will not be disappointed.

This book is hotter than hot in fact it's on fire! Most of you know that I am a Nigel May fan and this is his best book to date.
The story starts off with one gripping prologue set in Brazil. Wow that was it for me I was hooked. I found myself flying through this story I simply couldn't put it down.
Nigel May takes us into a world of glitz and glamour set in the sun. In this story we meet world renowned chef Dexter Franklin is organising a night to remember. As he opens the doors to his exclusive restaurant for the first time, he’s handpicked a list of guests, as hot and dazzling as the St Tropez sun itself. Three women have a past with Dexter and a grudge to bear against him.
Mew Stanton:, beautiful and a notorious TV chef, Dexter’s ex-girlfriend has all the ingredients for success. Who has a secret from her past. Ex girlband star Holly Lydon: Forced to make ends meet she’s having to sleep her way to the top. Then there is Brazilian actress extraordinaire and girlfriend of Dexter’s brother, Rosita Velázquez. Yes there is quite a few characters in this book. And with a murder on the menu this story will have you guessing until the end. It certainly had me guessing. While the story unfolds we read flashbacks and find out about the character's past. OMG…..loved it.
One of things that I love about Nigel book’s is the fact that there is the element of crime in them surrounded by the glitz glamour and fame. Nigel is without a doubt the new Jackie Collins! I also love Nigel’s style of writing. This is what I call an easy read where I felt like I was part of the story with the stunning descriptions.
Revenge is without a doubt one gripping page turner which ticked all the boxes for me, giving it a massive 5 stars

Revenge by nigel may is a women's fiction and general fiction (adult) read.
If you keep dangerous secrets you’ll pay the ultimate price…
In the South of France, playground of the rich and famous, world renowned chef Dexter Franklin is organising a night to remember. As he opens the doors to his exclusive restaurant for the first time, he’s handpicked a list of guests, as hot and dazzling as the St Tropez sun itself:
Fantastic read with brilliant characters. I loved the story. Had me gripped from start to finish. Highly recommended. 5*. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book from netgalley.

Oh My DAYZZZZZZ I Love Nigel May's books. I have become a big fan after reading some of his other books.
Glitz and Glamour in abundance.
I was introduced to Nigel's books by a blogging buddy #BookAddictShaun and I'm eternally grateful for the recommendations.
Thanks also to Bookouture, Kim Nash and Nigel for allowing me an ARC of this book and inviting me to be part of this blog tour. It's an Honour as always.
So the book, well well well, what can I say. It's fantastic as usual, Nigel certainly sets the bar high, and you can sometimes worry that when an author has written so many good books, the worry is that can they keep it up, well hell yeah, Nigel certainly can.
Some great characters in this book, and I feel we was introduced to them brilliantly. I find when there are characters that you love and characters that you hate, then the author has done a perfect job.
I know I've said it previously but I really couldn't put this book down. I read it at every opportunity and it only took me a couple of days to get through it. I read it everywhere, every chance I got.
We are slowly introduced to a whole list of colourful characters, that bit by bit come together, as you start to realise who or how they all know each other.
Dexter Franklin is opening a new restaurant in St Tropez. He has hand picked his guests, each one totally different to the next. This is set to be a night to remember.
Why has Dexter hand picked this group for his opening night. Slowly secrets and lies of each character begin to surface.
Superbly written and very well put together. I really can't wait for more from Nigel. He certainly knows how to write a book that gets you hooked from the very beginning. That is why I'm giving this book 5 big fat Glittery, Sparkly, Sexy stars.

