Member Reviews

Bullying is NOT ok!
“Sometimes people think that bullying is just harmless teasing, but it’s not…bullying can affect people’s self-esteem, confidence, education and ultimately their lives.”
This book is not just for children or teens but for anyone that has been or is a victim of bullying, and what makes this book so unique is that it is also for the bully.
There are many reasons why I love this book, they include:
• The relatable scenarios which have practical responses and actions to take;
• The encouragement to stand tall with your head held high, to be confident and assertive.
• The relaxation methods, nutrition advice, exercise ideas and the overall looking after your whole self;
• And, the numerous support agencies, websites and professionals that are listed throughout the book are not only practical but also are helpful to those readers who don’t know who to turn to.
The book gives the reader insight into what bullying is, particularly for those that don’t there is anything wrong with what they are doing or what has been happening to them. There are so many different types of bullying; cyber, in person, peer pressure, verbal, and physical just to name a few.
Never underestimate the effects of bullying, it is NEVER ok and is always serious. The adverse effects of bullying can result in:
• Poor self-esteem;
• Depression;
• Anxiety;
• And Suicide.
I appreciate that information for the bully has been included in this book. Despite the bully doing the wrong thing, it is important that they also can understand that their behaviors need to change and what the effects of their actions are. Simply put, bullies need help too.
The writers Michael Panckridge (writer & middle school teacher) and Cathie Thornton (psychologist & School counsellor) have successfully written a book that is easy to read for any age. Each scenario breaks the book up so that the information isn’t too overwhelming and the reader doesn’t feel consumed by large chapters. The words and terms aren’t technical, it is written at a level that children and teens can understand and the language is positive and consistently encouraging throughout.
Michael and Cathie have done a wonderful job of tackling a very real and profound issue. They not only give the readers insight into the damage that Bullying causes, but also gives the bullied reader courage to seek help and move forward with their heads held high.
With approximately 1 in 5 students being bullied in Australia, I highly recommend Be Bully Free. The expertise of both authors makes this read a credible book and is an essential resource for the youth center, classroom, library and home.
Always remember Bullying is NOT ok!
”…ïf you’re ‘just not feeling right’, seek help.”

My 9 year old daughter has had some difficulty this school year with a couple of kids consistently picking on her at school. I was hoping this book would be something she could utilize to come up with better coping and defense strategies against the people mistreating her, but it is aimed at older kids. I was would older middle school maybe, but definitely not going to help my younger daughter with her bullying issues and some of the content is too mature for her to read anyway. I do think the book has a good thing going with the set up of being written in examples of bullying behavior and then with tips at the end for how to react. I do think some of it would probably backfire, but I appreciate the thought and effort that went to creating a book for these kids who need it the most. Please consider writing a version for younger children because bullying sadly starts way earlier.

This a great book. I believe every kid should definitely read it because it covers all forms of bullying and the solutions for each, too. Many children aren't even aware that there are so many kinds of bullying exist. They fall prey to it and it affects their complete life.
Doesn't matter if you were never bullied, are currently being bullied or have a fear you might face it sometime in your life! This book is all you need, ever!
Be Bully Free also tells how to really find real friends! I especially love this about the book! Parents should buy this book for their children, irrespective of the age, because it is very helpful.
It is a complete guide to fighting, surviving and winning over Bullies!