Member Reviews

Well, this was a really interesting premise for a book; I thought it would be a break-away from the usual murder and torture that frequents my reading list...hmmm maybe not! But membership of a club which promises its couples will never divorce seems like a pretty good idea, having that support network to help you through those difficult times; yes I can understand why Jake and Alice found the gift quite appealing to be honest. Though of course things weren't quite so ideal once the acceptance was made.

This is, for want of a better phrase, a page-turner, I found the writing really engaging and it definitely kept calling out for me to finish it. In complete honesty, I wasn't overly thrilled with the ending, but then in fairness, I have no idea just how it could otherwise have been concluded so it's probably not a fair statement to make! It just felt a bit of a disappointment when the rest of the book was so different from the norm. Anyway, I don't think that is something that should put you off The Marriage Pact at all; as I've said it is an exciting read nonetheless.

I did find some of the rule book that members had to follow pretty good actually: the idea of a gift a month; taking regular trips away - it all sounds like something we all should do to ease that complacency that so easily creeps into a marriage. Granted the consequences for not following the rules aren't so attractive, but even then I completely understood Alice's reasoning for staying committed to the pact - it all made perfect sense to me. There were certainly enough surprises and elements of doubt surrounding certain characters to keep me hooked throughout. I will admit that elements of the book brought to mind some movies, but now of course I can't remember what the films were - The Marriage Pact would certainly lend itself pretty well to a movie, though I think the Fatal Attraction age of Michael Douglas would be ideal for Jake for some reason! Anyway...time travel is probably out so I'd better stop that train of thought there.

I really enjoyed The Marriage Pact - it's an exciting roller-coaster of a read which kept me entertained even in the throes of agony that I suffer in the Winter!! Praise indeed!

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When I received the invite to read this book, It was a very quick response that yes I really wanted to read this.  I was not disappointed, from the outset I was hooked.  The story is told from the perspective of Jake as he relates his experiences of his relationship and then through his marriage to Alice.  But one of their wedding gifts is an unusual one, entry into a group that promotes marriage.  The Pact is a group that helps to guide and support their members to achieve and maintain a successful marriage.  At first it seems okay, little things such as giving your partner a gift each month, making time for your partner, answering calls straight away, attending meetings, having regular holidays together.  It all sounded great and doable, until that is, you miss one of the rules.  Yes all these guidelines of things to do are rules, and if you break a rule there are consequences.

Oh my goodness, this is a book that makes you think.   It is quite scary how, as you read, you find yourself agreeing with some of the ideology behind The Pact, spending time with your partner in this fast paced world we live in is a definite must.  At this point you can see how Jake and Alice saw no problem being part of the group.  Then as the story deepens you see another side to the group.  I am not going to say any more on this, I just ask that you go and buy yourself a copy of this wonderful book to find out more.

What I expected from this book and what I experienced are two completely different things.  There is a sense of foreboding with the synopsis, but I did not expect what I read.  It is psychologically deeply twisted and sinister and also very believable.  It is that believe-ability of the plot that is the real hook for this book, in my opinion. As you meet other characters your opinions will change about them, as you realise you don't know who you can trust to tell the truth. They refer to each other as "Friend" rather than by name, keeping things slightly impersonal, a great touch to raise the suspicion level.  It has a fast pace that adds to the thrill, i did find a drop on a couple of occasions, but not enough to take anything away from it

So, if you like to read very suspense filled, sinister, psychological, deeply twisted and believable read then get a copy of this book.  It is one I really recommend reading.  My thanks to Michael Joseph and NetGalley for my copy of this book, my thoughts are my own and are unbiased.

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I loved this book from start to finish. I knew there would be an element of intrigue and suspense but the storyline took me through so many different emotions, I couldn't keep up! The main character, Jake was brilliant at keeping true to his beliefs and values whilst maintaining his love and protection of his wife, Alice. The writing was very detailed that I felt I was actually in the story with the characters and the chapters were nice and short which kept me interested in the book. A definite recommendation for 2017!

