Member Reviews

Another lighthearted fun romantic read! Witty dialogue between the characters and good steady pacing. No twists or surprises

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I received an advance reading copy in exchange for an honest review. I really really loved this story. Who wouldn't love a humorous romance about a second chance at love. Second chance love stories are my favorite. This story was well written and very much deserves the 5 stars I gave it. Another great book! Keep them coming.

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Jack and Allie were together for years, as high school and college sweethearts. Allie had plans to become a lawyer, and Jack didn't seem to have any. Knowing something had to change, Allie ended their engagement even though it broke her heart. Years later, Jack is back in Portland for his college reunion. He reaches out to Allie so that he can show her how successful he is. Allie, does the same thing, by asking her friend to pose as her fiancé so that Jack doesn't know how her life turned out. Allie admitted pretty quickly that her fiancée was fake. She seemed to have a problem with commitment. There were a lot of other elements going on in this story that made it hard to connect with. The reason they originally broke up wasn't revealed until close to the end, which took away from the story.

The writing was fine. This is an okay read.

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Loved this book! Jack & Allie's story was sweet. Enjoyed the mystery of the money and hidden treasures found in the attic. However, my favorite character was Paige. Her precocious, adult like responses cracked me up. Was sort of hoping for Skye and Wade to have a HEA, but maybe next time. Was given an ARC for honest review.

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Tawna Fenske delivers again!!

We've all been there: had that one ex who we always swore that if we ran into them again in the future, we would throw all our achievements in their face. Show them how great we are doing in spite of them. Jack is no different. almost 2 decades ago, his fiance Allie walked out on him. She claimed he wasn't on the same path as she was and they wanted different things. Now, almost 20 years later, things certainly have changed.
Jack is doing great. As a widow and single dad, he's striving to raise his daughter to be able to come to him with any questions she may have. They've moved back to his hometown and he thinks this is a great opportunity to "catch up" with Allie. If by catch up, you really mean show her just how wrong she was about him. Only things don't go as planned. Again.

Allie left Jack because she wanted it all. She wanted marriage and a family and the great law job to go with it. Now she works as a Certified Association Executive and just inherited her grandmother's B&B--which is now a sanctuary to some really weird thumbed cats! Needless to say things turned out much different than she expected. When she gets an email from Jack all these years later, she tries to be the person she left him to be. They make an attempt to "try again" but it's not that easy. Jack has responsibilities now. He has a daughter who he has to put first. And Allie isn't the same person anymore either. Or is she?

Can you ever really go back? Tawna spins an amazing tale of two people trying to be who they were while still trying to figure out who they want to be. Known for her quirky (off beat, funky, you catch my drift) characters, Fenske still manages to make them relate-able. And different from other characters in her previous books. Alli & Jack are just like so many people I know. They are the people I went to high school with. The people I knew from my first job. They are the people I know now from my kids' friends' parents. They aren't caricatures or these asinine outlines of what you expect them to be. Their flaws are realistic. And yes, they are quirky. But unlike some authors who try to make their heroes and heroines "eccentric," they aren't cringeworthy. Their awkward moments are ones we probably all have experienced, and then subsequently denied!

I love Tawna Fenske. As a rule, her books are fun and flirty. They are easy reads because you "easily get involved" not because the plot and characters are basic. I strongly recommend this book to anyone looking for a "beach read" or something to take up a weekend. I read it start to finish in about 18 hours-- and that's because my toddler and infant weren't amenable to me taking a break from "mommying." I may or may not have fed the toddler a pre-made sandwich so I could finish it!

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I loved this story. I liked how they were young and together, then separated . After time, they came back together and fell in love again.
I enjoy books by Ms. Fenske and this one was no different

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I'm a sucker to when it comes to second chance romance novels. They just make the heart swoon. This Time Around, definitely lived up to every moment and just leaves you feeling good. Sweet, funny and filled with moments that pull at you showing how time heals and you have to go through some things to get to place where real happiness lives.

