Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the book. Loved the story plot and twists. Approachable characters, realistic situations. Some descriptions or story „fillers” were tiny bit too long, but in overall - very good book and I’d read more by the author. Thank you, great job!

Contemporary setting with a futuristic classist structure and a murder mystery at its heart. The inability to recall more than one or two days at a time means that It's an intriguing tale quirkily told and compelling in its unravelling.

I don't know what to say. I didn't enjoy this book and I truly wanted to. It's difficult to pinpoint where it stopped working.

I tried to like this book but couldn't get in to it. Netgalley feedback ratios demand each book is rated even if not finished, so I will give it 2 stars as it's not the author's fault.

I just couldn't get into this. It took a while to really get going, and the writing wasn't good enough to keep me gripped and really invested in the story. I wanted to love it, as the reviews had drawn comparisons with Gone Girl which I absolutely loved. A great concept but just not executed well.

A unique story that was quite interesting, but it did take me awhile to get into it and felt like a chore to finish
Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

In a time when you either have two days worth of memories or one day of memory will Mark and Claire’s relationship bear the test of time when a murder involving them happens. Diaries kept to remember previous days don’t seem to add up to Claire. Can she trust the man she’s known all these years? Can she piece together along with the Detective just what really happened?
A clever concept which takes you on an ingenious journey. I liked how those with one day memories are considered inferior to those with a two day memory and how a class/cast system raises its ugly head.
An enjoyable book.

At times my memory is shocking but the idea of not remembering anything more than yesterday scares me. I loved SJ Watson’s Before I Go To Sleep and the Guy Pearce film Memento where the leads both don’t know anything other than what happened that day. So Yesterday was a little bit of a twist in this with some people remembering the previous day and others remembering the two previous.
I really felt for Claire. I got the impression Mark didn’t love her. He was using her for whatever strange means he had. But then Mark in his narrative would say something to make me doubt his dismissiveness.
As the lead police investigator, Hans was a great character. His determination to solve crimes in a day got him respect from his peers. The idea everyone has a record of what they did on certain days or could search for thoughts or interactions with others should make the investigation easier but the truth may not always be recorded in iDiary or the old fashioned paper equivalents…
Yap kept the pace up with the changes of perspective. I jumped from the mind of Claire to Hans to Mark to Sophia before going back to another character but there was no pattern.
As Yesterday climaxed and I found out who the killer was, I thought it was all wrapped up but then Yap threw in a final curveball which just was stunning! Loved that little gift to round off the book!
For me, Yesterday is a clever dystopian based thriller. It’s a twist on a police procedural, creating a parallel modern world and in that world the police’s job is extra difficult. Brilliant read!

An ok 3 star review from me. Well thought out storyline however at times lacked a bit of oomph for me!

Such a unique and interesting book! It reminded me of the likes of Before I Go To Sleep. How do you figure out the extent of the mystery and the deception when you can't remember it the following day?
I love a multiple POV book and it was the perfect writing style for this story.

An extremely clever stricture for a thriller and exploration of how much we rely on memory and how fickle a friend it can be. Ironically the kind of read I'll quite quickly forget though and be able to explore again soon.

An unusual and interesting idea, I had thought this would be more dystopian or scifi but it was actually more of a thriller or crime novel.
The background was quite easy to grasp, and I did like the central idea of this book. The thought that anyone who could remember everything ends up in a lunatic asylum was a good part of this book. That idea in particular did appeal to me, and it was a shame that more wasn't made of that. Perhaps it appealed to my liking for the dystopian/scifi side of this.

A unique take on the relationship between fact and memory, but there were just a few too many holes in the concept for me to be fully engaged with it.

I really enjoyed the premise of this book which divides people not by class but by memory, or there lack of and is centred around a murder. This book was so good. I couldn’t put it down because I had to know where the story was going next. I loved trying to workout what was happening myself before it happened. Because of the prologue you get a bit of an insight which means that the ending is a bit less shocking because you see it coming but it was still a good read.

I lost interest. This wasn’t the book I thought it would be. The writing wasn’t engaging and I felt it was written well but wasn’t as thought provoking as it could have been. DNF

I chose to read and review an eARC of Yesterday but that has in no way influenced my review.
Well this little beauty gave me a lot more than I was bargaining for! First thing to say is that Yesterday would make a cracking book club read (having absolutely no experience, or real knowledge, of book clubs myself!). It raises so many interesting and thought-provoking questions. A very compelling mystery from start to finish.
Claire Evans is a Mono. She and her husband, Mark, live in a world where memories don't last. You can either remember just yesterday, like Claire, or if you're like Mark and a Duo, you can remember two days ago. The rest of society is the same as the Evans'. They're nothing special. Humankind has no memory. Every day they record that day's events in their electronic diary. They learn 'Facts' to make sure some things are never forgotten. Duos are superior. Monos are treated as inferior. Their brains aren't as advanced as the Duos. That's just life.
One day a woman is found drowned in the River Cam. Before long the Police are on the Evans' doorstep asking Mark questions, as the woman, it turns out, was his lover. Claire is devastated. There has always been a divide between them. Not helped by the fact he's a Duo and she's a Mono. Mixed marriages aren't the norm. The lead Detective, Hans Richardson, has Mark pegged as the prime suspect. Now all he has to do is prove it. But how can Claire help her husband and prove he's innocent when she really can't remember...
I thoroughly enjoyed Yesterday. It was a fascinating read which hooked me in from early on and didn't let go until the final word. I was expecting a novel about a woman who perhaps, because of trauma or a medical condition, had a memory issue. What I got was a gripping mystery set in a different world where discrimination is rife and every character you meet is most definitely an unreliable narrator. I enjoyed the amount of thought and attention to detail Yap has put into her 'world'. The affect a very short memory has on the characters is utterly fascinating. I enjoyed seeing what they believed life would be like if you *could* remember everything that has happened to you throughout your life. How none of them would wish a full memory on not even their worst enemy. The devastation, destruction and the growth of evil such a thing could create, to them, was unimaginable.
I enjoyed spending time with Hans Richardson as he attempted to solve the case of the woman's murder in one day. It's not the most surprising of outcomes but there are a few twists in the tale along the way. The final twist felt a little (a teeny, tiny, smidge-like) too far-fetched for me but if you can't break the boundaries in fiction, when can you?
Would I recommend this book? I would, yes. Yesterday gave me so much more than I was expecting and I really enjoyed it. The discrimination shown to the Mono race had my blood boiling at times and I wanted to chuck my Kindle across the room. A well-written, imaginative, emotive, character-driven novel which made me think. I would certainly read more by this author. Recommended.
I chose to read and review an eARC of Yesterday. The above review is my own unbiased opinion.
**4.5 stars rounded up to 5 for Amazon, Goodreads and Waterstones**

Brilliant story line but also so sad I was so into this book I didn't want it to end when I finished the last word I took a deep breath and thought what shall I do now fantastic book well worth the read

Definitely high-concept, and well-written, but too much suspension of disbelief required to fully enjoy the story.

Yesterday by Felicia Yap is a story set in an alternate reality where people suffer from short time memory loss and have to keep a Diary to remember past events. I found the story interesting. A thriller about murder, infidelity and lies.

Unfortunately my reading tastes and review areas have changed since requesting this title and I will not be reviewing. Apologies for any inconvenience.