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I really enjoyed reading The Marriage Pact. I didn’t know what to expect from the book but it delivered so many tantalising plot twists that I just couldn’t stop reading it once I had started.

I absolutely loved the concept. One their wedding day, Alice and Jake receive an odd gift from one of Alice’s clients that she spontaneously invited to the wedding. This gift leads them into a sort of secret society or cult which is based solely around keeping married couples together. It’s all based on a set of rules set out in The Manual and violations can lead to severe punishments. The Pact makes the two main characters increasingly paranoid and it even brainwashes them to a certain degree. The book includes a lot of violence, including torture, and some very shady characters. There were so many plot twists too that I was just hooked on this book. The plot is fantastic and it kept me on the edge of my seat.

I think the ending, was perfect. I was so glad that the author chose that ending because it fits the book so well and it provides a very satisfying ending to such an unnerving plot.

The writing in The Marriage Pact was fantastic. It was fluid and fast paced and every single word projected the plot forward. Nothing was unnecessary added into the book and it had the right balance of description and dialogue. I really loved the narrative voice and I was surprised when I discovered that the book is written in the first person perspective of a man. I don’t know why it surprised me, it just did, but it was a fantastic choice in my opinion. You really get to experience the narrator’s paranoia but you don’t necessarily know all of his intimate thoughts until he admits them to himself. The book is almost like a diary or a memoir and that’s clear from what the narrator omits from the story until he’s willing to discuss it.

The characters were very well written. Jake and Alice, the main characters, were complex and interesting. They both had issues but they tried to be better for each other. The other members of the Pact were a mixture of normal people and suspicious characters. Jake and Alice couldn't trust anyone and neither could I when I was reading the book.

The only thing I disliked about this book was how short some of the chapters were. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good short chapter because it adds to the suspense of a book like this, but I just thought that there were too many in the book. I didn’t really understand the purpose of it except that they seemed to mark the transitions between different days.

Overall, I loved this book. It was a thrilling ride from beginning to end and I would recommend it wholeheartedly. I’ll definitely be buying it once it’s available.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group and Michelle Richmond for the advanced copy in exchange for my review.

Well what can I say this book is certainly different to anything I have read before. I was intrigued as soon as I read the blurb.

Alice and Jake have recently married and they receive a very strange wedding gift from Alice's client Finnegan. It's a locked box to be revealed once they are back from their honeymoon.

They have been invited to join "The Pact" which is a group of like-minded individuals’ intent on achieving a similar goal, in this case a successful marriage. Now I must say I do not understand how Alice who is a Lawyer could sign up to this without more research but..... I am glad this played out this way as the book was good!

I was hooked from the start and I could not put it down, even though the scenarios were a little far fetched I can see how people could go along with them as they strive to achieve what they see as a perfect married life. I just had to see how it would all play out the ending was a little odd but all in a great read and I would recommend this book.

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A completely different read. A very twisted story with lots of though provoking things happening. Definitely worth a read!

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An interesting plot line about what makes a marriage work and the choices involved in relationships. I liked how the story was told from different perspectives and how the characters of Jake and Alice were distinct in their narration.

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I really did not like this. It was bizarre, silly at times and distasteful at best. Whilst there are nasty cults around, this one is too far-fetched to believe.

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Jake and Alice seem the perfect couple. They marry and are then given a strange present from a little known colleague, and they are intrigued. They are drawn into something completely beyond their expectation and life experiences. Although some of the consequences are almost beyond belief I found myself drawn into this story. It was a great read.

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I've wanted to read this book ever since I first heard about it, so I was really excited to get a copy through netgalley. It didn't disappoint. Sure, the premise is a bit ridiculous - international club of married people determined to make their marriages work, whatever the cost and have unlimited resources, including their own prisons to ensure couples adhere to their code - but if you can buy into it, it's awesome. Fast paced and tense, this was a fantastic read that was refreshingly different to other thrillers.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was such an original idea and yet one of those which is not beyond the realms of physical possibility which makes it even more tense.

