Member Reviews

A multiple character viewpoint novel of the best quality. The plot develops at the perfect pace, giving the reader time to get to know each character. If you enjoy plots that are thickly layered then this is a book for you.

A tale of three interweaving points of view that travel back and forward in time to bring you an evolving story that although a little slow to get going soon had me hooked. The story introduces many characters all damaged in some way and interlaces their stories together, two in the present and one in the past. The plot is very well planned and kept me guessing the outcomes, some of which I got and some I didn’t!
It is a clever and intriguing mystery, full of suspense and thrills. A great read…

Alice Lake sees a man sitting alone on a beach in the rain and invites him into her home. He has lost his memory. When Lily’s new husband doesn’t come home from work, she goes to the police for help and discovers he has a false name. A family from Croydon take a traditional English holiday by the sea. These are the three storylines in ‘I Found You’ by Lisa Jewell. The common denominator is location: a northern seaside town called Ridinghouse Bay.
Two inter-connected themes run throughout ‘I Found You’. Memory – the fugue of the man on the beach, and the dementia suffered by Alice’s parents - and identity, disguised, mistaken, forgotten. Jewell is so good at writing believable characters, good at exploring human nature in a simple, accessible way. And though there is evil in this story, there is also good, kindness, humanity, heart.
The menace is subtle, building slowly from the beginning even when the connections are unclear. It’s just a feeling. Gray watches his younger sister being chatted up by Mark, an older teenager, and feels uneasy: ‘There was something just off about him. Something shadowy and cruel. There were too many angles in his face. Too much thought behind each gesture, each word, each action. Even his hair colour was too uniform, Gray felt, as though he could tug at it and mark’s whole face would come off to reveal his true identity, like a Scooby Doo villain.’
Alice is too easy to trust, it has got her into trouble before. But her least-trusting dog likes the man from the beach, who her youngest daughter names ‘Frank’. But even Frank doesn’t know if he is trustworthy. How much do you need to know about someone before you trust them? Is it dangerous to rely on instinct? Or is that the most reliable test?
Two things in the story rang untrue for me - the police today use mobile phone records and CCTV to quickly trace missing people; and the behaviour of some characters in the intervening years seems far-fetched. But that aside, this is a satisfying puzzle to solve.
Read more of my book reviews at http://www.sandradanby.com/book-reviews-a-z/

I had not read any books by Lisa Jewell until last month when I read Then She Was Gone, which I loved, so I jumped at the opportunity to download this one. Both books are written in a similar style, with multiple viewpoints, and a clever plot that kept me guessing. Both books are five star reads but this one is definitely going on my list of all-time favourites, mainly because of the ending - which obviously I can't tell you about because of spoilers!
Lily is from the Ukraine, and met her English husband when he attended a course in Kiev. Madly in love, they've only been married for five weeks and she's not had the chance to meet any of his family and friends. When he fails to come home one night, or the night after that, she doesn't know what to do.
Alice lives in a tiny cottage by the sea with her three children and two mad dogs. She's too kind for her own good so, obviously, when she finds a strange man sitting in the rain on the beach, she invites him into her house take shelter. He says he's lost his memory but refuses to go to the police or seek medical help. Should she believe him?
I guessed the first twist fairly early on (I read a lot of books!) but there were a few more that took me by surprise, and I was on the edge of my seat for that ending! I loved the setting (faded seaside town), and the characters, particularly Alice and Frank, who I was really rooting for. All the characters were brilliantly drawn. Alice's teenagers will seem horribly realistic to anyone who has children the same age! I wasn't so keen on Lily, but that was kind of the point. I did warm to her by the end of the story, and really admired her tenacity in trying to find out what had happened to her husband when no one else seemed much interested.
This is a brilliant, superbly-written story, which had me completely emotionally engaged, reading faster and faster until I reached the end. So I have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone who loves psychological suspense, domestic thrillers and old mysteries. I loved it!

