Member Reviews

A stand alone thriller from Kathy Reichs, a break from the Tempe Brennan thrillers which I have enjoyed for many years now. As a fan of recurring characters and getting caught up in an ongoing series, I should be vexed when an author breaks from the familiar to introduce new heroes to follow. However, there is always that fascination to find out what they may come up with when “unshackled” and able to cause havoc on new characters with no responsibility to keep them all alive so they can appear in the next book.
I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised with Two Nights, it felt totally different from from a Brennan thriller (which I guess was the point). Sunnie Night is a complex character who is living a reclusive lifestyle until she is sought out and her services requested by a well-to-do client for whom money is no real object when it comes to tracing a missing member of her family.
A bomb explosion has robbed a family of precious lives, however, there remains some doubt that a teenage girl (related to Sunnie’s client) actually died in the blast. Sunnie is engaged to find out if the girl may still be alive. If she is to be successful Sunnie will need to understand why the girl may not have made herself known to her remaining family after surviving such an ordeal.
But Sunnie’s investigations will mean looking into why the bomb was placed and at those responsible. These are not people who will welcome snooping and Sunnie has put herself in the firing line – good job she is more than adept at outfoxing the tw0-bit thugs.
Something very different from Kathy Reichs but she knows how tell a good story and Two Nights is well worth hunting down.

Kathy Reichs always knocks it out of the park. I've read a few of her YA books (mainly the Virals series) which I enjoyed immensely, so I knew I would enjoy this also. In Two Nights, Reichs brings her colourful cast of characters to life, her writing style is to the point yet evocative (perfect for someone like me who dislikes fancy prose and long descriptions) and her plotting is twisty and intense. But to be honest, I wouldn't expect anything less!

Different character and unfortunately it was not as good as Temerance Brennan . Definitely not her best writing

I haven't read any other books by Kathy Reichs so I don't have anything to compare this one with. Overall I enjoyed this book and I wouldn't hesitate to read more from this author.
4 stars from me for this thriller.

Already reviewed previously, have reviewed and sent feedback already.

Love Tempe Brennan, well it goes without saying really, doesn't it? So, I was wary of a new series by one of my fave authors. I needn't have worried though for, in Two Nights, Reichs has come up with a stunning hook, a beautifully flawed female protagonist who compares (very favourably in my mind to Zoe Sharp's Charlie fox series) and a brilliantly paced plot.
Sunday Night is my kind of girl. She's strong, stubborn, feisty, intelligent and above all she takes no shit ... just as well really for in Two nights there is shit a plenty.
Guilt tripped into helping find a missing girl whose family have been annihilated in a bomb attack, Sunday come out of her self enforced retirement with a reluctance that immediately signals the start of a great book.
Not going to give away the treason behind the Book title, just going to say it's well worth the read to find that out.
Sunday's traumatic past resonates with the present as the plot unfolds and it takes all her spirit and resilience to get her through this.
I'm already looking forward to the next 'Night' thriller.

Sunnie Night, is a singularly unique character creation - a Great Read:
Kathy Reichs departs from her Temperance Brennan novels in this stand alone thriller featuring a somewhat unique character: Sunday (or Sunnie) Night. Sunnie packs guns and brawn but has lots of brains too. The title of the book refers to Sunnie and her twin brother, August. They were brought up by a guardian Beau, an ex-cop. Sunnie is encouraged by Beau to take up Private Investigation after several career failures: in both the Armed Services and the Police Force.
The plot revolves around the search for killers of three family members (although one, Stella, may still be alive). Sunnie is fortunate that her investigation is funded by a very wealthy older relative of the victims and so money is of no concern.
This novel is so totally different in style, content and personalities from those of the Temperance Brennan series, Ms Reich's well known creation. A refreshing change.
I found it took me a couple of chapters to get into the book in terms of prose style and characterisation but worth persevering: a good story and I suspect there may be more to come from this character. A gripping thriller.

I enjoyed the storyline but it took a while for me to find Sunny credible...too sharp-edged, too damaged, too indestructible. For those who enjoy Reich's work I would suggest they read this but I was disappointed!!

This book was brilliant. I absolutely loved the main character I just found it hard to get through at parts.