Well Mr May, it seems you have a never ending supply of bitch, glamour and salacious filled ideas! Yet again Nigel May has produced a stellar read in this genre and one that is filled to the brim with everything a reader of this genre could ask for and more! With a beautiful cover to boot, it seems Nigel's books are getting more raunchy and dark with each year that passes, just how I like it!
The description for Nigel May in the past has been like a male version of Jackie Collins and this description couldn't be more apt, so those of you who are JC fans you REALLY need to get on board with this author. Set in the South of France you already have the backdrop of this beautiful sun-drenched playground filled to the brim with the rich and famous. We get introduced to Dexter Franklin, the TV star and famous Celebrity Chef on the brink of opening his newest restaurant Tresor, and compiling his celebrity list of attendees. That list includes the basis for the main characters appearing in this book, and boy do they make an interesting bunch.
Mew Stanton and Holly Lydon were once band members of the famous Girl Group Crazy Sour, however with the band splitting up they are both now on very different paths. Dexter's brother Leland who is a celebrity in his own right with and his girlfriend Rosita an actress who appears only to be famous in her home country of Brazil. Add in to that the Food Critic DC, and a plot line that had me hooked from the beginning and the story grabs you from the outset.
There are certainly a lot of characters and the story line at first seems disjointed, but man alive it certainly comes to an explosive head upon the opening night of Tresor. All of the characters I loved with the exception of Leland who frankly was a vile character, but who ticked all the right boxes with those sorts of characters you love to hate. By Chapter 4 it was clear that no housework would be done that evening so I settled down and made it to just over the halfway mark in the book in one sitting. The rest was devoured on a morning commute and my lunch hour! This latest offering is packed to the brim with a tantalising story line and characters that are so shallow and self absorbed I was completely entranced.
Each character brings something to the story along with the perils and pitfalls of fame. I truly loved this book and think that Nigel May is an author that is massively under-rated. I would say that his books are NOT for the faint hearted or for those that shock easily. I thought his last book was his best but take that back whole heartedly in replacement for this one. A trued 'Bonk Buster' that was a delight to read!

I love this author's books. I love the glamour, the glitz, the plotting, but most of all, I absolutely love the over-the-top, larger than life characters and the things they get up to both within and without the main plot. I also really enjoy that, although each book is stand alone, there are crossovers between them with familiar faces and places popping up every so often.
In this book, we start in the past. With the death of Cher Le Visage, a showgirl whose star is on the decline. She had been performing in a charity event in Brazil - bottom of the bill but there nevertheless - along with a host of bigger named stars and celebrities. Fast forward 5 years and renowned chef, Dexter Franklin, is in San Tropez organising the opening of his latest exclusive restaurant. He has handpicked a guest list to join him in this most exclusive event. A guest list containing a rather eclectic mix of current and past celebrities, including several ex-girlfriends, some of whom he has "shared" with his brother, who is also also invited. Completing the guest list are a restaurant critic who he has crossed swords with in the past and a local journalist. Considering the pasts these have shared, it's going to be a fun time indeed as they play off each other and it soon becomes obvious that Dexter has an agenda. One that turns out to have rather explosive consequences.
Every time I start one of these books I say that they are my guilty pleasure genre. Well, after 6 books now, I freely admit that they give me so much pleasure that I no longer feel any guilt devouring them! They are stacked full of wonderful characters and, anyone who knows me, knows that I do love character driven books. Especially characters with secrets, lies and, shall we just say, interesting pasts. This book definitely ticks that box for me once again as we are introduced to the most convoluted, interconnected cast of instantly dislikeable characters. I say dislikeable, they do have some redeeming characteristics. The odd misplaced loyalty aside, some of them have a couple of decent core values but, on the whole, they are all pretty nasty game players. Brilliant!
So, characters are all well and good but they need a story to act out. And here we have what I think is the author's best ever plot. It spans a fair few years, connecting and disconnecting various characters at various times and could very easily get out of hand but I am pleased to say that the author manages to juggle it all very very well and just when you think all the balls are about to come crashing down, he spins them in just the right way to keep them airborne. Until the end that is, when it is all supposed to come crashing down. And boy does it. In a rather shocking, but very satisfying way. Leaving me, as a reader, completely knackered and perfectly sated.
All in all, another winner from an author I will now be loud and proud about thoroughly enjoying! He has set the bar very high for his next offering; I can't wait to see what he serves up next.
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Wildly addictive, blissfully entertaining, and sinfully salacious!
This is a provocative novel that takes us into the lives of the rich, glamorous and famous and reminds us that not everything is always as it seems and as well as having fancy yachts and designer clothes they also seem to have an abundance of of sex, power, temptation, rivalry, jealousy, revenge, deception, tragedy and murder.
The writing is effortless. The characters are self-obsessed, shallow, and ambitious. The settings are exotic and picturesque. And the plot is clever, humorous, mysterious, unpredictable and incredibly captivating.
What can I say, this truly is a jouissance or indulgence you don’t want to miss!
Thank you to NetGalley, especially Bookouture, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

