Member Reviews

Casey Kelleher's books are not typically for the faint-hearted, and The Promise seems to contain even more shocks, and grime that will never come out in the wash. Powerfully gripping and full of tension, this is like a slap in the face with a Martina Cole novel.
*Thanks to Bookouture and Casey Kelleher for providing an eARC via NetGalley. This is my unbiased review.

I’m a massive fan of Casey’s books and I totally forgot to send my review at the time I read this! Gripping and Casey is one of my favourites to read

What can I say another fab book I loved all her book great characters your love to hate you be shouting in your head what to do a gripping read action pack a good read

Who really killed the man? Josie is in jail for the crime but her daughters have a big secret, This is a gritty well done drama/crime thriller,

I loved this book and look forward to more by the same author. the storyline was very reminiscent of Martina Cole novels. Georgie and Marnie are young sisters. Their mother Josie is a drug addict and prostitute. Josie loves her girls but neglects them to the point of abuse. One night while Josie is out Georgie and Marnie are attacked in their home, they phone Josie and she rushes home. Soon a man lies dead, but who killed him? Read on for a brilliant thriller!

Casey Kelleher has done it again!! If you are looking for a can't put it down fast paced read then look no further. I flew through the book in two days and read late into the night to finish it. There is a lot of violence and sensitive subjects so if you don't like that sort of thing then this book may not be for you. I on the other hand totally recommend it and give it five stars.

Absolutely brilliant. I just love this authors books and highly recomend them.

This novel is set in south London and deals with drugs and prostitution. Follow a good range of characters as they get on with their daily lives trying to do their level best to improve the quality of life.
I found The Promise to be a brilliant read. It puts the reader into a different world of how some people live. I loved the way Casey told her story, in particular how she detailed the private thoughts of her characters. Most novels have dialogue between characters and you have to take their words at face value. But in The Promise after the dialogue you are given the private thoughts of a character as to what they really think of the other person. This knowledge adds so much more to the story.
I have NEVER used drugs or prostitutes but The Promise gives you a thrilling ride that includes drug use and sex. Yet for all the thrill of the drug use and sex, Casey managed to give the thrill without making the reader feel uncomfortable. You could pass this book onto your grandmother and she would not be offended. Casey has a great skill at describing things you have never experienced or wanted to do but still get a great buzz from your favourite seat without any of the danger or making you feel uncomfortable. Casey has that measured skill of just revealing enough to give a thrill to the reader without causing any distaste.
I liked Casey’s balance of characters, there were prostitutes, punters, a drug dealer, a pimp, a pub landlord, vulnerable children and social workers. I liked the tension woven into the story where you were guessing what would happen next. Many characters were making promises but sadly these were not upheld. There were many twists and turns in this novel and a big surprise at the end. I liked how creepy Casey made Javine’s treatment by Delray and Lenny, you can imagine what fun they had with her but Casey did not disclose the details to the reader but left them to their imagination. So the tension builds and I started to worry about the safety of Javine’s two pet dogs called Dolce & Gabbana.
I found The Promise a pleasure to read, it was thrilling and very engaging, allowing me to enter into another world. This type of escapism with all it’s urban reality is such a joy to read. I got such a buzz from this book that I have no doubt in voting it the top score of 5 stars. This is quality writing that would also make a great television drama.

Two sisters. One murder. And an unbreakable bond.
Growing up in squalor with their drug-addicted prostitute mother, sisters Georgie and Marnie Parker have had to endure the very darkest side of life.
When their mother is sentenced for brutally murdering a client, Georgie and Marnie’s already precarious lives are blown apart and they now share a terrible secret. Sent to a children’s home, the sisters hope this might finally be their safe haven after years of neglect. But they soon discover they’re in real danger.
Desperate to find a place of safety, Georgie and Marnie run for their lives, but end up in the hands of Delray Anderton. A violent London gangster and notorious pimp, Delray has big plans for beautiful teenager Georgie, seeing her as a chance to make some serious money.
Fiercely protective of each other, Georgie and Marnie must escape the clutches of a man who will do anything to keep the sisters for himself. And, they must keep the promise they made to each other – no one can ever know the truth.
The horrors of being a single mother with 2 children while on ‘the game’. Child abuse, killings. This book has a similar feel to Martina Cole books. 4*

I treated myself to a Casey Kelleher binge read, and the Promise was the cherry on top. The way the lousy mother was described was done brilliantly, the poor girls and their unending love for another, and the best of it all - the promise that kept the girls together from beginning to end. It was an absolutely brilliant read and worth all your time and effort. I can't wait for the next book!!!

Gritty subject but still a good read. A quick read that does not disappoint. This is the first book that I've read by this author but will be on the lookout for others.

