Member Reviews

Loved the chemistry in this book. I have to say though I was a bit perturbed all of Jayce's family was pushing him to try to get his ex-wife back, even though it was obvious he didn't do anything wrong. It was almost like they all felt he deserved to be treated like someone to be walked all over. I guess I kind of pictured the football player to be a bit more alpha in that role, but I still enjoyed the book!

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I really liked the story, it's a bit different and challenging that aspect was really well done. I liked the two characters a lot too

But there's just way too much of all these extra people. It was so false. Are they some kind of weird cult that can't live without each other? Having read the other books I know who they are and I liked them a lot in their books. But this was just too too much. It meant it's not stand alone. Shame as it should have been 5 stars

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This book gripped me from beginning to the end. This was an amazon story. It had enough tension to keep me glued. I loved Jill and Jacye. The ending was perfect. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I would recommend this book to my friends.

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I have read every book in this series. I would have to say this book wasn't my favorite. I liked Jayce and Jill but they were not very developed characters. They both seemed very child like. Also they were both treated like children even though they were both in their late 20's by everyone in both of their families. Jayce is a football player and Johnny Spurlings younger brother. Jayce was married with four kids and his wife flipped out and kicked him out of the house. He was watching TV after he had a possible near career ending injury. He decided not to have surgery and do physical rehab even though his wife Beth wanted him to have surgery. After Beth kicked him out she divorced him and she has started dating someone else.

Jill is the sister of Tess Colby who is married to Sean Decker who is also a football player one the same team as Johnny Spurling. Jill is recently divorced as well and she is in town visiting her sister Tess and they run into Jayce and JohhnynSpurling at a bar. Jill and Jayce are instantly attracted to each other. They decide to ditch their sibling and have a one night stand. Jill says she has a head ache and Jayce says he is going to see some fellow teammmates. They both agree for just one night because he wants his wife an family back. Jill agrees by she just wants fun.

Well that actually doesn't work because Jayce and Jill keep holing up, Jill meets the kids due to Beth's father having a stroke and Jayce goes with her as support. Things get tricky because hey both tell their sibling they are voting and they all react badly and tell Jayce has to get his wife back. Erica, Johnnys wife finally speaks up and says Jayce should be able to date whoever he wants because hisWife kicked him out and then started dating someone else. She even says that Beth should have to beg Jayce back not the other way around.

Jill and Jayce continue to date and even talk about moving in together. Then something happens that changes things to make Jill feel like she needs to step back and let Jayvemgot back to his family.

This was a good book, with dual POV. My only problem was the fact that Jayce and Jill didn't really get to make their own decision and deepened way to much on every ones opinions. To me a football player and Lawyer should be very strong willed, independent, take action type of people.

I received a free copy for an honest review.

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This is about a couple who decide to indulge in a no-strings, one-night-only hook up...but then they can't stay away from each other. The atttraction they feel for each other is well-written by the author, and the way the relationship develops is interesting. The one big thing that strikes me as off...the lack of pain as his divorce goes through.

I would expect someone going through a divorce to be rocked by it, but in this book the divorce is a total non-event. No hard feelings, no big deal. The only one suffering from it are the kids.

As the book draws to a close, everyone is 100% happy. It's a good story, it just doesn't delve into real emotion.

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Great book! Can't wait to read more by this author!

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What started out slowly, quickly picked of speed and drew me into the growth of the relationship between Jayce and Jill. As they grew closer together, I literally fell in love with couple. They had a sexy dynamics that was hot and expensive while at the same time heartwarming.

Even though I had read one other book in the series, the author did a fine job of drawing characters in from the earlier stories so that had a good foundation to keep at bay any confusion.

This ARC book was a complimentary copy provided by the Publisher and Netgally, I am voluntarily provided my honest review.

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2/5-3 stars

I am all for a book about finding love after a divorce... but this one was a little much.
Jayce is determined to get his ex back after she left him and broke all his stuff. She took the kids and has a new boyfriend, and yet Jayce still wants her back.

Jill is also divorced and to be honest, she is in a rut. No confidence, she is a sad sac.

So, here I thought this was going to be a happy story about Jill and ayce making each other whole again, which it kinda is....BUT it in a long about way.

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3.5 stars..this was an ok read for me.

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In the beginning all of the friends are so familiar with each other that for a minute I wondered if this was going to be a swinger type book. But I guess that they are all just the touching feeling type of friends. Then you have Jill who keeps telling Jayce that he needs to get his ex wife back. I mean what is up with that. Minutes after they finish having sex she's saying this. Why couldn't she and everyone else see how happy he is with her.
There is a lot of sex, and it's written well. That's what saved the book for me.

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