Member Reviews

Throughly enjoyed this book, it was like reading a new author, I never would have guessed this had been written by Kathy Reichs. Sunnie is totally different from Temperance however some of the phrasing and humour had echoes of the Dr Brennan novels. The story itself took a little while to get into and the parallel story seemed a little confusing but of course that became clear towards the end. I would highly recommend this book and look forward to seeing the characters develop, however, please don't stop writing the Temperance Brennen books!!

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I have been a fan of the authors Temp Brennan series and was excited to see what this book would bring. This is a stand-alone story which introduces us to the character of Sunday Night. Sunnie has issues of her own, but she finds herself having to deal with those as she is drawn into the search for a missing girl.

Sunnie is a great character as she has so many flaws, but that endeared her to me even more. I look forward to reading more about her in the future.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy.

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Introduced to a new character in the form of Sunday Night aka Sunnie. Very tense story which had me up reading when I should have been asleep, ex cop who takes on PI role. Story is very cleverly woven around another one which keeps you guessing right up until the end who it is about, I look forward to reading more about Sunnie and her brother

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Captivating new character (new for the author and readers of this author!): damaged ex cop Sunnie, and her step-family, a squirrel and a survived twin and the man who took them in after tragedy of her early life - all of which we learn about throughout the novel: coincidence of the present 'case' mirroring her own life is inescapable and actually brings her back to life despite demons. Absolutely gripping (although sometimes I lost track of who was who) but Sunnie's obsessive. compulsive personal habits are fascinating, and the dialogue sharp, funny and tight .. the old woman who sets her on, a priceless character - I could go on - but I was on edge of chair with twists right up until the end. Religious sects, psychological manipulations, grand plotting from fanatics, stealth, paranoia - every trick in the trade of crime writing, surely deployed! Astounding success here! Looking forward to more with this character...

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This was a total disappointment and made me wonder if this was really written by Kathy Reichs.
The story is totally improbable as are the characters.
Really should not have wasted my time finishing this.

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A fantastic read! Easy reading and cleverly interwoven plot bring the past to the present. Sunday Night is a brilliant character and I adored her brother Gus - I hope that Kathy Reichs has more up her sleeve for these two, I hope that Beau has a larger role as there is something intriguing going on there!
A brilliant and clever PI book. I LOVED it!

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Kathy Reichs flags up a change of direction by introducing us to Sunday Night (known as Sunnie by her friends.). Sunnie is a Private Investigator, ex Police. She is tough, blunt and thorough. She would not be comfortable without a gun (or two) and is not afraid to use it. She also has historic gremlins. Following a terrorist attack near a School, Sunnie is engaged to find out who did it and what happened to one of the children who simply disappeared during the resulting mayhem. Did she die, was she abducted, did she simply lose her memory etc? Well, Two Nights is fast moving and action packed. At one point I wondered whether it was going to go over the top and lack credibility as a result. But that is not Kathy Reichs' style. This is a good read..We need to learn more about Sunnie Night and I cannot believe that we will be kept waiting too long for a sequel. .

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Kathy Reichs has moved away from her Tempe Brennan series and introduces the reader to a new protagonist. Still set in Charleston we are given Sunnie Night, an ex-army, an ex-police officer with a dark past and an uncertain present; she is a strong and willful woman who has hidden away after a series of traumatic incidents, and who desperately needs a sense of direction.

Her erstwhile guardian Beau Beaumonde, himself ex-police, is determined to pull her kicking and screaming back into the world, and with this aim, he comes to her with a case; Opaline Drucker's granddaughter went missing a year previously following a terrorist bomb attack which killed her mother and brother. Opaline wants the culprits found and punished, and to know if her granddaughter is still alive.

Reluctantly Sunnie takes on the case which the police have not yet solved, making her, of course, very popular with the case officers. Dauntless she throws everything she has into her investigation and turns up a seriously troubling set of anti-Islamic vigilantes calling themselves 'Jihad for Jesus'.

These fanatics seem to be fairly inept, but still, cause a major threat; Sunnie must identify their leader and foil their future plans. To assist, she enlists her twin brother Gus who strangely is dark-skinned whilst she is a redhead – go fathom.

