Member Reviews

Tiffany Snow is one of my favourite Authors and this book does not disappoint. Fast paced, lots of action and romance - what's not to like!

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Break Me is the second book in the Corrupted Hearts series by Tiffany Snow. Usually I find the second book in the series to just cruise along, often the middle child of the series, where I don't love it or hate it. Break Me drew me in from the first chapter and made me love the characters and the storylines even more. It is difficult to write a review of this book without giving up the major plot points.

China Mack has a new job, a brilliant man in her life, a ridiculously hot co-worker and a long list of problems. She is still awkward and socially unaware most of the time which gets her into endless trouble and gives her anxiety. As her problems mount, her relationship with Jackson hits a few bumps including the super spy Clark. The story moves all over the place from the dark side of the internet all the way to the South Pacific.

I can't wait to see where the author decides to take not only the romantic suspense in this book but the love story as well. Ms. Snow is known for her love triangles where readers duke it out online when choosing sides. I have already chosen who I want to end up with the brilliant China Mack. Will it be Jackson or Clark? The last chapter was so good that I reread it three times....should I mention some of our favorites make a showing?!

If you haven't read the Follow Me, the first Corrupted Heart book, dash out and get it and pick up Break Me as well. This series is Romantic Suspense at its finest. Go now.

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Yet again author Tiffany Snow far exceeded my expectations. This book pulled me in right from the first page. I don't usually like books with a love triangle but this author is addictive. I hope the next book in this series has Clark playing a bigger role.

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First I want to begin by saying I am a MASSIVE Tiffany Snow fan. MASSIVE. I absolutely adored book one in this series. China's idiosyncrasies were hilariously adorable. Her "Love triangle" had such an innocence to it, that despite it all, she comes off as a character you root for.

Book two didn't have the same feel as book one. Gone is the quirky socially awkward novice. China was thrust into so many situations that at times the old China seemed to have disappeared and in her place was a throw-back to another series' character. But maybe that is the point? Maybe this is an emerging of a new, more self-assured, China. The love triangle also felt off. It didn't have the heat as the previous book.

Will I keep reading the series? Ya damn skippy! I gotta know how this all plays out friends.

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Fast paced intriguing read. Enjoyed the quirky character of China Mack. And who doesn't want to see the hot Billionaire come help save the day. Lots of twists and turns to keep you interested.

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You know when you love a book/series/author so much and you sit down to write a review and that's when you get nervous as s*!t from fear of not doing it justice? I consider this my form of stage fright, and yes, I get this condition when it comes to Tiffany Snow. I love this woman because she writes the BEST romance's. Out of all the books I read last year, Follow Me was the one I bought multiple copies of and gave as Christmas present's to my girlfriend's, it was that awesome.

Okay, fan-girling moment is done, now moving on.

Break Me picks up right where we left off in Follow Me. China has a new job that comes with a new partner, Clark. As they end up neck deep investigating a case that has connections to her beau, Jackson let's just say things become me a little...intense.

With the plot pushed to full throttle and character's that you will become attached too, Break Me is by far one of the best books I've read so far in 2017. That ending....holys*!t!!! Amazing!!!!!

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Wow! You know when you start reading a book and it just grabs you from the get-go? Well, that was Break Me. This was a fast paced, action packed read featuring a nerdy heroine. I love China Mack and all her quirks! Please do yourself a favour and read book one first (I didn't and regret it but I'm going to read it ASAP). I can't wait for book three! Thanks to Net Galley and Montlake Romance for the ARC!

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These are my Happily Ever After Novel Thoughts...

OMG!!!! This is at least an 8 star read!!! I absolutely loved this book and the depth of the characters. I don't want to inundate you with exclamation points, but you need to understand how flipping awesome this book is!!!!

China has stepped up her game professionally and socially/personally. She is forced way outside her comfort zone and she has no clue if it's going to break her or fulfill her life.
She and Jackson are getting closer but she works side by side with Clark. Is there a triangle in the making or will everyone be able to continue the status quo?

This book will have you on the edge of your seat. You won't know what's going on or coming up. It's a long read but exciting throughout. There is so much stuff going on in this story, there's no time to be bored. Your emotions will be on a roller coaster as well. This is the book to really understand China and connect with her. You will also see more femininity and emotion from her. Jackson and Clark both show a different side of themselves. They show their vulnerabilities and feel more human, more likeable/loveable. I have to say, I may have a small crush on Clark.

Enough of my ramblings. Get the book for yourself and find a Happily Ever After!!