My Review: I love Lisa Jewell! Reading books written by Lisa is always a pleasure. I find all of her books so easy to read, instantly gripping and throughly engrossing. Personally I know when I pick up anything written by this author, I’m in for a treat!
Full of fascinating and believable characters, a clever and twisty plotline I Found You is another 5 star from me. I literally couldn’t put this book down.
The wonderful Alice was a breath of fresh air, “Frank” had me guessing and doubting myself throughout and the back story of Gray and Kirsty had my heart pounding with a side order of dread and foreboding.
If you like your stories with intriguing plot lines, mysteries, secrets, thrills and great characters then read one this next.

3 stars!
Lisa Jewell has been on my radar for a while, I keep seeing her books and I finally got one. I Found You is a story split between three people. Alice, a 40something single mom of three, Lily a 20 yo newlywed bride from Ukraine and a family of three.
I went in knowing as little as possible about the blurb and I don’t think that helped a lot when it came to the third part of the story. Alice sees a man out in the rain at the beach from her house and offers help. The man has no idea where he is or who he is so she does what literally no one would ever do, she invites him in her house where she’s staying with her three young children and she doesn’t call the police.
Lily is a young bride who’s barely been a few weeks married to her English husband whom she met in Kiev while he was there on work. They got married fast and she moved to London knowing next to nothing about him. Oddly, Lily is the most human character in the story, she reacts like a normal person would do and not like Alice.
And finally, Gray and Kirsty along with their father, tell the story of what happened twenty years ago. That part I found the least interesting, I could see what was about to go down from the first page and that was really disappointing, I like to be surprised from my Mystery books and not guess what is happening from page one. That was the major problem with this book for me, it was a mystery but not so much a thriller.
Lily’s side of the story as she tries to find her missing husband and navigate his life before her was probably my favorite. Lily acted like I would, she called the cops, she went looking for him, she contacted his friends, she did everything like I would. Unlike Alice, I seriously cannot get over the stupidity of that character, and she is twice as old as Lily, who doesn’t even know anyone in the country. Throughout the book I kept questioning her ability as a mother to be honest, bringing a random dude with amnesia around your kids? Where is the logic in that?
I liked the writing and how despite the flaws, the story came together nicely at the end, it definitely had a few moments I didn’t see coming and stuff I thought would happen, thankfully, didn’t. If you want a nice beach mystery, then this is a decent read.

This is a fairly fast paced book. A great memory loss mystery that kept me guessing until close to the end. There are twists and turns and a little bit of eye rolls because of the characters bad choices. But hey that is what makes a good story.

Lisa Jewell knows how to grip her readers. Fast paced and addictive.
A well thought out thriller from page 1 to the very end.

What an amazing read. How I felt for Alice, trying to make the best of the cards she's been dealt in life. She has a heart of gold. I was taken on a rollercoaster ride, and in the last few pages, I had tears in my eyes. Life isn't always perfect, but making the best of what you have, is all you can do. Highly recommend 5*

Another great book by Lisa Jewell, keeps you guessing right to the end. Highly recommend
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in return for an honest review

I found you was a great book that I struggled to put down. A stranger on the beach in the rain, he's lost his memory and does not remember who he is or where he has come from, Alice finds him and takes him into her home and family. Loved the twists at the end I did not expect that ending. Another fab book by Lisa.

I Found You
What a beautifully gripping read by Lisa Jewell. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the book goes between the past and the present, establishing the story and making you think you've worked everything out! Then, just when you think that, BAM, there's another twist and you've got it all wrong!
If you're after drama, tension, mystery and suspense, give this a try, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I Found You is my first book by Lisa Jewell and she is now on my radar and I will be looking at more of her books to read.
I Found You is an intriguing, clever and interesting mystery with secrets, lies and plenty of suspense that starts off a little slow and on the lighter side and then turns more darker as we learn more about the intriguing and likeable characters and their stories. It is well paced and well written with two stories told in the present day and are interwoven with a third story from the past.
I loved how the story opened up with the mysterious man on the beach and was immediately intrigued by him and wanted to know more about how he got there. I found myself very curious as to what were his buried memories. I was equally intrigued by the young women searching for her husband and liked her right away. The story from the past had me wondering as to how it tied into the other two stories and was excited to keep those pages turning to find out how. I found all three stories interesting and engaging and they had me questioning who is who, who is the bad guy here and who should I trust and trying to figure out their hidden secrets.
Lisa Jewell does a great job pacing and weaving the three stories together and revealing just what I needed at the right time to keep me guessing but allowing me to figure some things out leaving me feeling quite clever when I did. This was a very satisfying read for me that I highly recommend.
Thank you, NetGalley, Atria Books and Lisa Jewell for providing a copy for me to read and review.

