Member Reviews

A free copy of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Don't Stop Me Now is the story of Poppy, who instead of having the career and boyfriend and house that she's been planning for, ends up dumped, passed over for her dream job and living back at home with her mum and stepdad.
I did enjoy reading this book, although it seemed like it couldn't quite work out what kind of ending it wanted to have - sad or happy and romantic. Poppy was a great character to read and I liked the fact that she didn't have it all together, but that her priorities were never really about having a boyfriend, even though you do root for everything to work out with Tom. It was nice to read about someone who mainly wanted to be able to sort herself out, get a job she was happy with and reconnect with her friends. Coleman portrays Poppy's dilemmas and and the issues around mental health well. It does somewhat bother me though that things keep turning out well for Poppy even when it seems slightly unreasonable and too easy.
I enjoyed reading this though and sped through it fairly quickly. 4 stars.

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I was literally just sat here about to start this review, thinking about all the things I want to get done this morning and how I know I can do it, if I just Don't Stop Now, i'm not even joking, those were my exact thoughts. Great segue, don't you think?! :)
I fell in love with this book, like actually head over heels in love with it. This being Colleen Coleman's debut book, it was a new voice I was listening to and I was absolutely blown away by it.

Don't Stop Me Now, is a story about Poppy Bloom. She has spent the last ten years immersed in her education. Her future, her plans, her life revolve around her PhD and getting a job at her University. It's the life she knows and loves and she never wants to leave. So what is Poppy to do when her future, her plans and her life don't turn out the way she had hoped? Can she pick herself up? Can she find something else she loves? Can she prove to herself that she's more than capable of making changes but still do what she's always wanted to do? Well, she's about to find out.

Firstly, I felt like Colleen Coleman was writing this book for me. You know when a book just captivates you because you're turning the pages and nodding your head simultaneously, as every word sinks in and speaks to you? With Poppy being a psychologist, the book was full of so much advice, inspiration and encouraging words, that I couldn't help but feel moved. When Poppy gave advice, I listened and when Poppy learnt something new about life or herself, I felt empowered. It was like every scene, every pivotal moment of the story, were moments where I could stand up alongside Poppy and shout 'Eureka! We get it!'

Poppy herself was lovely. I liked how she valued her education and how at twenty nine, she was thrown into the big bad world again and had to decide whether it was going to eat her up and spit her out or whether she was going to grab it with both hands and show it what she was capable of. She inspired me because every situation she faced, she didn't pity herself or allow it to consume her for too long. She looked at it, accepted it and then challenged it head on. I got so invested in what she was going to do that I was on the edge of my seat, hoping everything would work out for her. There were some moments that I was actually close to tears because of the emotion behind her getting to where she wanted to be and even just in the moments where she realized where she wanted to be. There were quite a few up and down moments but I loved how she came up with plans to tackle them. Like everyone, she did get freaked out and scared but then she did what she had to do.

There were a couple of times when I wanted to shake Poppy and be like "No Poppy, this is not want you want, don't trust your former best friend and sink to her level." and "Poppy you're twenty nine, don't try and get your Mum back by telling her you are moving out, just do your laundry." but overall I really liked and connected with her. Besides, the latter point, Poppy did listen to her Mum, which I loved. They had a very sweet relationship, which helped me relate to Poppy more. She loved her Mum and even when she could have been moody teenager, she did what her Mum told her to do, which was a big plus for me.

As well as Poppy, we are treated to a cast of colourful, lovely and warm characters, from Poppy's high school best friend, Leanne and her gorgeous twin brother Tom, to Poppy's step dad Frank and her netball team. There is something to be taken from each of them.

If you are looking for a funny, emotional, inspirational and powerful read, then I urge you to pick up a copy of 'Don't Stop Me Now.' It's a brilliant debut by Colleen Coleman.

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Don't Stop Me Now is the debut novel from Colleen Coleman - a book I'd been excited about for quite some time. It's always fun to discover new authors, and the new novel from Colleen - who scooped the Novelicious Undiscovered People's Choice Award - has been one to watch.

Poppy Bloom - well, Doctor Poppy Bloom, now that she has just obtained her PhD in Psychology - has life planned out. With big dreams of life in academia, Poppy is set on gaining a fellowship at prestigious Banbridge University, a feat she has worked incredibly hard for ten years to achieve, along with her handsome boyfriend Gregory.