I definitely had the feeling that I needed to keep on reading and I really didn't want the book to end.

Part of me wonders if the ending lends this book to a sequel. I, for one, would want to read more.

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A different and unusual concept, which at times were quite scary and intense. I did at times feel it was a bit long and drawn-out, but saying that I also found it strangely addictive.
This is a storyline which is well written and fast paced, but left me with mixed feelings.

Thank you netgalley, penguin and Michelle Richmond for allowing me to read and review this book.

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As soon as I read the book description for this book I knew I had to read it.

As much as we all enter marriage in the hope that it will last a life time, there are just no guarantees in this world. It really piqued my interest and I couldn't wait to get stuck in.

I could to a certain extent get behind the reasoning of The Pact. Our lives are so busy now a days that I think it is good to be reminded of the little things that can be so important on making a marriage work. In a way I could see more marriages working if people did some of the things that were in the rules. What I didn't agree with, is what happens when you don't follow the rules.

Jake and Alice are quite opposite in a lot of ways but they are both in love and are certainly in it for the long haul. I did feel sorry for them as they are trying to do things by the book, but the more that they find out about the pact, the more they fear for their lives. That alone puts pressure on their marriage.

I don't want to go into the story to much, especially what The Pact does when people don't obey their rules. Boy did it make me squirm though. It's like when you know something is going to happen and you don't want to watch but you just can't not as you have to follow it through.

The Marriage Pact was an engrossing read that I literally could not put down. Full of tension and suspense, I really could not get enough. Great read and will certainly be reading more by the author.

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I really enjoyed The Marriage Pact. The story is very diffferent and kept me gripped throughout.

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Hmm, what to make of this book? It started very well and I really enjoyed the way the couple were drawn into "The Pact" - whilst screaming in my head not to sign anything and to run a mile!! I did find that it got a bit extreme and silly as the punishments were described and ultimately I was glad to finish it - but finish it I did, and whilst I can't say it was one of my favourite books, I did enjoy it to a degree.

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This is an unusual and somewhat addictive read. The concept is original and intriguing.
Alice and Jake receive an unusual wedding present that gives them membership to an unusual society or what they come to believe, is a cult. It’s belief is founded on the sanctity of marriage but minor transgressions are treated vindictively using violence and torture which it’s victims agree too.
This is the story of what a marriage under stress and how love can help people endure extremes.
The description of the treatment Jake and Alice receive is not for everyone and It made me feel squeamish at times but I found it a compelling read.

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The Marriage Pact

Sinister and compelling this novel explores the nature of cults and of marriage. It is a love story but with a difference. It begs the question just how far would you go to keep and protect the one you love. At the same time it shows the insidious nature of the cult and demonstrates just how easy it must be to get in deep before you realise just what it is you are into.

When Alice and Jake get married they are invited to join a mysterious society called The Pact. Thinking it’s a harmless group they happily join. After all they are in love and want their marriage vows to be binding and last ‘till death us do, which is the avowed aim of The Pact. However, what they see as a light hearted affirmation quickly turns into something far more serious. and their world is rapidly turned upside down. The Pact has rules which are in fact strictly and harshly enforced. Rather than engendering closeness and happiness it creates division, suspicion and fear. Things spiral quickly out of control.

There are times when the reader wonders why Jake and Alice would go along with what is happening to them but at the same time it is easy to see how one could be trapped and manipulated into this increasingly bizarre world.

Jake as a marriage councillor supplies us with all sorts of facts and figures about marriage. This adds to the constant feeling of uncertainty in them both. He desperately loves Alice but is never quite sure if she as rock star turned lawyer can maintain the same feelings of love that she has for him. Will the comparative mundane life they lead be enough for her or will she be drawn back to the wild ride.

The novel portrays the shifting sands self doubt set against an extreme backdrop which throws into question everything Jake and Alice know. It is a dark tale which does not shy away from both physical and emotional torture. The ending is ambiguous which some might find unsatisfactorycxtory but one thing is sure - it keeps you reading and thinking one after the end of the book.

