Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley and Rowan Coleman. What a fabulous book! I absolutely loved this story about Luna trying to rewrite the wrongs of the past. Saturday night fever is one of my favourite films & I loved all the references to it.
I loved the ending but it was totally different to how I thought it would end! I think this book would make a great movie!
Such a great line in the book: 'If you let yourself be found, you can't ever be lost.'

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Well, firstly wow, i'm not sure how to review this book. It's a great read and I was hooked immediately. The story is a a time traveling tale of love and the righting of wrongs. It takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, but that's not all because you are on an adventure at the same time. Just imagine if you could go back in time to me and meet your parents when they were young and care free.....and then tinker with the past to correct wrongs and heal hurt. The concept is great, the settings are completely believable, it's simply well written. The storyline moves at a good pace and it had me gripped throughout. One of the best things is the lack of nonsense and filler - I got the impression that the author had carefully removed anything unnecessary. I can't tolerate books that have meaningless detail. The characters here feel real, even the ones with bit parts. This book is ripe for turning into a film so, give it a go before then - you won't be disappointed. I am off now to search for other books written by this author.

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The Summer of Impossible Things is an emotional and thought-provoking read. Luna's tale is compelling from the start, and I anxiously turned each page, wondering how things would work out for her. I actually guessed the true villain of the piece from that character's first introduction, and was then surprised when that started to look less likely. Still, I was right in the end. Changing the past, and the consequences it will have for the future, is an interesting concept, and I enjoyed the way Coleman handled the narrative, and its eventual conclusion. I don't want to say more and give away too much information. Suffice to say, The Summer of Impossible Things is a delightful, and ultimately uplifting, read.

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I couldn't help but give this 5 big fat stars. Rowan Coleman has done it again with this very different story of a family touched by grief who travel to find out what troubled theirother before her death. What they discover is far from what they expected. Can they change how their life is now, would moving from one time line to another erase who they are today? Is this even possible or is it a dream.
A fascinating read, that constantly keeps you thinking.

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What if you could change just one thing in the past of someone you love?
I was so lucky to be approved by NetGalley for a preview copy of this book, I absolutely loved it - it's already my best read so far this year and it could well be my favourite book of 2017.
It does require a bit of imagination, you have to travel back in time to 1977, but it's worth the stretch and if you loved the Time Traveler's Wife then you'll love this too.

Luna and her younger sister, Pia, are devastated by the death of their mother, but she had suffered from depression for many years and struggled to hold things together for the family.
She had moved to UK to marry their father in 1977, but her childhood home had been Bay Ridge, in Brooklyn and there was a family house there that needed to be sold. Luna and Pia travel to Brooklyn to finalise the sale, hoping to find out something about their mother's life before she married their father.

What they discover is the basis of the story, but that's not all, because Luna finds that she can go back in time to those last days while Marissa was still a vibrant young woman, before something happened that shattered her life. And if Luna can go back and meet her mother in that time, is it possible that she might also be able to change things just slightly so that Marissa's life takes a slightly different path - and if she does so, what are the implications?

Beautifully written with wonderful characters and subtle twists, this was an excellent read. The only problem is that it's not out until June, but put it on your Wish List now, because this is one book you won't want to miss.

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Beautifully mind-blowing and mind-blowingly beautiful. Tender, thought-provoking time travel with an ambitious what if? that Rowan answers with perfection.

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Beautiful and magical from start to finish. This is a wonderful story about Luna who travels back in time to save her mother. It is about love and family and what we will do for the people we love. I was totally captivated by this book.

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I was hooked from the start.

I really loved the main character, Luna, which always helps. But I also really loved the whole idea of the book, part mystery, part theoretical physics...what's not to love?! As we move in and out from 1977 to present day I never once stopped believing that Luna was where Rowan Coleman told me she was. New York absolutely came to life in my imagination - I could see it, hear it, and feel its dense, overwhelming heat.

Luna is surrounded by a wonderful cast of supporting characters too including her sister Pea, who I particularly liked. And the life-threatening dilemma that Luna faces throughout the book weighs more and more heavily upon the reader, and Luna, as the story progresses. I couldn't imagine how things would be resolved, which is brilliant as I hate guessing an ending before it happens! It became one of those books that I didn't want to put down, and would read way past my bedtime each night.

My review edges a little more towards 4.5 than 5 I think, but only because I'm very fussy, and I found when I finally got there I struggled a tiny bit with some of the ending (does time travel ever make complete sense?!) but really it's a wonderful book - such an easy-to-read, engaging, exciting & moving story.

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Anyone who enjoyed The Time Travellers' Wife and is able to suspend the disbelief required for novels involving time travel will enjoy this book. It is a book which throws up a lot of questions - if you could go back in time what would you change? What would the consequences of that be? How much are we the product of our genes or the product of our upbringing? This is a book which you'll carry on thinking about long after you've come to the end.

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Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had done something differently? Made a different decision? Gone this way instead of that way? What if someone could travel back in time and change your life not knowing how any changes could alter their own?