However, life doesn't always go as planned - and Poppy's dreams are quashed on graduation day when she doesn't get the top spot. And to make it worse, she's dumped by Gregory.

Poppy has no choice but to head back home to her parents' house, unemployed and with no backup plan. Faced with the prospect of a future vastly different from the one she envisioned, Poppy takes each day as it comes, gradually breaking free from her moping and reconnecting with old friends. When she runs into old schoolfriend Leanne, she finds herself accepting some much-deserved social time. And not to mention meeting up with Leanne's lovely brother Tom...

When a radio phone-in makes Poppy irate, her response causes a host of comments and feedback from the public, leading Poppy to an internship offer. Soon, she's a radio agony aunt, with new friends - and she even finds herself joining a netball team. It may not be the dream she'd prepped herself for, but Poppy soon realises that things don't have to go as planned to be perfect.

Don't Stop Me Now is an inspiring, feel-good read that I'd personally recommend to anyone who has wondered about their chosen life path. (And let's face it, that's a lot of us!)

At first, I really didn't like Poppy; she came across as quite rude and superior, especially to her mother, who seemed to only want to help. I almost put the book down because I really disliked her, though Colleen's wonderfully witty writing style kept me reading. However, her attitude changed throughout the book, and I did start to like her more, and was extremely glad I gave her a chance. Her attitude quickly diminished, revealing a determined, smart and headstrong character who pushed on through, even when her life was turned upside down in the space of one day. Poppy took it all in her stride, and ended up with a whole new life adventure.

My only issue with this book was that I did find it be a bit preachy in places - a bit too much 'you go girl!' for my liking. It just seemed to get a bit grating after a while. Though that's just my personal opinion.

Don't Stop Me Now is a wonderful and promising debut. Colleen Coleman is a highly talented writer and I look forward to her future books.

Rating: 4/5

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I was given an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review by Bookouture, Coleen Colemans publisher. This is something which I am more than happy to do.

Poppy Bloom has spent ten years working towards her goal of a Doctorate and her dream job as professor at Bainbridge University where she studied. She has it all planned out, down to the decor and new shelving for her books.

She is the highest performing student and the job is in the bag only for her world to come crashing down around her ears on graduation day. Her live as she knows it changes instantly - she now has no job, no home and absolutely no idea what to do so escapes home with her mum and step father.

I loved this book, Poppy is an absolute delight - her confidence couldn't get any lower as she finds out her boyfriend and best friend have got it together whilst celebrating the professorships they've been awarded - her professorship that is! It doesn't get any better when a visit to the job centre seems to seal her fate, she has qualifications that even the job centre staff don't understand - her only hope is to try and wangle another job, somehow back at the university.

Back home, she has the support of her mum and step dad and a shopping trip puts her back in contact with a childhood friend Leanne and her twin Tom a boy she had a crush on at school. Her first encounter with him is hilarious, I chuckled out loud as I am want to do in the office.

Fate has a wonderful way of hitting you for six and putting your life in turmoil but when you're down the only way is up and Coleen Coleman has given Poppy her wings - bit by bit she claws her way back up and ends up with a life that is so far from her dreams she never would have thought it possible.

I loved this book, it was such good fun, I laughed and smiled throughout - Don't Stop Me Now is like a tonic, we don't always know what we want in life, we think we do but things happen for a reason and sometimes the reality is much nicer. A fab, ready that has depth, fun characters, love and laughter - a perfect book to lift your spirits and make you smile.

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Oh my goodness, how much did I love this book, from first page to last!! Hard to believe that it is the debut novel by this author, but it is :)

Poppy Bloom is in a spot of trouble: she has finally finished her PhD after ten long years of hard study, and somehow her dream job hasn't materialised. So, what does a girl do who has the rug pulled out from under her? Pick herself up, and be open to whatever comes her way, that's what! Poor Poppy has a bit of a bumpy road ahead of her, but along the way she figures out what is really important in life and discovers that people she thought had her back, were really skillfully putting knives in it.

