Member Reviews

Whoa! Yeah I started my review like that... but that's what this book is whoooaaa! it truly is M.A.D...
Disturbing (slightly)..
Ms Esposito has written an explosive roallercoaster of a book.. it has everything in it.. a broken heroine... hot guys... gorgeous locations.... briliant storylines.... As a staunch and proud reader of frothy chick lit.. this was a total palate cleanser for me. Enjoyed it thoroughly.. i think the time in which i finished it was my personal best!
This book is fabulous.. definitely in 2017's must read pile!
Thank you Netgalley for my ARC!

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This book was insane for all the right reasons – I banged through it, once you meet Alvie Knightly you won’t want to turn your back on her, no way!

Mad is a whole pile of fun, sexy, sassy, murderous and intensely funny at times, I sat there reading it giggling away to myself I’m fairly sure people around me thought I might be mad. What? Sssh…

Anyway, Alvie has a twin. She hates her twin. Alvie is also a bit crap at life but kind of takes it all in her stride. Off she goes to visit her sister in Italy, her sister with the gorgeous husband, tons of cash and beautiful home, a baby and the life Alvie feels she should be living. When circumstances turn slightly, well, mad, Alvie seizes her chance to step into those high high heels.

This novel cracks along with frenetic, addictive style, beautifully descriptive in hot and heavy fashion, the author sets the scene, pops Alvie into it and off we go on a purely brilliant ride. Alvie has no filtered thoughts, finds she has a violent streak, observes life with a wittily intelligent outlook and manages to get into a whole load of trouble, using only her intuitive impulses to keep herself out of the danger zone. It is highly entertaining, first page to last, also quite bloody, gorgeously racy and beautifully provocative. I loved it.

So glad this is a trilogy. Mad, Bad and Dangerous to know. I’m in it all the way. Bring on book 2.

Alvina Knightly: Uncensored. Unhinged. Unforgettable.

Yep – you got that right.

Highly Recommended.

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I really didn't enjoy this. It seemed to be piggybacking off the success of L S Hilton's 'Maestra' - ordinary woman turned murderous femme fatale - except the protagonist here is thoroughly unlikeable in every imaginable way, almost cartoonish in her vacuous awfulness.

There's humour certainly but it's sour and ugly, often downright puerile (see airport security discovering her vibrator in a suitcase and brandishing it for all to film and upload to Youtube) The difference is that in 'Maestra' our 'heroine' is clever. In 'Mad' she is a bumbling, inept idiot which is infuriating and just lazy writing, as though the author couldn't be bothered to think of smart twists and deft escapes, or even to research the most basic of forensic crime procedures.

The graphic sex scenes are devoid of anything which might give them purpose in the novel except for ticking the Fifty Shades of Grey box; there's no plot development in them, no background (she sleeps with every guy she finds herself alone in a room with) and the running Channing Tatum gag palls fast. I finished it but am starting to resent Netgalley for making me feel I ought to finish and review everything they are kind enough to let me read for free!

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I quite enjoyed this book. The story itself is fast paced so found myself finishing this within a day. The title is very apt for this book as some of the antics of the main character, Alvina Knightly, were completely mad. Alvina leaves behind the life she hates in London to visit her twin sister, Beth, in Sicily. Within a week of arriving in Sicily, Alvina is caught up in murders, the Mafia and a lavish lifestyle she could only have dreamed of. Alvina has lived her life in the shadow of her sister but in Sicily not all is at it seems and Alvina gets the opportunity to step in her sisters shoes. You get caught up in Alvina's crazy life which seems to be traveling at a fast speed. I couldn't put it down.

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There is no doubt about it ‘Mad’ is certainly mad! When I was reading it, I was thinking ‘really, what a load of rubbish’; but here’s the thing – I kept on reading it and what is more, I enjoyed it. It didn’t matter that the second half got crazier and crazier, by that time I was hooked on our selfish hero, Alvie.

Alvie is a twin, her perfect sister, Beth is living the high-life in Sicily. Perfect husband, perfect son, perfect home and rich. Alvie – is more of a car crash – but mostly down to her own choices, bad ones. Newly jobless and homeless she accepts Beth’s invitation to visit – what’s not to like, champagne flight, sunshine – off she goes.

Alvie becomes embroiled in murder, mayhem, men, and mafia. If you are along for the ride be ready to join her in her diminishing logic; her obsession with designer clothing, bags and shoes; her communications with Taylor Swift (yes, you did read that right) and really a mad-cap car journey.

Beware, there is also some sort of explanation for her behaviour buried there.

This is really silly, but really funny.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.

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Excellent book. Great main characters and plot. I would recommend this book.

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