Member Reviews

This book is a Not For Me title. I mark titles with competitive qualitative content NFM when I find the content personally disinteresting or the writing style to be dissonant to my preferences.
Marked overall as 3 because, while I randomize checks for qualitative markers I do not read anywhere near enough of the book to give either more or less than that rating and a blank rating is not an option.

Long and complex great set ups and a lot to get to grips with. There’s a lot going on in this book and some great ideas. I hope that the characters develop further in the next editions in the series.

This was an enjoyable read of old school heroic fantasy. It had all the elements that one would wish for. This was my first novel by this author and I would definitely read more.

Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

A high stakes read surrounding twelve families and what it takes to become rulers, kings and queens! Fun, fast paced with writing that wasn't too dense. Also that cover is beautiful.

My Husband has, for a long time, raved about Conn Iggulden's historical fiction novels. This is a move for the Author under the pseudonymn C. F. Iggulden, into the fantasy world.
I thought I would give it a try as I'd been told he has a good way of writing stories. Well for those who normally enjoy fantasy novels, I don't think you'll be disappointed. The City of Darien is a city full of magic, intrigue, and much more. It reminded me some, of the TV show Merlin with it's peasants, it's Royal Family and it's magical intrigue. As with Merlin, there are disputes, assassination attempts on the King, and dark characters. I would describe it as a well packed book, with a lot going on.
The main characters are well written and a picture of them formed in my mind, so I found it easy to follow them, however the story not so much. I think because it is a busy story line, I found myself having to go back a few pages and re-read them as I got confused. I am not normally a fantasy book reader so this may be normal, but it slightly puts me off reading it. I did persevere though.
In summary, an action packed book, with some well rounded, although not all totally likeable characters. Not particularly my personal cup of tea, but If you love fantasy novels I'm sure this will be a series you would enjoy as it's well written.

I don't normally read books of this author or genre, but I rapidly became hooked on finding out what was going to happen in this intriguing story. I did enjoy the clever way that the different protagonists met and their stories wound around each other. I see that there are two more books and have read their blurb - I may one day read them but even if I don't do so, I found this one book to be a good story in its own right.

Interesting to read a fantasy work by Iggulden as I very much enjoy his historical fiction. Really enjoyed this and am looking forward the reading the rest in the series

I was initially interested in reading this book, however my tastes have shifted and I do not think I will be able to get to it now. Many thanks to the publisher for sending me a digital copy!

This was the first book I've read from this author and I was drawn to the Fantasy genre. There were some interesting concepts and world-building elements, such as the magic system, but overall, I didn't feel too invested in it or connected to the characters in general.
Unlike most of the books where I complain about the beginning, in this one, it was more near the end that it seemed to fall flat. I was hoping for a more character-driven narrative, but I wanted to stay that this was still an enjoyable read that I'm sure many will appreciate.

Both the cover and synopsis of Darien caught my attention while scrolling through Netgalley (yes, I know, I’m seriously late with this review). I initially thought the cover was creepy and wasn’t certain if the book would be a little chilling. But the synopsis won me over and I was fortunate enough to be approved for a copy. I’m glad I did – I thoroughly enjoyed it!
The plot is split into three story-arcs. Elias Post has the knack to see a couple of moments into possible futures – giving him the ability to walk through a fight unscathed, even with guns firing at him. Elias may be deadly, but he’s a desperate father losing everything and you can’t help empathise with him. His reluctance to kill despite being blackmailed and his desire for revenge make him powerful yet emotional; a deadly combination.
Nancy has an unusual ability; she can drain magic and take it into herself. Dragged reluctantly into this world of magical artefacts, she gets a taste of power and realises she can fulfil her ambition of avenging her father. But magic is a tricky business and Nancy ends up involved far more than she anticipated. Despite her revenge, she is a good person who wants to use her gifts to help – if only she knew how.
Tellius was my favourite. A supposedly gruff old man, he takes in the urchins of the streets and tries to forge them into something better. When a young boy is revealed to be a powerfully magical creation – a golem – Tellius must do and say whatever he can in order to ensure their survival.
It takes a while for the plot to really get going. These are initially three completely separate stories and while the characters are developed and the dialogue entertaining, the pace feels stunted by the constant switching back and forth. As soon as one starts to develop, it switches to another story and slows down.
When they start to come together, however, it becomes a high-paced and intense read. From halfway through, the tension builds and a battle rages around all three characters, making them put their various skill-sets to good use to not only survive, but help the city stand against an invasion they themselves are partially responsible for creating.
You all know how much I enjoy reading large-scale battles and it shows the author usually writes historical fiction in the formations and tactics used here. I found it clear and easy to follow, despite the characters being spread thin and the introduction of magical items into the fight.
Although the tension explodes in the second half, it is balanced by the humour in the first half. Both the dialogue and the characters’ own thoughts were amusing and effectively made you care about the characters before plunging them into danger.
Darien grows stronger as it progresses and the story-lines start to blend, but I still found it an enjoyable read and am now on the lookout for the second one.

