Member Reviews
Summer at Buttercup Beach is the second in the series written by Holly Martin set on the fictional Hope Island in the Scilly Isles. Holly hasn't kept those of us who were huge fans of the first in the series Spring at Blueberry Bay, waiting that long for the next instalment as book one was only published a few short months ago back in April. This time around the story focuses on another would be couple Freya and Rome who had previously made some appearances as we followed Bella and Isaac's story. Now Freya and Rome take centre stage as they struggle to face up to realities and maybe admit they do actually have feelings for each other and want to take things that little bit further.
With this series I feel it's not really will the characters we are reading about get together it's more about their journey to reach that point and that's what makes it so interesting and sets them apart from any other books out there in this genre at the moment. Holly has created a brilliant cast of characters backed up by the most wonderful setting of Hope Island and if you weren't invested in the outcome for all in book one you certainly will be by the time you finish reading Summer at Buttercup Beach. It didn't take me long to settle back into the familiarity of Hope Island and its residents and for those who haven't read Bella's story, although giving nothing away, Holly filled us in nicely on events in the previous book with subtle lines here and there but apart from that Freya and Rome were allowed to shine.
Freya Greene has secretly fancied Rome Lancaster ever since she arrived on Hope Island after a tumultuous period in her life. They are the best of friends and work alongside each other on a daily basis in Rome's workshop creating beautiful stained glass pieces. 'She had a great job, brilliant friends and lived in the most beautiful place in the world, but her life was missing love and it wasn't just love with anyone else she wanted, it was Rome. He was the missing piece that didn't seem like it would ever be filled'. Freya wonders does Rome in any way reciprocate her feelings or is it all one-sided? But she doesn't have the courage to come out and ask him face to face. I couldn't really blame her for not doing this to be honest as if I was in the same position I would be more than reluctant and afraid as to what the outcome could be. Who wants their dreams crushed when you could hold on to that fantasy for just that little bit longer?
In this case it's different as we have lots of chapter's from Rome's perspective and as the story develops we get a deeper insight in to the workings of Rome's heart and mind. So my opinion on the whole situation changed several times over. In fact throughout the entire story so many various scenarios are presented that by the end you become equally frustrated with both Freya and Rome. You just wanted to sit them down in a quiet room and say you are not leaving here until you say everything that's on your mind and it has to be the truth and nothing else. Both were very complex characters with a lot going on. You could sense the hesitation and reluctance to commit but there must have been very valid reasons for this. The islanders, their close friends and relatives as in Bella, Isaac, Eden and Dougie and even the readers could see what was right in front of their eyes it was just a question whether Rome and Freya would eventually see the same.
Rome really doesn't want true love to enter his life again, he had it in the past but events left him deeply hurt and affected by what had occurred. He 'had been too fearful to fall in love again because of the pain of losing her had been to much to bear. He had guarded his heart and that had worked just fine for him'. He was very closed off and misinterpreted situations and words far too quickly instead of stepping back and thinking about things. At times I didn't like the way he treated Freya, not in any physical harmful way but in the fact he took things too seriously and too literally and hurt her feelings and gave mixed signals. There were several times when just as you thought the pair could be getting close and maybe realising what was right their in front of them only then for something to occur and it felt like everything was back to square one. I know the path to true love never runs smooth but when the feelings are there and the chemistry has been brewing for so long surely you want to take a chance on it?
I thought to myself there has to be a very good reason for Rome to act the way he does in relation to love and relationships and when the reason becomes apparent it wasn't a let down at all which I was fearful of. In fact it made me understand Rome a lot more and I got where he was coming from. I know it's hard to move on from something but there comes a time and a place when this is essential and needs to be done. Freya was such a warm, loving person who would make the most wonderful partner in life and love and I fervently hoped that Rome didn't let her slip through his fingers. Rome wanted someone who could make him, laugh, someone whom he could share his deepest secrets and worries in and someone who he just enjoyed spending time with and I truly believed because of the brilliant writing from Holly Martin that Freya was that one person he didn't know was so close to home.
