Member Reviews

I'm not sure what I thought of this book. I must admit to feeling a bit jaded by marriage based books but this sounded like a bit like the movie The Box where you receive a million dollars if you press the button inside but by doing so you kill someone. This book was a bit like that but since it was based in the real world and within a marriage seemed a bit less exciting. The pact is proof that not many people read the small print when they sign up to things but despite all this, it's twisty, turny and downright disturbing in places.

Some of the "pact" rules - 1. When your spouse calls you have to answer straight away 2. Exchange thoughtful gifts monthly 3. Plan a trip together at least four times a year 4. NEVER EVER mention the PACT to anyone.

A fun premise with some genuine worrying bits but you do have to suspend your disbelief when you read it. But then that's no bad thing sometimes. It'll divide readers I'm sure but that's no bad thing either.. Just don't join a pact like this yourself. That is a bad thing for sure!

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The Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond a starry eyed four-star read. This was such a thrilling story, there was so much going on and things that I didn’t agree with, but do you know what it was still a great read. The story was one that played on many different levels and it makes your mind think about decisions you made, do you have a good marriage, could you follow the rules? Once you get into the story you will keep turning the pages thinking just one more and I will make a cuppa, or eat something or go to bed, you won’t as you won’t be able to until you have finished every page.

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This is an intriguing and thought-provoking book; original and very well-written.

It is based on a successful couple who are given a mysterious wedding present - a locked box and two fancy pens, with an invitation to join an institution called "The Pact". The couple (Jake and Alice) soon receive a visitor who explains the pact to them - it's a secret club which exists to solely strengthen marriage by means of a set of rules, regular socialising with like-minded people and minor punishments for rule infraction. They are told that no members have ever divorced, due to the support, encouragement and guidance gained from The Pact. The rules include giving each other a gift every month (which could be minor - eg favourite ice cream) and a 3-day trip each quarter.

The Pact is a rule book, thick and with small print, which neither Jake nor Alice (a lawyer!) take the trouble to read before signing the contract. Things soon take a sinister turn and they find out that The Pact seems to know an awful lot about them, and the punishments become increasingly harsh. The Pact has all the hallmarks of a cult, one rule being to never discuss The Pact outside of The Pact.

Some of the decisions made by the main characters seemed odd, but who knows how anyone would react in a given situation, with a threat looming. I liked the fact that the book was written from Jake's point of view, and his therapist job included marriage counselling so the book was cleverly peppered with both facts and his insights into marriage, using examples from the couples he was treating.

I found the book genuinely scary, disturbing and sinister. I was pleased by the ending and thought the choice certain characters made was apt and satisfying.

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This book has such an interesting premise and is so well-written that I read it in one sitting (finishing at 3am!).

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D.n.f. couldn't get interested in this book! Not really my type of book.

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Wow ...this book certainly has the power to keep you hooked I couldn’t put it down I was enthralled by each page I turned.
I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it but boy was I wrong I throughly enjoyed it ...amazing.

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When I first started reading this book I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. It seemed too me too far-fetched and unbelievable that two professional people like Jake and Alice could get caught up in ‘The Marriage Pact’. Alice, a lawyer, actually signed a contract to be part of this strange marriage cult and Jake. who worked as a marriage therapist, was also easily swayed to sign on the dotted line.

However, I have to say that I got completely hooked and after the first couple of chapters frantic head scratching, I have to say I didn’t care that the plot was, well, …strange….I loved it!

Jake narrates the story but he did tend to go off on a tangent sometimes, and I found myself desperately wanting him to get back to the plot so I could find out what happens next.

There were times when this book sent cold shivers down my spine and the writing is fluent and compelling.

If you like your books true to life, this might not be for you. If you can get past that, you will find an intensely thought-provoking story about what is required to make a happy marriage.

I found it genuinely hard to put down, it is unique and memorable.

The book was very kindly supplied by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Jake and Alice are newlyweds settling into married life when they get offered a chance to join The Pact. This is a group who instill beliefs on what makes the perfect marriage and should you fail to achieve these there are serious consequences.

This for me was a slow starter then I was flying through it because I was intrigued how it would unfold. Quite an unusual read and not entirely what I was expecting.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was different to the normal thriller and suspense books I have read before.
The idea behind The marriage pact is fantastic, many marriages fail and The Pact is there to try and highlight why. The author writes in a way that keeps you hooked and needing to know more. I loved the parts where fact was thrown into fiction, the author uses stats and past experiments to show just how marriage works or in some cases doesn't, this is all narrated by Jake the husband.
The book is clever in highlighting marriage fails and placing them into a creepy suspense thriller. At times I found it creepy and without giving to much away, the coercive and controlling behaviour, in parts of the book were uneasy to read. I also found the plot at times a little weak, for example, why would anyone invite a male they have just met and not spoken to, to their own wedding?. Alice is a lawyer, I find it hard to believe she would sign anything without reading it, especially when the contact came about so suddenly and strangely. These minor points didn't put me off the book at all and I will seek out more from this author, she clearly has a brilliant imagination and intriguing style of writing.
Jake is a likeable character, he is a marriage therapist. He and Alice want nothing more than for their marriage to work, just how far are they prepared to go? Alice is a lawyer and Finnegan is a client at the law firm she works for. She invites him and his wife to her wedding and soon after he introduces them to The Pact. Jake and Alice are then drawn into a world they never could imagine exists in this day and age.

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When Jake and Alice are married., a well known aging rock star came to their wedding and gave them the most unusual gift. This gift can guarantee you a perfect marriage, spending time together, sharing thoughtful gifts. But there are some rules that need to be followed, and you’d better follow everyone of them.

