Member Reviews

I enjoyed the second book in the series far more than the first, probably because of the humour that was interspersed in the story. It is set in the same world as the first book, but in a different location and with different characters. My favourite character being God. He added so much humour to the story and stopped it from being as bleak as the first book. There were still some gruesome scenes, but I felt it wasn’t quite as scary as the first book and I enjoyed the story more because of this.

4.5 stars.
This story follows Grace who lives in New York and plans to persuade the Queen of Coney Island to allow her passage to Riker's Island in order to find her brother. All the events are post Change of course so there's a lot of weird things and people around. Grace travels with a man who calls himself God and therefore thinks he is God.
God is just so hilarious, it's just funny how he thinks he can get out of scrapes simply because he's God and he can't die and he doesn't pay attention to any of those who roll their eyes at him. And Grace is a fighter, a risk-taker, I like seeing that strength in her and how she just simply let's "God" act like he does though whilst voicing her own logical thoughts. She is definitely the level-headed one.
I'd say things aren't as messed up as what Howard has seen in the first book, but could likely become that way in the next part of Grace's story.
I'm excited to read the next part of her journey. It's just such a fun and quick read, and I'm intrigued about the differences the Change has caused in each city.

Moving to another country, this story follows Grace as she journeys through New York. Her goal is to get to Rickers island, but she needs the permission from the Queen to cross the river.
Most of the people she encountered on her journey to Coney Island were dangerous and she went out of her way to avoid them, but when she met an eccentric man who thought he was God, her instincts told her was harmless and, yet another strange friendship was formed.
When Grace and God arrived at Coney Island it was like some strange carnival and freak show all rolled into one. The descriptive writing gave you a clear idea on how Coney Island had developed since the change. One favourite scene was Grace’s fine dining on the rollercoaster. The Queen reminded me of the Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland). When Grace had to do her quest in Dreamland, there was something eerie about the place, and as the story progressed you learnt more about the strange group of people that lived there.
This series is just getting better and better

This is book 2 out of The Change series and is set in New York. We follow new characters in a new setting after a single event has changed the world. We meet Grace, who is travelling to a forbidden area to seek out her brother who she last saw before the change happened.
Along the way, Grace meets a strange guy who is claiming to be God, she allows him to travel with her as she tries to find her brother. In this short novel, Grace has a task to perform for the Queen of Coney Island to get the permission to travel to the area where she believes her brother to be. However the task is not simple and we meet more characters who help Grace.
Overall, the book is an enjoyable short read, it would have been nice if the second book in the series was a continuation of the first one, but I think the author will be tying the stories together later in the series. At least I hope it will!

The Change has also happened in New York and the whole of Queens is a death trap. Grace must get the Queen of Coney Island to grant her access to Rikers Island to try and find her brother. With the help of 'God' and some others along the way she must undertake tasks set by the Queen.
The Change New York throws you straight into Grace's story which was... strange to say the least. It was also very different to the previous book which I was not expecting. This is not a continuation to Howard's story and is not linked at all. Because of this, it took me a while to actually get into this book. Plus, similar to the previous book, it's very short so this one in particular fell flat to me.
The Change New York is for sure the weirdest of the three books. I had no idea what was going on most of the time. There was a man who called himself God and no one seemed mention it to his face. There was a Queen of Coney Island, but no details on how or why she was the Queen. Plus there were monster babies which were just creepy. It just felt very much like Adam's was trying to out-weird himself throughout.
As with the first book, this story never gets resolved. After finishing the Queen's task it ends and so Grace finding her brother is never seen. Having both these books have no solid ending made me feel very demotivated to read the third book as I just knew the same thing would happen. I'm sure Adams can write a more compelling story than this as he's been a part of writing for Dr Who and Sherlock previously. I just don't think these books are the best work he's done, and also maybe not for me personally.
I received The Change: New York* by Guy Adams as an e-book from the publisher via Netgalley. This is an unbiased and honest review.

Not the usual thing I would read, I did not enjoy the book.

One minute everything was fine and the next… they arrived. Those that saw them died instantly. The unlucky ones survived. Now unimaginable things straight out of nightmares roam the streets of our towns and cities. Nothing is impossible. Nowhere is safe. And no one can escape The Change…
unable to review - title archived

The change the Queen of coney island by guy adams.
Grace just wants to find her brother, but she can’t go anywhere without the Queen of Coney Island’s permission to travel.
Now the Queen demands payment and Grace and her new friend, a man in a false beard who believes he is God, must journey into the nightmare world of Dreamland, a tourist park whose attractions are as lethal as they are bizarre.
The second book in a 6 book novella series, aimed at the Young Adult market, and featuring protagonists trapped in a world irrevocably changed.
A great read. Liked the characters. Although not as great as book 1. 4*. Netgalley and rebellion.

This is the second volume in The Change.
A young girl called Grace is trying to find her brother but needs permission from the Queen of Coney Island before she can go anywhere.
I don't want to include any spoilers but this is a very thought provoking book with some very interesting thoughts on religion.

