Member Reviews

What a fascinating book! As someone who has eschewed medication for postpartum bipolar disorder/bipolar disorder, peripartum onset, wanting to be open to spiritual experiences, I found that I could not live a good life that way, Because of what I went through, I'm very interested in reading about different perspectives when it comes to medication and spirit. Vanderpot's unique book depicts a subject that has rarely been written about well. She has produced an intriguing, timely and most relevant work that is balanced in that it doesn't demonize those who take medication. A compelling read that warrants attention from professionals psychiatric field and those who take medication for mental illness!

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Although it offered some very interesting concepts and ideas, I found myself wanting to enjoy reading this more than I actually did. I found the information to be highly subjective and I was left with the question as to how this would have been written if the focus was on those whose mental health was successfully managed. I agree that this is a highly subjective topic but ultimately, I found myself wanting to agree with the author more prior to the reading of the book. This was reviewed on Amazon and Goodreads.

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