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China is a techno geek who is in charge of a super secret government organization. She has been dating Jackson a few months and works with Clark. They both have feeling for her and she is conflicted because she is lacking in social skills and how to read people. She gets kidnapped by a man named Lu to duplicate his computer system to the system that Jackson developed. Jackson and Clark go rescue her and all is well until Clark says he's resigning. china doesn't understand until Clark kisses her while Jackson is waiting at home for her. I really hope there is another book coming out to continue the story.

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I think China Mack may be my favorite character ever. Tiffany Snow has crafted a character that has an endearing amount of quirkiness, brilliance, honesty, and loyalty.

In book 2, there is a little Middle Child synrome. There isn't as much suspense as in the first book. There are dark things happening in Jackson's world. Clark's background infringes on his ability to do what he needs to do with China. We get to see that China's fellow workers respect her and we see her in a bit of a leadership role. But all - in - all, there is no real step forward in the plot from book 1. Unless, of course, you count the last chapter, but that didn't surprise me.

I am worried that Ms. Snow may be stuck in a love triangle habit. Hopefully she will resist replaying the same triangle featured in two other series. Since China is so orginal, I want this series to be completely original, too. If one man is to be preferred over the other, in whatever book of the series that should be, I hope that we don't have all of the angst to go along with it. China is not an angsty person!

I want to see depth of emotion from China. She loves her niece but we don't see any true sadness that she may stop living with China, I don't think she loves Jackson, and I'm not sure how she feels about Clark. I'm not even sure that we've seen real fear from her in this book. Hopefully in book 3 we will see that not only is she a quirky, brilliant, honest, and loyal person, but one who is capable of deep feeling.

So with all this, why the 5 star rating? Because Break Me was the book I couldn't put down. Five stars doesn't mean it's perfect, it means it is a book that the reader will enjoy from cover to cover and will stay up all night to read it.

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For my friends and people who follow my reviews, it shouldn’t come as surprise that I am a HUGE Tiffany Snow fan. She is one of those authors that I automatically one-click without even finding out what the book is about – I just know without a doubt that it is going to be astounding. Ms. Snow’s latest release Break Me was everything I knew it would be plus so much more! This reader was not disappointed – at all.

Break Me is the second installment of the Corrupted Hearts series by Tiffany Snow and like her previous novels, the action and romance starts off with a bang and never ends. The story was completely addicting and I couldn’t put it down even for a second. To say that I loved everything about this installment would be a major understatement.

What really makes this story spectacular is the main character China. She’s insanely smart, socially awkward, has some major OCD issues and is just as cute as a button – and she seems to find herself in a huge bit of trouble that only the two leading men of the story can save her from. China is currently dating Jackson Cooper and I really love that their together, but since Tiffany Snow is the queen of love triangles, I just can’t stop thinking that somewhere down the line sexy Clark Slattery will win China’s heart – which would make me very giddy. Not that I don’t love Jackson, but there is just something about Clark that I find extremely appealing.

Fans of the Kathleen Turner series will love the final chapter which caught me off guard, but in a good way and I was pleasantly surprised and can’t wait to see where this twist in the story takes the reader next.

Tiffany Snow has outdone herself with this incredible series, and I highly recommend this 5-star read to anyone who loves a fast-paced, action-filled romantic suspense that is both captivating and engaging, leaving the reader craving more.

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We’re back with China Mack and her quirky but brilliant mind!

Now working for the government, China wrongly assumed that all of her problems are behind her. Whilst she is still under the protection of Clark, and dating Jackson, she is torn between her loyalties towards these two men. Clark knows about the project she is working on but she can’t tell Jackson about it. Now with danger looming and the Vigilance software once again under threat, China must decide if she can let Jackson into her work life in order to keep her safe.

China is unlike any other female protagonist that you will read about. A girl after my own heart, she doesn’t think twice about wearing couture and converse, at the same time. Being paraded on the arms of two men has its challenges, though, especially when her cover is blown whilst alongside Clark. Jackson is facing his own demons though as the government tries to discredit him and his business and there’s only one person he can turn to save the day. The only problem is that she comes with an attachment aka Clark!

With drama around every corner, this amazing threesome must act fast and trust no-one in order to keep Vigilance secure and to free Jackson. Whilst China is brave and strong, she is also as fragile as her name and if you damage her she will break.

