Member Reviews

A unique dystopia story. Kept me reading all night, just to finish this story. Kept me interested in the story and I loved the characters

I love the premise of the book, a story about people suffering from short term memory loss and having to write in a diary to remember the past. However, I did not connect with the book as much as I would have liked to!

How do you solve a murder when you only remember yesterday?
Imagine a world in which classes are divided not by wealth or religion but by how much each group can remember. Monos, the majority, have only one day’s worth of memory; elite Duos have two. In this stratified society, where Monos are excluded from holding high office and demanding jobs, Claire and Mark are a rare mixed marriage. Clare is a conscientious Mono housewife, Mark a novelist-turned-politician Duo on the rise. They are a shining example of a new vision of tolerance and equality—until…
...a beautiful woman is found dead, her body dumped in England’s River Cam. The woman is Mark’s mistress, and he is the prime suspect in her murder. The detective investigating the case has secrets of his own. So did the victim. And when both the investigator’s and the suspect’s memories are constantly erased—how can anyone learn the truth?
Told from four different perspectives, that of Mark, Claire, the detective on the case, and the victim—Felicia Yap’s staggeringly inventive debut leads us on a race against an ever-resetting clock to find the killer. With the science-fiction world-building of Philip K. Dick and the twisted ingenuity of Memento , Yesterday is a thriller you’ll never forget.

As I enjoyed before I let you go and similarly themed books I really enjoyed this. It ticks all the boxes for a book of this type. Not too deeply written, some twists but nothing too brain heavy!

Unfortunately, I just didn’t take to this book. It’s almost too clever for its own good. At its core, it’s a classic mystery, but it’s got a bit of alternative reality and science fiction thrown in, too. It started well, but quickly went downhill and by the end, I didn’t care what happened to any of the characters or their motivations. I don’t care how clever your idea is, if you can’t create characters readers will be invested in, then it’s never going to work. This book just wasn’t for me.

Beyond my usual genre, well written but ultimately not to my taste.
And yet it unsettled me- a society divided by memory not by money or class. It disturbed me but I felt the book was one big metaphor for our society as is.
It’s also a murder mystery but tbh I couldn’t have cared less about the mystery, the theme was just too out there for me.
Over all a thought provoking book that left an impression on me. But not my typical fare.
Sci-fi fans will I’m sure appreciate this voice.

In this alternate Britain (world?), there are 2 types of people. They are differentiated by what they can remember in short term memories. Monos, can only remember what happened today and need a reminder of what happened yesterday; duos can remember both days. Bot people use Apple idiaries to record the important happenings of each day. Duos are only 30% of the population but hold the best jobs, monos are limited to lower paid often manual labour. The two types don't marry each other, except that the couple in the story have - and for 20 years.
I found myself strangely reluctant to read to the end as the novelist is clearly writing it as a political statement - see the section about the 10 things you must know about a world where people would have full short term memory recall. Not all of which statements I agree with, but some certainly resonate.
The premise of the novel about the issues and short term memory just didn't grab me as a metaphor for religion, race, ethnicity, skin colour or whatever Yap was intending it to be. I prefer these stories to be more straightforward.

An original and thoroughly enjoyable thriller with a great tag line. “How do you solve a murder when you only remember….Yesterday”

I enjoyed Yesterday by Felicia Yap. Set in an alternate reality where people suffer from short time memory loss and have to keep a diary to remember past events.
The story is told through the view points of four different people. The concept is fascinating. I found this to be an interesting thriller with murder, infidelity and lies. The characters are fantastic and set within a brilliant plot. I was intrigued from the start.
An excellent debut novel for this author which will appeal to readers of fantasy, sci-fi and young-adult readers.
Thank you to NetGalley, Headline and Felicia Yap for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

This is a really good book. Slightly odd dystopian world, where people have very limited memories - either one day (mono) or two-days , and have to keep a daily record in a journal to 'remember', and learn facts. The author has obviously thought about some of the fine details of this, and that skill shines through in this book. And balanced with that, it is a really good storyline. Well done.

You simply cannot put this book down (well, except for coffee to help you read it through the night). it is fast paced and by the time you are done, you feel like you've been physically running.

Yesterday by Felicia Yap has a really interesting premise. It kept me gripped throughout. And I loved the cover!

