Member Reviews

I think Penny Parkes is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. I started reading this on the train to meet a friend for the afternoon and once I got home kept going until I finished it. I love reading a whole book in a day but very rarely find a book that makes me do that anymore. Returning to the adventures of the Doctors of Larkford this has everything I love in a book. If I had to pick one of the books in this entry as one I’d recommend to anyone and everyone it would be this one. I read this before publication day and for the first time ever was really jealous of those tweeting their excitement to read it on that day because I just enjoyed it that much.

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Penny’s debut novel ‘Out of Practice’ was one of my favourite books of last year, and one of my favourite debut’s of all time, so the sequel was highly anticipated, as I was dying to return to Larkford as everything about the first book was fantastic.

This outing to Larkford is just as charming and as full of character as the first book. About a year may have passed, but we are thrown right into the heart of the village, it’s the summer market which automatically put me in a good mood, despite Cassie’s best efforts.

Holly has a much calmer home life that in the first book, in most part because of the lack of Milo in her life, but she still has worries in that area, after all Milo is the twin’s father, which annoys Taffy a bit, because Milo is his normal useless self. I can see both viewpoints. Holly wants to be perfect and please everyone, while she is much more herself in this book than the first, there’s that little part of her that wants to do what she perceives as right, even if the other person isn’t acting correctly themselves. Seeing her overall more relaxed though was wonderful to see, and I think her relationship with Taffy had a lot to do with that, seeing how much Taffy adored Holly melted my heart.

Holly has seemingly never ending patience, and I can imagine that’s an incredibly important skill when being both a GP and a good friend. Julia isn’t always the easiest to get on with, but Holly’s good nature makes sure every effort is made and shows Julia support, who is prickly on the outside, despite clearly suffering inside.

It was great to see a new face or two in this book as well as catching up with familiar faces. Julia was once again the character I had conflicted feelings for. If we hadn’t had her viewpoint, , she could easily have become a character you would dislike but when you hear from her, you begin to understand that all is not as it seems. Elsie was once again the charmer you’d expect, and it’s a testament to Penny’s writing that I was worrying about her health as much as Holly and all of Elsie’s other friends.

Once again I have absolutely adored the world that Penny has created. It is a read that is full of smiles with real heart at the centre of this book. It is a complete comfort read that I don’t want to put down, I need to make each page last as long as possible as I never want these books to end.

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Having read Practice Makes Perfect I’m not utterly convinced that the setting of Larkford and The Practice would be a perfect setting for a soap opera or sitcom. There is so much drama and so many different storylines and characters all of which are really interesting that it keeps you reading page after page.

Not only do we see a return of the four main doctors, but we also see the introduction of a new young doctor Alice to the surgery in addition to her assistance dog Coco. It was from the moments they were first introduced that I could tell that they would be rather integral characters and rather special too.

It is great to see the continuing stories of Julia, Dan, Taffy and Holly and wow do they manage to fit a lot into tot his book between them. Julia’s continual media ambitions, while struggling to contain her family demons. Dan is caught up in a turbulent relationship, but is another woman just starting to catch this eye, he is also big on championing the Practice in the Community project, and I loved hearing about some of the fundraising. While Holly and Taffy are adjusting to living together and the twins, Ben and Tom are a handful while being thoroughly entertaining.

Of course it’s not just the doctors lives the book focuses on, there is also Grace the admin woman who seems to be great at firmly keeping the doctors in line. And then there are the people in the community, including some recurring characters that I was eager to see the return of like Major and Elsie.
This is a story about realistic characters facing the everyday challenges that normal working people face, including their bosses entering them into a high profile bet for their unique management style, the tug between mother and daughter relationships, sibling rivalries, and loads of other examples of things that are easy to relate to.

Yes this is quite a long book, but I really didn’t feel like a slog, in fact it was a delight to read, with Dan and Taffy providing a fair amount of comic relief, in a story that has many facets to it. I believe Practice Makes Perfect could be read as a standalone, as prior intimate knowledge of the previous books isn’t required. As a returning reader to the series, I was incredibly pleased to discover it really didn’t take long to feel like part of the community in Larkford again.