There is nothing to fault about this book whatsoever; the characters are well written with plenty of depth, the story flows beautifully and it evokes many different emotions along the way, which is why I gave it five stars. Such a gorgeous read, I read it pretty much in one go, delaying my dinner by two hours because I just HAD to finish it.

I can't wait to read more of Colleen Coleman's books, when she writes them. No pressure, of course ;)

Highly recommended read.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture.

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Poppy Bloom has just received her doctorate and thinks she has cracked it. An excellent degree, a brilliant PhD and now on to the fellowship she has dreamed of. Until it all goes wrong and more. This is a well written light-hearted story of picking yourself up when all about you is falling to pieces. How often have we all been there? Poppy is a down to earth woman of 29 and now panicking that the world has left her behind whist she was in academia. She has her head screwed on, she thinks and then finds that the world is not quite as she thought. I was in need of a smile and a pick-me-up and this gave it in spades. I loved it. Poppy overcomes things we all face in one form or another and so can be in her shoes. I smiled, I almost cried (with memories)and I definitely relaxed, For a really heartwarming, uplifting read with a smile you can’t go far wrong. A light, relaxing read with an academic as the main part- that’s one different approach. I look forward to more from Colleen and possibly Poppy Bloom (love that name!)
I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased

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When I saw this book, it was the cover that appealed to me, as I had never heard of the author before. Once I'd read the blurb to the book, it was quickly established that the whole book was appealing and I was looking forward to reading it.

And read it I did, in real quick time too, I just could not put it down, was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. I turned each page, wondering what would happen next. It was a delightful wonderful read, with truly laugh out loud moments. I also found it to be quite inspiring and heart warming.

The whole story was truly well written, with wonderful thought out characters that were really believable. I actually didn't want the story to end.

I owuld highly recommend this book to fans of Carole Matthews, Jill Mansell, Lindsey Kelk and Paige Toon.

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This is an onwards and upwards story all the way through, despite the setbacks the protagonist faces. Her problems don't seem dire or very large (although actually they were), and I think this is down to Poppy's continued and increasing successes and achievements. I particularly liked the fact that she sometimes makes her own opportunities and sometimes has opportunities thrust upon her. Whichever way, each time her life changes, it changes for the better and she comes to realise that not being given what she wants is actually a good thing.

The MC's learning curve and development is quite steep and all the way through this book I was infused with good feelings that everything would come together for Poppy in the end, but maybe not in a way she could have predicted.

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A fun, fast-paced, well written novel.

Meet Poppy. She's just graduated with honours, completed her PhD at the ripe young age of 29, and is ready to jump right into academia only to learn (publically, at graduation no-less, in front of EVERYONE) that she isn't being granted the Fellowship.

In complete shock, Poppy returns to her mother's home with her tail between her legs ready to sulk in despair... when things start to change.

This is a story about a woman who is faced with defeat and rather than give into it (and all her self-doubt) she decides to step outside her comfort zone. With the encouragement of old friends, her family and complete strangers, Poppy becomes the person she never knew she could be.

There's obviously a little love story thrown in for good measure (who doesn't love a little romance in chick-lit), but not enough to make the reader want to gag. And the story is about so much more than Poppy ending up in a relationship. It's about HER. How she see's herself, how she takes care of the people around her, how she is able to take a chance.

It's a feel good, lovely read. You'll be cheering for the "Assassins" (what chick-lit is complete without some netball thrown in for fun), and cheering on Poppy.

If you enjoy Marian Keyes and the book The Year I Met You - then this is definitely a read for you. I'm looking forward to more Colleen Coleman books in the future.

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If you’re anything like me, as soon as you read the title of this book, a familiar song began to invade your head, with its upbeat rhythm no one can resist. The mere sight of this book made me happy, with its inspiring title and joyful colors. I think it’s the first time a book has such an effect on my mood before I even opened it!

Poppy has always had a plan. Ten years of study later, she’s about to open the door to the life she has been dreaming of, with her best friend and her boyfriend by her side. Except… The door is ajar and as soon as she approaches, it is slammed shut in her face! She is stuck on the other side without the key. Have you ever felt that way? I know I did! I had big plans and my future figured out, I knew exactly what I wanted and how to get it. I did everything; the long nights of studying, the almost non-existent social life, the extra work, I embraced the academic path and thought it was where I belonged. Poppy’s story is my story. This is why I felt she was a long-time friend from the beginning. I could see myself in her, in her youthful hope and those eyes sparkling with the anticipation of her vision of life coming true. The author described this student life bubble so well I was back in my dorm.