It's clear Freya has reached that point that if things don't come out in the opinion than that's it. How could you stand to work alongside the person you love day and day out without saying anything or receiving anything in return? 'Could she really face seeing Rome everyday knowing that he would never be hers?' I enjoyed seeing how everything was coming to a head. It was like this romantic explosion was going to happen and it would result either in heartbreak or happiness. The backdrop to the unfolding drama was as strong as ever and the island too as in the first book was it's own character and I fell ever more in love with the beaches described and just the general life on the island. Some of the funniest moments for me in this book came from Rome's dad Finn. God how I laughed at the awkward situation he found himself in which resulted in what I would term a verbal diarrhoea of words that should never have left his mouth. He had me cringing and laughing in equal measure. Also the inclusion of Rome's job working on the stained glass showed his creative side but it also provided for a lot of beautiful moments and a lot of well thought out metaphors.
I really enjoyed getting to know different characters a lot deeper in this second book and although Spring at Blueberry Bay slightly edges out this one for me just because I became really deeply embroiled in the outcome for Bella and Isaac it still doesn't take away from what an enjoyable read Summer at Buttercup Beach was. It's a perfect continuation of the series and I feel we are nicely set up for Christmas at Mistletoe Cove. I have a feeling who it will focus on and hope my suspicions are correct. Holly Martin constantly blows me away with her writing and with Summer at Buttercup Beach she has done no different, I hope everyone enjoys Freya and Rome's journey as much as I did.
How much you enjoy this depends on how you feel about chick lit. You'll probably know early on how things are going to go between Roma and Freya but the journey is a good one. I liked Hope Island - and Buttercup Beach- as well as the various other characters. I also liked that Roma is a glass blower (something that fascinates me.). IT's a quick easy read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Good beach (or rainy day) read.
I am a huge fan of Holly Martin's writing, her heart-warming and romantic love stories as well as the beautiful scenrey she creates in every book.
Unfortunately "Summer at Buttercup Beach" leaves me a bit disappointed. From the beginning I have been struggling with the characters. It's not that I didn't like them, Freya and Rome were sweet and loveable characters but throughout the book I got so annoyed with them. The love story was turning in circles, they were questioning each others feelings constantly and hardly believed what they were telling each other and making up stories. I do understand where both of them are coming from and they might have difficulties with their feelings as well as trust, but they were simply getting on my nerves.
Again I did enjoy the setting on Hope Island and the crafting Freya and Rome were doing. There were also several sweet moments and dates in their relationship but I wasn't as entertained as I was in the previous book.
Considering this book is a good old trope about falling in love with your best friend I didn't have too many expectations of it but I was very pleasantly surprised to find that this was actually done in an original and fun way.
Both main characters are lovely and a pleasure to read about. The island setting is perfect and the whole book was a pleasure to read.
Holly Martin is back with another delicious read that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. We are once again back on the gorgeous and idyllic Hope Island, this time with the focus on Freya and Roma; both of whom appeared in Spring at Blueberry Bay. We also meet up with some of our old favourites and get to see what has happened since we last visited.
Freya arrived on Hope Island following her relationship break down, she finds a job with Rome and discovers a love of working with glass. Her whole life becomes entwined with Rome and Hope Island. Rome is her best friend and despite knowing from past experience that she shouldn't have all her eggs in one basket, Freya is drawn to Rome. But as her feelings blossom she is unsure of Rome's feelings for her and begins to second guess the briefest of touches and the looks. WIll Freya get her happy ending? Rome comes with some painful baggage and is he ready to open his heart again?
I loved Summer at Buttercup Beach, from the beginning I was drawn in to the beautiful beach setting and the beautiful Hope Island. Holly creates a magical atmosphere where it feels as though anything is possible. I loved being able to revisit the Island and its picturesque setting. Holly's description are so beautiful and paint such a vivid picture I could easily imagine the scenes.
The characters as always are easy to love, I love meeting old and new characters and discovering their pasts. We met Freya and Rome previously so it was nice to have that back knowledge but then building on that information and discovering this whole other side to the person. I love the fact that Holly uses dual perspective, enabling me as the reader to see the story from both sides and discovering little gems of information.
I loved Freya from the start, she had this likeable quality to her and I felt the need to protect her. I could see early on she had feelings for Rome and I was desperate for her to act on these feelings and hopefully get her happy ending. It was clear he adored her but her vision was clouded by her past. As for Rome, oh man he is literally a god. He is the man of my dreams. Rome, like Freya has a past which has left him heart broken, but it was clear early on that him and Freya were destined to be together. I was desperate for them to realise this fact and that both had feelings for each other.