Julie Quick's review Nov 15, 2017 · edit
liked it
I love Kathy Reichs Tempe Brennan series for the grittiness and the insight into the world of forensics. This new series has created a new and flawed character that I see as having real potential in the same way as Tempe Brennan . No, the writing is not stellar and the suspense, not quite what I expect from Reichs, but she is feeling her way into new territory here and I'm prepared to go with her.
We are dealing with the new threat of anti Muslim extremists here and so the plot is very up to date.
I have no specific criticism, but this novel just did not take me to the suspenseful heights that I hoped. I am however, optimistic for the future of the series and give it a good rating of 3.5. I have rounded down for Goodreads as this is not a 4 star rating for me.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this novel free of charge and this does not alter my review in any way.

This book was provided free by Netgalley in exchange for a honest and fair review:
My thoughts
Kathy Reichs takes a break from her normal leading character of Temprance Brennan and introduces us to Sunni Night, former army and police officer injured out of the service due to her reckless behaviour. Reichs masterfully intriduces us to her new character, slowlt revealing the history that has made Sunni the way she is. A complex story of a missing teenager and a home grown terrorist plot, Sunnie and her brother Gus 9Hence the title Two Nights) travel from cost to coast chasing down the bombers who killed 3 innocent peope and snatched a fourth to conver t otheir ideals.
The way that Reich writes this novel is extremely clever, the flashback scenes will leave you wondering if it is the missing girls memories or Sunnies, this is not revealed until close to the end of the novel. The wists and turns are ingenious and written with Reich’s flair for the dramatic keeps you on the edge of your seat. The character of Sunnie is brilliantly written and you can empathise with her wish for solitude. Hopefully there will be further books that will feature Sunnie and Gus, as although they are tough cop types they are easier to relate to than the extermely educated Brennan (not that the Brennan books aren’t brilliant because they are). If you are a Reichs fan this is a must read.

I was very excited to start a new Kathy Reichs, as I've been a huge fan of Bones (the tv show) as well as the Temperance Brennan series. This book is a stand alone, and was a bit of getting used to - I kept on expecting Tempe to pop in! Even though the main character's name didn't really do it for me, it was entertaining to read a Reichs book with another heroine character! Entertaining and recommended!

Great book, had me on the edge of my seat a few times. I felt a bit let down by the last few pages but overall I would definitely recommend.

This is the first novel I have read by Kathy Reichs so I assume this is not up to her usual standard. The book seemed clumsy and became a bit dreary. In the end it became a chore to read it and I nearly didn't finish it. Reichs has a hugely loyal fanbase so either I'm missing something or this was a rare slip-up from her.

I was quite disappointed in this book. I didn't feel it was up to Kathy's usual standard. It was still a good story though.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I can safely say I have read every book in Kathy Reichs’ two other series, so I know what to expect from her writing. I was really excited to read TWO NIGHTS from the POV of a new character.
There are elements of this novel that are reminiscent of Reichs’ other works, but Sunnie is such a different character from Tempe Brennan that from the very beginning you know you’re not reading a Brennan novel. Sunnie shoots first and asks questions later, which gets her into a few sticky situations.
I really like the mystery element of the story and I feel that is something Reichs does really well. I do think it’s a shame this is a standalone novel if I’m honest because it’s set up as a great start to a series. I feel like Sunnie had a lot to say in this novel and has a lot more she could say afterwards.

I wanted to really like this as I am a fan of Kathy but found this hard work. Nearly gave up but persevered through to the end

Having enjoyed Kathy Reichs' previous books I jumped into this one sure I would adore the book, characters and story....I was wrong and I'm sad that I didn't enjoy Two Nights.
Although I didn't enjoy this book it is a quick read with short snappy characters, quick speech and spunky commentary. The story line is fast paced and easy to follow.
The characters, especially the main character, lacked any redeeming qualities for me. I didn't enjoy Sunday so found it hard to stick with her. I put the book down several times because of my personally dislike for the character. When I did finish it I still didn't feel anything for her, perhaps thats a fault in my character?
Overall I couldn't recommend the book, unfortunately. I'll be sticking to Temperance and Bones.

First book by this author that I have read so can't compare this stand alone to her series of books. I enjoyed the book and think the characters were well developed. Will be reading her other books.