Poppy is such an easy character to love. She is 29, she has a complicated but somehow happy family life, she knows life through books and research, she has this sweet gullibility that comes with first-row students I know so well. Yep, I was the first of my class and lots of others thought it came naturally when I spent my nights studying like crazy! But Poppy is also so relatable, she is smart but in an endearing way, not in a “I’m crushing you all with my super IQ” way. No one likes those girls!

But then, Poppy is thrown away into real life with a rather nasty kick in the butt! Bye bye the cosy university, with its big safe walls, job opportunities and dream life. From here, we meet jobless and hopeless Poppy, with a broken heart and no opportunities on sight.

Sad, right? Well, not with this book! No matter what you find between those pages, humor is at all the right places!! The only tears you’ll get from Don’t Stop Me Now will be from laughing too hard!

Poppy is a typical girl, she wallows, she doesn’t want to get out, she thinks her life is over. Then she unwillingly moves her bottom and, miracle, there’s life outside of her narrow idea of what her future would look like! No, she doesn’t see the best in her situation, no, she doesn’t like being back at her mother’s at 29, no, she doesn’t play the wise woman and believe there is a bright side. She is at a loss, she takes the hits and discovers the joys of unemployment. They call it adulting.

I think there is no real age to grow up and find yourself. They say after high school you just magically become an adult, and it’s true on paper, but it takes so much more to discover who you are and what you want, and that is what this book is about: expanding your horizons, breathing and stepping out of your comfort zone, kicking open doors that you thought were never there, and just get out there to just “be”. We’re lucky to get on this journey with Poppy and I better warn you: be prepared to chuckle, laugh out loud and choke on your crisps, because Poppy is the perfect example of so many young adults right now. She’s a breath of fresh air. Her reactions, her sweetness, her doubts, everything in her makes you fall for her and her attitude starts to change as she realizes the world is bigger than what she thought.

Poppy grows in front of our eyes and her journey to find herself is very inspiring, it left me wanting more for myself, and it reminded me to not settle for less. Friendships, work, and even romance help our main character shape her new life, but the main focus is always on her, and thank the Book Good that Poppy is not the kind of girl who waits for her prince to save her. She’s a modern princess, looking for her place in the world and a good coffee place! Don’t get me wrong, a bit of romance is always a plus, but it is refreshing to see a protagonist fend for herself instead of getting the easy way with a “love cures all problems.”

I loved the message that comes with this story, that opening your eyes to look around you can make you so much happier than any dream you ever had for yourself. Because sometimes life’s dream for you is bigger and brighter than what you hoped for yourself. Different, but so right. We are pressured to succeed, academically, professionally, socially, by people and society’s standards and it can lead to disasters, people losing their way to fit into a mold they don’t belong to. This book reminds us there are so many ways to get where we need to be, we all need to be reminded each path is different but worth walking.

Don’t Stop Me Now is a hilarious tale of how life’s road and its bumps can lead you right where you belong.

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What a terrific book. Don't think for one minute that this is simply a rom com because oh my this is so much more.  Life isn't always fair, well to be honest it is the people in your life that complicate it really. That is the element that you just can not control no matter how  much you want something or even deserve it.
Poppy Bloom had mapped her life out, she excelled at University achieving the highest score ever,  so the employment position on offer there should have been hers, but when the person you have knocked off poll position is in charge then Poppy is the last person Dr. Burley  wanted to be on the team.  Poppy had kept her side of the bargain, she had worked hard and was even awarded the year's doctoral valedictorian of the psychology faculty of  Banbridge University, it was life that had let her down. Poppy hasn't got a back up plan so at almost 30 finds herself back at home in the bedroom she had thought had been left behind with teenage years. They say things come in threes and that couldn't be more true for Poppy as the following day she faces the betrayal of the two closest people to her. 
Being shell shocked and  jobless she picks herself up and goes off to the unemployment office. This is more than a frustrating encounter for Poppy but quite an hilarious one for me as a reader.  Having her doctorate compared to Captain Bird's eye just didn't give her confidence of being employed in the not too distant future.  Fate can lend a hand though when you least expect it, with a job and an encounter with an old friend Leanne, who has the most delish twin brother ever. Things are looking up for Poppy.  
This is a story of taking chances, true friendships and thinking of others not just yourself. It makes you feel good just to read it. It makes you think about the choices you make not just for yourself but how they impact other people too, in good ways and bad. Do you want to be a solo player thinking only of yourself or a team player. This is a real buck you up book that puts more than just a smile on your face.