As a fan of Nigel May's previous novels, I was excited to read his latest release, Revenge. I was immediately taken in by the gorgeous cover but as soon as I read the blurb, I couldnt wait to get started.
Wow!! Nigel has created another gripping and fantastic novel. I became lost in the story and in the characters lives, the novel flowed at such a great pace that before I knew it I had reached the last page.
Revenge is a thrilling story in a fantastic setting, full of intrigue, glamour & sexy scandal and with some brilliant plot twists. Just as the title suggests it really is an addictive read that captures your attention from the start and has you quickly turning the pages to find out what will happen.
This book is the perfect escapist novel and I look forward to the next one from Nigel.
Thank you!

I am a huge fan of Nigel so I am always super excited when he puts out a new book.
The things I love about Nigel's are how they can grip me right away and keep me engrossed until the last page! This book was no different. It was a totally page turner!
The cast of characters were amazing! They are written so amazing you will love and hate them all. And the storyline was perfect. It was full of fabulous twists and glamorous turns!
I know the ground hog says we are getting more winter but this will make the perfect beach book! One click this book NOW!

What a fantastic page turner, this is a great story with a good mix of characters and a very good story line that keeps you hooked!!
You have Mew and Holly the ex girl group stars that can't stand each other and definitely don't want to be in a room together.
Olivia the doting publisher who has a secret crush on Mew.
Dexter Franklin the famous Michelin star chef who is carry many secrets.
DC the very critical food critic, who tried to make it in the musical industry but failed.
Rosita the celebrity starved actress desperate to get on the famous 'A' Lists around the world.
And Leland Franklin the rich and famous dare devil, who is also Dexter's brother.
All the money in the world doesn't stop all the skeletons coming out of the closet!!
Fast paced story line with lots of twists and turns, highly recommended read!!

This isn't my usual kind of read but I'm always open to trying new things and to be fair this book was quite enjoyable.
It's set in St Tropez so you know from the get go you know it's going to be full of glamour and in that front this book doesn't disappoint. It's billed as a gripping and utterly addictive page turner and you do fond yourself drawn in wanting to know what happens next.
I would give this book 4 stars. It's well written and was a pleasant read. Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and Nigel May for the chance to review.

The book starts with the death of Cher Le Visage in Brazil and commences five years later in St. Tropez. Dexter Franklin is opening a restaurant in St. Tropez and has invited five people who were in Brazil at the time of Cher Le Visage death. We see what each of the people have been doing over the last five years and how they are all connected and why Dexter thinks one of them may be responsible for Cher's death.
This is an excellent book with lots of twists and turns along the way, I liked both girl band members and felt for Mew and her secret. Good reading, highly recommended.

