Member Reviews

I really wanted to love this book but just didn't quite connect to the characters. Great storyline though.

Thank you for providing me with an advance review copy of this book. Enjoyed reading, would recommend....

Best day ever by Kaira Rouda.
Paul Strom has spent years building his perfect life: glittering career, beautiful wife, two healthy boys and a big house in the suburbs.But he also has his secrets. That’s why Paul has promised his wife a romantic weekend getaway. He proclaims this day, a warm Friday in May, will be the best day ever.Paul loves his wife, really, he does. But he also wants to get rid of her. And with every hour that passes, Paul ticks off another stage in his elaborately laid plan…
A brilliant read. On the edge of my seat. 5*.

This is one of those thriller where the characters are just not likeable making it feel slow and hard work. The general plot was interesting but the ending didn't really shock me as I'd hoped, it was too predictable for me unfortunately.

Although I read this book a bit ago I remember it being an unsettling read with a main character, Paul that I didn’t really like! I found Mia frustrating sometimes but after a slow start I did want to finish it to see how it would all tie up.

Best Day Ever is set over a 24 hour period, Paul and his wife Mia are heading to their cottage for the weekend, just the two of them, child free.
Mia has been pretty sick for a while now and Paul sees this a perfect opportunity for her to recoup and relax, though it is clear from the off that something isn’t quite right and anything could happen. The weekend really does leave you guessing as to what Paul has in store for him and his wife - let’s just say; it won’t be what you are expecting!

The Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda is told by Paul Strom, a glittering business man who appears to have a perfect life: a beautiful wife, two adorable boys, a house in one the best suburbs in the state and a lakeside second home. But, of course, nothing is as it seems and when Paul takes wife Mia away for a romantic getaway at their lake house he has only one thing on his mind – murder.
I really don’t know where to start with this review as every single part of the book was amazing! I guess the first thing that really stood out to me was that the story was told entirely from the viewpoint of Paul. I don’t think I have ever read a thriller where we were right inside the bad guy’s mind. This was a very clever way of showing just how conniving Paul could be considering we start out with an idea of the perfect, loving husband and slowly begin to realise what we are dealing with is a much darker personality.
Paul is certainly the main character in this book and it feels like all the others just play a supporting role, no matter how important they are to the overall story. But we do get to learn a lot about Mia over the course of the book. It is Mia is the one who really grows as a character, not Paul, and I have to admit that I really liked her. She is not what she initially seems and even though I would have sympathy for anyone currently in the sights of a murderer, the more I got to know her, the more I aligned myself on her side.
My absolute favourite thing about this book was the sense of anticipation that was built. I haven’t read a thriller which was able to do that quite so well in a while. Also, Rouda built the anticipation of when rather than what and this was a good twist in itself. Some of you may feel concerned that the book is too dragged out considering its entire contents take place over the course of one day but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The flow is wonderfully natural, hard to rush and will have you devouring every word.
I think this might actually be the thriller of the year for me! Don’t believe me? Go grab a copy and prove yourself wrong!

I’ve got to say I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I had it sat in my to read pile for a long time and finally got round to reading it at the start of the year. There were a good amount of twists and turns and the light hearted narrative was easy to read. I’ve got to say I didn’t love the characters but overall I would recommend it for a quick read!

Have you ever read a book where the main protagonist is actually a thoroughly unpleasant human being but charms the socks off you?
Best Day Ever is just that book. The first person narrative of Paul Strom, a man determined to have the ‘best day ever’ with his wife Mia is very powerful. Kaira Raida has produced a character who is charming and thoughtful but fail him in any way and he unleashes his revenge.
The book is a real journey, not just in the physical sense of the trip Paul and Mia take to get away from the everyday stresses. The gradual discoveries of the depths that Paul has sunk to get his own way throughout his life is completely absorbing.
I found myself being annoyed with Mia even though I knew the terrible things Paul had done! His descriptions of his actions are so matter of fact and persuasive that they almost seem acceptable despite their horrific nature.
I really don’t want to give away any more of the plot as it was so important to let Paul reveal himself to the reader at his own pace. Despite the twist in the book, I still found myself on Paul’s side willing him to succeed!
I will just conclude by saying this book was truly excellent and I hope to read more by Kaira in the near future.

I really tried with this book but I couldn't finish it. The writing style wasn't for me. I couldn't connect with the character.