Reichs is a master of plot development, suspense, fast action and misdirection; there are surprises aplenty to keep the reader busy. Her characters are wholly plausible (even if their names aren't!), and never lacking in courage whichever side they are on. There is also an unnamed diarist to keep us guessing.

I enjoyed this diversion from one of my favourite authors, who always manages to combine suspense with a little humour. My guess is that Sunnie Night is here to stay.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of this book to review.

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I really enjoyed this non-Bones Kathy Reichs. It has a different tone to her other books, but I loved finding out the back story of Summer and her brother.

The flipping from the present to the past was great and let you guessing who's voice you were hearing.

I good thriller with twists, turns and surprises on the way.

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Hmm, this is a toughie for me. I love reading Kathy Reichs books and love her Temperance Brennan character ... her new character, Sunday Night, is something altogether different and I found her difficult to get to like. I admit that I struggled to get into this book and the only way I can describe it is a little chaotic - a bit like Sunday - and I think that's the point but it didn't really work that well for me. Having said that, if another in the series came out, I would give it a go to see how Sunday develops as she is an extremely complex and interesting character that I would quite like to get to know a bit better.

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I have read all of Reichs Temperence Brennan books and so I was super excited to read this new book which is a totally different path for Reichs... I was not dissapointed!

Sunday Night, or Sunnie as she is known, has a hard past as ex-military and ex-police, now living a recluse life after she lost an eye in an accident.

However Sunnie is called on to use her skils and past personal history as a PI to find a missing girl and who murdered the girls mother and brother.

Sunny is aided on the way by August another interesting character - slowly throughout the book pieces of their history, and especially how Sunny has been shaped as a person, are revealed.

The plot is an interesting twist on things which are currently world concerns and events are fast paced.

The only reason this loses a star for me is occasionally the writing style makes it harder and less smooth to read.

Overall a great introduction to a new direction for Recih and one I hope has some more books to come!

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I am an avid fan of Kathy Reichs and her Temperance Brennan series, so I was very pleased to have been given the opportunity to review Two Nights. Whilst I did like it, I unfortunately didn't love it.

I'm not sure if it isn't my fault for expecting another alternative Temperance to be honest. I did like the main character, Sunday (Sunnie) Night, but for some reason I found her a bit stand-offish - I couldn't imagine myself going for a drink with her let's put it that way. I don't know why she didn't gel with me - I mean she is the 'good guy' in all of this, and she obviously engenders good feelings amongst some of the other characters, including of course her rather sweet brother Gus.

I think part of the problem might have been the writing style, which I found a tad too abrupt, with the plethora of short sentences creating this sense of pace that didn't give me time to acclimatise myself to what was happening. The action is pretty much relentless, so if you're looking for action-packed then Two Nights is a good choice. For me though it was just too much, I found it hard to keep up with who was who, and what their role in the story was; though this of course may have been a deliberate device rather than an unwelcome style.

The essence of the plot is interesting and engaging, with Sunday having to find the bombers that killed Mary Gray Bright and her son Bowen, and discover the fate of Mary's daughter Stella. All this leads Sunday pretty much all over the country, hopping on planes and checking into hotels quicker than I get out of bed in the mornings! I was impressed with her ability to just keep moving to avoid the danger she places herself in on a regular basis! And as I said, if action-packed is your requirement, Two Nights has it in droves. Personally though it was a bit of a slog to finish this, which are words I never usually would associate with Kathy Reichs

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Sunday, a retired police officer after a particularly bad run in, has recently found herself back in the game. She has been asked to dig up some dirt on a murder enquiry - Opaline Drucker's granddaughter is still missing following an altercation which led to the murder of her mother and brother, and Sunday is tasked with the job of finding out who the murderer is, but most importantly what actually happened to little Stella.

Sunday is a difficult character to connect with, but that's kind of the point! She has a lot of baggage emotionally, but also carries the physical scars from the event which ended her career. Her history makes her quite a cold, calculating character which inevitably makes her difficult to get to know as a reader but over time you eventually learn enough to appreciate how she became so reclusive. In some ways, she is similar in personality to Brennan (another of the authors major characters from a different book) in that she rationalises most things, often internally so you miss the details, but actually is one step ahead of you cracking the case. In this way, Reichs absolutely captures a complex character wonderfully (again!).

