Member Reviews

A few actual quotes from this book:

"Appeal to fear, greed and idleness" - seriously?! That's not a "leadership" technique, that's slimy manipulation based on people's basest feelings.

"One risk of coaching...they may have come up with a better solution than the one you had thought of. As the leader, you take responsibility for the success or failure of the team, so letting them come up with the smart ideas is 100% in your interests." Wow. So basically be wary of coaching your employees as they might outshine you, but you can still take credit for it so it's alright in the end. Just wow.

"Get all the skeletons out of the cupboard fast, so you cannot be blamed for them. Reset expectations as low as possible: it is easier to beat a low target than a high one." How VERY motivating and inspiring. UGH.

Maybe the author was trying to be funny and/or snarky for entertainment's stake, but (hopefully) people are reading this book to learn how to become better leaders and managers, not to be entertained. Pity the poor employee who works for a manager taking any of the above advice.

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This is the very book I would buy for my employees looking to get promoted up. My favorite thing about this book is how it's divided -- Each section can easily be read during a bathroom break, if that's all the time you have in your day.

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I regret to say that I was disappointed of this book. I hoped to learn more which I could take with me in my leadership toolbox, for the day I find myself in some kind of leadership position. I felt the book only touched the surface on the themes it choose to lay a light on.

In the beginning the author tells the reader that he has to be smart to pick up this book. But during the book I felt that the author changed his mind, because I felt handheld during the book and it made me feel quite stupid. One of the reasons for this feeling were all the repetitions. I have a great understanding that repetition is important, but not in a book. If I want to do repetitions, I as the reader will choose when to do that and I will understand if a speaker repet what he says, as listening is a different media than reading. If the author feels the need to repeat what he has written, at least spend some time to rewrite it as it then makes more sense. Then if the reader did not understand the point the first time, he can the second.

I feel this is a type of book you could read for your first leadership course or as an introduction to a leadership mindset, but for other than this I get the feeling it is too lacking.

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I thought this book would be similar to what I’ve learned through LinkedIn/life experiences, and I was pleasantly surprised. Split into nine easy-to-read parts (mindset, career, people, moment of truth, daily, organization, political, financial skills, and the art of strategy), I was able to skip around the book and focus on certain skillsets that I wanted to read first. With a very clean and simple design, and great use of tables and call out boxes, the information was very well organized and helped me distinguish between a “leader mindset” and “follower mindset”. Even for those already in a leadership position, it’s a great refresher resource guide to keep on hand.

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