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A physicological thriller that had me from the beginning; not at all what I expected. A great story and one that had my heart in my chest. Don't like to give the story away, the book blurb tells what you need to know. Kept me up late at night as I wanted to keep reading.

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If you like a fast moving, page turning thriller you'll enjoy this. It's about a newly married couple, a musician and a counsellor, who sign a mysterious 'marriage pact' on a whim. They soon realise they've signed up to a strange group with a weird set of rules for their marriage, and they break the rules with sadistic and scary consequences. This was pacy and well written but I found it at times a bit too violent and stressful! Good ending though

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Loved,loved this book. I was eager to start this as soon as it arrived brilliant and gripping which made it a fast novel to read which in its self is disappointing as it finishes way to quick. I would definitely recommend this book and this author to anyone.

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Two and a half star rating.
Alice and Jake, a couple of newly weds sign “The Pact” as they thought it would be a bit of harmless fun. It turns out to be a mysterious, sinister group with rules, regulations and punishment if anyone transgresses. The description and start drew me in initially but there were too many details about irrelevant things which interrupted the flow and spoilt what would have been a cracking story. It was an excellent idea and normally this is exactly what I like to read, but sadly I’m just a bit ambivalent about it.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group, Ballantine and Michelle Richmond for providing me with a copy of this book.

I found this book very gripping from the first page but also disturbing in a very good way.

there are many reviews out there that tell the plot of this book so I'd like to concentrate on the feeling that I got from reading it.

I found that i could not put this book down and Michelle Richmond had me hooked from the start and has gained another fan. This was the first book that I have read by Michelle and judging by how much I liked it this will not be my last.

Whilst on the rolloercoster of a journey through the story believing and finding my most liked character (as i think most of us do in books) i felt shocked and saddened when I thought I knew what was going to happen, how wrong I was I enjoyed being wrong though as i felt this added to the excitement of the book. This is one of the best books that i have read this year.

Thank you Michelle for this gripping read. I would highly recommend this book if you haven't read it before, I think it is one to get.

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The Marriage Pact

Newlyweds Jake and Alice received an enticing wedding gift and decide to join an exclusive group, known only as The Pact...that’s where the fun begins!

I liked the fast pace of the book and the suspense that is built through the story. I did find parts a little far fetched and extreme but if you can get past that, it’s a good read! 3.5 stars from purplebookstand.

I was lucky to receive an advanced copy of this book and voluntarily reviewed it.

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I can’t remember the last time I read a good thriller. Until this. Although truth be told, I’ve never been massively into the thriller genre, not for any particular reason other than I’ve never strayed into in. But after reading the synopsis for this I just knew I needed to read it.

Without having many other thriller books to compare it too, I’ll choose instead to say it’s one of my favourite reads so far this year. I honestly finished it within a few days because I just couldn’t put it down, and when I did put it down, it was all I was thinking about and let me tell you, it’s been a long time since a book has managed to do that. I think for someone who was relatively new to thrillers, it was a great introduction, although I did find it a tad slow at times. There are a few chapters scattered throughout the book that look at Jake and Alice’s relationship before they were married, and honestly, I found these chapters dull and didn’t really feel like they added a lot to the story. So I found myself mostly skim reading these chapters, eager to get back to the good stuff. Boy let me tell you, the good stuff was good. I never knew what was going to happen next and there were multiple times I was shouting at Jake in my head because he was being reckless or stupid and The Pact were bound to find out. It continually had me guessing, which I suppose is a solid indicator of a good thriller.

My only slight let down was that the ending was a tad predictable. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t see it coming until the last few chapters but when I started to guess where it was going, I lost a tiny bit of enthusiasm. A tiny bit. I still found myself engrossed and eager to find out what happened but I was a little sad that I’d figured out what was going to happen. Still, every other twist and turn had me on the edge of my seat and I flew through the book wanting to know what was going to happen. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is new to thrillers or already loves them, this has definitely encouraged me to put some more thrillers onto my TBR list.

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This is a really good novel and the story kept me gripped until the end. It's different! Alice a lawyer and Jake a psychologist are the perfect couple and get married. One of their presents is a box with "The Pact" written on it, there are two pens and another smaller box with a message asking them not to open it. The box is from Finnegan, a new friend whom Alice met at her work. On return from their honeymoon, Jake and Alice are visited by Vivian who asks them if they wish to join "The Pact" which is a group of married couples who are highly committed to their marriage. Alice and Jake sign the contract for "The Pact" and are given a manual each to read on the rules of "The Pact". It doesn't take long for Alice to break one of the rules and she is punished by "The Pact"! Have Jake and Alice made a big mistake? Read on!

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My favourite genre of books are psychological thrillers and this one really hits the mark. The characters are believable and the premise of the book is one which has lots of potential, and Michelle has done a great job realising this. The Pact is both creepy but believable and I have no hesitation in recommending this book. All in all a great read.

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Marriage, what would you do to ensure your marriage stays strong?

Newlyweds Alice and Jake receive a wedding gift in the form of a marriage pact. The pact is a secret society with harsh rules and punishments that are handed out to anyone not following these rules.

The couple soon come to realise that the pact is not what it seems and actually appears to be a cult that they cannot escape.

This was a thought provoking look on marriage and what you would do to protect ensure your marriage remained strong. A real gripper although a little far-fetched but who is to say that things like this do not exist in the current world? I did enjoy this novel and it made me think about making my own marriage work.

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