Member Reviews

I have had access to this new Kathy Reichs novel through NetGalley. It is, as you would expect, well written but immersed in the psychological scars of the investigator rather than in the fate of the kidnapped child who should be the main interest. Why do investigators and detectives in so many novels have to have troubled personal lives? This reads well enough but is not a Reichs best.

I really enjoy this author's writing style and, just like the Brennan books, I found myself pulled into the story from the very start. The main protagonist is an interesting and complex character whom I found myself liking despite her flaws. I wondered if I would enjoy the departure from the familar but I am already looking forward to the next installment! Roll on book two! (I am quite sure there will be many more to come).
My only criticisms are the implausible aspects of the story (and there were a few) and the feeling that the author could have expanded a bit more on the story - at times it felt like she was rushing through some aspects of the plot. This said, it didn't really spoil the story for me.
I am a voracious reader and this book, like most of Reich's, was hard to put down. I started reading just before bed one night and ended up having a very very late night! Finished it in two sittings, would have read it all in one go off I didn't have to go to work!

Great read. Gets you hooked from the start. Would highly recommend!!

Firstly it was great to see a stand-alone novel from Kathy Reichs; however there was something missing from this book.
Sunday (Sunnie) Night is a retired cop turned recluse who just wants the world to leave her alone. Opaline Drucker is a wealth woman whose daughter and grandson are killed in an explosion and her granddaughter Stella has been missing since. She hires Sunnie through a mutual friend to investigate what happened to Stella.
Most of the characters especially Sunnie were difficult to connect with and it made the story difficult to enjoy at times. I did however like Gus. I also enjoyed the storyline
As well as the story in the present there is also a back story that plays out and that was fairly interesting. Overall I'd say 3.5 stars.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've never read Kathy Reichs but I will be looking out for more in future.
Amongst the spate of "The Girl this ..." and "the Girl that ..." it is refreshing to read a novel that blends two worlds successfully.
As I read the opening chapters I had the feeling of déjà vu. My mind sped back to my youth when I devoured Raymond Chandler and Mickey Spillane living the world of the hard bitten private eye in impossible scenarios and even then an outmoded chauvinism.
Here we have a great modern twist. We are in the world of the strong - if flawed women, someone who has held power and now regrets it. Partnering her with a sibling is genius in this genre - there can be no romance, no broken hearted junior - here we have equals - it works.
I would like to thank Net Galley & Heinemann for providing me with the advanced copy but more for giving me an oppotunity to read a new author (to me) and broaden my horizon..

Sunnie Night is ex-military and ex-police. She lives alone on Goat Island and only two people are allowed to visit her there. She is called to Charleston to help a rich woman discover who planted a bomb in Chicago which killed her daughter and grandson and to find out what happened to her granddaughter who hasn't been since. The story moves from Chicago to LA and to the Kentucky Derby and leads Sunny and her brother Gus to a group of home grown terrorists. When all the bombers are identified her employer says she no longer needs to know what happened to her granddaughter but Sunny can't let it go due to similarities to her upbringing. A standalone novel from Kathy Reichs which is quite different to her Temperence Brennan series but just as enjoyable to read.
Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and Kathy Reichs for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I have enjoyed reading Kathy Reich before and, although this standalone was different, I still devoured it. It was a one-sitting read that moved along at a good pace. Sunday Night is not an endearing character and it took until the final chapter to finally understand her; perhaps suggestive of a planned return? If not, it would be useful to reveal more earlier. The interweaving of the 'flashbacks' is suitably cryptic and could be easily misinterpreted; I did initially. Because the book is fast and short, no other characters developed in any great depth, but that was fine for this thriller.
I enjoyed returning to the Reich fold and will now reread some of her earlier novels. Thank you for the early review opportunity.

