Member Reviews

In 2012, The Recovery Letters was launched to host a series of letters online written by people recovering from depression, addressed to those currently affected by a mental health condition. Addressed to 'Dear You', the inspirational and heartfelt letters provided hope and support to those experiencing depression and were testament that recovery was possible.
What a magnificent collection of letters addressed to Dear You and applicable to anyone going through depression and needs help but does not know where to turn. What a brilliant book.

An important but harrowing read. It's not for the feint hearted but is well worth the time to understand the subject of depression and its effects.

As a person who lives with bouts of self-diagnosed depression, I appreciated this book quite a bit. Suicide rates on Guam have been rising and it makes me wonder how many of those people could have been helped by a book like this. I'm currently not going through a gloomy episode but I can understand how someone who is going through it can be helped by the letters written in this book. Depression is like living in a dark and lonely bubble, where everything else around you is muted and seems unreachable, so having people who have been in their own bubbles and know what it feels like really does give you hope that one day your bubble will burst and you'll be "normal" again. I highly recommend this book to anyone who suffers from and/or knows someone who suffers from depression.

This is such a wonderful premise! Based on the website therecoveryletters.com, this book contains a collection of letters written by people who are recovering from depressive episodes. The letters to "Dear You" are addressed to those currently suffering. The writers have experienced different types of depression from post-partum to bi-polar and/or major clinical. Their basic message is the same: recovery from depression is possible and you're not alone. The letters offer alliance, understanding and reassurance from those who've been there to those who will be feeling completely isolated and hopeless or possibly totally numb at the time. Some writers provide details of what has worked for them. None are preachy or condescending.
They are all short letters allowing for the short attention span you experience when feeling unwell. It isn't a book that's meant to be read in one go. I read a couple of letters in the morning and then another couple at night. They might become slightly repetitive otherwise.
Something a little bit different among all the self-help/mental health books out there and an excellent book to give to anybody who is suffering from depression, or to buy for yourself if you experience mental health issues and need encouragement and hope.
I received an ARC via NetGalley.

This is a book that many people out there should have, in fact as well as their medication for depression they should be handed a copy of this book too.
The Recovery Letters is all written by people who have recovered from their depression and didn't give up or let it consume them and drag them down, instead they are now able to address their past self in letter form to the memory of who they were previously when they were sucked into their depression and quite possibly felt that was how they were going to feel forever.
The people writing to their past selves share helpful tips to try and improve your mood naturally such as exercise and joining new clubs to try and find a hobby to suit you.
You're not weak, alone and support is out there. Always remember you are enough even if you feel you aren't.
Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

Thanks to NetGalley for this copy.
This book is hands-down a 5-star piece of brilliance, which I would recommend to anyone who has suffered, or is suffering from, depression. I am unfortunately currently in the midst of an acute depressive episode, and reading is the one constant that keeps me going and gives me some respite from my obsessive thoughts, and feelings of bleakness which seem to plague my every waking thought.
This book consists of letters from a vast collection of people who have had depression in the past, and shares their thoughts and feelings now that they are in recovery and can see the light a little clearer. So many of the letters that were shared really resonated with me, allowing me to see (as is the premise of the book) that I am not alone as I may think I am, and that it WILL get better. Some of the letters are short and sweet, others a little lengthier and more in-depth. But every single one of them struck a chord with me.
It took me a little while to read the entirety of this book, as it was quite an emotional tug, as I could relate so much. I read a couple of letters each morning and a couple before going to bed at night, and I must say that they were so helpful. So helpful indeed that I am going to buy the hardcopy of this book so that I can keep it to hand and flick through it whenever I need to. I will be recommending this book to so many people.