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It is hard to describe this book. It has such an unusual concept. It might help to say it is 0247 and I've just finished it and felt compelled to write my review immediately. There is a certain element of ying and yang in the book. Parts of ourselves hidden deep inside that we recognize. Parts of the characters which are revealed which we judge them by. This is a book about human interactions in their glorious and flawed ways. Read it.

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Jake and Alice are getting married, someone they hardly know gives them a wedding present which effectively is an invitation to join a club that promotes more successful marriages. They sign the ‘Pact’ with it, but soon they find that they have got into something bigger and more demanding than they could possibly have anticipated, and rather than being a club it appears to be a cult.

This is a chilling tale that could all too easily happen. The ‘pact’ is a mix of good and ill and it is frequently hard to determine which is which. It is a page turner, but well written and quite compulsive.

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I was thrilled when publisher Michael Joseph invited me to read The Marriage Pact via Netgalley ahead of the paperback release on 14 December, and despite my best intentions to reduce my TBR, I didn’t think twice about downloading this title!

Newlyweds Alice and Jake are a picture-perfect couple. Alice, once a singer in a well-known rock band, is now a successful lawyer. Jake is a partner in an up-and-coming psychology practice. Their life together holds endless possibilities. After receiving an enticing wedding gift from one of Alice’s prominent clients, they decide to join an exclusive and mysterious group known only as The Pact.
The goal of The Pact seems simple: to keep marriages happy and intact, and most of its rules make sense: Always answer the phone when your spouse calls. Exchange thoughtful gifts monthly. Plan a trip together once per quarter…
Never mention The Pact to anyone.
Alice and Jake are initially seduced by the glamorous parties, the sense of community, their widening social circle of like-minded couples--and then one of them breaks the rules. The young lovers are about to discover that for adherents to The Pact, membership, like marriage, is for life, and The Pact will go to any lengths to enforce that rule. For Jake and Alice, the marriage of their dreams is about to become their worst nightmare.

Part of what attracted me to The Marriage Pact was its premise. Given that divorce rates seem to be ever increasing, I can see why the idea of joining a club that will guarantee a successful marriage would be appealing, particularly as Jake and Alice are approached in the days immediately leading up to and following on from their wedding and honeymoon – the days before their lives return to normal and while the feeling of being married is still fresh and exciting. I also loved that Jake, as a marriage councillor, is able to drop in little factoids about marriage and divorce throughout the novel. I found these snippets to be really interesting, and I felt that they added to the story brilliantly. In a way, it seems to justify their decision to join this exclusive club, when the reader can see that it's maybe not the panacea that it's been sold as.

And to begin with, The Pact is everything they hoped it would be. A group of like-minded individuals who are successful, live comfortably, and throw elegant parties in their lavish houses, and welcome Jake and Alice into their fold. It doesn’t take long for certain elements of The Pact make both Jake and Alice a little uncomfortable, however. As you’d expect, this starts out with little things, which taken individually aren’t all that alarming, but that build up and gradually take a more sinister turn, particularly as they begin to experience some of the punishments that go along with not adhering to The Pact, and this became quite a dark novel by the end!

I think that many novels such as this are written from the perspective of a female, and I found it interesting that Richmond chose to tell The Marriage Pact from the perspective of Jake rather than Alice. It works really well though, particularly as it is Jake who feels more insecure about their marriage and its longevity. Indeed, part of the reason that Jake proposed was because he felt that Alice might become bored and / or leave him. Similarly, he is (almost absurdly) grateful that she is willing to commit to The Pact, and therefore their marriage, taking it as a reassurance that she does love him. The reader has more insight into Alice’s point of view and understands her more, but I enjoyed reading about a situation in which elements that are often used as gender stereotypes were reversed, and felt that this was done successfully.

The Marriage Pact has a fascinating premise, and found this to be an entertaining and gripping story. The Marriage Pact is available now in digital and hardback formats, and will be released in paperback on 14 December. Many thanks to Michael Joseph and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this title.

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