I've found this series fascinating. Whilst still struggling with the sci-fi nerd speak, I have come to find it more endearing than challenging. Tiffany Snow keeps you on the edge of your seats both with the drama and emotion and you are continually questioning whether Clark will ever win over China’s feelings or is her heart solely in the hands of Jackson? This is another story with a #TeamJackson / #TeamClark theme running through it but whilst I have come to love both men, and would happily choose both, the question is will China remain faithful to Jackson or will the emotional tribulations that she faces with Clark draw her closer to him.

With another fight seemingly won, it appears that hackers are not who you ever expect them to be and this story ends with what looks like another intriguing story around the corner.

If you are curious about hacking, programming, secrets and spies then this book is a must read!

This ebook was kindly provided by the author, publisher and Netgalley prior to release date in return for an honest and unbiased review.

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I already pre-ordered this book, but when I found out it was up on Net Galley, I just couldn't wait to read it.

Each time I read a Tiffany Snow book, I become completely immersed in the world. China has become one of my favorite heroines. I have a child who is very similar to China (although sadly, not a genius) and so I find her eccentricities endearing.

I have no words for the ending! At one point earlier, I thought it would be great to see some characters from Tiffany's Kathleen Turner series. I was so thrilled to get what I think of as an extra epilogue to that series. It made my heart happy to know that everyone eventually will get his happy ending.

I'm #teamJackson, but I'd hoping Clark will find love too someday because he deserves it. And his own book!

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This is the second book in this series and while China Mack was so much fun with her quirky, nerdy OCD issues those traits did not shine through quite as much in this book. She was still a fun character. I prefer a little more of the romance which this one did not offer compared to the first. There is also some kind of underplay going on with Clark, China’s coworker, that I’m not really comfortable with. This book does have a lot of excitement, twists and turns. Jackson still has a few surprises of his own as well. I enjoyed the story I just like my romances with a definitive alpha hero which in my opinion this book lacks but makes up for with having two yummy male characters that care about China and will battle each other in their effort to protect her. All in all, it was a very entertaining read in which I stayed up way too late to finish and it seems to be setting the reader up for the next book.

Will add this review to Amazon at publication date.

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China Mack Is a computer protege and works for a top secret government agency that answers directly to the President. She is dating tech billionaire and playboy Jackson Cooper, who has no idea what her job is. China may be a genius, but she just doesn't understand the finer points of human relationships. There is a mole somewhere high in the government and China and the agency she works with has been tasked to find the mole. China's computer skills have also made her a target for some very nasty people.

China's niece is living with her and sometimes you wonder who is raising who. China's Granny appears in the book and she is an absolute hoot! This book will catch your interest from the first page. China is a fun character she is completely lacking in social skills, OCD, and very trusting of people. This book has gunfights, hackers, spies, romance and suspense all rolled up into one package. It is the second book in a series, but it could be read alone. It follows Corrupted Hearts which was just as good a book. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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This book was even better than the first! Lots of action and drama and everything in between. The little bit at the end has me so excited for book 3! It's not really a cliffhanger but just know more good stuff is to come.

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Picking up two months after Follow Me ends, China is discovering the ups and downs of dating and relationships. And it's not all good. To the amusement of social media, her romance with Jackson has its fair share of hiccups. He's looking for commitment while she's...hesitant. Some of her waffling over Jackson was petty, but that may be the age thing along with her OCD quirks. Her relationship with Clark, however, appeared to be just friends, until Clark opened up over a personal matter. Now I'm wondering (okay, I'm hoping) if things will get complicated down the road...

Break Me opens with a bang and doesn't slow down between the gunfights, hackers, and presidential secrets(I was not expecting that turn of events), Snow weaves a thrilling tale full of romance, danger, suspense and espionage. All the while the author is making you think...just how much is big brother watching us? This is book two in the Corrupted Hearts series. I recommend reading Follow Me beforehand to grasp the full dynamics of the characters and plot.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from Montlake through NetGalley.

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LOVED! This is a fantastic book that I couldn't put down! This picks up with China and Jackson in a relationship and and with China in charge of a secret government secret that even Jackson doesn't know about it....or that fact that it uses his software...the very software that he wishes he could un-invent as it can so easily be used for evil.

China is operating on a directive from the president as there is a highly placed mole in the government. As they try to determine who the mole is, China is fighting for her very survival, while also trying to balance a new relationship with her first boyfriend ever. She's also watching over her teenage niece that lives with her....although who's raising who might be in question.

This is a fast paced novel that fans of the genre will love. If you enjoy romantic suspense, this is a must read. While it is part of a series, this is a stand alone novel, however you will enjoy it so much more if you've read the first book in the series (Corrupted Hearts), Follow Me. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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