But things are never simple! Holly has a plot which flows beautifully, building suspense and throwing in some wicked plot twists which kept me on the hooked and desperately reading on late in to the night, desperate to see where their story would take me next and whether they would finally both get the happy ending they deserved.
Summer at Buttercup Beach is a beautiful summer read, perfect for those long summer days. This book delivers on every level, with suspense and plot twists, as well a magical romantic feeling weaving its way through the pages.
Holly is one of my favourites authors and never fails to put a smile on my face. I hope to catch up with Hope Island and its residents again soon.
firstly, I loved the fact that this was a companion novel but not a sequel to Spring at Blueberry Bay. I loved the characters in that novel, especially the siblings that it revolves around and so I was really pleased when I got to hear more from that family and more from Hope Island.
The characters in this novel are great, even if they did drive me a bit crazy at time. This novels centres around Rome and Freya. Rome's sister Bella was the subject for Holly's previous book and so we do get to hear a little from her in this novel but this one is really all about Rome and Freya and how their relationship develops. They are both lovely people and great characters to be able to sympathise and relate to straight away but boy did they make me frustrated at times. My husband will attest to the fact that I was shouting at them as I read this because of some of the things they were doing or not doing as the case may be. I love when a character in a book has that hold over you though, don't you?
This is mainly about their relationships but there is also great insight life on the island in this novel. There are some fabulous coastal scenes obviously and we get a real insight into how the dynamics work and how people manage day to day which, as a reader, I really appreciated. Holly Martin gives some great descriptions of the people and places and she really has a gift when it comes to sex scenes. The sex scenes in all of her novels will definitely have you hot under the collar and this one is no exception!
I really enjoyed this read. I didn't love it as much as Spring at Blueberry bay but it was a great to have a spin off novel, nevertheless. The family dynamics and the steamy romance are what made it for me and this one is definitely a summery read so great for packing into your suitcase or sitting in the garden and reading. I enjoyed this read and can't wait to hear more from the gang on Hope Island!
Just when I thought that Holly Martin had written her best book yet, she goes and releases a new one (this one). I really have no clue how Holly Martin does it. I really don't. I mean, her previous novel, Spring at Blueberry Bay, was amazing! It was my most favourite book of hers to date....well, until she released this one of course.
Summer at Buttercup Beach is, without a doubt, my most favourite book by Holly Martin. I didn't know it was possible. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. Well, hang on, I knew it would be good because it's Holly Martin and her books are ah-MAZING! I just wasn't expecting to write IOU's to the author as star ratings don't go past five! Pfft.
Freya and Rome - best friends, colleagues, and more often than none; an extra in each others dreams. Think of it like this; if Freya was a hormonal teenager still in school, she would be etching, 'FG 4 RL' on the front of her textbooks, staring into space with her hand propping up her head incase it became to heavy with thoughts of Rome Lancaster. If you hadn't worked it out by that, Freya has a HUGE crush on her best friend and has done for a while. She's convinced herself that Rome doesn't have feelings for her in return, but instead of grabbing the boy by the horn, she just assumes that he doesn't due to his past. Has she asked him? Has she fudge....
If, like Freya, you have had feelings for your best friend, you can fully appreciate how scary that particular situation is. Not only does she work with the guy, it's pretty clear that she is too scared to put her feelings out there in case it ruins their friendship, even though her close friends are egging her on to do so.
I have been in Freya's position before, and I can tell you now, it is a horrible, horrible situation to be in, no wonder she didn't know whether to tell him or not! I loved watching Freya and Rome's friendship grow throughout the storyline, as both characters have such bold personalities. They're both incredibly stubborn yet they both have hearts of gold, which meant that they were constantly doing right by other people, instead of doing right by themselves. As an outsider looking in, I was shouting at the book because I just wanted them both to see sense and actually talk to each other!
Once again, Holly Martin managed to create scenes which had me singing;
Even though I had a feeling on the conclusion of this book from an early stage, the predictability didn't bother me in the slightest as I was too engrossed with Freya and Rome's relationship, and ended up getting frustrated for them!
I have to make a confession. A part of this book irked me a tad. I didn't want it to. But it did.
Yes. That right there is what's wrong with this book. It's too short. Hell, it could be 4775354564 pages long and I would still think that it was too short. Why? Because ladies and gentleman, this particular author is incredible!