Not as good as the other two in the series, this story follows a young girl and God as they traverse the new world of The Change. A Queen, a living fairground and several incredibly hungry babies later, Coney Island may not be all it's cracked up to be.

With a little bit of work, this book series could be an amazing one. It has an interesting premise that I'm still thinking about and some of the characters were quite funny. However the world, the characters and the plot are underdeveloped to the extent that this book almost felt pointless. What connection, other than the world, did it have with the first book. Sadly it's not quite ready to be the next bestseller but with a great deal of work it could be incredibly intriguing and enjoyable.

This is the second book in The Change series and each book has different characters and different situations in them. I don't think you need to read them in order honestly. This book reminded me strangely of the American Horror Story season called Freak Show. This book is a whole lot of crazy that's for sure. That being said I did enjoy it. I am glad there are diverse characters in the series. It does have some religious things in this book so just be aware of that if you are iffy on religion being mocked or anything along that nature. This was short and a quick read just like the first book and how I imagine the rest of the series will be. This book doesn't leave me confused like the first book in the series did. This book gave you the past, present, and the plan of the future for the main character Grace. Through her journey she made unusual friends and is on her way to go find her bother in this crazy new world she lives in. He is the only family she has left.

This is part of a six part post apocalyptic novella series and is a very easy, entertaining read. From killer pigeons ti biker gangs to real monsters this was a fast paced dystopian romp with that addictive page turning quality. It's a weird thing to say but this was a great palate cleaser after weightier tomes. Really enjoyed this.

I received a copy from Netgalley to review, here is the blurb:
"Where were you when the world changed?
One minute everything was fine and the next… they arrived. Those that saw them died instantly. The unlucky ones survived. Now unimaginable things straight out of nightmares roam the streets of our towns and cities. Nothing is impossible. Nowhere is safe. And no one can escape The Change…
Grace just wants to find her brother, but she can’t go anywhere without the Queen of Coney Island’s permission to travel.
Now the Queen demands payment and Grace and her new friend, a man in a false beard who believes he is God, must journey into the nightmare world of Dreamland, a tourist park whose attractions are as lethal as they are bizarre."
I enjoyed reading this book having read the first in the series I was hoping more would be revealed about what had happened to the world but this wasn't the case. This book again could be read as a stand alone story you didn't need to read book 1 to understand book 2. As with book 1, there was a comical side to the story which I loved, my favourite character being God. I stand by my comment for book 1 that I would have loved to have seen this as 1 book with the chapters alternating between the different stories however, this is a great little book.

This follows the same basic premise as book 1; everybody who sees the change in the sky dies, and most of the people who saw it second hand went crazy.
Grace sets out on a search for her brother, determined to find him in Rikers. We only see her for a small part of her journey, which is her meeting with God and her journey through Coney Island. She and God have to commit to a job in order to get free passage through Coney Island.
I loved God. I thought he was a brilliant character. Grace was interesting and I thought it was really good seeing how she dealt with her changing emotions.
However, this book gives no answers. It's a fault of the series, but this book specifically shows that Grace is searching for her brother, but we never find out if she makes it to Rikers, let along if she finds her brother again.

This out of all 3 was my favourite. I loved how fun the character God was and the fast pace of the book. I loved that because of the change anything can happen even the impossible like being chased by a building. That bit was funny.
I liked the idea of telling how each different location in the world has changed since the big event and what it is now like to live in these locations. Out of all 3 I would want to see how New York ended up in person. I live in the UK and although the 1st book was based in London I still couldn't picture how it would look after the change.
I received this copy from Netgalley to review

Out of the three books in this wee novella series, I think I enjoyed this the most. It was fun, bizarre, fast paced, unexpected, and the colonel hunting the protagonists reminded me of Jumanji, which is a bonus. It was just a fun read, even with its weird and often gruesome content.

I enjoyed this more than The Change 1 London Orbital.
But I still think it should be full length.
I had an issue with it feeling a little rushed in parts due to its length.

This series just keeps getting better and better! I love how each book is a different story entirely and is set in a different country around the world. It helps to give the perspective that The Change happened worldwide, and that there are different horrors in each country, not just one.
Once again Guy Adams absolutely mesmerised me with his descriptions and his writing style. Everything in the novel is so vivid, you honestly feel as if you're going along with the characters. The pace of the story is always done so well, with there never being a dull moment and giving you no choice but wanting to read the entire story in one sitting!
The characters in this book were especially brilliantly written and developed. Not only was God one of the funniest characters I've ever read, but every character that you meet along the way of Grace's journey adds something so unique to the story, whether it be comedic relief or interesting information to develop the narrative. Grace and God work so well together, it's like they were meant to be friends.
The overall story once again has so much horror, but also an interesting supernatural element to it that the entire of the theme park becomes alive. It's so interesting and kept me hooked from the first page.. A lot happens throughout the story in a very short amount of time, but it works perfectly!
Guy Adams is an absolute master of short novels with a bite. This book is definitely something you'll want to read and then want to read all over again once you finish it!