After eighteen novels in her "Bones" series it would be very easy to write off Kathy Reichs as a one trick pony. "Two Nights" demonstrates that she is much more than the queen of forensic pathology and truly a master of the suspenseful thriller.
Sunnie Night is a real character. Ex forces and ex police she lives alone on a small island with a squirrell for company! She has put a lot of effort into burying her past and running from the secrets in her history.
When she is approached to search for a missing girl the story pulls at Sunnie and she has to help. In the aftermath of a bomb blast that killed her mother and brother Stella has gone missing, possibly kidnapped. As Sunday Night (cringe) starts turning over rocks and getting closer to the culprits both she and Stella are in very real danger.
This is a fast paced thriller with action that moves all over the USA as Sunnie gets closer to those responsible. There is quite a large supporting cast that take a bit of remembering but it adds to the story line. I loved discovering the little titbits about Sunday and the things that made her the person that she is today. It feels like this could be the start of a brand new series from Reich. Here's hoping!
Supplied by Net Galley and William Heinemann in exchange for an honest review.
UK Publication Date: Jun 29 2017. 336 pages.
<a href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Two-Nights-Kathy-Reichs/dp/0434021113/ref=as_li_ss_il?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1496738511&sr=8-1&linkCode=li2&tag=angelrevie-21&linkId=2348dcfd1516be0e5619f98406af8052" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=0434021113&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=GB&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=angelrevie-21"></a><img src="https://ir-uk.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=angelrevie-21&l=li2&o=2&a=0434021113" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important;margin:0!important;" />

I really enjoyed this book. It was very different, you really felt you 'knew' the characters , It was a great story, it had twists and turns, and the ending wasn't at all predictable. I heartily recommend it

Sunnie doesn't want to take on this case she just wants to be left alone but that is really bad for her state of mind. Her friend Beau has gotten her a case and it involves trying to find a young girl that had been kidnapped. The grandmother has lots of money but she is kind of nasty but she is grieving as her daughter and grandson were killed on the same day as well. Sunni agrees to help but the more she digs the stranger things become and it brings up memories from her childhood days. Her mother belonged to a cult and it took Sunnie & her brother ages to get away and that really messed her up so can she get her act together to find this young girl before it is too late? Unfortunately Sunnie can't seem to keep herself out of trouble as the local cops get involved and she almost gets killed so the heat is up and she won't back down now. But what is really going on here? Once the truth comes out it really shakes things up. I really like Sunnie she is a mess but she never gives up, she might pity herself but she gets things done. I hope that she finds peace eventually.

I am a bit of a Kathy Reichs fan, so was very keen to read this book introducing the brand new protagonist, Sunday Night. I have definitely not been disappointed.
Sunday Night, ex-military, ex-cop and damaged by being raised in a cult, is persuaded by her foster father to become involved in the search for a missing girl - one who may have been abducted by a cult herself - in an attempt to get Sunday back on an even keel.
The story is fast paced and with good characters - I particularly enjoyed the sibling rivalry between Sunday and her brother, Gus. Some of Sunday's witty repartee even reminded me a bit of Philip Marlowe.
Another winner from Kathy Reichs and I will certainly be happy to read more in this series.

She just gets better and better, great characters and solid plot. A really good read

Disappointing! Boring story and awful writing. Loved the Temperance Brennan series but this feels like it was written by someone else.

