Member Reviews

I was so looking forward to reading this book - and I wasn't disappointed. After a bit of a slow start where I was trying to get to grips with the fact it wasn't Temp Brennan and a new strong female character. Welcome to Sunnie Night and her twin brother Gus. As usual with Kathy Reichs' books you always learn something, you're always on the edge of your seat and the suspense kills you. I do hope she continues this as a new series, it would be shame to waste the characters if it was just a stand alone novel.

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The flash back in the last chapter to the past of Sunnie was a real surprise that makes me want to read more about her and her twin brother.
The terrorist story with each member of the cell having a real historic reason for becoming who they are made a very interesting tale. Each event in history changing the paths that each person can take.
I would like to know more about Sunnie.
And maybe Stella.
A great read.
Thank you Linda Izquierdo Ross

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It was time for Kathy Reichs to bring forth a new protagonist. I will always love Temperence Brennan but lately she reminds me that I am aging too.
Sunni is almost beyond damaged. No childhood to speak of, horrific physical and psychological abuse with a catastrophic finale to it.
Time spent in the armed forces and the police - both piling on more traumatic and physical scars.
Life as a near recluse is ended when she is approached to find out what happened to fifteen year old Stella who had been with her mother and brother during an explosion at a Jewish girls' school...cue the first of Ms Reichs' classic red herrings.
Four stars only as I need Sunni and her cohorts to grow on me. The next book should do it.

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I wanted to like this; Kathy Reichs has a strong reputation for crime fiction and whilst I'm not one for catching up on long standing detective series, I was keen to get in on the ground floor of this new enterprise with a gritty female lead.

However, after a promising start, I felt the ultimate goal of the villain was exposed way too early and left me with the slightly wearying prospect of a third of the novel devoted to following his dastardly plan to its inevitable failure. After all, the book was touted as a new detective series so she clearly isn't going to shuffle off this mortal coil in the prologue. Still there was a hefty twist I didn't foresee and the lead's twin brother is less grindingly edgy than she is, so there are elements I enjoyed. I won't get the next instalment though.

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I enjoy Kathy Reich's novels and especially the Temperance Brennan series so was really looking forward to this stand alone novel but for some reason I just failed to connect with it. I couldn't get to grips with the fast dialogue and for me this change in writing style didn't work. I have since other reviews and there appears to be a fair few people like me with the same opinion, I suppose we are all entitled to off days but hats off for trying.
Fortunately I have enjoyed enough Kathy Reich's novels to know that she is worth another read.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunday Night, an Afghan war veteran and ex-cop, lives a solitary existence, mentally and physically scarred by previous experiences (wouldn't it be nice just sometimes to have a detective with a happy family life?). She is persuaded to take on a case looking for the killers who killed a mother and son in a bombing, and the daughter/sister who may have escaped alive.

This is fast paced and I read quickly, carried on by the plot, but overall I didn't particularly like the novel. Sunnie is just so eternally sassie and rude to everyone, regardless of how polite they are to her and at times the dialogue is ridiculously Chandleresque. I wouldn't read any more if this becomes a series. However, being by Reichs, it is a well-written gripping read.

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Sunday Night is an ex cop, reclusive and something of a misfit. When she is contacted to look into an event years before where a mother and son were killed and a daughter disappeared her first thought is to walk away, especially as she doesn't warm to the person making the request. However, something about the missing girl resonates with her, and events that occurred to her in the past, so she takes it on. So unfolds both the story of the missing girl, and something of how Sunday Night ended up living on a remote island. A good story, with a few twists and turns along the way. Definitely worth a read.

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A different offering from Karin but very good, keeps you guessing until the end and just the right amount of humour to keep it from being too depressing.

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*Advance copy of the book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Having read and thoroughly enjoyed all of Kathy Reichs, Temperance Brennan books I was really looking forward to reading this.
The new heroine is an emotionally scarred ex special forces/ police detective called Sunday Night, who is called in to locate the grand-daughter of a rich woman who doesn’t believe her grand-daughter is dead following a bomb explosion some years before. The book follows Sunday’s investigation into the initial kidnap through to a very well written climax.
The plot was fast moving and had quite a few one-liners from Sunday & her brother that made me smile. It was very fast moving and not very realistic but it was a real page-turner for me.
Whilst enjoying the story it felt more like a Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum story than the usual Kathy Reichs style. It took me a while to warm to Sunday as she remained a 2 dimensional character until very near the end when it became apparent why her character & back story had not been explained/ filled out at the start however it was only when I knew her background, which was hinted at through the book that I felt more empathy & understanding of the way she lived her solitary life.
I would definitely read more about Sunday Night if this was the 1st in a series as I had only just started to warm to her character as the book ended.

