Member Reviews

Wow what a fantastic read, it totally had me gripped I couldn't put it down.This plot kept me guessing right the way through the book. It was full of emotion and in places darkness and flowed really well. Loved it!

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5 Stars. A Psychological Thriller Like No Other!

Families are complicated. Judi has always been the matriarch of her family. It has always been her way or the highway. Her son Ben has relied on her heavily in caring for his two sons since the loss of his wife Louise. Caring for her family is her reason for living. One day, Ben starts dating a beautiful, vivacious and extremely mysterious young woman named Amber. He falls head over heels. Things move quickly. Judi is not pleased.

You see, Amber is not what she seems, though Judi is the only one who notices, much to Judi’s chagrin. In fact, Amber is intent on tearing Ben’s family apart and it’s working. Judi’s life is in shambles and Amber couldn’t be more thrilled. Don’t count Judi out however, for she has something Amber does not. Life experience.

K. L. Slater has written characters that are so real – it’s as if you either know them or almost as if you are them. Both Judi and Amber evoke a lot of emotion from the readers. My heart rate was up sky high for much of the book (according to my Apple iWatch, that is) thanks to Amber and Judi and the adgita they gave me.

“Liar” is a suspense like no other. K. L. Slater created tension that seeped through the pages into my own body - as if I took a sip of brandy and it slid down my throat and filled my entire being. This book grips you. You feel anxiety, dread, fear, the works.

All I can say is this: If you don’t read it, you are missing out on one of the best thrillers I have ever read. Seriously.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and K.L. Slater for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Published on NetGalley, Goodreads and Amazon on 6.25.17

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A mothers instinct is to protect her children, and in a mother's eyes they are never really adults not even when they've flown the nest with families of their own....
A dark, disturbing thriller which confused me, I was so convinced I knew the protagonist only to be wrong yet again...I thoroughly enjoyed this...another stunner from KL Slater

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Another fabulous book by K L Slater . As in her previous two books there is a "WHAT" moment where I had to go back and re-read a few pages to make sure I hadn't mis-read . An amazing read and worth more than the five stars that I am able to award

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Just wow! What a spellbinding book. I was completely transfixed by the sheer evil emanating from the pages. The twist is remarkable.

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Wow...Double WoW!
What a book………Where do I start……..This is the second book I have read by the author K. L Slater and I wasn't disappointed. This book will keep you gripped all the way through from the first page to the end chapter. This book will leave shocked. There are lots of twists and turns throughout the book that will keep you gripped.

This brilliant book is about a single dad called Ben that is a widower who has 2 young sons. Ben’s mum is devoted on Ben and especially her 2 grandsons. So when a new female friend called Amber came on the scene. Amber came across to everyone she meets utterly charming especially to Ben’s dad. Ben’s mum Judi becomes very protective and feels something is isn’t right with Amber and starts digging in Ambers past.
Amber has a secret dark past and Judi wants to find what it is. But, Judi has her own secrets that will leave you shocked. Judi will do things that will leave you shocked to protect her family but doesn't see what is happening under her own roof at home.

This is a must read for psychological crime thrillers which I cannot recommend enough giving it an easy 5 stars.

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This review is written with thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for my copy of Liar.
Judi’s son Ben lost his wife to leukaemia two years ago. Louise left behind two sons, Noah and Josh, and Judi has always done her best to look after her three boys. But when Ben meets Amber, Judi feels a sense of foreboding about their relationship, and as Ben and Amber get closer, Ben and Judi seem to drift further apart. As things reach breaking point, Judi starts to delve deeper into Amber’s life, and the discoveries she makes will change all their lives forever.
The characters in Liar are similar to those in Slater’s other novels, Safe With Me and Blink, in that I wasn’t quite sure whether to like them or not, or whose side I should take. Slater is brilliant at creating characters like this, and the tension this creates makes Liar utterly compelling.
Liar starts at the end, and as a result of this, the reader already knows, in part, what will happen. I found this technique very effective, as the slow build up increases the existing tension, and I wanted to know how the plot developed in order to reach the end point. However, the ending the reader knows about from the beginning is far from the full story, and there are plenty more twists and turns. Although I guessed part of the final twist, there were other elements that kept me intrigued until the very end.
Judi works as a doctor’s receptionist, and there is a subplot to Liar involving one of the patients at the surgery where she works. I enjoyed this aspect of the novel, and would perhaps have liked the issues it presented to be explored in a little more depth, particularly as it feeds into the main plot.
I have been slightly disappointed by some of my recent reads, and I am pleased that Liar helped me find my reading mojo once more!

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OMG This book...The start...The story..That ending... I loved every single page of this book and devoured it in one evening. It's totally addictive and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Yes I freaking loved it.

