Member Reviews

A thoroughly enjoyable read. However, this book was unlike most of this authors and seemed to be bordering more on the mystery/thriller genre. That said, this is a fantastic book with well thought out characters and a few parallel storylines that come together nicely.

This is a great book that made me late for work, distracted so I almost missed my stop and made me read late into the night. It was the type of book that had your senses in overload, who did you trust, how was the story going to come together, was there going to be a happy ever after for anyone?
Thoroughly recommended

At the beginning of this book I thought it was simple , and after awhile it starts to build up and became more complicated .
Very interesting plot, loved how it was building up. After 20٪ you can't stop reading. I read Lisa books before and I loved them, she feeds you information and make you wait until the end.
Starts with Alice with her children and many dogs, she found a man on the beach, with memory loss. and the other side Lily husband is missing.
Very intriguing from the beginning. A man on the beach he lost his memory . The story is from three angles, one is today and the missing man trying to find who is he!, second is about Lily, newly married women that trying to find her husband ( he didn't come back from work), the last angle is two teenagers having there holiday with there mum and dad ( but you can see this will be connected to that missing man ).
It was easy to read story, I loved Alice,she is decent and bit hipster, but didn't like Lily she looked fake , maybe because she is young or because of Kira knightly comment . ( but I understood her).
The end was shocking and satisfying . great book

3 Stars
This is the 2nd book that I have read by Lisa Jewell and am on the fence if I will continue to read her books. While “I Found You” was entertaining enough for me to finish it, it didn’t knock my socks off. Having previously read “The Girls”, this book was a disappointing follow up. I found the pace of the book to be slow moving and predictable. Right from the get go, I could see where the story was going and there really wasn’t an element of surprise for me.
Additionally, I found this to be more of a love story between Alice & Frank and less of a psychological thriller, as it being marketed as. This is no fault of Jewell, but a misstep of the publishing house. This book is more “Women’s Fiction”, and if it had been categorized as such, I would have gone into with different expectations, and may have enjoyed it more.
I would recommend this book in the category of “beach read”. Light, easy reading with a little mystery thrown in on the side.

A little history first. I've only ever read one Lisa Jewell novel. That was Ralph's Party. I don't really have to say much more....it's took me nearly 20 years to go back. When I read the blurb for this I was drawn in so decided to give it a go. And Blimey O'Reilly I'm glad I did! This is one of those books where you think you know what's going on but you really haven't a clue.
Alice is, in her own estimation, a short step from been a guest of Jeremy Kyle. Bad decisions have blighted hers and her childrens lives but she has a heart of gold.So when she sees a man sat on the beach in pouring rain she has to check he's ok. And he's far from it. He has no clue where he is or who is. Against all good judgement she takes him in. In London Lily, a young bride who has only just moved to the UK to be with her husband worries when her husband vanishes without a trace. And then the third narrative, over twenty years earlier we hear the story of siblings Gray and Kirsty are on holiday with their parents when a handsome and charming older boy begins to take notice of Kirsty. He seems too good to be true and Gray doesn't trust him....
This novel flows seamlessly from narrative to narrative, always leaving you on a cliffhanger. You find yourself getting to the end of a chapter and been exasperated at it ending where it has, but then be pulled straight into the next installment. The characters are believable, and Alice, for all her foibles is particularly likeable. This is a fast paced and extremely enjoyable story with exactly zero dull moments.
Thank you Netgalley for this review copy.

I loved this book! The characters are wholesome and definitely relatable. From the 1st chapter you're sucked in by this mysterious man and i couldn't finish this book any faster.. Page after page, I was following Frank trying to put together who he was. Was blown away by the revelation. Without saying too much, I didn't expect Frank to be who he turned out to be. Mark....oh Mark. Mark was a little twit from the beginning and I just wanted to flick him off the pages. I felt entirely sorry for Lily...being dragged into a world she knew nothing about. You could almost feel her desperation in these pages Overall, this was a great book. Well told, wholesome, full of twists and surprises. Would definitely recommend...and read again!