Let's start with Allie. Her life didn't exactly turn out how she dreamed but she found life led her down a different road. Her parents are in jail for a ponzi scheme and she recently inherited a bed and breakfast that once belonged to her grandmother. Her love life is to be desired, always a bridesmaid never the bride. For whatever reason, luck was never on her side but then one day someone from her past reappears and everything is different. Is this fate?

You know what they say, if two people are meant to be, then one day it will be. Or will it? Jack and Allie were young sweethearts. Like many young relationships, one person is in one place and the other elsewhere. When they were in college, Allie broke his heart leading him down a road that could've been worse. He found his way and his life changed.

One day out of the blue, Allie got an email inviting to meet up. Jack has a reunion coming up and thought it would be nice to catch up. When he mentions that he wants her to meet Paige and to find out how her life is going, the past sort of came hitting her at once. She didn't want to look ridiculous to him and his wife. Not wanting him to see how much her life wasn'twhat she hoped, she asked her best friend to pretend he was her boyfriend. Little did she know Paige wasn't his wife but his daughter. As details unravel about their life now and their past and present collide into this new chapter, will this be their meant to be happily ever after?

I really liked their story. This wasn't your predictable second chance where they went out before and now they are happily ever after. We are definitely thrown some curve balls along the way which made this a I have to find out what happens sort of book. All the supporting elements that surround the circumstances of their life make this a fulfilling read. You're not bogged down by fluff which I loved. Too many secrets coming out, peeling layer by layer, made me keep flipping forward. On a side note, the supporting characters brought some really nice moments to the book that make you laugh and their genuine friendships are just sweet that they make the book smile. Overall, this was a good one that will leave you feeling good. This is a definite recommendation to the tbr pile!

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I had a harder time getting into this story than some of Ms. Fenske's previous books. The inner monologues were a bit distracting. I had many laughs and the storyline was great.

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I'm a newer fan of Tawna Fenske, so I was very excited for this book. And, for the most, this book held up well in comparison to her other work. Fenske is a writer who I can count on to write well-devolved characters. She writes characters who are at times self-aware and self-deprecating, yet often are revealed to be blind to their biggest flaws. Those flaws can serve as catalysts for plot points. In this book, things were progressing nicely until about three-quarters of the way through the book when a new plot point was thrown in gratuitously. I say gratuitously because after the issue was revealed, there was only a minor hiccup and things were fine. But it was just enough of an issue for me that it took my head out of the book. The rhythm of the book was broken and I couldn't engage again. I should note that I read this book in one sitting, so it really did through me off for that rhythm to be broken. Overall, the first half to theee-quarters of the book was strong and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The last part felt forced, choppy, and rushed, so I did let care for it. This book would have been a 4.5 stars if it hadn't had that last bit, which dropped it to a 3.5 stars for me.

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What a fabulous book! I loved this book from the very beginning. My favorite character by far was Paige. The barber shop scene was freaking hilarious. I really enjoyed Allie and Jack's story, it was told in such a way that you knew how they were together in the beginning but it wasn't in long drawn out flashback scenes. I also really enjoyed Allie's friendships with Wade and Skye. And who would love owning a house filled with a bunch of crazy 6 toed cats! Overall this was a great read and you won't be disappointed.
*I received an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Fantastic second chance story that had me glued to the page from start to finish.

It had moments where I wanted to shake them both, moments that I cheered them on and so many moments of pure joy.

Ms. Fenske is obviously highly talented and amazing at creating characters that feel very real, flaws and all. They make mistakes but that makes them relatable and characters I want to find their happily ever after.

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My review was published at All About Romance on May 17, 2017.

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I love books written by Ms. Fenske and This Time Around is a great addition to her line up. Jack and Allie were teenage sweetheart until Allie broke his heart by leaving him. She had big dreams and Jack was too laid back. Jack eventually moved on, getting a great career, finding a beautiful wife, and having an adorable little girl. Now widowed he is back for his college reunion, eager to show Allie what a success he has become. But choices Allie made at 19 have changed the course of her life and nothing turned out the way she hoped. Now she must take a hard look at her life and decide what she really wants.

