Member Reviews

I really enjoyed The Serial Killer’s Daughter by Lesley Welsh.
I sort of wish the book had a different title… I feel like I would have enjoyed it slightly more by going in blind to the fact that, well… her dad is a serial killer! That fact is not revealed initially… Sure, dad is weird, raunchy, even creepy and clearly has secrets, but there are all kinds of dirty deeds that could have been hidden… I might have even been a little surprised to find that he was a serial killer – if it weren’t for the title, I was thinking along the lines of sexual predator.
But… that aside. I loved this book. It kept me wondering what was going to happen next and I love all of the flaws that the characters have. How they’ve been fooled or duped by the serial killer’s daughter’s dad… and how some of them loved him anyway!!
So there’s Suzanne, trying to revive her long lost love of creating art… when out of the blue, she gets a phone call from Rose Anderson – the live in companion of her estranged dad, Don. Rose has a trunk of some of her dad’s items – namely his “life story” hand written into dozens of notebooks and she wants Suzanne to have them along with some pictures. One of the pictures is of her friend Sophie who had died in a fire in their shared art studio ten years ago. Why does he have that? Someone else wants those journals, too. But who? Why?
And so starts the roller coaster of the book. I was hooked and couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. Each chapter seemed to have a little mini cliff hanger at the end, and it didn’t pick that story line back up right away in the next chapter. That left a lot to my wild imagination until I eventually made it to the chapter that picked up where it had left off.
I am normally a slow reader and to say I devoured this book is a little bit of an understatement. That is a huge indication of my interest level and how well it kept my attention. What a great book!
The ending was left open in such a way that it would be a great book for a sequel…
As a side note, I was very sorry to hear of Lesley Welsh’s passing. She’s a great story writer and am glad she has left us the legacy of her writing. Thank you Lesley Welsh, Bookouture and Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Really enjoyed this book the story line was fascinating. I loved the style of writing and the characters were believable. A real page turner that I had a hard job putting down. A solid 6 stars.

A compelling novel with more twists than a roller coaster I couldn't put it down. It is quite graphic in its description and may not be for the fainthearted but I will be recommending this book to everyone I know.

Suzanne hasn’t had anything to do with her father Don, in years, and now he’s dead. His live in partner, Rose, pays Suzanne a visit after Don’s death to give his daughter some of his personal affects, among them some diaries and photos of women. One of the photos is of one of Suzanne’s friend’s, Sophie, who was killed in an unxplained fire a decade earlier. If her father only met Sophie once, days before she died, why did he have a picture of her? But the true shock comes when Suzanne reads Don’s journals and discovers that she never really knew her father at all and that even now, she may be in danger

I absolutely ADORED this amazing, page turning, tense and twisted thriller. From the first page to the last, the pace doesn't flag, the writing is tight and spare and yet beautiful, the characters real and flawed. Loved every word. Highly recommend this brilliant read.