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The title of Colleen Coleman's book intrigued me beyond belief as, despite the fact we know those four words from a well-known song, it made me curious to see what those words would mean in the storyline itself.

Seeing as I was in a really dark place before I began reading 'Don't Stop Me Now', I was really hopeful that the book would give me the escape I so desperately craved. As soon as I had finished the first chapter I knew for certain that it was going to be THE book for me.

Poppy Bloom has been working so hard to ensure that all her T's were crossed and I's were dotted, in regards to her studies at university. Poppy was adamant that she would end up leaving university with a ready made job and that her life was going to go exactly to plan. The thing is, we all know that life doesn't always (if ever) go to plan and unluckily for Poppy, she got to find out that her plan was no more, right in front of an audience. Double burn. No job. No home. No boyfriend. No income. No plans. That's enough to scare anyone really, isn't it? Well, lets just say that Poppy's buds BloomED. No, really...they did. Get your mind out of the gutter people!!

Some people may read this book and think that Poppy's lifestyle ended up unrealistic and unachievable (yes, I've been nosing), and you know what? I'm not one of those people. Yes, the things that happen to Poppy on a positive level DID make me envious, but did I think that it was unrealistic for people like us? No I didn't. If anything it gave me hope that good things DO actually happen to people, and going through a ton of bad things doesn't automatically mean that you're going to live a life of picking the short straw. Poppy left a life of organisation, a life where she had grown accustom to the ins and outs of her daily circumstances, a life where anything different meant that Poppy ticked it off as a 'don't like' thing.

The moment Poppy had to think about what she wanted, what her choices meant for those closely linked to her, how it felt to have a group of trusting friends; was the moment, for me, that Poppy flourished. As a reader who was so invested in the storyline and the characters I could have probably had a cameo in the book, I felt like I saw another side to Poppy's personality. Her humour was incredible and her heart was ginormous; she really is the type of character I would LOVE to have as a best friend!

I found the entire novel rather hilarious, so hilarious in fact that several giggles managed to escape at the most random moments. The storyline was so fun from the very start, and I was overjoyed to see that fun carry on right until the very end. It didn't lose momentum at all. The levels of sarcasm from Poppy's new/old-found friends was ON POINT. Several giggles and snorts escaped from my mouth at the moments, I have to be honest!

Before I started Colleen Coleman's novel I had a feeling it was going to be a good book;  what I didn't know though,  was exactly HOW good it was going to be. As the saying goes, it turned my 'frown upside down'. I have never felt so much joy and fun the entire length of a novel, as I have this one. I can't put my finger on exactly why that was, it just was...perfect.

'Don't Stop Me Now' is THE book to read right now. It's fun. It's flirty. It's sassy. It's hilarious. It's light. It's real. Colleen's words showed me that it is okay not to be okay, it's okay to not have your shizzmanizzle together as long as you DO get it together. Colleen showed me that it's okay to follow the right route for you, not the right route for everyone else. Most important, Colleen and Poppy (of course) showed me it doesn't matter how rocky the road is, all that matters is whether you have the right people helping you over those rocks.

Never mind buying a self-help book when you can buy 'Don't Stop Me Now'. I absolutely adored this book, and I absolutely adored Poppy. If you need (hah, we all need books) a book to buy yourself, I highly recommend 'Don't Stop Me Now' as it is just what Doctor Bookouture and Doctor TWG ordered. Oh, and it just happens to be in amongst my favourite books ever.
Colleen Coleman; YOU'RE AMAZEBALLS.

Thanks to Bookouture.

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What a delightful little surprise this book was! I shouldn’t be shocked, Bookouture have never disappointed me before, but when I say I was surprised I mean that this book had an altogether different vibe and overall message than I was expecting, in a very positive and lovely way!