The story progresses quickly, with a tremendous amount of dialogue which makes for a super quick read. However this actually made it a bit more difficult for me to absorb the story - I like some detailed scene setting and that was slightly lacking here. However the plot is fast paced and full of twists so you're unlikely to be distracted for long and the short chapters make it so addictive.

A great plot, with a complex and interesting protagonist . As a reader who likes to get to know the characters in order to really become invested in what happens to them, I just think it might not be the kind of story I'd become invested in long term. But as a standalone, it is absolutely worth a read!

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I am a huge Reichs fan and this did not disappoint.
I was hooked from page 1, keen to find out all the ins and outs of this clever plot.

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Fast-paced and entertaining, I really enjoyed this book. It's a new style from Kathy Reichs and for that it made it easy to read without constantly comparing to her previous Temp Brennan books. At times I found the abrupt and noir-style narrative overdone and grating - every now and then I wanted a sentence that ran longer than a few words - but overall it contributed to making an atmospheric and pulse-racing story.

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I loved the Bones books and was excited to see what this new series would be like. It does have a totally different feel from Tempe's books and it has a completely different set up.

Sunday Night, former Marine, former Cop and current hermit is asked by her former foster father to look into the disappearance of a young girl. Sunnie can see the similarities between the missing girl and herself and decides to take the case.

When she visits the girls grandmother (think ultra rich, used to getting her own way, elderly lady) she finds out more of what happened and travels to Chicago to begin her investigation.

Sunday is is scarred, mentally and physically from her experiences and her childhood of which we can see glimpses. She is tough as nails and whilst she has retreated from the world she is not completely cut off. I love meeting her twin Gus, I really enjoyed their relationship and how they unite against those who may write them off.

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It took me quite a while to get into this book and was not as engrossed as I would have liked. It was not a bad story but just did not flow like the Tempe books. Thanks to the publisher for the chance to review this book.

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I wasn't too sure if I liked the style of writing. It's a narrative and I found it a little difficult to get into. The story wasn't too bad once you got used to the style of writing.

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Struggled to get into this book and the character at first, nearly but it down. So glad I continued, became completely hooked. Loved Gus coming into the story, felt this helped me warm to Sunnie.

Hopefully more books to come with the night duo involved.

Thank you to Netgalley, Kathy Reich's, and Cornerstone Digital for call overall wing me to read and review this book.

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I'm a huge fan of Kathy Reichs. I've read and loved all her books. I couldn't wait to read this one, a standalone featuring reluctant private investigator Sunday Night. Yes, I know, that name! It grated on me at first, then I got used to it, and then at the end of the story it was explained how she came by it and all made sense. I'm not sure whether this will be the start of a new series. I do hope so, because I loved the character of 'Sunnie'!

As Kathy Reichs says in her introduction, Sunnie has a 'dark outlook and an even darker past', and I found that intriguing. Ex-military and ex-police, Sunnie now lives a hermit's life on a 'skinny strip of sand' known as Goat Island with only a squirrel (Bob!) for company. She'd have been perfectly happy to stay that way, but her mentor turns up with a job for her. An extremely wealthy, elderly lady wants Sunnie to locate her granddaughter, missing after a terrorist attack on a school.

Sunnie is a completely different character to that of Tempe Brennan, which I liked. She is awkward and mouthy, and has a wisecrack for every occasion. She also talks in very short, staccato sentences, which makes this a very quick read. It reminded me of the old 1940s 'gumshoe' detective novels. Sunnie has a bad habit of rushing in without a thought for the consequences, so it's lucky she has her far more laid-back brother, Gus, to help out. Is this why the story is called Two Nights? Not quite ...

I wasn't so keen on the plot - rescue the old lady's granddaughter and track down the terrorists before they could strike again. Personal preference here. There have been similar real-life attacks recently, and I prefer the books I read to have more of an element of escapism. Also, the pace was a mix of fast (as they rushed from city to city) and slow (stake-outs), and I think I preferred the steadier mystery-solving approach of the Tempe Brennan books. But there are some excellent twists, some funny one-liners and I did love Sunnie! And there were also tips on how to hack into someone's email, which I'm sure will come in handy one day ...

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