This is the second book that I have read by K.L. Slater after reading Safe With Me the author's debut novel and loving it. I couldn't wait to get stuck into Liar even though I hadn't read the blurb….How bad am I lol
But Like Safe With Me KL Slater certainly didn't disappoint in fact she has excelled herself with this page turner.

In this story we meet single parent Ben whose wife passed away. He meets Amber she is just what he needs or is she? With his mom Judi feeling like something isn't right with her. But Judi she is just well?! A mom who wants her son to be happy.

KL Slater has woven an incredible story, with alternating chapters told from Amber and Judi points of view. Learning more about the characters the further we get into the story. Which will Keep you guessing until the very end. Not only that, the ending is the beginning. OMG I love stories that do this. So I won't rave on to much about the start of this story, you will have to read it for yourself to see what I mean.

This is a must read for psychological crime thrillers which I cannot recommend enough giving it an easy 5 stars.

Thank you to Bookouture for a copy and inviting me to take part on Blog Tour.

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Back when I read Slater’s second book, Blink I said that her novels should come with a warning label and I still think this is true! Liar was every bit as addictive, engrossing and twisted as her previous books and Slater is quickly becoming one of my favorite psychological thriller writers and her books are total must reads for me.

The beginning of the book is sharply clever as it starts with The End, as in the first page is labeled as such. It’s a shocking opening chapter filled with violence and terror, and then it flips back to The Beginning when Amber and Ben first meet. It’s mainly told by Amber and Judi, though there are a few important chapters from other key players, but the twisty battle between the two women had me absolutely hooked.

This was such a compulsive read, I kept flipping the pages faster and faster as the tension mounted and the web of lies was untangled. The pacing is breathless as the chapters are very short so it’s quite easy to talk yourself into just one more. (Or ten more. Oh fine, the whole book.)

Slater really has a knack for developing wholly unlikable characters that are utterly fascinating in the way they behave, but also in the way they justify their abhorrent behavior. She also does a terrific job at bringing a heavy sense of unease and dread the entire time as she takes the reader down dark paths full of surprises.

I like to think that I’m a pretty sophisticated reader of this genre so I always try and figure things out along the way, but the author always manages to pull one over on me a time or two by the end, and the ending here was pretty unpredictable. I really should know better by now, but I absolutely love the fact that her books always keep me on my toes. If you haven’t read any of Slater’s books I highly recommend them, they are hugely entertaining and shrewdly plotted.

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Even the more seasoned book bloggers can be surprised, can’t they? I mean, I’m not one of them, but I knew what I was getting into when I picked Liar and yet…

When you pick a book from an author who blew your mind away with a crazily-well plotted story that won your Best Plot Twist Award, you know you are in for a really good reading time. Your expectations are high, your mind is on red alert and your finger can’t turn the pages fast enough.

Then… Bam. You are hit again! Just as hard as the first time, as the author proves you she had you right where she wanted from the very beginning.

Family is a precious and fragile unit. We crave for one, we create it, we watch it grow, we protect it. Family is to be cherished and cared for. I agreed with Judi on this and picturing her family was as easy as putting on my slippers. A lovely grandmother, a widower son with two adorable sons, a busy grandfather. A nice portray to hang above the mantelpiece. Love and sorrow glued those people together in a strong balance.

At the beginning, I couldn’t see any flaws in this picture. I was given enough to be curious about them, to warm to them, to care for them. Almost as if they were my own family. The cracks and flaws only started to show the moment the balance was destabilized when a new weight was added in the form of Amber, seemingly the perfect piece to be attached and finish the picture.

Because Liar is a portrayal. Or rather, this story is a family album the reader must decipher, replacing old and yellow pictures where they belong, discovering the stories behind them, carefully attaching brand new and shiny frozen moments, figuring out a way to see beyong the smiles and sunny days.

Judy was fascinating in every way. You don’t think grandmothers are boring, do you? Because if so, meet her and you’ll have a better idea of the strength and life a women in her fifties can be full of! Fifty is the new thirty! Sort of… I must admit it was very clever from the author to have one of her narrations told through the eyes and body of such a woman. Kim Slater explores different sides of her character that created doubts, talked to my softer side, and had me worried. Worried it wouldn’t be enough to fight the battle named Amber.

Amber. Beautiful, caring, fantastic with children, with a sad past and the features to reflect it perfectly when necessary. I was biased from the start. Judi was already in my heart and Amber stood for the bad stepmom. She never stood a chance as I had my fair share of bad stepmoms growing up! So I was leery, I was once again reminded men don’t always think right when blonds are around, and I was craving to protect Ben’s sons from any harm. But there was more to the story than just the usual despicable new mommy.