I am already incredibly eager to read the next book in the series, and can’t wait to see what the charismatic residents of Larkford will get up to next!

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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My thanks to Simon & Schuster and the author for my review copy of this book.

What a delight it was to return to Larkford and to catch up with Holly, Taffy and the inhabitants of this cosy Cotswold village. Practice Makes Perfect is the second in the trilogy, with Out of Practice being the first. You don't have to have read it before you read this one, but you'll probably find you want to read it anyway so you can find out everyone's back-story!

Life is going well for Holly and the other GPs at the local surgery, working together with no senior GP. Until, that is, someone on high decides its a good idea to put the spotlight on them as a model for the NHS, AND put a TV crew filming their every move...

Penny Parkes writes with a true understanding of the chaos of family life. All the characters are written with love and care, making the reader feel as if they know them. There's lots going on for them: Glamorous octogenarian Elsie returns early from a cruise, causing concern, though she's still able to spout out her little gems of wisdom; there's a bet on to see if anyone can get the Major to go to the Surgery; and be prepared to feel sympathy for the frosty Julia, when we meet her mother.

Then of course there is Holly and Taffy, now working and living together. But Taffy keeps mentioning the 'M' word, and Holly is still dealing with the fallout from her marriage to Milo.

The real highlight of the book for me was the introduction of new GP Alice and her assistance dog, Coco, who prove themselves to be quite an addition to the team. Alice is lovely, and her dog is a really very clever little thing.

Practice Makes Perfect is a joyful, lighthearted read; it's perfect escapism.

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A book that is like coming home, back to well loved characters thoroughly enjoyed this.

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4☆ A Compelling, Heart Warming Read, mixed with humour and Drama.

Practice Makes Perfect is the second book in the series, but can be read as a standalone book. I wasn't lucky enough to have read the first book, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the story.

When Larkford Practice is about to become a new 'NHS Model Surgery ' things are about to become alot more stressful for the Drs and their team.

There are so many wonderful characters and storylines within the story, it really sums up how hectic life as a Dr really is and the huge demands on their personal and family life.

The main characters all work at the Larkford Practice. Holly, Taffy,Dan and Julia.

Holly (Dr Graham) is currently in a relationship with her colleague Taffy.
She is a Mum to twins and finds juggling motherhood, an exciting new relationship and work really tough.
But her twins have taken a shine to Taffy and she's determined to make it work.

Dan (Dr Carter) is obsessed with work and is finding it very hard to slow down and invest time into he's relationship with Julia. He loves her very much but is he at risk of throwing it all away because of work!

Oh and I forgot to mention the adorable Assistance Dog Coco. Any book that features animals is always going to be a winner for me.
Coco is adorable and captures the heart of those he meet.

It's hard enough juggling the workload and family life.... but when a film crew come into the equation things are about to get a lot more stressful. The film crew are going to be filming a brand new reality TV Series 'Doctor in the House' and will be following the Drs every move...what could possibly go wrong!?

This book is jam packed full of Drama, fab characters, relatable storylines, humour, some poignant moments, it's heart warming, Feel good, and gives the reader an insightful look at the huge stresses Drs face on a daily bases.

This book is a little on the lengthy side for those readers who enjoy the shorter book. This might not be for you. However it didn't really feel like 576 pages as the story was engaging enough not to notice.

Overall a fab read. Perfect read for lovers of Doctor books.

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I found Practice Makes Perfect a pleasant enough read if somewhat rather long. The premise was good and I think it had it the right number of main characters whose stories and interactions worked well with each other.

I found this book ok to read but in all honesty it didn't blow me away. I would give it 3 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Barnes & Noble and the author for the chance to review.

