Member Reviews

A light-hearted, sweet romance, perfect for a Sunny day or home, or if you're lucky enough, at the beach!

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A sweet and heartwarming summer read, perfect for a sunny day at the beach (or at home!) I really enjoyed this & would recommend.

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A good modern romance. The story held my interest to the end and makes a perfect summer read.

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Oh this was the prefect funny, romantic, summer read. I picked this up because I wanted something that would be a little escapist and would make me laugh and that was exactly what I got. I just loved the storyline of this novel. It had everything you could want. A little travel, a little drama, a little relationship trouble, and a lot of growing up. It was all balanced perfectly. There were interesting sub plots and just a lot of fun times. It was fast-paced and so I read it all in one day. It left me feeling warm inside and happy that not everyone has their lives together the way you think they do.

Now I haven't read Katy Colins's other novels but I got into this one straight away and so I guess you don't have to have read the others in order to pick this one up. I do know that I have been spoiled for the others so let that be a warning to you! I loved getting to know Georgia. She is a character who i can easily identify with, she could be one of my own friendship group. She is great at looking like she has got it under control when really she's knackered and its all a bit much and I am sure there are plenty of us out there who can totally relate to that when it comes to juggling work, family, friendships and relationships. Her own friendships are also very easy to recognise as the friendships I have and issues I have.

I loved the other characters in the novel as well. All of them are completely plausible and all of them felt very real. I enjoyed learning about who they are and reading their storylines though Georgia. Some of the other characters made for the funniest moments in the novel and I just loved the way they all fitted into the storyline. There were some seriously hilarious moments in this novel but I think I liked the fact that this all could have happened to me. I enjoyed the travel, I enjoyed the adventure and I enjoyed the friendships and relationships that were explored in this novel. This was a great read and definitely something to add to your suitcase or over sized handbag this summer!

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*Book provided by the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

We are back with Georgia, yay!!! I have been waiting to catch up with Georgia and Ben, so when I started this book I was really excited.

This time we follow Georgia to Australia, where her best friend is getting married. We first get to read about their hen party road trip, which is full of fun and adventures. Visiting Australia through Georgia’s eyes is fascinating, entertaining and very interesting. Georgia and weddings doesn’t really fit, but she wants to be there for her best friend. Shelley is a real bridezilla though and the other bridesmaid Cara adds a lot of drama as well. I really enjoyed following these three women though.

Another little (or big thing) is added to the story and it questions everything Georgia wants: job, love, family, friendship etc. I really loved this fact and also the whole outcome of it. Ben and Georgia are a fab couple and I loved their scenes so much.

Katy Colins created a real gem of a book here, it’s the perfect summer read, it’s full of sunshine, passion, love and very special moments. I really want to visit Australia now!

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This book is definitely a summer must read! I've never read any of Katy Colins' books before but now I want to read more!

I haven't read the ones before this book but to be honest it still all flowed really nicely and I didn't find myself confused at all. Only thing I would say is that it would have been nice to got to know the characters from the other ones before reading this one. However, it was a really enjoyable book with lots of humour and drama - the perfect combination in my eyes!

This book is the perfect one to chose if you're going on a summer holiday and need something to relax with! I couldn't put it down, and I definitely found myself laughing out loud at some points! I'm tempted to read the others about Georgia's travels now!

Perfect summer read. Many thanks to HQ and to Netgalley for a chance to read this novel in return of an honest review.

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Easily one of the most enjoyable books I have read for a while, it whizzed past as I was absorbed in the latest installment in Georgia's story.

For although the name of the book doesn't feel the same, this is sort of the next in the Destination series that I was reading last year, but since the focus of the book is more to do with Georgia's friends and boyfriend than with the Lonely Hearts Travel Club, the book feels different, but still up to the usual quality. If you haven't read any of Katy Colin's previous books don't worry as this should work as a standalone, and most of the relevant snippets of back story are included.

I don;t think I have stopped smiling from the second I finally started this book to the moment it ended. I was thoroughly enjoying Georgia's trip to Australia, her bridezilla of a best friend Shelley, the other bridesmaid Cara, the hen party road trip that has an ulterior motive and just everything little unexpected occurrence, or problem that needed to be solved.

Even before Georgia flew Down Under there were laughs to be had, at her attempts to babysit for another of her best friends, and a rather familiar-ish scene on the plane, where you realise just who is sitting around you on a massively long haul flight.

Although there wasn't too much sightseeing, I did like the small glimpses I got of Australia, and lets just say Adelaide has some absolutely mad brides to be, who really did get over excited at one little sale....well it was a sample wedding dress sale, but still camping overnight for a shop? As a glorified single person who has never been within sniffing distance of her own wedding dress, please forgive my amusement at the situations!

Chasing The Sun is another excellent book by the talented Katy Colins and I adored this slight shift in direction for the book. I loved catching up with these fabulous characters and of course exploring a new destination with Georgia. This is a fabulous summer read that I am sure people will love reading while relaxing in the sun themselves.

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. A real feel good and happy book.

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I struggled to get in to the book, I'm not sure if this is because I have not previously read any of the books that Georgia is in. Once I got to Australia in the book it was different, the story got interesting and fast pace. E very one seemed to be hiding a secret be it monetary, baby related or marriage! The story is a great summer read and definitely makes you want to visit Australia and sit in the sun with a cocktail. Having read this one I do want to go back and read the other stories that came before it!

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Georgia lives with her boyfriend Ben, owns her own travel company and is looking forward to travelling to Australia for her best friend Shelley’s wedding.

After a long flight sitting next to a very overweight man who is terrified of flying, Georgia finally arrives in Melbourne where she is meeting Shelley and her cousin Cara and they are going on a road trip from Melbourne to Adelaide staying at dingy hostels and visiting landmarks on the way. Shelley is beyond the bridezilla from hell, they have to camp out all night so that she can get her wedding dress in a sample sale,

This was a great book, I liked Shelley but she was a little bit over the top, I understand that she wanted her wedding to go well but she expected way too much from Georgia. I loved Cara, who wore heels for the road trip, although it appeared she had everything, she still wanted what Georgia and Shelley had with regard to romance.

This is the first Katy Colins book I have read and although I have not read the Destination books, I feel this can be read as a stand alone novel.

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Chasing the Sun is fantastic!
It has really got me in the mood for summer.

It is so nice to catch up and find out whats been happening with Georgia. In this latest book we go on an adventure with her to Australia for her best friends wedding. Sounds like the perfect holiday for her but it changes her life completely amd big changes happen for her.

This book has got everything a summer holiday, hen night, wedding, best friends, fallouts, proposals, pregnancies the lot.

Get the cocktails ready and get reading Chasing the Sun it is sure to spice up your sunmer.

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