Poppy was such an endearing character, she’s highly intelligent, a total type A personality, and really relatable. Even though she’s extremely smart, she’s not one of those people who is arrogant with it, she’s rather warm and approachable. She’s had her entire life mapped out for years, but on the day of her graduation, her perfect plans start to fall apart at the seams. Her boyfriend dumps her for her best friend, she loses her potential (and highly sought after) job, and finds herself almost thirty and living back at home. But instead of wallowing in self pity and binging Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry’s (like many chick lit heroines so often do) she decides to take the opportunity to try some new things and take some risks that may have a huge payoff for her in the end.

This was such an empowering read! Poppy has the BEST attitude, she was so brave in the face of adversity. She had several setbacks and she would allow herself to be upset for a short period of time, but then she would brush herself off and get back in the game. She tried new things, she let go of her fears, and she ended up learning so much about herself and having plenty of adventures along the way. While there is a bit of romance present it wasn’t heavily featured or the main storyline and I found that refreshing that Poppy focused more on herself and her own life than solely on a man. Yes, love and romance is important to her but it’s not the end all and be all of everything.

The message was so powerful, it’s about having self confidence and believing in what you can achieve. I think everyone could benefit from hearing that sort of thing from time to time and it made me feel unstoppable and inspired in the end. A portion of the books sales will be donated to mental health charities that help young people and I found that so touching, I think it says so much about the author as a person.

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Don’t stop me now is Colleen Coleman debut novel and wow what a truly inspiring and uplifting refreshing story this is!

In this story we meet Poppy Bloom who I totally loved and can relate to. After to finishing her PhD she hoped to walk straight into a job at her university. But finds herself unemployed, dumped by her boyfriend and living back at her mom’s. So has the saying goes onwards and upwards. She scores herself an internship at the hottest radio station in town, joins a netball team, and renews her friendship with her oldest friend Leanne. Spending time with Leanne’s gorgeous twin Tom is just a bonus.Poppy soon has to decide where her priorities lie… With new friends, a new career and a new romance, can Poppy keep everyone happy, or is everything about to tumble down around her?

What can I say there is nothing not to like about this book, It’s so funny you will be crying with laughter. It is a quick and easy read where you really feel part of the story. At times my heart went out to Poppy but she a person that when things kick you in the teeth she got up fighting. She is an absolutely delightful, lovely person.

A story is about love, friendship, second chances and dreams. A brilliant heart warming feel good read that had me hooked from start to finish. Which I highly recommend giving it 4 stars

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Bookouture can really do no wrong for me. I have yet to pick up any type of book from them that I didn't just love! And this book is no exception. Touted as a rom-com, it feels more like a coming of age contemporary novel. Filled with laugh out loud moments, it touches on what happens when your best laid plans fall apart unexpectedly and you're pushed completely out of your comfort zone.

Poppy has spent the majority of her life in school, prepping herself for a future with her boyfriend, Gregory, and a career in psychology with a research job at her university. She has done everything expected of her to lead her to this goal. Her best friend, Hannah, along with Gregory, make the perfect threesome to move forward in their single minded goals. First in her class, her mentor encouraging her the whole way, what could possibly go wrong? Everything! Not only does she not get the job offer, Gregory breaks up with her and Hannah betrays her by sleeping with and then starting a relationship with him. And that's only the beginning. Now she's back living at home trying to navigate her life. It turns out, change can be a good thing and if you just put yourself out there, who knows what (or who) will land at your feet.

I truly enjoyed this entire novel. Second chances, unexpected friendships and love - life coming at you from all sides. How would you handle your life being turned upside down? Poppy certainly doesn't do it gracefully, but she does do it humanly and for that, I fell in love with her.

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A 5 star fabulous funny read! This book really pulled me from my mid-March mojo-zapped mehness and had me trapped in it's friendly hug from the first page.

You are initially introduced to bookish, straight-laced Poppy; after years of hard work she is about to graduate from her PhD and her foolproof future is set, except like all foolproof futures it is absolutely not foolproof. Revelations, twists, risks, cringe-moments and laughs galore fill the pages with Poppy's transcendence from Riches to Rags and everything that follows after chasing your dreams, answering letters and a good arse-kicking from your Mum.