Holly Martin creates realistic storylines with unforgettable characters, includes memorable laugh out loud humour, adds in a pinch of spice and drama to rival ITVbe; all in one book. To include all of that in a novel without losing momentum or vibe, takes talent, dedication, a kinky brain and a Holly Martin's brain.
I adored everything about this novel, I'm not going to lie. For me, the thing that I love most about 'Summer at Buttercup Beach' is how it sends a message to anyone who has a crush; telling them to be true to themselves, not to make rash decisions, listen to your heart and just go for it.
Such a poignant and beautiful message within a humour filled, tender and cosy novel. 100% unputdownable.
Thanks Holly M & Bookouture.
*Book provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
It’s always so lovely to be back in a Holly Martin book, because she knows how to create a unique atmosphere. This is book 2 of the Hope Island series, so it’s great to familiar with some characters and settings already.
This story follows Freya Greene, who is in love with her best friend Rome Lancaster. She works for him, which is not always easy. Rome is gorgeous, but he doesn’t seem to return her feelings, until now… And there is also the fact that his fiancé died a few years ago.
As the story develops their feelings for each other get stringer and also Rome realises that she is special. Best friends become lovers and more and that was great to follow. Freya and Rome make a wonderful couple and they are also fab characters. I loved reading about familiar people and the setting around this story is just so lovely.
I was hooked from the first moment and couldn’t put the book down! There is plenty of romance in this book and the storyline is full of twists and turns. This book just gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and it’s the perfect summer read!
Thank you to Holly for letting me be part of today's Blog Blitz. I adore Holly's writing and I have been looking forward to this book since I finished Spring in Blueberry Bay back in April.
This story follows Freya and Rome. If you read The first book in Hope Island then you would have already met these two characters. This book can be read as a standalone but I would highly recommend reading Spring at Blueberry Bay because it was just so good.
Freya met Rome two years ago and has been in love with her best friend ever since. Freya arrived on Hope Island after catching her fiance in bed with someone else. With nothing to keep her in her old life she decided to move to Hope Island and start over. Freya loves working for Rome but her feelings for him are slowly killing her.
Rome Lancaster is everything you hope for in a man. He's extremely hot, he's humble, he's good-natured and he would do anything for those that he loves. Rome lost his fiancee in a terrible roller-coaster accident 6 years ago, since then he's kept his heart guarded.
This story has everything you need for a summer story. It has the beaches, it has the humour and it has the romance. Holly's writing style is everything I look for in a book and I love coming back time and time again. I am eagerly anticipating the next story at Hope Island, which I believe is out later this year.
Romance is well and truly in the air in Summer at Buttercup Beach and I can't praise this story enough as it really has got a wonderful heartwarming vibe. It is also a beautiful story about two people who have been hurt in the past and have a lovely friendship that is edging more closely towards being romantic. The big question is it worth the risk to their friendship?
Every character has a part to play that gave the story that added extra something special. The friendships and family dynamics are wonderful to see and you genuinely get attached to the characters. After reading Spring at Blueberry Bay I couldn't wait to catch up with Bella and Isaac. Even though they are mentioned in this story this book is easily classed as a standalone. However I do recommend reading it just because it is another fab story by Holly Martin. Freya is just a lovely person that I instantly liked and I couldn't help but root for her to achieve her happy ever after. Rome is a pretty perfect love interest and I could definitely understand the attraction.
As I mentioned there is that gorgeous heart warming feel but also some laughs too especially one scene that had me not only cringing but laughing in equal measure. I'm sure that this book can be guaranteed to brighten your day just as it did for me, it really does have a lovely feel good factor. Summer at Buttercup Beach made me smile but also sigh with a lovely contented feeling, it's a definite hit with me!
I very nearly read it in one evening but I really did need to get some sleep especially when it got to 1am. However the next day as soon as I could I picked it back up again and just had to finish it. The will they won't they aspect to Freya and Rome's relationship was pretty addictive reading and I had to know how it would all end. I can't wait for Holly Martin's next book every new story is just as entertaining as the last.
Fun, romantic with a beautiful charm!
With thanks to Bookouture & Netgalley for my copy. This is my honest opinion.
When I consider what I want from a great read, this story certainly ticks all the boxes!
Great setting - Hope Island and Buttercup Beach
Brilliant, easy to relate to characters
Enthralling plot with plenty of twists and turns
Highly talented author - well this is by Holly Martin, so that goes without saying - she’s superb!