I am on the fence with this book. I read a lot of fantasy and there are some parts of this, namely the different magics, that I found very interesting, but there are parts that I did not like and would have liked to have been done differently, namely a character death of someone who could have been a very good character and the involvement of the daughters I didn’t like. Overall, is was an easy, enjoyable read but I’m unsure at this time if I would continue with the series.

Initially did not read this straight away and what a mistake that was. It was a fast paced well developed story with excellent character and world building even though it was mainly based around the city of Darien. I forgot how good a storyteller this writer is and how he draws you along as he writes. There is no doubt about his ability to write battle scenes however gruesome. Well worth reading and will recommend.

Darien is the center of the crumbling Empire of Salt. Ruled by a King who is the puppet of the twelve families, the people of Darien are restless and forces are converging against the twelve. The first in what promises to be an epic fantasy series. I have never read any of Conn Iggulden’s previous books, I don’t tend to pick up historical novels so I was intrigued to see how this book would unfold.
I initially found it quite hard to get into – the first part of the book introduces us to several main players, the narrative switches between them, occasional during a chapter and I did occasionally struggle to remember where I was and what was going on. However, Iggulden’s writing style is so engaging that I kept with it and I am so glad that I did.
I found all the characters of the book incredibly engaging, each having their own reasons for wanting a change within the walls of the city. Each has a gift or a knack which makes them a little bit more than ‘ordinary’. Most characters had something likeable about them, which made you want them to succeed. I was particularly drawn to Nancy, a young woman trying to find her way in a city of thousands.
The main section of the book all takes place within the walls of Darien itself, I found these scenes very engaging and by the end of the book I found myself fully immersed in the sights, sounds and even smells of the city. I would have liked a little more world building as I ended the book feeling I knew very little about the empire itself, but perhaps this will come in later books. I am certainly looking forward to getting my hands on the next one.

'Darien' is my first book by author Conn Iggulden. My brother is a huge fan and has every book he has written, so in the face of such enthusiasm I felt I ought to give his books a go. I wasn't disappointed! I often find complicated plots that jump between time and place difficult to follow due to processing issues; the plot was by no means over-simplified, but it showed logical sequence and development which was important for good reader engagement in such an action-packed novel. Full of magic, royalty, romance and war, 'Darien' follows the six central characters in their travels to a central point within the city of Darien where a battle will commence of cinematic proportions to bring down the throne and establish a new leader! Loved it and will await the sequel impatiently!
4 out of 5 stars.

This is the first in a fantasy trilogy by Conn Iggulden however, it does not feel that way. It is apparent from the start that he is working to a historical timeline in the background which seats both the characters and the world building with firm and determined tension from the start.
Conn has an inate ability of managing the pace of this book so that you are drawn along with the story and never get bogged down with the indepth descriptions you sometimes get with other fantasy authors and would definitely recommend it to someone new to fantasy.
The plot is driven around five main characters. A hunter, gunslinger, thief keeper, young man and a girl unaware of her abilities.
These stories interweave in such a way that you can do very little but root for your favourite to succeed. What I loved abouy these characters is that one of them is a family man and one an aged soldier however, they are empowered and not belittled by their age to secondary status.
I got great pleasure from reading this and the twists were sufficient to keep the story moving. Its conclusion was interesting yet sown up enough that a massive cliff hanger and a years wait for Book 2 wont be too painful.

A brilliant read. Engaging and gripping. Will be on the lookout for more

I don't read a lot of adult fantasy, but this was a really good example of it. I thought the plot, characterisation and world building were very strong. Sometimes the multiple viewpoints slowed down the pace at which I read the book, making me feel like my focus was split between the characters rather than making me root for one of them in particular.
I enjoyed this book and it made me want to read more adult fantasy, and books by C.F. Iggulden, in the future.

Received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Penguin UK for honest read and review.
I thoroughly enjoyed this departure for Conn Iggulden from his Historic books.This was a really interesting and enjoyable read that had me from the First page.
This was a brilliant start to a new series that looks as if it is going to be really good and I cannot wait to read the next in the series.
Set in the city of Darien it shows us some of the colourful characters of this city and their Knacks.
A fine start.

In the past I’ve very much enjoyed Conn Iggulden’s works of historical fiction – his Emperor series being one that really captivated me. So upon hearing that Iggulden would be releasing his first work of fantasy, Darien, (under the name C.F. Iggulden) I knew I had to read it!
Darien is the city around which most of this novel revolves. Headed by a King and twelve families, Darien is a city of power, where those that crave it use whatever means to attain or retain it.
I’m not going to go into the detail of this novel; the synopsis above tells you all I think you need to know. What I will say is that we are introduced to some very interesting characters in this book, each of whom have their own stories, skills and motivations. Although there are many characters in this novel, Iggulden (in my opinion) does them all justice. I always admire this skill in a writer – the ability to introduce depth of character in many characters without overwhelming the reader.
I really enjoyed how the author has drawn upon his great historical knowledge to help to build this world, add the details and merge fact with fantasy.
I became thoroughly swept up in the story, remembering just how much I’ve always enjoyed Iggulden’s writing. As for the fantasy aspect? Well, I love it! It’s hard to describe fantasy as realistic but the building of the world and the characters, if not the magic element itself, make it so.
In short – I’m eager for book two!