Plot twists galore! I loved this book. The characters, I was never sure what to expect and found my feelings about the characters chopped and changed throughout the book. I really enjoyed the plot twists and found it difficult to put this book down. I never predicted the ending, I hope this book is turned into a movie! Very 'Girl on a Train' like!

Finding this one a toughie for getting my thoughts together on it. I enjoyed it, it was different. I had no idea what so ever how it was going to turn out.
Very well put together, with some really likeable characters, I really liked Alice, she seemed a real carefree spirit. But with a heart of gold.
East Yorkshire.
Single Mum, Alice notices a man sat on the beach outside her home, he's been sat there a long time. she eventually takes him out a jacket to keep him warm and her softer side invites him to stay at her home. He's not staying in her house but in a summer house type building she has in her garden, that she occasionally rents out to earn a little extra money.
The man, who her daughter names Frank, has lost his memory, doesn't know who or where he is. This part of the story fascinated me, you just can't imagine not knowing who you are or where you are from, or that you need to slice a bagel in half to toast it.
But I can't imagine letting a strange man who doesn't even have a name into my home, into my families lives.
Lily Monrose a 21 year old, left stranded in a new country where she doesn't know anyone. Newly wed, 3 weeks previously and it's turning out now that she also doesn't know her husband. When he failed to come home from work one night she goes to the police, and tell her that her husband never existed. So who was she married to, and most of all, where the hell is he?
I found myself happily plodding along with the story, and the further in it got, the more I wanted to know about these characters, who is the stranger and what has happened to Lily's husband. I kept trying to link things together myself, but I didn't do a very good job of it.
It's an interesting, yet different read. Lisa Jewell is a new author for me, but I think it's safe to say I wouldn't hesitate to read more from her.

I Found You started out really well. The writing was very engaging.
I found myself enjoying the chapters about Alice more because she seemed more real, even though she was obviously a bit off in the head:
And even if (...) he's killed someone, he'd have a good reason for it; she knows he would.
Often saying she knew she was didn't exactly help, it was just stating the obvious.
It was that realising things well before the character did that threw me off a bit. I mean, it took her forever to really grasp that she was putting her children's life in danger by bringing in a complete stranger.
There were things that didn't add up like how on earth she could support herself and three children and an unexpected guest just by selling her art occasionally.
Still, I enjoyed several aspects of this character, particularly her parents and everything she needed to deal with. It was refreshing to read about 40 year-old characters, their daily lives and concerns.
Lily on the other hand, I struggled to relate to. I just don't get why a 21-year-old would move to another country, without money, without family, not even knowing her fiancé's family or really much about him - or anyone else in that country, for that matter. It just didn't seem realistic, fully relying on a single person to survive. And not having any money because Carl payed for everything? Nah, just doesn't seem feasible. And, again, it took her forever to realise what I had grasped within a few lines.
I did appreciate viewing things at a foreigner's point of view, since I am not native to the English culture and do find myself wondering about stuff that is so familiar to them.
After that, we get introduced to more characters - brother Gray, sister Kirstie and mysterious Mark - and things get even more interesting. The way the chapters ended made me want to know what came next and I looked forward to finding out how all three storylines would progress.
The way that we are told (view spoiler) is very well achieved, with innocuous clues here and there. And even the whole memory loss thing, which is so popular in psychological thrillers these days, was quite convincing.
I did anticipate most of the revelations but as the book's end approached I was surprised on a couple of occasions and appreciate how it wrapped up to the book's title in the final lines - these days, often times I find myself wondering how a book's title was picked. Most of them are just so generic. No wonder I can't remember most titles when thinking of a particular character or storyline. I think this one, simple as it is, will stick with me.
All in all, I Found You was quite enjoyable. Not the most amazing thriller I have read but very enjoyable and I wanted to know what happened to all characters. Recommended.
Disclaimer: I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Alice is a single mum of three living in a cottage by the sea in East Yorkshire. On a rainy day, she spots a man sitting by himself on the beach. Seeing he has been there much longer than advisable taken the current climatic conditions, she invites him in.
Turns out the man has lost his memory and has absolutely no idea of whom he is, let alone of what led him to be there.
Meanwhile, Lily is at home fretting about her husband not having arrived home. This is completely out of character for Carl. They are newly weds, head over heels in love with each other. So much so that Lily gave up on her life in the Ukraine to be able to live with her beloved in the UK. Mind you, this had only happened 10 days previously.
At some point in the past, a family is holidaying on the coast. Kirsty, at only 15, attracts the attention of a young man, aged 19. This does not go down well with her brother, Gray, who is very suspicious of the other man's intentions.
How do these threads interweave? Seamlessly.
I Found You is one of those books that are difficult to put down. It is a character-driven novel that does not lack in plot with a very satisfying ending [(really, the kind of ending that makes you feel warm inside) (hide spoiler)]. Recommended!
(Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy!)