Loved reading it!
Anyone who has already read the first book set on this island, ‘Spring at Blueberry Bay’ will be familiar with many of the characters in this book, and it was great to catch up on what is happening in their lives. Having said that, I don’t think you need to have read that one to appreciate this - though it is also another brilliant read so I also recommend that one!
This one focusses on Rome Lancaster, a talented glassworker, who set up his business after the tragic death of his fiancée six years ago. He’d been in a bad place emotionally until the heartbroken Freya Greene came to the island after catching her now ex-fiancé being unfaithful; that was two years ago. She ended up staying on the island and working with Rome, becoming a skilled glassworker and helping expand the business by promoting its web based presence, including posting images of Rome working without his shirt on! The two are now best friends but she dreams of being more, acknowledging she’s in love with him. He, however, is unsure of his feelings and reticent to spoil their friendship by taking a chance on becoming more than friends. This is a “will they”/“won’t they” friends to lovers romance that keeps you guessing right to the end, with angst, turmoil and humour along the way!
I thoroughly enjoyed journeying via this story to Hope Island and visiting the people who live and love there. It is a heart warming tale of a small community where everyone knows everyone else and really cares about each other - though sometimes they’re rather nosey! I loved escaping into this page-turner and have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in highly recommending this book (and all the others I’ve read by this amazing author)!
After falling head over heels in love with Bella and Isaac's story in 'Spring At Blueberry Bay', I couldn't wait for Holly to take me back to Hope Island and find out more on Rome and his blossoming friendship with Freya!
We met Rome in 'Spring At Blueberry Bay' where we found out his fiance had passed away in a terrible accident and after that he kept himself to himself. Although we didn't read much about Freya in Blueberry Bay, we did know she had strong feelings towards her boss. 'Summer at Buttercup Beach' really delves in to the relationship between Rome and Freya, taking us on a whirlwind journey of friendship, heartbreak and love.
Freya is extremely open about her feelings towards Rome, the entire island knows how just in love with him she is. The only person Freya isn't open with about her feelings is Rome, unsure on whether he'd return the feelings or reject them. She couldn't risk putting herself through that, no matter how much people tried to convince her that he feels exactly the same way.
Rome has become the typical man who likes to keep all interactions with women quick and no commitment required. After his fiance passed away, he knew he'd never be able to feel what he felt with Paige again with somebody else. He's closed himself to feeling any type of love that can end in hurt, ignoring all comments on how he and Freya would make a lovely couple. He just couldn't lose his best friend. However, neither of them can deny that what they feel for each other is beyond friends.
It doesn't take long for you to start falling in love with Rome yourself, he's very romantic and isn't afraid to show it, he has such a creative side and you can't help adore the geeky side in him. His character development was lovely to read as well, from a man who spends most of his time in one night stands to wanting something much more deeper and committed.
Although Rome and Freya's growing relationship was so beautiful to read about, I enjoyed just reading about their friendship and wished that I could have a guy best friend that just clicks as well as they do together. I loved the fact that I also got to catch up with the other characters like Bella and Isaac, it was heart-warming to see how their relationship is going since the previous book.
Holly's writing is so comforting, that it is easy to find yourself curled up in bed in a world full of romance. I just knew I was going to enjoy the book and she never fails to keep you happy throughout. This book is a will they, won't they book that definitely keeps you on your toes and I've had an absolute pleasure reading it! Now can we please have a book on Eden and Dougie!!!
Freya and Rome have been best friends for the past six years. But while Freya has feelings for Rome, he only sees her as a sister. Or does he? Recently the two of them have been getting closer and closer. It seems like only a matter of time before the two of them are finally together. However there is still the issue of Rome and his tragic past. Rome lost the woman he loved in a brutal and tragic accident which has left him with deep scars.
This was a very interesting book and I loved reading it. I thought this book had hotter scenes that any of Holly Martin's previous books which I really enjoyed. Freya and Rome's characters are well-written and real. This book also sets up the background for the next book in the series (which I absolutely cannot wait for!).
Like all of Holly Martin's books, this features a variety of entertaining and colourful characters, a beautiful small town and a great romance. I recommend this book to all fans of contemporary romance
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this review copy.
Freya Greene has worked with the handsome Rome Lancaster for the last two years in his glasswork business. She’s also been in love with him for two years! Until now, Rome has only shown interest in Freya as a friend, but is that beginning to change?