Ben, the nice and gullible man hoping to offer his sons the best life still has to offer after the loss of his wife... He was the perfect example of a woman’s power on the weaker sex! Without absolutely wanting to ruin his relationship, I found myself wanting to shake him more than once, I wanted him to put his sons first, to open his eyes and ear all sides of the argument! Men never learn!!

As for the grandfather… I loved how he and Judi’s marriage was defined, how it was a nice reminder that no matter how many years are behind you, you musn’t lower you guard, and that older couples are just like any couples.

The family dynamic evolved so fast and was so intense it was painful at times to read how quickly your loved ones can make assumption and you can lose the connection you have. Feeling a gap growing between you and your own family is one of the purest and saddest form of loneliness, as they are the people you are supposed to rely on, the ones who are supposed to listen and understand. Those issues only brought me closer to Judi and reinforced our bond.

What I did not know was that there was more than just one battle in this book. The past fights the present, the mother-in-law fights the new girlfriend, the grandfather fights boredom, the widower fights loneliness. The sons fight life without their mother. Mix it, shake it, dance with it, and you have an explosive family, an intense look at the limits you are ready to cross, the exploration of control and what you must resort to to keep or gain it.

Reading Liar was like watching everyone play a game of tug of war, the tension rising with every pull, every step taken by a side, as you are frenetically waiting for that last blow that will make everything tumble down. The more I waited, the shorter my nails became…

And before I knew it, K.L Slater struck me with another of her gob-smacking twist, leaving me staring at the screen, rereading the same sentence. I’d read every twist and turn from an angle, and believe me, they were a fair amount of them, when suddenly the camera changed and the light was slightly moved and I was not sure of anything anymore. I was doubting every word I had read. I was shockingly numb!

I grant K.L. Slater a Best Plot Twist Award (again!), and I’m off to push the brilliantly gripping and unputdownably fascinating Liar on everyone I know!

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10☆ Utterly Fantastic! One killer twist!

I have been eagerly waiting for Kim's next book after reading her fantastic thriller Blink!

Just when I thought Kim's books couldn't  get any better....she writes Liar and I'm simply blown away.

Extremely clever piece of writing, I was so hooked I stayed up all night reading it.
I was left completely spellbound.
Left me gripped, enthralled.and frantically turning the pages desperate to uncover what I thought was the truth!
But wow oh wow, how wrong was I!!!

I'm really unsure how to write the rest of my review as I really don't want to give anything away. It's far too good!

So I'll try to sum it up a little bit.
Ben has recently lost he's wife. He has two adorable young boys.
Ben is very close to he's Mum Judi.
Well that is until Amber comes into Ben's life.

Judi and Amber don't get on at all!!.
Judi believes Ben is moving way too fast.

Amber is hiding something... But what can it be? Why is it that Amber just slots into Ben's life, why does she know so much?

The opening chapter is called The End... Wow what a way to open a book. Just from the first few pages I was hooked.
It dragged you in, teased you, then fast forward to the present. Leaving you wanting more.

Kim has this way of creating strong female characters that come across as unstable and disturbed slightly.
She has this way of knocking the reader off balance. Just when you think you know something... It's not what it seems.

If you read this book and you think it's somewhat predictable, believe me you will be shocked... I was!

I loved the dynamics between Judi and Amber. It has very sinister undertones, you never know what is coming next between the two of them.
One thing they have in common is the need to get Ben and he's boys to themselves.
With very very dangerous consequences.

My opinions about Judi and Amber flip flopped the whole way through.
Which you will understand once you delve into the story.

I loathed Amber, she was manipulative, devious, twisted, controlling and determined to fit in with Ben's life no matter what.

Judi on the other hand came across as over protective, if not at times a little suffocating, determined, a little unbalanced.
Her marrige life really isn't perfect and her husband devalues her opinions the whole way through the book. He has lost all respect for Judi.
But He's no Angel it comes out he has had numerous affairs along the way!

Ben comes across as very weak, but he is still grieving and is lost in the lust of finding someone new.
But he really did frustrate me and at times I wanted to shake him and shout "open your eyes" ... I know they say love can be blind....but Wow!!!

Liar ensnared me, played with my emotions, kept me guessing, kept me reading all through the night, made me question my thoughts, it's gripping,and truly is the perfect physiological thriller!!!

The story is told by Judi and Amber, which is perfect as you really get to delve into their thoughts and actions. Very cleverly written.

The title really sums up the whole book.... someone is a Liar..... But who and why....and how far will they go!!!!

Would I recommend this book......100%  ......YES!!!!

This is by Far my favourite physiological thriller of 2017..... I have a strong feeling Liar is going to be a hit!

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I read this book within a day as I just couldn't put my kindle down, such a gripping read with a brilliant ending!!!