Private Investigator Sunday Night has expertly buried a past and secrets creating an isolated life, void of meaningful relationships or feelings. But when a girl vanishes in the aftermath of a bomb and the family turns to Sunnie to track down Stella, she finds herself unable to ignore the plea.
Unsure whether she’ll find a dead body or a hostage, Sunnie must confront her own demons if she hopes to unravel the truth behind the explosion. Her investigation leads to a deadly group with a much more sinister plot in play than a kidnapped girl, and they’ll stop at nothing to see it through.
Two Nights departs from Kathy Reichs’ beloved Temperance Brennan to introduce readers to a new, tough-as-nails heroine. I generally devour her books and as a fan of Tempe, I couldn’t wait to see what Reichs delivered in this stand-alone novel. Unfortunately, it did not live up to her other work.
For the most part, readers follow the protagonist in first-person point of view (POV) as Sunnie tracks a deranged cult. Occasionally, the story breaks to a third-person POV referred to only as “she.” Here things became extremely convoluted. The story contains two characters who look alike and share painfully similar pasts — either of which could be “she.” The setup of the story, led me to believe “she” was one of those characters only to discover at the very end I was wrong. This led to major confusion, some people seemingly acting out of character, and a failure to empathize and understand the motives of others. In retrospect, I’m not sure whether her identity was vague due to the author’s failed attempt to increase the mystery and suspense or due to poor execution. Either way, the effect remained the same — a perplexing read with hard-to-connect-to characters.
Knowing what I know now and having who-is-who sorted out, I would probably enjoy the novel the second time around. Unfortunately, a reader can’t go through a book once to figure it out and a second time to actually enjoy it.
I struggled to connect with Sunnie and understand her choices and dogged pursuit that at times crossed over into recklessness until about the last ten pages when everything finally comes to light. Sadly, in a 400-page book, that comes 390 pages too late. This could have easily been remedied had some elements been handled differently.
All of this, paired with sections that dragged as characters discussed layouts, logistics, and potential attack plans often led my focus to wander. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t completely dismiss Two Nights. Fans of Reichs’ might like giving this a try. Despite a lackluster first read, I’ll probably still give it another shot down the road.

New characters but still the high level of quality thrillage. looking forward to more.

Love Kathy Reichs. Read everything she writes. Great new protagonists. Look forward to reading more of their adventures.

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I have read all of this authors books and this one was just as good as the rest

Kathy Reichs is one of my 'go to' authors for crime, the Bones series is intelligently written, Tempe Brennan is top of her game - but forget all that, this is NOT Bones rehashed, this is completely different. If this were a team game of any description Tempe Brennan and Sunday Night would be on different teams, maybe even on different fields.
That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it, yes you have to suspend reality, this is not firmly rooted in reality like Bones, think more, Stephanie Plum ... on acid ... with a dark side. And then, grab Sunday's and August's coat tails and come along for the ride, it's a doozie.
Thanks to Netgalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This standalone introduces us to the rather mysterious Sunday Night, a former Detective injured in the line of duty. She receives a request from the affluent Opaline Drucker who lost most of her family when a bomb exploded at her grandchildren's school. Her Daughter and grandson died in the blast but her granddaughters body was never found and a year later, she will stop at nothing to know what happened to her.
Sunday is such an interesting character, almost living as a recluse on an island with no proper road access, disfigured and scarred from an awful injury, she almost feels a kinship to Opaline's granddaughter and as with other character's we've come to know and love in Kathy's other books, I immediately invested in Sunday and although this is completely different to any of Kathy's previous books, her raw talent and natural way of writing made the story flow brilliantly, with a twist or two and plenty of action to keep the reader interested.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book, and personally would love to see more with Sunday as the protagonist.

I have read and enjoyed some of the Temperance Brennan series by this author so I was pleased to receive this arc from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
It was an easy read about a PI called Sunnie Night who is hired to find the kidnapped granddaughter of a wealthy elderly woman, Opaline Drucker. Sunnie lives a reclusive life having left the police force after a shooting and she suffers mental health issues due to her own difficult background which is gradually revealed as the novel progresses.
To help her find out if Opaline's granddaughter, Stella, is alive she recruits her own brother, Gus and then spends her time racing across America with him in pursuit of the bombers who murdered Stella's mother and brother and possibly kidnapped her.
Sunnie's first person narrative is interspersed with flashbacks of a young girl escaping from somewhere and the reader assumes this might be Stella. These parts are written in italics to differentiate them from the main story. I found these sections of the book overly detailed and I did skim read these a bit without detracting too much from the plot
There were quite a lot of characters in the book and I had to keep stopping to work out who they were. The story generally moved at a fast pace with short sentences so it was quite quick to read.
Sunnie was quite a difficult and prickly person who had obviously been deeply affected by her past whereas her brother seemed a lot more laid back, Both had suffered in the same way but the outcome for each of them was quite different.
This was an enjoyable read and although it is described as a stand alone novel I could see it as part of a series in the future as it had that feel to it.