Wow this is a powerful book showing the consequences of a life of poverty , drugs and prostitution . Well written, with gritty characters and 2 sweet innocent girls this book is sometimes hard to read but a total page turner with the author drawing you into the pages . 4.5 stars with a thanks to bookouture and netgalley for my arc which I have chosen to review

Kelleher has managed to write yet another electrifying, dark and twisted book. I’m beginning to appreciate a good thriller more and more lately, not just a thriller with a huge mystery. Though this earns a firm spot in the thriller category, there were some surprising elements that I wasn’t expecting, making for a riveting read.
This one was heartbreaking on so many levels. Georgie and Marnie have had such a sad and tough life. Their mother Josie is a prostitute and a drug addict who can’t seem to get it together and be the mother that her children deserve. The poor little things have witnessed some horrifying stuff that no one, much less a child should ever see. This is an extremely dark and gritty read, there are several instances of abuse and at times it was very hard to read. But what kept me going was my concern for these sweet girls, I so badly wanted them to be well taken care of.
There are a wide variety of characters in this book and many of them are downright awful, but along the way I may have changed my mind about a few. Josie was a hard woman to like, she cares more about herself and what she wants than what her children want or need. From the start I hated her, but as I began to learn more about her history and what drove her to make the decisions she made, I understood why she was this way. Her life hasn’t been easy and there were times when she really did think that she was doing right by her girls even if she really wasn’t.
This was a harsh and difficult read, but in the end still a very enjoyable one for me. There was loads of action and the pacing was lightning fast and utterly absorbing. I compared her last book, The Taken to an action movie and this had the same gripping qualities. If you’re not adverse to reading about the sad reality of abuse and neglect, give this a try.

A good read, curl up on the sofa with a cuppa and follow the story of Georgie and Marnie Parker two sisters whose drug addict and prostitute mother is arrested for murder. They head for life in the care system, hoping it will be a new beginning. It doesn't take long for them to suss out that they are in serious danger.
They run from it but it seems to be out of the frying pan into the fire.

Two sisters. One murder. And an unbreakable bond.
Growing up in squalor with their drug-addicted prostitute mother, sisters Georgie and Marnie Parker have had to endure the very darkest side of life.
When their mother is sentenced for brutally murdering a client, Georgie and Marnie’s already precarious lives are blown apart and they now share a terrible secret. Sent to a children’s home, the sisters hope this might finally be their safe haven after years of neglect. But they soon discover they’re in real danger.
Desperate to find a place of safety, Georgie and Marnie run for their lives, but end up in the hands of Delray Anderton. A violent London gangster and notorious pimp, Delray has big plans for beautiful teenager Georgie, seeing her as a chance to make some serious money.
Fiercely protective of each other, Georgie and Marnie must escape the clutches of a man who will do anything to keep the sisters for himself. And, they must keep the promise they made to each other – no one can ever know the truth.
This was another great read from Casey with a powerful plotline and varied mix of characters that keeps you turning the pages until the end but still left me with wanting more.
Gritty well written storyline and top of it's genre. Highly recommended read!!!!

An action packed gritty thriller which starts explosive and crescendos to a brilliant ending.
Well written, descriptive and in places tension ridden. This is a great book.

This is the first book I have read of Casey Kelleher.I thoroughly enjoyed it!The story kept my interest from page 1.I couldnt put it down.An excellent writer.

I feel I should start of by saying, just in case you didn't know. But Casey can write one hell of a book. I have loved each and every one of Casey Kelleher’s books. And this one was no different.
Fast becoming a favourite author of many readers. Casey for me has become one of those authors whose name you recognise, and don't even need to read the synopsis to know that you are going to read the book no matter what.
I started this book and flew through it, I really couldn't and didn't want to put it down.
Set in Brixton we are introduce to Josie Parker, she isn’t exactly mother of the year material that’s for sure, and as much as the way she treated her children got right up my nose, there was just a little something about her that I liked. I wanted her all the way through to sort her head out, look after her children. A good old slap would have helped, but like I said there was just something that drew me to her character.
She’s sold her body, abused it with drugs, and not exactly taken good care of her two girls, Georgie and Marnie. These kids I wanted to cuddle them, bath them, feed them love them. My god I really did get involved with these characters.
I wasn’t sure what to expect to start with and wasn’t sure which way the book was going to go. Buy by god Casey can write.
There are some great and some down right evil characters throughout the book, some you love, and some you certainly hate with passion.
I have to say though the character of Javine got up my nose a lot to start with, yet turned out to be a character I really liked. I was rooting for her.
And as for Delray Anderton, well..... He just irritated me, he got my back up, he ohhhhh my word he wound me up so much.
I always think if an author can write a book that has you wound up, with so many mixed feeling and emotions throughout then by god they have done their work good, and that is certainly what Casey has done here.
This book certainly has that feel about it that you could actually be there side by side with some of the characters; you really are drawn into the story and their lives. It leaves you with your heart racing and needing to read on. Forget normal life, you can’t have one while reading this book. You need to be locked away somewhere on your own and fly through it, because once you put it down you can’t wait to pick it up and carry on with the story.
If you want something the literally has you on the edge of your seat with your eyes popping out of your head, then this really is the book for you.
Fantastic read and well worth all the 5 stars I’m giving it.
Well done Casey. I can’t wait for your next book.

Another great read from Casey Kelleher. I read along thinking 'I know what happens next' ; I wasn't quite right! An absorbing thriller....just goes to show that you shouldn't tell strangers just what you're doing or where you are going. When idle chatter goes wrong, and did you just happen to sit/stand next to that person or is there more to it! Well worth the space on you bookshelf/kindle.

First time I've come across this author and I'm so glad that I did. This author was compared to the likes of Martina Cole and Kimberley Chambers, so given that I like both those authors I had a feeling that I'd like this author too. Happy to report that I wasn't wrong on that.
Great story, had me gripped from start to finish, the characters were well written and real. There was lots going on, very fast paced but easy to keep up with it all. I was pretty much on the edge of my seat with anticipation throughout the whole of the book.
Would I recommend her book, absolutely. I'll also be looking to read her first novel and her future ones when they come out. A truly fantastic read.