Member Reviews

Something happens in this book, something completely out of the blue, which, even having read the blurb on NetGalley, I didn’t expect – and the shock of it almost made me give up.
All credit to the writing of Keris Stainton, who has a number of books, in a variety of genres, to her name, that I continued to the end because, while it wasn’t what I'd signed up for, I enjoyed this funny, heartwarming and actually rather beautiful story.
Here’s the blurb (and, just as a note, there is a different one on certain sites that gives away the surprise element so if you want to remain in the dark, stick to this one):
Izzy Harris should have it all – but her boyfriend has been ignoring her for months, she’s been overlooked for a promotion, and the owner of her local coffee shop pervs on her every time she has a craving for a salted caramel muffin.
Then her life is unexpectedly turned upside down.
Izzy dumps her oblivious boyfriend, and leaps on the chance to win a big pitch at work. Needing to work closely with gorgeous colleague Alex is an added perk…
But then her best friend has her heart broken, the pitch is way more complicated than expected, and Alex is keeping secrets. Does Izzy have what it takes to help her friend, save her career and get the guy?
There are some lovely moments in this story but while I liked the characters, I didn’t warm to them entirely. Some of the dialogue also felt a bit forced, especially the swearing. I don’t mind a bit of swearing in books – authors like Joanna Bolouri make it seem natural - but it just didn’t sit well in this one.
What I did like was the overall message. It’s not subtle by any means but it was very positive and empowering nonetheless.
If you're looking for a quick and quirky read then this would be a great pick.
Format: Kindle.
Price: 99p.
My rating: Three and a half stars.
With thanks to Bookouture for the ARC in return for an honest review.

This is probably a good read but it just isn't for me, too much sex!

This is a delightful, laugh-out-loud, and empowering novel. Reading it made feel good about myself and other people, and there aren't a lot of novels that I can say that about.

This is such a delightfully funny feelgood book that is guaranteed to lift your spirits and provide all the feels!
It has a supernatural element similar to that of Kat French's Maplemead mystery books but, like those, it completely works and provides such an original, captivating plot you are just hooked from the start. It is full of actual laugh out loud moments, so funny and so hilarious you can't even explain them if someone asks. Great characters, great writing and great plot. Definitely one to grab this summer.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Publishers Bookouture and the author for this review copy. Also thank you to the publishers for allowing me to be part of the book blog tour for this book.
Today is my stop on the blog tour for this new release by Keris Stainton. We meet Izzy. Life’s not good for her at the moment – she’s having trouble at work, her boyfriend Max basically ignores her and she’s so used to all these troubles that she just lets them happen. Her friend Tash tries to convince her that she needs to change her life, put some romance into her relationship and don’t let people walk all over her. Izzy tries but fails miserably even when she tries to seduce Max by crawling naked onto his lap while he’s playing his Xbox! One day though, Izzy wakes up and she’s invisible! She think it’s an after-effect from the hangover from hell, it’s either that or she’s going clinically insane! Tash confirms that her best friend is in fact invisible and no amount of googling it can find out why or how this has happened. Izzy has to live her life invisible until she materialises back again!!
This was my first book by this author, and to be honest it wasn’t quite what I expected! I expected, from the title and cover, a romance chick lit type book but got a funny and thought provoking story about a woman who slowly learns how to change her life into what she wants it to be. By being invisible she’s able to see people for what they really are (whether bad or good) and use her super-hero powers to fight crime (well, not really! But she it does help her to see that situations won’t always turn out for the bad).
I have to admit, there are no twists and turns and the plot is fairly predictable. It does have some bad language in it, so be warned if those kind of books aren’t for you. The characters were all likeable – Izzy’s relationship with Tash was great particularly the sex chat at the beginning! It was such an enjoyable, funny and light hearted read that I couldn’t help but tear through it in a couple of days! A perfect weekend read! A journey of self-discovery for Izzy and, to be honest, one for us all!
Five stars!

This book is perfect if you're looking for a fun, entertaining, light read. It has lovable characters with an interesting plot, albeit a little predictable with not much complexity. It's a quick read, so if you don't want to spend a few weeks reading the same book, this is really great. It is charming and relatable and can be used as a pick me up from a stressful day.