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Wow, wow, wow!!! That is all I can say about this book. This was a page turning, intense novel. A widow meets a woman. Mom does not care for the new lady in her son's life and the new lady feels the same about Mom. The new girlfriend is cutting the Mom out of the lives of the grandchildren and her son. Accusations are hurled, but who is lying? You must read this awesome book to find out. What a ride!!!! Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review.

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I have been absolutely blown away by the K L Slater books that I have read in the last year. This one was also a wow book for me. It had just about everything to offer in it - lies, revenge, possessiveness and more.
Ben a widower meets Amber 'by chance'. Their relationship blossoms quickly but Judi Ben's mother doesn't trust Amber.
A very fast paced book, had me totally addicted. One to most certainly recommend. My thanks to the publisher & NetGalley for the advance reader copy.

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Liar was a great psychological thriller that gripped me from the first few pages and I could not put it down.
The book is written with chapters for the different characters and flicks mostly between Judy and her sons new girlfriend Amber.
A fab book that deserves more than 5 stars.

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Loved the book! What a rollercoaster ride, whenever you think you got the hang of things perspective changes slightly and once again you can't trust what you perceive as the 'truth'. It's not just that the book keeps you constantly guessing, it's much more, it really got to me.

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I was really looking forward to reading this as I loved the authors previous two books and Wow I read this book in just a few nights, I couldn't put it down, talk about tense and exciting.

I was hooked into this story from the outset and it kept me reeled in right to the end.
K.L. Slater is brilliant at creating very compelling characters. This is a story full of messed-up characters and situations that spiral out of control and has so many layers of twistedness. Just my type of read!

A gripping, thought provoking dark story, this book has stayed on my mind long after finishing. Highly recommended and I cannot wait for K.L.Slaters next book.

Thank you!

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This is a an excellent psychological thrillers and having enjoyed the authors previous books I can honestly say they are well worth reading. Excellent twists and turns, strong believable characters and expertly paced.

The story features two women, Judi is a proud mom to single dad Ben and grandmother to his sons, Noah and Josh. She's been taking care of all 'her boys' since Ben's wife died three years earlier.
But then Ben meets Amber, the perfect woman for him, everyone is happy that Ben has found someone except Judi. She is very suspicious of Amber, but is her concern well founded or is she just an over protective mother. Ben tries his best to keep his two favourite women happy but does he face an impossible task.
Judi tries to discover the truth about Amber but the more she digs the more shocking secrets she uncovers.
The two women are very strong characters and make excellent reading, Judi is a controlling mother who is desperate to keep her family together and Amber is determined to cut Judi out of Ben's life. Something will have to give but what.

I would like to thank both Net Galley and Bookouture who just keep turning out great novels.

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Single Dad Ben has been bringing up his two young boys on his own since his wife died two years ago. He's close to his Mum Judi who helps a lot, popping in to clean his house and do the laundry and looking after the boys after school. But when Ben meets and falls in love with a beautiful young girl called Amber all that changes. The two women do not like or trust each other and Amber gradually pushes Judi out of their lives, preventing her from seeing Ben and the boys. Judi is not prepared to let her get away with that and starts to look into Amber's background, finding that she has told a lot of lies. So what is it that Amber wants and how does Judi get the besotted Ben to open his eyes?
This is a slow burning psychological thriller as Amber gradually weasels her way into Ben's world, isolating him from Judi. Judi comes across as overly possessive and a bit of a martyr, doing so much for Ben and suffering from symptoms of menopause in silence but Amber is clever and conniving and initially has the upper hand in this struggle for dominance. Is Judi right to be fearful for the safety of her two young grandsons? You'll just have to read it to find out!

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This story was filled with the thoughts of a fifty-something year-old woman who experienced anxiety issues, loved reminiscing about her earlier years in motherhood, and who was dealing with menopause-related discomfort on a regular basis. But ultimately? Judi was a nag and an attention demon. She desperately fed off the complimentary commentary of her husband, son, and grandsons in order to feel whole. When they stopped focusing on her, she created ways to draw them back towards her, and there was more competition for attention when her son brought home the woman he was dating.

This story started off very strong but then promptly took a nose dive! Judi's overbearing need to be the star of her family along with the slightly interesting side characters (seemingly thrown in for the fun of it) did not make for a thrilling read! Amber was supposed to be the villain of this story, but she wasn't villainy enough for me. She was condescending and antagonizing, but underwhelming and a lukewarm villain at best. While the beginning chapters gripped me, the majority of the story felt chick-lit-ish and I grew bored very quickly.

▣ This book was written in third person and featured multiple POVs. I was hoping for a more intense, creepy, and chilling read with an intensely unreliable narrator, but this book didn't deliver strongly enough. The upside? The last ten percent of this book took a most noteworthy turn.

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