Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

An interesting and potentially useful addition to a growing trend for mental-health focused non-fiction for teens in the style of Juno Dawson's Mind Your Head. The illustrations and design are one of this book's best features. The writing has a tendency to wander off point and could have done with being more focused, but Rae Earl's signature wit is an asset to its generally approachable style.

It's All In Your Head is a powerful, moving and brilliant piece of non-fiction. I, myself, am not a teenager but I am an adult who suffered with mental health during her teen years. Rae Earl has created a very honest, open and helpful book that I can definitely see a lot of teenagers - and adults - finding very useful. The book helped me feel less alone as well as feeling like an incredibly helpful resource. It's a book that I would highly recommend and one that I have kept a lot of quotes from, as well as one that I will probably re-read time and time again. It is a very important book for teenagers.

As you can guess from the subtitle, this guide to mental health is probably more suited to the slightly older side of the teen market. Penned by Rae Earl, creator of My Mad Fat Diary, and supported by the expertise of GP, mental health expert and co-host of Radio 1’s The Surgery, Dr Radha, It’s All in Your Head draws on Rae’s own experience of OCD, anxiety, depression and eating disorders. It provides explanations, gives advice and, most importantly, shouts “you are not alone!” from every page. I particularly loved Rae’s emphasis on there being no such thing as a guilty pleasure (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, you do what you love!) and her explanation of self-esteem (it has to come from you, you can’t build it from outside validation). To give you a sense of the book’s style, I will end with one of my favourite quotes: “You are not perfect. Sloths and anteaters are perfect. You will NEVER be as perfect as them because you are HUMAN.”
I received a copy of It’s All in Your Head from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I must admit I loved 'It's All In Your Head', it scared me at times when it pointed out things so well-known from my own life. I think it's a great read for teenagers struggling with any mental problems because the author keeps us assured that it's OK not to be OK, that we can handle that. Even tough I'm an adult already I also felt that there's some light, some positive solution for any of our mental struggles. Thank you Rae for being real and for all your support that the book gives its readers. Thank you for not being afraid of sharing all your personal experiences, or thank you for being afaird of sharing them and doing it anyway! Great book! I highly recommend to all!

Rae Earl has created a fan in me years ago when my depressed, anxious and mentally unwell self found her books and then, TV series based on her life. Utterly relatable and both hilarious whilst remaining relevant with all things mental health.
This book takes us from the teen years to beyond on all things happening in our brains.
I can relate to so many aspects of the book that Rae talks about. All about our mental health and being aware of it whether it be OCD, depression, suicide, self harm or anxiety and other disorders, we can all take away something from this book. Whether it be tips about treatment options or just not feeling like it only happens to them and/or us.
Rae talks us through her own experiences with humour and a healthy dose of relatable reality.
Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!