I had read a couple of Lisa Jewell's books before. I enjoyed this book but only from the second half, I skim read some of the first half and then I couldn't put it down! After each chapter I thought I'll just read one more and then 6 chapters later...! I'm glad Gray found out what happened in the end but, like I expect other people, thought that the 'missing husband' was Gray and not Mark! And I'm glad he was caught in the end and they were able to bury Kirsty after that awful night. The only bug bear with this book I had and I don't know if I had an advanced copy was that some letters and numbers were missing from the text. Instead of read 'flat, it was 'at' and if it didn't read right I had to work out what the word would be but it must be the copy I had. It seemed to be the letters f and l and certain numbers. Thank you for letting me read and review this book, I would look out for Lisa Jewell again.

A very readable thriller with characters who you will want to kick. Alice is not the sharpest and Lily is not very nice. The secrets spool out slowly (no spoilers), the setting is great, and the end is rewarding. Jewell is a storyteller who knows her audience - this is a highly entertaining novel. THanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

This book was really interesting because it dealt with memory loss due to trauma. An interesting subject. Alice finds a man on the beach who doesn't know where he is, who he is and why he is there. She takes him in with her dogs and children, her youngest daughter Romaine decides to call him Frank. Lily has just moved to England with her husband when he goes missing. She is alone in a country she doesn't know and has no idea where to look. The story is told in the present and the past, with two main male characters. Great characterisation of people who you almost start to envisage in your head. For me a sign of a good book. So is the man the same man? A great book which explores family life, relationships and nature v nurture another subject I find really interesting.

First of all I would like tot thank Netgalley andere Penguin UK for a free copy of this book.
Strangely enough I had heard of Lisa Jewell before but never actually read any of her books.
What a shame! After finishing "I found you" I know I have a lot of catching up to do.
"I found you" has 3 very intriguing plotlines which are all connected to eachother.
The main setting is a seasidetown called Riding House Bay. There Alice, a single mother of 3, finds a confused man sitting on the beach. He's been here for ages and appearantly he has no idea who he is or how het got there. Alice feels sorry for him and offers him a place to stay. It might not be the smartest thing to do but Alice goes with her gut. She likes the mysterious stranger and decides to call him Frank.
Meanwhile 20-something year old Lily just arrived in the UK after a whirlwind romance and marriage to her English husband Carl. Originally from the Ukraine she doesn't know anybody in her husband's country yet. So when Carl fails to come home after work one day she doesn't know who to turn to except for the police. When they discover that Carl's passport is fake Lily's world falls apart. However she is also determined to find out the truth...
To me the most gripping part of the book where the chapters told from the perspective of Grey and his family from Croyden. They spent many summer Holidays in Riding House Bay but when their path crosses that of young and enigmatic Mark Tate in 1993 things are about to change forever.
Mark's intentions are clear from the beginning. He tries hard to get the attention of Grey's sister Kirsty but Grey knows instantly that something is off with Mark...
The thing I liked most about this book where the likeable characters. I loved Alice for instance.
A woman with a lot of flaws and insecurities yet she has such a big heart, is full of good intentions and will do anything for her family and friends. I was really rooting for her. The same goes for Grey and his family, the ordeal they had to go through was written so vividly that I couldn't stop reading.
The story has just the right combination of interesting characters, plenty of suspense and an intriguing plot. I hugely reccommend this read!!!

Brilliant plot and characters, a sad but happy story. Love the flow of the book. The way the stranger just fits into the life. Look forward to reading mor from this author.

Wow. This book was great. I really enjoyed reading it. The suspense kept me going and I ended up loving it. 4.5*

I love books that jump between different characters and this is another classic from the fab Lisa Jewell! Great suspense - you want to keep reading yet on the other - u don't want to finish!