I knew before I started reading this book that I would love it. I don’t think there is a Holly Martin book yet that I haven’t loved. What isn’t there to like about this book – the romance, the setting and of course the characters. There is plenty of romance, and also plenty of sex (but all tastefully done!!) The setting of the Scilly Isles is just beautiful and makes me want to pack my bags and move there right now….even more so if they have more men like the handsome and gorgeous Rome Lancaster! The characters in the book are also known from Holly’s previous book Spring at Blueberry Bay so if you’ve read this one, you do have an inkling as to what the characters are all about anyway. If all the men in the Scilly Isles are like the ones that Holly has offered us already, then I’m surprised the islands aren’t full to burst with young (or even old) romance seeking women!! You couldn’t have got a more perfect couple than Freya and Rome – best friends both in and outside of the bedroom!
This is such a lovely easy to read book. It grabs you from page one and takes you through to the end on a ride of love and laughter. Just one word of warning, watch what you are doing on the beach – you never know who might be watching!!
Well recommended! Five Stars!
Having loved the first book in this series and Holly's previous books, I'm pleased this latest novel lives up to high expectations, such a gem of a book! Full of swoons, drama, comedy and stunning scenery it has everything you'd want in a romantic fiction book. Definitely some funny moments amongst the tension, Rome's parents are amazing!!
I loved the (clearly well researched) information on glasswork and you could really picture the skill of the pieces. The beauty of the island as ever calls you and you're instantly in love, with the scenery and the fabulous characters on it.
I loved this book by this author. I love the troupe of best friends falling in love! Freya and Rome have known each other for a number of years now, working together and becoming best friends. Her secret? She has been in love with him for two years. Is he over his late fiancée? Would he ever see her as more than a friend? Grab this book by Holly Martin and find out!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.
Buttercup Beach - what a gorgeous name! And this book continues with great character names too - which all add up to a lovely, feel-good, summery read. I didn't realise until the author's comments at the end that this was the second in a trilogy; however, it works very well as a stand-alone read. Hope Island is an amazing setting and Holly Martin's descriptions are terrific
This is the tale of two people who work together, socialise together, are the very best and closest of friends but who still don't confide truthfully in each other. Quite a true situation I would think as very few people own up to what is truly going through their mind - as opposed to what comes out of their mouth! A very cleverly written romance, and one which I have not only enjoyed thoroughly but would have no hesitation in recommending to anyone looking for a lighthearted, uplifting read.
I received an arc via NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Falling in love with a book has never been so easy!
I can honestly say that I was swept away by this book, the setting and the cute romance. There was everything I wanted and more was packed into this book.
We are back at hope island, focusing on Freya and Rome's romance. Everyone can see that the are meant to be together and both really like one another. But because of their pasts both are afraid to fess up to their feelings and just declare their undying love.
I really enjoyed reading about Freya and Rome's friendship and how close the are. It was lovely catching up with Eden and Bella, and cannot wait for the next book in the series to catch up even more! I love how Holly focuses on the main couple of the story but allows us to catch up with old friends without being too in informative and going off on one.... (really made more sense in mm head!!).
I loved that we got to see their work relationship and how in tune the were with one another when making the stained glass items. All the items created sounded incredible and breathtaking. I love how the know what the other wants, but their romance manages to have some ups and downs. As well as a good chuck of hilarious moments and embarrassing times.
Full of heart, warmth and a smidgen of sexiness this is a perfect holiday read. Sunny, bright and full of hope this one book you won't want to put down!
When I chose to read Summer at Buttercup Beach, I knew that I'd be in for a treat, as all of Holly's books that I've read so far have been absolutely wonderful.
Having read Spring at Blueberry Bay, which is where you first get to meet Freya & Rome as background characters, I was very keen to read their story which is what Holly's latest book was all about.
I loved everything about this story, it was delightful to read and there were a few giggles along the way. It was great getting to know Freya & Rome to discover their stories and finding out if they were successful in getting together. I luved reading about all the different and interesting facts throughout the book that Rome would continually tell us. I also loved getting to meet previous characters again, Bella, Isaac, Eden and Dougie as I loved them from previous book.
The setting/location of the book was faultless and just like last time, I fell in love with the location and wished that I was there.
I can definitely recommend this as a Summer read or anytime time read.