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Kathy Reichs has done it again. A completely spellbinding book, written in a curt way that is unique and yet totally works with the characters. Consistent throughout. The work of a complete master.

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I enjoyed this book immensely even though it was different from the Temperence Brennan series. The characters were believable and the storyline fast moving . Hopefully this is the first in a new series

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Absolutely loved it! Highly recommend.

Sunday Night is a woman with demons, and a back story that is waiting to be told, but to keep us going until that happens is this book, and what an introduction to a character.

Great characters all the way through, I look forward to knowing more about Gus and Beau as well, well written, with a story that had twists and turns all the way through.

Read it in a day, could not put it down.

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So is it "bye, bye" Tempe? Whatever happens, Sunnie Night is a terrific alternative. A most enjoyable book, with a belligerent heroine (Sunnie) chasing a kidnap gang across the USA. Dynamic, delightful and descriptive writing with a great story and superb ending at Churchill Downs - no more spoilers from me! The author uses a few modern American words for some foods, drinks and clothes which left me confused but did not detract from an overall glorious experience. Any more Kathy?

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I devoured this book in days. It's pacy, taut and Kathy Reichs conjures up images with the barest of words. I have read most of her Temperance Brennan books but this foray is completely different. Sure the grit is still there but in Sunday Nights and her brother, Gus, there is the underlying tragedy of their childhood and demons galore. A roller coaster, edge of the seat plot, with twists I didn't see coming, had me gasping. I sincerely hope this is not a one-off outing for Sunday and Gus. Thanks to Random House and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review.

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To begin with, I would like to state that even though I am aware of this author I have not actually read any of her books. Therefore I give a review to this hugely popular author with no prior expectations. I would also like to add that, this book is a stand alone one. So onto my review.

It is set in the US, Sunnie is ex military and also ex police. She is psychologically fragile due to past experiences, but has a tough, no-nonsense outlook, also a bit hot-headed. She has a past that haunts her. To deal with this, she has pretty much isolated herself from the world, on Goat Island, seeing people only when it suits her, and that's not often.

A bombing has taken place at a school, killing some. The grandmother of a 15-year-old girl comes to ask Sunnie for help. The girl was caught up in the explosion, no-one knows of her whereabouts, if she is alive or dead. Her grandmother is a very typical "Old Money" Southern lady, money is no object, and she wants Sunnie to do what Sunnie does best, track, trail, follow leads and catch those responsible. But who is following who ?

This is a fast paced story, with lots of action and some good characters. The main characters are well described and soon become recognisable as you read, but as the story progresses you meet more charachters with nicknames, they are then given alternative names, then their real names, so it can become a little confusing. It has a good plot line that leads you very nicely through the ever-changing series of leads, clues and paths. When you think you have worked something out, there is a twist that is thrown in, until you are finally brought to a dramatic and satisfying end.

I would recommend this book to readers of thriller, mystery and suspense novels. I also think it has some very good talking and discussion points for Book Reading Clubs / Groups.

I would like to thank Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for my ARC of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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I have long been a fan of Kathy Reich's and I was very much looking forward to meeting her new character, Sunday Night but for some reason this book didn't quite gel with me. The pace was fast and the dialogue snappy but I found that I kept having to go back and check out facts or names because it just wasn't sinking in as Reichs work normally does. This may well just be me getting used to a new character and I would definitely be willing to read another Sunday novel but for now it just wasn't quite there.

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At the get-go you know you are in the hands of a master author......I love Kathy Reichs' books and her new characters are very gritty and believable. I had the chance to read this before the publication date thanks to Netgalley and I can confirm it is well worth the read. Slightly different subject matter and plot but I am already looking forward to the next one as there is definitely a whole new series to be had with the two Nights. Thanks Kathy !

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I was disappointed in this. In essence, it is a story of two people -twins, searching for a missing person and attempting to foil a terrorist attack. The outcome was based on a few moments of sudden realisation on the part of the main character who I found passive aggressive all the time and active aggressive some of the time. The reader is told of her terrible childhood which is the given reason for her behaviour, but I found her impossible to like. The two main characters take on the search as private investigators but continue working on the terror plot. It seems improbable that the police dept would find this helpful and make the story less credible. it may be that this appeals to others but it was not for me.

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I was grabbed by the new character, this was a very difficult book to put down, end-to-end brilliant!

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