The thing I loved most about this book was how it weaves hope and resurgence through difficult times and shows how support, courage and not giving in to despair can make life ultimately more meaningful. It was impressive to see a range of difficult mental health topics covered including addiction, loneliness and anxiety, and how everyday these issues can be hiding in plain sight and yet have such a profound effect.

With a great way of writing that is relatable, genuinely funny and emotionally charged Colleen Coleman is now firmly established as a favourite of mine and I look forward to what's to follow; I personally need a spin-off book about Astral who sounds like my spiritual twin!

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Don't Stop Me Now

I absolutely LOVED this book!! It was a great, easy read that I genuinely couldn't put down. I was there with Poppy, going through all the trials and tribulations that she experienced after being cocooned in a decade of academia!

I loved Coleman's writing and the messages she sent through this. I was chuckling throughout the book, and there are parts where I was literally laughing out loud! It's so witty and fun, truly one of the best books I've ever read in this genre, with a message throughout that you should never give up. 5 solid and shiny stars...can't wait for the next offering from Coleman!

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Just finished reading this fantastic book and decided I needed to start writing this review while I still had a huge smile on my face, some tears in my eyes and my feels all over the place. Everything in order for y’all to better understand my love for this book.

Poppy’s life was going pretty good until a few moments ago. She had the best friend ever, the most amazing boyfriend, she was named valedictorian of the psychology faculty and most importantly, she was about to nail her dream job. Everything she had worked so hard for was about to become reality. But life happens and your entire life can change in a matter of minutes and that’s exactly what happened to Poppy.
She didn’t get offered her dream job even though it was basically a sure thing, instead her best friend and boyfriend got offered that job. And so much for the most amazing boyfriend! He broke up with Poppy over a text message that same day. And to put a cherry on top of it all, her so-called best friend slept with that one coward who was her boyfriend just hours ago. Now she’s an unemployed twenty-nine year old with absolutely no work experience and she’s back to living with her mother.
Lucky for Poppy, when one door closes another one opens. And one door sure as heck opened for her. Soon enough she has her life back on track and everything’s going swimmingly. But if everything’s going so swimmingly, how come Poppy keeps having some crazy bad dreams? Are they warning her something bad is about to happen? What do they mean? Perhaps it is time for Poppy to face the music.

Why did I love this book so much? Because of EVERYTHING. Every letter, every comma, every period. I’m not kidding. There’s not one thing I didn’t like.

Poppy is the realest character out there. She’s very lovely, funny, intelligent, kinda lazy and so oh-so-darn relatable. Throughout the story I found myself knowing exactly what she was going through, because even though there’s a ten-year difference between Poppy and me, I’ve also gone through some moments where I feel like everyone has their life in order and everyone’s always rushing to move out of their parents house and marry and have a family and be happy while I’m still standing in my mom’s kitchen wondering if I should make a sandwich or eat cereal. Lately it seems like the majority of the young people (myself included until I read this book) think that life literally ends when they turn 30. As if when the clock turns 12:01 on their 30th birthday then all of a sudden they have a bad knee and a head full in grey hair and if they don’t have the perfect house and the perfect family then it is too late.

I can not even tell y’all how much I love the whole aesthetic of Don’t Stop Me Now. Love the theme, the cover, the title. UGH. I don’t think I’ve ever loved those things about a book until now. And when I got to the part where I discovered why it was called that way, I swear I was about to cry. And that’s never happened before. It was an amazing feeling.

My favorite part was definitely the last 75% of the book. It was full of laughs and tears and I couldn’t stop reading to save my life. The whole book is a page turner but those last chapters, oh man, I was unable to stop.

The only thing about the book I think people might complain about is that it actually doesn’t have a whole lot of romance in it. I could probably count the romantic scenes in Don’t Stop Me Now with just one hand. But I really didn’t mind because this book is much more than just a simple romantic comedy. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

All in all, this book was very inspirational. At least it was inspirational to me. It reminded me that I have to value those people who are always there to help me and keep me going because without those helping hands it would be very easy to get lost in my own head.
I recommend it to everyone. Everyone should read this great book.
Colleen Coleman is an author I’m definitely going to keep up with.

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