4.5 Stars
I'm always incredibly excited when I see there is a new release from the king of bonkbusters - Nigel May, and I am delighted to say that he has once again conjured up a story of intrigue, murder and mayhem, not forgetting plenty of bonking!
As I have come to expect from books of this sort, there is a fantastic variety of locations that the book is set in, all over the globe, but with the majority of the unfolding story taking place in St. Tropez, France. This is a town that has always said glitz and glamour to me, and Revenge really did it justice, in showing off this playground for the rich and famous.
Dexter Franklin has invited a group of very exclusive guests to his new restaurant launch, who he is very keen to wine and dine. They are a rather mixed bag of people who you are introduced to chapter by chapter at the start of the book, as you see how they react to their invitations.
What kept me hooked was trying to work out just why these people had been invited, especially as their previous interactions with Dexter, or each other start to become revealed.
The guests are Mew Stanton, who is a former girlfriend of Dexter, Holly Lydon a former band mate of Mew's, Rosita Velazquez the relatively unknown Brazilian actress, Leland, Dexter's brother who he doesn't have the best of relationships with and DC a food critic who slated Dexter at a previous restaurant launch.
Well that is as much information as I'm willing to reveal about the characters, as it is far more fun to read the book and discover just how each of them has had overlaps or known each other in the past, and the flashback scenes fill you in on all sorts of past information, that is exciting and allows further puzzle pieces to slot into place.
Amongst the cast of characters, some that I liked a lot more than others, there is plenty of partner swapping, salacious details, rivalries, and a couple of the more secondary characters, such as Olivia, Mew and Dexter's publisher, although in the background a lot, still had quite a big personality too.
One of the things I loved seeing was that a few characters from Nigel May's previous books popped up, which is a something that fans of his will notice. Always nice to see a familiar name, as it shows he is always writing about the same fictional world.
Revenge is a fabulous look into the showbiz world of the rich and famous, that had me intrigued and kept me guessing the entire time. I could tell the whole book was building up to something, and as it approached I was more and more excited as to what I would learn, and all I'll say is you won't be disappointed by the last quarter of the book when everything kicks off big time. Before that it is a story where the focus on the various characters changes regularly and kept things fresh, while you try and work out who you have sympathy with, and which characters you really dislike.
With plenty of devious plot twists and surprises to be revealed, along with plenty of hot and steamy sex, and a whole world of locations, plus characters that are interlocked in ways you may not be able to imagine, Revenge is a fabulous bonkbuster, and one I enjoyed immensely.
Thank you so much to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy of the book which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

I loved this book.
I wanted to be there in St Tropez, I even felt I was there. It was so glamorous.
I love the setting of Dexter’s new restaurant, Trésor.
The decor was beautifully opulent, with a Moroccan theme….all gorgeous jewel colours.
Some other beautiful locations were Iguazu Falls in Brazil and Chefchaouen (a gorgeous blue-tinted village) in Morocco.
It was a beautifully woven story, it all fitted together so well.
Rosita was so glamorous. Absolutely beautiful, with her faithful make-up artist Tinks always on hand. She wanted worldwide fame, not just in her native Brazil.
I liked Holly and Mew, ex girl-band members of Crazy Sour. Both with things from the past that had caused so much sadness. And secrets, which were gradually revealed.
I didn’t like Leland. Rich and successful, yes, but an eye for the ladies which wasn’t always ethical. Let’s just say the brotherly rivalry was strong, especially from his side of things.
Food critic DC was a chubby chap, I liked him though despite his straight talking manner.
Dexter was my favourite character. A lovely, loving man. Some sad things, and truly awful things, had happened with his relationships in the past.
I also liked Toni and Christophe, kind of bit part characters but important too.
Lots of the glitz and glamour I associate with Nigel May, I absolutely love it!! #glamfan
I had no idea who might be behind the brutal murder of international showgirl Cher Le Visage. Everyone seemed to be connected to her in some way.
The ending was perfect, in the private dining room, not what I expected. It had definitely kept me guessing.
An easy 5 star rating for me.
As usual I will be looking forward to the next one Nigel.
A favourite quote from the book:-
“He had won her over at his first ‘hello’. On a scale of successful ‘hellos’ it was up there with Lionel Ritchie and Adele”
I also see that Angela Marsons and Olivia (Oliver?) Rhodes get a mention
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for my review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Really liked this book. Great read and easy to follow story line. Look forward to reading more from this author