Member Reviews

This was an incredibly good read! The story was beautifully written and the characters were flushed out really well! Definitely worth the read!

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So captivating and unputdownable and gorgeous!

THank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy.

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I’m having a hard time formulating my thoughts on this one. I didn’t dislike the story, but I didn’t love it either. It was very slow reading and brutal throughout. Loosely based on the Crusades, it did not reflect well on the Christian pilgrims, though blamed the demons manipulating them for all of the bloodshed.

I liked the relationship between Luca and Suzan, though Luca was pretty immature at times and pouted a lot.

Luca’s father bothered me a lot. I felt he should have been a lot more understanding of Luca and is ability to hear demons even before he could see them. His father knew, but never discussed it with Luca and hid information that could have been useful to him.

The other character that bothered me throughout was Mattiolas. I never truly trusted him and kept waiting for him to betray Luca and Suzan, though in the end he never did. I think it was all his talk of gold and riches that kept me convinced he would turn on them. I’m glad I was wrong though.

The story dragged in places and skipped over things in others, but the author was committed to the world building, so that was good.

Disclaimer: I received a DRC through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Looking through my Netgalley books I see this title which is unfortunately part of the books that I downloaded on a computer disk that died on me so I never had the chance to read and therefore review this title.

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Not usually my go-to genre but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and gave this a try. I really enjoyed it and would recommend to those wanting to try the genre.

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Es war genau die richtige kombiantion.
Geschichte. Mythen. Und das alles noch in Italien.
Beste Kombination

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I couldn't get into this book. The concept and topics were something that I love - magical realism and demons! It is a YA novel set in the Crusades. If you like that time period. mixed with the magic, I think you will enjoy it. The descriptions are vivid and as a history major I enjoyed some of the details. However, it felt lacking at times too.

So this book was okay, and I think it really depends if the reader appreciates historical fiction .

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Unable to read this proof copy as book was archived before downloading and this was impossible. Neutral rating to show this.

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Though the premise was really good I wasn't able to relate to this book. It's YA but felt more like a middle-grade read. I liked the idea of the magic and demons but this one just wasn't my book.

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I have attempted to read this book on a fair few occasions times and its really not working for me I'm afraid.

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I loved this book so much! I loved the characters and the world! I would and have recommended this book to all my friends!

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The Book of Whispers is an okay read. The premise is amazing but it falls pretty quickly into expected tropes and has issues with pacing.

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This book sounded fantastic to me. I love the time -such a different setting than most other historical books are set in!- i loved the place -italy! Come on!- it all sounded perfect for me.

sadly the writing as a bit lacking, the characters not what i want and expect so overall this wasn't the best read for me, through in no means the worst i ever read.
And the author did manage to keep me interested through out the entire thing so there is that.

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I am thinking 6th grade up, YA's might enjoy this book. Particularly boys. I didn't find the book all that interesting. It's historical fiction, but the magic in it just seems to move the plot along and really had little to do with the history. Maybe I'm just picky. I am sure there are kids out there who will enjoy a story about the 1st Crusades with some magic tossed in for goods measure.

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I was so looking forward to this book, the premise and theme are my typical books loves! However this was a massive let down- I struggled on and on with this book! But I eventually gave up- I hate not finishing a book but life’s too damn short!

It seemed at least to me this book was trying too hard to please all, It was like two separate stories and was trying desperately to force the crusaders time together with the young adult favourites of magic and demons!

Sadly not my cup of tea!

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Firstly thanks to Netgalley and Text Publishing for allowing to read this book in exchange for a review. I requested this book from Netgalley because of the cover, and the genre. I had no idea what it was about and I liked it!
It follows two characters, Luca, heir to his fathers title and fortune and Suzan- a girl who knows nothing else but the convent dungeon she lives in with her mother- who is mute.
They're very opposite and different but also extremely similar and I feel the story really got going once our characters meet- before that it felt like the narrative of their lives.
As it's set during the Crusades, the war scenes had some very bloody descriptions- it definitely had some very dark moments. Although a lot of them are historically accurate- such as the cannibalism- I was still put off by it.
I found the demon lore of the story really interesting- especially the fact that demons clutch to objects of sin. Demons play a big part of the story- even though only Luca and Suzan can see them.
This book ended up being better than I thought it was although it does seem a little older than YA due to some of the scenes.
It's a very good story, with an interesting take on historical events. Both character voices are strong, and brave. I found neither of them irritating.
Overall, there were some areas that were predictable such as the inevitable romance between Luca and Suzan- even if at one point it did seem that their hearts were taken by other people.
However, as a fantasy novel, this novel has a lot going for it. I'd never read anything by Kimberley Starr before so it was nice to read something by a new to me author.
I'd definitely recommend this book, it was a good book and I really enjoyed it!

4/5 Stars

Demons placed in history that don't feel out of place!

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Unfortunately, this title was a DNF (did not finish) for me. I tried multiple times to read it, but couldn't get past 20%. Cannot leave full review due to difficulties getting into the novel. I do not feel that this necessarily reflects the book, but rather me as a reader - this was simply not an appropriate book choice for me. Thank you for considering me for the review copy.

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As much as I love reading fantasy and historical fiction, but this one is not for me. I like the idea that there are magic and demons but I don’t think it goes well it the story. Most of the time I couldn’t catch the pacing. The writing style was simple. There are many small important details that didn’t mention in the book. I don’t hate this book but I don’t like it too. It’s an okay for me.

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The Book of Whispers struck me as a gem of a story, but sorely lacking polish. A uniquely augmented history, The Book of Whispers is a depiction of the First Crusade as though it had been spurred by demon hoards. Some of the writing, the dialogue in particular, felt shaky and lacking in complexity, which kept me from loving this. Alternatively, the story itself is very mature, not shying from the carnage, bigotry, and horrors of the First Crusade and delving into the sexual curiosities of young Luca and Suzan. I was engaged in the action and the alluring setting, and yet the narrative alternated between dragging unnecessarily and rushing clumsily. I enjoyed the history and incorporation of a discussion of religious extremism, but the style and pacing left me wanting.

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DNF. I simply couldn't get into the book. The premise was promising but I found the concept to just be awkward once I started reading. Every time a concept looked interesting it would be cut short and I was left bored.

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