This was a book with a slow start but stick with and you will have a great read. The tension starts to rise about a quarter of the way through the book and then doesn't stop. Avery clever story with lots of twists and turns that ends up with you sitting on the edge of your seat and desperate for the finish. Great read.

I wanted to love this book but it just missed the mark of being brilliant but only because he got on my nerves :) Great read and will definitely read other books by this author.

Paul and Mia, an apparently happily married couple, going to spend the weekend at their lakeside house. Leaving their 2 sons at home, they’re going to have The Best Day Ever, aren’t they?? That was the plan! Wow, this is just fab, didn’t know whether to laugh or cover my eyes as events unfolded. Paul is absolutely amazed by himself, whether at home or at work, he knows best and loses no time in asserting his superiority, if anyone dares to say otherwise. If he were chocolate then he’d eat himself. Well I loved every minute of this “day” and hope Kaira will bring him back in another book!

Loved this book! Couldn't put it down. Full of intrigue. The main character is complex and I really disliked him, but having said that, the story had me gripped. Would recommend this if you like anything by Liane Moriarty, but with plenty of twists! Fab!

Tragic and gripping. The cruelty of people beautifully portrayed.
Not a huge fan of American thrillers, but happy in this case to be proven wrong...

This has got to be best psychological thriller I have read yet, and I am not sure how I am going to do this book justice with my review without spoiling it.
This was sinister and creepy from the get go, Paul Strom has to be one of the most creepiest characters I have read in a long time, clearly a Sociopath who shows little emotion other than what he wants to show – he doesn’t get called Poker Face Paul for no reason!
Best Day Ever is set over a 24 hour period, Paul and his wife Mia are heading to their cottage for the weekend, just the two of them, child free. Mia has been sick for a while now and he sees this a perfect opportunity for her to recoup and relax, though it is clear from the get go that something is going to go down over the weekend but you really are left guessing as to what Paul has in store for him and his wife.
Paul is one of those characters that you are supposed to hate but he hooked me right in that even I was beginning to believe his justification for some of his actions! He is a man who likes to be in control of everything so when his wife starts to act “unusual” in his eyes, over the course of the weekend the mask he has held in place for so many years begins to slip and the whole story begins to unfold.
This story was expertly written and the tension twists and turns really had me on the edge of my seat, I devoured this book and this is far different from Ms Rouda other works, it is clear that she can wear the hat of writing different genres brilliantly!

This book drew me in from the start and continued to do so. The intrigue made for compelling reading and the tension just kept on rising. . Best Day Ever is definitely a slow burner which builds up to a great finale.

In a way the best part of this story is really the main character Paul, he is so matter of fact which makes for such an entertaining story he is quite the character but definitely in a bad way. This ended up grabbing my attention perfectly as I was waiting for the next despicable thought to pop out of his head. To hear his inner thoughts was jaw dropping at times especially how egotistical he truly is and I'm sure every reader would love to wipe the smirk off his face.
There are a few twists and turns that kept things interesting and I don't want to go into too much detail as it really is worth discovering all of the little surprises for yourself. The story moves steadily although I have to admit that I wouldn't necessarily call this book fast paced. However it is character driven with an underlying tension as Paul's true personality is slowly revealed along with his intentions. The question is will it really be the best day ever?
With some darker and intense moments that will keep you turning the pages. An addictive read with a character you can't help but hate.
Four stars!
With thanks to HQ and Netgalley for my copy. This is my honest and unbiased opinion.

A chilling read that you just can't put down.
It became obvious soon that the main character Strom lacked emotional empathy and at least one of his lies was very clear. But the full extent of what he was capable of only emerged as the story progressed.
There is a twist to the ending that you might not see coming, but don't worry, you will still be reading....

Wowser what a bloody book and a half this one turned out to be!
Totally loved it had me on the edge of my seat, I hated Paul with a passion, the book is basically spun over a 24hr period and told from pauls point of view, Paul is married to Mia and they seem to have “it all”....
The book was quite dark really and full of deception and betrayal along with a few twists thrown in for good measure; it’s also quite funny in a dark kind of way (I thought Paul was quite funny anyway!)...
They’re off to the lake house for the best day ever, but we all know different...a seriously good book and a must read for anyone who loves a good book that’s dark, deceptive but also quite tongue in cheek funny too!