This book was a joy to read. It is well written and made me think of how my own life might have been if I had done things differently. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it. 5 big fat stars*****

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This was a very thought provoking and moving book: it deals with family, love, sacrifice and redemption.
It took me a little while to settle in to the changing times but the power of character and emotion within the book soon swept me along as Rowan Coleman always does: she somehow has an ability to cut straight to the heart but in a very unique and touching way without any sense of syrupy sweetness. I think this is perhaps what makes the characters so easy to relate to.
The book allows us to explore the relationships between sisters, a mother and child and couples and it really had me thinking about my own relationships: how much I should cherish them and how far I would go morally in order to protect what is important to me. The book is very cinematic and the settings are so evocatively bought to life that I could almost smell it in the air, even if I did half expect the world around me to change every time I closed my eyes!
Thanks to Net galley for an ARC of this book.

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Firstly, my thanks to the publisher, Netgalley and Rowan Coleman for the advance copy. I will admit to not reading the blurb before starting this book, so I wasn't sure what to expect except if Rowan had written it - I was bound to love it. The Summer of Impossible Things is basically a book about making sacrifices for the people you love. I admit to only reading one other time travel book before (11.22.63 by Stephen King) so this isn't a topic I know much about, but what I do know is how the book made me feel. The Summer of Impossible Things is a book that made me question how far I would travel to protect my family, what would I do to ensure my loved ones are happy and safe? This wonderful story about Luna and Pea and their journey to save their mother was both moving and beautiful and thought-provoking (and whilst reading it I was hoping Hollywood would make this into a film too!)

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'The Summer of Impossible Things' by Rowan Coleman is quite simply pure perfection. I didn't think there was any way Rowan could produce a book to rival 'We Are All Made of Stars', which catapulted to the top of my all time favourite reads in 2015, but somehow she has managed to do so with ease.

How can I write a review that will do this wonderful, magical book justice? That will convey the many different emotions I felt as I drank in every word of Luna's beautiful and moving story? I don't think I can. But what I will say is this: Read 'The Summer of Impossible Things' and enjoy every word of the journey it takes you on. Allow yourself to be swept along on a voyage of discovery, feel every emotion with Luna as she tries to put right the events of the past.

The Brooklyn of 1977 is brought vividly to life, you can feel the heat of that long gone summer and are instantly transported to a different time and place. If you had the opportunity to change the past, to heal the wounds of the people you love, would you? This is the dilemma Luna is faced with, all the time knowing that doing so could rewrite her own future. Is she willing to give up everything for the sake of her family?

This is a book like no other I have ever read. At the same time as wanting to rush ahead to find out what happened, I didn't want the story to ever end. I savoured every beautiful, heartfelt word and felt moved beyond words when the story finally came to an end.

'The Summer of Impossible Things' is one of those books that will stay with me. One of the few books I know I will read again and again like 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee, 'Time and Again' by Jack Finney and, of course, Rowan Coleman's earlier book, the amazing 'We Are All Made of Stars'. All very different, but all having the ability to move and inspire me. To always believe in the impossible.

If I could give it more than 5 stars I would, but it is, without a doubt, the easiest 5 stars I've given in a long time. Outstanding. Can't wait to see what Rowan Coleman comes up with next!

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This is the most beautiful, captivating book I have read in a very long time. Once you have understood what is happening it will hook you and pull you in, so you can hear the scrape of the fire escape, feel the heat of the sun on your back. It evokes a time not so long ago, where everything seemed different, but fundamentally it was the same. Love, hope, dreams. What more do we need? I love this line -
'What I’m trying to say is, you might as well try as hard as you can to follow your dreams, otherwise what are they for, except to remind you of everything you didn’t do.’
That, and this book will stay with me for a very long time. It is a pleasure to pick up anything written by Ms Coleman, but I think this one goes straight to the top of my favourite turn to book. I would recommend this to everyone, old or young, happy or sad. It is amazing. I received this via NG but the views are all my own.

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Where do I start? How do you review a book that touched you on every level and still has me thinking about it, days after I galloped to the end? This is so much more than a time travel book. It is deep, focusses on real problems and real solutions. And the lengths to which we are prepared to go to save our loved ones.

I've made no secret of the fact that We Are All Made of Stars is one of my all-time favourite books, but, although very different, The Summer of Impossible Things is up there next to it!

I've no idea how Rowan's brain works, but I do know that it must go on the most fabulous journeys when she researches books and crafts them. This book has everything. Quantum Physics, which seems quite normal, romance, suspension, NYC in 1977 and family relationships.

I'm not going to mention the plot - the blurb covers it and I don't want to give too much away. Suffice to say, the tension builds, as the heat does and I don't how she did it, but the plot moves faster and faster! I was panicking, exhausted and exhilarated all at the same time!

Would Luna cease to exist? Read it and find out.....this is a MUST-READ!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review and if I could give 10 **, I would!

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