I liked this book but not as much as her other books

I was given an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and independent review.
Three seemingly separate storylines set in 2 different time periods are cleverly woven together and unravel into a gripping tale. Crisply defined characters are the strength of this book which flowed well and kept me intrigued.
An interesting read. 3.5***

This is the second Lisa Jewell book I've read, and I much preferred this one to the Third Wife (which I liked, but not this much). I've noticed that the author has a real gift for putting well-drawn ordinary people into extraordinary circumstances.
There are three different plotlines in this book. We have the story of single mom Alice Lake, who finds a man with amnesia on the beach by her home. Then there's Lily, who's on the search for her missing husband. And then we go back in time to the brother and sister Gray and Kristy, who meet a man on the beach that immediately sets off warning bells for Gray.
These three stories are naturally connected, but I was so pleased to find myself reading late into the night because I had to learn the outcome. These characters felt so fully realized, even the secondary characters like Alice's three kids had personalities that came through. The ending felt complete and yet I still wanted more.
Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

I really enjoyed this. It is fairly unrealistic, but many books are. If you'll just suspend your disbelief a little bit, I think you'll enjoy the ride. This story is chock full of crazy characters you'll both love and occasionally be annoyed or confused by... such is life. They were all very unique and memorable. I'm always so pleased to read a book with a large cast of characters where I'm not forced to look back to remind myself who someone is. Lisa Jewell does a great job of making them all very different but equally intriguing.
Single mom Alice lives in a small seaside town with her three children and rambunctious dogs. Today, her life may change... but how? She watches a man sitting on the beach from her window for some time. He just sits doing nothing, and doesn't even move when it begins to rain. Her big heart takes her out to him... she just wants to know why he's there and if she can help. Unfortunately, he doesn't know why... and doesn't even know his own name. Inviting a stranger with no memory in her home seems crazy, but that's exactly what she does.
Lily, a young woman from Kiev, is high on life and love after ten days of wedded bliss. Her life is seemingly perfect until her new (and nearly twice her age) husband doesn't return to the flat they share in London. Though they haven't known each other long, he's always been reliable... returning at the same time each day with a little token of his affection. Where could he be?
Years earlier, teenagers Gray and Kristy are vacationing by the sea with their parents. As they've gotten older, some of the excitement about their annual trip has waned... same old. Until a rather posh young man takes an interest in the younger Kristy. She is flattered to get attention from such a handsome young man, and her parents are relaxed about it, but Gray is very wary. Something just isn't right.
Secrets, lies, suspense, and romance. I finished it in a day and didn't want to put it down.
I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley and Random House UK, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.

This was my first book by Lisa Jewell, and I was not disappointed. She does an incredible job with weaving a story and having a character driven novel. Another thriller where we follow multiple perspectives and story lines. I will always love this method of story telling because you get questions answered throughout the book and the "oh! that's why that happened??" moments.
We follow Alice and her children - just a normal day like any other when she stumbles upon a man that is wandering around the beach in a storm. She brings him a jacket and discovers that he has no idea who he is or how he got there. So Alice takes him into her home to help him try to remember who he is.
We also follow Graham (Gray) and his family on their vacation. He and his sister Kirsty have always been close, but when a friendly young stranger shows interest in her, Gray begins to worry. Who is this Mark? Why was he so willing to bring strangers to his aunt's house?
The third story line we follow is that of Lily. Freshly married and moved away from her home town (in Kiev, Ukraine) her husband Carl goes missing. Alone in a new country, Lily is trying to trace his steps and see where he could have gone. When making an official statement with the police, she finds out his passport is fake. Who is she really married to?
I highly recommend this book. It was a great thriller and Jewell did a fantastic job creating a story and weaving together so many characters. My favorite would have to be how real the characters became - you felt for them and it was easy to relate to their struggles. So many questions throughout the book and it was a great journey to learn the answers.
Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I found you by lisa jewel.
Fantastic read. Completely had me. Everyone has secrets. What if you can't remember yours? This story is around 2 women Lily and Alice. A man is found on the beach outside Alice house. He has no name, no jacket, with no idea what he is doing there. Really had me full of twists and plots. Didn't see that coming. Completely blew me away. 5*. Highly recommended. Thanks to random house UK and netgalley.