Sophia is unique. Rather than being a “normal” Mono or Duo, she can remember everything; her entire past and everything that happens to her every day. And in plenty of sordid detail. We quickly learn that Sophia is out for revenge. And being the only person who can remember everything in her past, it seems Sophia has an advantage over everyone else. But she is also dead. And her lover, author Mark Henry Evans, is the chief suspect. With Detective Hans Richardson investigating the case, he turns to Sophia’s iDiary. He quickly writes it off as deluded, fictional, crazy nonsense. But he keeps reading and wondering “what if?”... desperate to solve the crime before the end of the day, Detective Richardson follows the only lead he has to try and uncover the truth of Sophia’s murder.
I’m so torn with this book. The concept is just strange and I struggled to get onboard with it. I couldn’t understand how it would work and having read the whole book, I’m still not sure I understand. There’s a few holes in the concept in my opinion. For example, what is it that resets the clock? Midnight like Cinderella?! Or when the person goes to sleep? Why would memory affect society’s class?
On the other hand, there is something so enjoyably perverse about reading other people’s diaries that at times I couldn’t put the book down! Of course the key to this book is the truth and how much of the truth people allow themselves to remember and admit to themselves. The book starts to twist and turn as we find out the different character accounts and at times it is hard to keep up with the plot as a whole.
Yesterday is a different and interesting concept but one that I’m not sure fully works. It’s interestingly scandalous but feels a little flat.
Thank you to Felicia Yap, NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book has some fantastic characters and a brilliant plot line – it has murder, lies and infidelity and had me gripped from the beginning!
The story is set in an alternate reality where people suffer from short time memory loss and have to keep an idiary to remember past events – it is a gripping book and definitely a story like none I have read before, I loved the concept and it is a really interesting book to read.
I loved that we are told the story through the view points of four different people. I don’t want to give too much away of the plot but I will say it wasn’t really what I expected so read it with an open mind from the outset to get the most enjoyment out of the story!
4.5 stars from me rounded up to 5 stars for Amazon and Goodreads – very highly recommended!!

I read this ages ago and never posted a review - it never really stuck with me and maybe it just wasn’t for me, the concept was promising but didn’t deliver for me.

Thanks to netgalley for the opportunity to have read an entertaining read. The book was a little bit of more sci-fi than I would normally read, but it was still a great read and the basic story line of only remembering yesterday was entertaining. I won't discuss the plot, as it will done to death, but it was a good solid read and worth your time and effort.

I enjoyed the beginning of Yesterday by Felicia Yap and I found it was a good idea at first but then became an disappointing read, which just did not work for me. Sorry.
Thank you to Headline/Wildfire and Netgalley for sending me an ARC in return for an honest review.

Plot: In a world where half the population only remembers yesterday (“Monos”) and the rest only remember the day before that too (“Duos”), how can a murder be solved? A body is found in the river Cam, and her lover, Mark, a Duo, appears to be implicated in it. At the same time, we read the story from the detective on the case – a hidden Mono in a Duo’s job, Mark’s wife – a Mono, and the victim, who has a big secret of her own.
My thoughts: Another take on the world, and one that makes for a fascinating yet slightly confusing storyline – at least for the characters involved! I enjoyed this fast-paced thriller of a book where facts and memories are revealed to us bit by bit. I liked the solution to people being able to know where they are in the world with the virtual diaries they keep and the way this reflected on memories as being important possessions to keep under lock and key, and the way that they can so easily be manipulated or corrupted.
Each of the characters had their own interesting background that had brought them to where they are today and really fleshed them out. Oddly enough, I was convinced at points that the character of Sophia was written by someone different, even maybe a male perspective, but I guess that shows the skill of the writer that they can make each character’s voice very different. It was a good read and I’d recommend it.

Although I liked this book for it's mystery and the questions raised, I found it somewhat confusing to read, a bit too long and very unbelievable on many levels. I can of course cope with fiction and the fun it gives to a reader but this was too difficult to follow to be truly enjoyable.

Wow. I really enjoyed this book. I was intrigued by the blurb and found the whole thing exciting and fast-paced, especially trying to solve a murder in a day! The ending is surprising - you won't see the last few chapters coming! But it wraps it all up in a (kinda) neat bow. A really great read, perfect for those that like being left in the dark and mystery stories.