Member Reviews

I chose this book as I myself have suffered deteriorating health since I was twelve. I had Swine Flu at the height of the epidemic and lost the use of my legs completely, it was scary.
Soon after I developed anorexia and depression with my already social anxiety rooted into me, I sort of imploded until I was admitted to hospital with a lump on my spine.
Now, I have rheumatoid issues and Fibromyalgia, conditions which leave me in constant pain and a state of being too hot or cold as well as having nerve damage resulting in accidents and no periods.

It's a great lot to deal with in terms of history!

Still, this book is an essential even if you have a condition unlike any of mine.

The book is truly a friend to me, talking about how we with illnesses are perceived by others, how we feel like burdens on others and the emotional tolls on us dealing with our bodies. It talks a lot about being a parent and having a partner and how the person with illness may feel around them, unable to cope etc. The book shows how a strong support system is needed but not always available. I hope others with illness of any varying kind will pick this book up and like me feel comforted that not everyone will judge us despite our minds telling us so but instead feel like they have people out there who accept them.

None of us are our illnesses.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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