I really enjoyed this one. It kept me guessing, although I had figured some of it out, I was still surprised by other revelations. Once things started happening, I didn't want to put it down. As I'm sitting here 2 hours past my bedtime knowing I'm going to be sorry in the morning. ;)

I have enjoyed previous books from Lisa Jewell and this did not disappoint. A good, twisty turny book set today and in the early 90's with a missing husband, a deserted wife and man with no memory connecting the years. Told by three characters it offers some dark reading along with lighter moments. Some really flawed characters along with truly repulsive. I really enjoyed this book. Great suspense with some surprises along the way.

I Found You by Lisa Jewel tells the story of three people who met in some very strange circumstances. Lily is newly married and still stuck at the honeymoon phase until her husband mysteriously disappears. Alice is a single mother of three who invites an amnesiac stranger into her home. The amnesiac stranger also narrates his story as we watch him slowly regain his memory through the chapters.
The story starts out strong and I was immediately hooked from the first chapter. The 1993 narrations of the past about Gray and Kristy threw me off at first but I soon got the hang of it. The different perspectives are narrated through alternating chapters with each chapter ending with a cliff hanger that makes you eager to get to the following chapters. The three stories run concurrently until they finally merge.
I think that the author did an amazing job with the character development. I liked Alice from the start. She is such a flawed character but with an amazing personality. Some of her decisions like welcoming the stranger to her home seemed bizarre at first but after getting to know her, it all made sense. I was on the fence about Lily through some of the chapters but I sympathized with her. 21 years old, in a foreign country and with a missing husband, poor girl! She really had a tough time especially when secrets started being revealed.
I even liked the support characters like Alice’s kids who were so adorable. Even the dogs, peacocks and some of the houses had personalities. Seriously, the author ensured that everyone played a role in this book in the best, most memorable ways possible.The thing with such strong characters though is that they have the ability to break your heart. There were chapters that were so tragic that I found myself wishing for a different outcome for the characters. Other characters disappointed me when their masks fell off.
This book is superbly written. Lisa’s writing is enchanting. Once you start reading the book, it becomes hard to put it down. The suspense was thick throughout the book. I had two main suspects while reading this but I was still surprised at the end when everything was revealed.
Lisa Jewell’s I Found You has everything that makes a good thriller. It has secrets, lies, murder, a dancing peacock and twisted characters. It also has amnesiac characters which I find quite interesting in thrillers. The writing is so addictive that I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I remember getting to the last page and just sitting there in awe of the author. How did she come up with such an awesome plot-line with all these incredible characters? Everything about this book was just perfect! I highly recommend this book to all fans of this genre.

Let's face it, the whole amnesia angle has been used a lot lately in psychological thrillers and this element on its own isn't all that original anymore. However, something about the blurb of I Found You instantly caught my attention and had me wonder about the story behind the main characters. And my instincts were right, because this psychological thriller by Lisa Jewell has literally blown me away. Such fascinating main characters and character development! The writing style and the plot managed to draw me in right from the start and the different storylines only help adding to the initial suspense. The plot twists are executed brilliantly and kept you guessing about the true identities and what really happened right until the end. Twisted, suspenseful, well written, intriguing plot... I Found You definitely has it all. The fact that one of the main characters ('Frank') has amnesia might not be original, but the plot itself is without doubt fascinating. If you like the genre, you will definitely enjoy this little gem.