There is so much to love about this book. Jack is a sexy single dad. He barrels back into Allie' s life and sees her more clearly now. Jack's daughter is a riot! And the cats add some comedy and history to the story. I had a hard time connecting with Allie but in the end it was Allie who has stayed in my thoughts. The overall theme of this book for me was learning to live with the choices you make, good and bad.

I was given a copy of this book.This is my honest review.

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Allie and Jack's relationship journey is a great story. I love that they have had years between to grow up and become who they are. As life often does, the best laid plans don't always go as planned. How Allie expected to have her life turn out, and how it did, are direct opposites. Seeing her and Jack figure out the new dynamics of their relationship was a great read. Purchase this book!

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I fell in love with Tawna Fenske's writing in Now That It's You, so I was really excited to read this book. Unfortunately, it fell flat for me and I found myself skimming my way to the end. I would cautiously recommend this to readers, and will give her another chance with the next book.

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A fun, sexy, sweet, and just great book with an epic second chance! Loved it :)

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A fun book about second chances, This time around was full of surprises, I loved this author she is always writing something different and entertaining. I like that she is not into the “erotica” style, when you read one of Tawna Fenske’s books you’ll have a few laughs and a good feeling at the end.
Thanks for the ARC

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Review featured at

Second chance at love at it’s finest. How many times have you thought about having a second chance with your first love. And the image is perfect. Well not so much for Jack and Allie. May not be perfect but it is funny. I guess if you can’t have one you should have the other.

I enjoyed this book very much. I can only remember reading one other book from Tawna years ago and I don’t remember why I haven’t picked up anymore until this one but it reminds me that I need to go back and grab a few.

Need a fun read that will lighten up your day? This is it.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This Time Around is a stand alone romance by the very funny Tawna Fenske that bodes the question "If you had a second chance at the one that you let get away, would you take it?"

Having dinner with your ex is probably the scariest thing I can think. Throw in the fact that he's bringing his wife, and Allie is in a tizzy to make it seem like her life went exactly where it was supposed to go when they parted ways. Twenty years is a long time to see the one you walked away from. Allie, seeing that they weren't going in the same direction, walked away from their engagement, wanting more in her life. But with her parents in jail for a ponzi scheme, working as Certified Association Executive instead of a big shot lawyer, and engaged several times and never married, Allie's road has hit pot hole after pot hole. Plus some road blocks and possibly a ditch. When the door opens and Jack and his daughter are the ones on the other side of the door, Allie realizes that Jack's life has changed just as drastically.

Now widowed and raising a ten year old, Jack has moved back to his hometown, now mature and responsible. Raising a daughter hasn't been easy, but Jack handles it beautifully. Honestly, the interactions between the two were probably my favorite scenes in the book. And the scenes about Grandma. And pretty much every other scene in the book had a giggle moment. This is not to say that there weren't some serious moments. The book had some scenes that had my heart clenching for the characters. This book deals with very real issues to the point that I gasped out loud and swore at one particular conversation between these two.

Sometimes when you read a romance novel, you get those books where everything is neat and tidy and everything is perfect so I loved the fact that the author made these characters with very real flaws. I wasn't sure if I was going to like Ally at first or even Jake. They had a history and there younger selves weren't really the best. Meeting 20 years later, you see that growth and you see how they both hesitate to get into a relationship again. They don't immediately jump in, and sleep together, love each other, the end. It's real, and awkward and funny, so that by the end of the book, you're committed and the book has left with a little piece of you. 4.5 Stars to a wonderfully real romance.

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I absolutely adored this story! Tawna Fenske has such a way with words and always brings a smile to my face!!! With just the perfect amount of sizzle, humor and emotion! Definitely a great read!

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