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Thank you to Simon and Schuster/Book and the City Digital Originals and Netgalley for this ARC which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

This is the second book by Penny Parkes based in the fictional village of Larkford, the first being Romantic Comedy of the Year award winning Out of Practice
It was great to be back amongst the regulars again. Holly, Dan, Taffy and Julia are all GP's in the local surgery. Holly and Taffy live together along with Holly's twin boys from her marriage to Milo and Dan & Julia are also a couple. Julia is a TV star and a production company follow her around the surgery filming her consultations. Along with TV stardom to contend with the surgery has now been put forward as an example of how a modern surgery should be run. All four GP's are equal, there is no longer a Senior Partner, but is this workable? Not all is rosy behind the scenes, will this affect the surgery's future and that of it's staff?

Another delightful novel by Penny Parkes. I loved getting back in touch with the residents of Larkford to see what they were up to. There are some fantastic characters such as Elsie and the Major who make me chuckle. I hope that this is a book series that will continue.

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I read the Larkford novella 'Swept Away' prior to requesting this book from Netgalley, so it seemed like coming home when I started reading 'Practice Makes Perfect'.

I haven't read the 1st Larkford novel 'Out of Practice' but I don't feel that hindered the story in any way. There are small snippets of back stories with certain characters that I presume were in the first book. These were enough for new readers like me or I imagine little reminders for return readers. This is a delightful gentle story of a struggling medical practice in a country town, with some lively characters, as they come to terms with coping with a small film crew that are filming the reality show 'Doctor In the House' and their nomination for the Model Surgery Program, which allows them extra funding.

I think I would have loved this book a few years ago and just revelled in curling up with it on a wintry day but I believe my tastes have been changing over time. On the whole I did enjoy it but at over 500 pages it went on a little too long for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy to read and review.

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To be honest, I hadn't read the first one of this novel before I started this one and I kind of wish I did. I feel I would have had more of an understanding of the characters and their relationships if I'd have read the first. However, I still found this book really interesting and enjoyable and I would recommend Penny Parkes' novels! I would just recommend reading the first one of this beforehand!

This book is a great romantic tale (not to much as chick-lit as I normally read however), but really enjoyable still. It has great humour throughout with even some laugh-out-loud moments! Practice Makes Perfect follows Dr. Holly and her relationship with fellow GP Taffy. Some very romantic parts which I throughly enjoyed (which to be honest I didn't think I would!)

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a chance to read this novel in return of an honest review.

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This novel follows on from Out of Practice, which I read but did not review last year. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to read this one and be taken back to Holly, Taffy, Dan, Julia and a cast of characters in the country town of Larkford.

Holly has settled into the doctor's practice and also has moved on in her life, now she has embraced change she has welcomed Taffy into her heart, her home and her twin sons lives.

Of course nothing is going to be easy for Holly and her fellow doctors, the surgery is about to be burden with being an NHS model surgery and it is up to all of the doctors to work together, to make sure they do not fail. Of course there are some who want to prove that their model cannot possibly work.

And it might be the case when you have Julia, who is developing her media potential with a documentary crew following everyone's moves. Grace has decided she will no longer be the woman she was and make some changes that surprise many and her working practices mean that perhaps the surgery can be a shining example to others.

This book packs a lot into the pages and you are swept away with all the characters and their exploits with the surgery as the background, the draw for them all. Whether it be the doctor's themselves or some of the more eccentric patients who come in. In whatever you job you are in, there is that common humour that draws people together, it is true and is very much reflected here. I loved the introduction of Alice and her assistance dog Coco whose role was fascinating.

An enjoyable read, as good as the first and one that you will make you laugh and cry in equal measure. If you like books where you feel like you are part of the community whilst reading them, then this book is certainly for you.

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Practice makes Perfect continues seamlessly from the previous Out of Practice, the characters good and bad remain with a few new additions who add a new dimension to this story.
Dr Holly Graham is now living with fellow GP Taffy and their relationship is happy and passionate, although Holly is still afraid of commitment after her awful marriage to Milo who treated her dreadfully. Her twin boys are thriving and have a close relationship to Taffy.
The surgery continues to be the hub of the community and is nominated as an NHS model surgery which starts to cause headaches for the surgery staff with all the extra work and scrutiny.
A great romantic tale with laugh out loud moments, and not without some moments of pathos. Extremely readable and thoroughly enjoyable.
Thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.

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Thanks Netgalley. Nice simple read and enjoyable characters

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