Member Reviews

This has to get 5 big fat scoops of delish Ice Cream from me.
What is there not to like about a Sue Watson book.

​I just loved every single page of this book.
​This book has more than it's fair share of LOL moments. Some great one liners. I loved the opening of this book, not only are Ella's children taking no notice of her because they are glued to their phone's so is her mother. This is a real situation for many families everywhere.
​Everything about this book made me want to keep going, keep reading. It's fun, it's summer, it's everything you want from a feel good heart warming read.
​Some great character in this book I loved Ella and her crazy mother 78yr old and Sexting. lol
​Jobless, loveless and homeless. Ella heads off to Devon, for a summer of being alone and new starts. Her mother wont go with her as Appledore holds secrets that she would rather forget. Ella though has fond memories of Appledore in the summer is what is keeping Ella going. But can things ever be as good as childhood memories. Child hood memories spending time with her cousin, hoping to re create some of those memories but there seems to be some sort of rift with her mum and her cousin that Ella just cant figure out. I loved this part of the story, the mystery behind the secrets and what had gone on all those years ago.

​Anyone who knows me knows I love a good crime thriller, but this was a superb get away from all the crime. An exceptional read, and one I think everyone should read.

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I was so excited to finally get this on my kindle after seeing the beautiful seaside cover.  The colours are so eye catching and matches the story so well.

Delving into Ella's Ice Cream Summer is a pure delight.

Ella is a fantastic character, She has so much time and patience for everyone. Shes just had everything go wrong for her and she is given this amazing opportunity to take on her aunts ice cream van which opens a new chapter in her life. 

When she moves to Appledore she has so many things that dont go the way she wants like problems getting the van opening and her mum that doesnt want to come and live with her but everything seems to work out well for her.  She builds a beautiful romance with the local lawyer Ben who gives her the most amazing support and is there for her every step of the way.

Throughout the book theres this mystery of why her mum and her aunt and cousin fell out and havent spoke in years.  As a reader I loved this, I didnt know what it could be, I loved that the mystery of this went on right until the very end.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone! I read this whole book with a smile on my face and devoured every single page.  It was deliciously good! 

Im delighted that there is a second book on its way extremely soon and I for one will be first in the queue for it. 

Sue Watson your an amazing writer!

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