Member Reviews

I was unable to properly review this book (unfortunately, as I am very much a fan of the authors) because the review copy seems rather damaged / dysfunctional.
The contents purport to cover 12 chapters, however the book ended at the end of chapter 2. Chapter 3 was supposed to start on page 73 - by the time I had got to the end of chapter 2, the page count on kindle (ipad version) was reporting page 768. Each page flip advanced the page counter by around 6 to 12 pages!
Rather a shame, really.

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Very interesting, some new discoveries and an amazing read filled with illustrations and humor very recommended. The only downside is the PDF format but still a good book.

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Very interesting and amusing publication predicting what new inventions may be around the corner
Enjoyed it.

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I find this funny, informative and very enjoyable which in unusual for a nonfiction about rocket science.
Book come across as written well researched and written with a sense of fun.

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“Soonish” presents us hilarious predictions about the future focusing on science and technology. This may have been the only time I laughed out loud at a science book, which I think is pretty high praise indeed. I also bought this for my science-loving teenager, and he loved it so much he moved it to university with him, which surely is the highest praise of all.

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This book was a well-researched and informative look at technologies that affect space travel in the near (and not so near) future. I liked the talk of space guns sending goods to the space station, and the comics interspersed throughout the narrative were a fun cute way to get the point across. Interesting to think that the thing that is stopping more space travel is the cost when we spend billions each year on warfare and other not so pleasant things.

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Thank you so much NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this amazing book. I don’t normally read ‘non-fiction’ for a spot of light reading on the way to work, but this one ticked all the boxes. The humour that runs throughout this book is right up my street, as well as the language, making it easy for us Space Nerds who don’t neccarsily know the lingo able to read and enjoy this too.

There’s really not that much more to say, other than it’s absolutely fantastic and read it now!

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This book is absolutely funny, informative and highly enjoyable. This shows nonfiction can make you laugh and rocket science can be made as simple as opening your packet of chips.🚶🏃

This book by one scientist and her cartoonist husband, describes new developments in the field of space travel.
It has cartoons which are funny and it is written in a prose that doesnot let you go before you finish it. I found parts describing supergun and asteroid mining too impressive and book tickles reader throughout.
mini encyclopedia with tongue of a funny kid; it is surely a fun read for nonfiction lovers; particularly fans of space travel.
.My rating 4/5

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I have only recently started to truly enjoy non-fiction books and to read about science in general makes my nerdy little heart very happy, if I may say so. In this book, the authors (a husband and wife duo) give us information about ten upcoming technologies. They did a lot of research for this and it shows, they start each of those technology segment with explaining what it is, how far we have come to bring that technology into reality and how much further we still have to go. It is all explained in such an easy, witty way that reading about it is just plain fun.

Some of the topics covered are cheap access to space travel, fusion power, synthetic biology and augmented reality as well as precision medicine. It was all presented in such an engaging way that it almost doesn't feel as if I am reading non-fiction. For someone who is a huge fan of Star Trek, this was such a treat.

Back in 1960s, people had such hopes for advanced technology in the 2000s, and they weren't exactly wrong to dream of that. The only problem they didn't imagine was the money factor, I think, majority of people simply didn't take into account exactly how much money and resources were needed to make space travel a reality for example. I mean, I knew it is a ridiculous amount but till I read up on it, I didn't realise exactly how much is needed just to send a rocket in space.

Things like these in different technologies were something of a surprise to me and frankly, I am a teeny bit more informed now that I have read up on it. The best thing about this is the wit and the little comic panels used throughout the book. I absolutely loved that extra touch. They were weird and just funny in an odd way. When I had started to read the book, I was wondering about the longevity of the relelvance this book might have but after reading it, I have realised that certain technologies have ways to go before this book is irrelevant.

I would totally recommend it to people who are interested in science and technology and how it works. To those science fiction fans, this is the sort of book to read if you are in the mood to dream of things to come.

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Unfortunately, this title will have no longevity in a school library, as the information about these technologies is changing quickly. That said, it's well-written and informative, and is a good read.

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With rapid advances of technology and far reaching promises that _the future is here_, what can we expect to see ... Soonish? Will these advances change the world for better or worse? Combining extensive research, insightful interviews with those in the field (or lab), humor and art, Dr Kelly Weinersmith and her husband cartoonist Zach Weinersmith attempt to answer that very question for ten emerging technologies. It's a hard question and there's a lot of ground and space to cover and the Weinersmiths make it approachable. For each topic--from advances to lower the cost of space travel to bioprinting and beyond--they begin with background information to explain how it fits into today's world. Relying on interviews and research each technology is then further explored to answer a range of questions about the direction of research. They also cover concerns of practical application and ethical natures. Finally the authors look at how it could revolutionize the world. Soonish is an enjoyable read and it will be fun to look back in a few years and see how their predictions fared.

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Great read. The authors are really good at explaining then technology in terms that can easily be understood by anyone and the visual comic strips add to the overall humorous tone which makes the book both informative and really fun to read.

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My feeling is that this book falls between being a realistic prediction of future scientific progress and a jokey primer for school kids. None of the ideas were new to the average newspaper reader and no distinction was made between ideas likely to be achieved in the foreseeable future and science fiction.

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This book was on my list. It was a preview but i really enjoyed it. I liked illustrations and reading style is funny and educated. I definitely going to buy it.

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This was actually only a preview excerpt with three or four of the sections from the full book. It was good though, I'll probably read the full book later. Amusing looks at new/upcoming tech advances, with some funny illustrations.

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Ten Emerging Technologies That Will Improve and/or Ruin Everything
by Dr. Kelly Weinersmith; Zach Weinersmith
This is a book I requested from NetGalley and the review is voluntary.
This book is an informative and fun book to read. Not only does it give the reader ideas for what might be coming along in the future and what that might mean for mankind (good or bad) but it is done in a very humorous way! It sure got a few chuckles and giggles out of me! That's the best way to read science! Make it fun! I would definitely recommend this to anyone! A fun coffee table book, bathroom reading book, a book for that person who has everything! Great job!

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Unfortunately, I am unable to read this book as I keep getting an error in ADE when I try to open it.

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The version of this that I read was the first 70 pages, so I am basing my review off of the excerpt I received from Netgalley rather than the book as a whole.

Soonish is a very informative introduction to space travel, new technologies, giving reasons as to why we can't get up there like we do in sci-fi fiction just yet but providing possible ways we could, eventually. Although there were moments I was a bit lost, overall I followed what Kelly Weinersmith was detailing and actually really enjoyed reading it once I got into it. I love reading about space, and I like that this was easy to follow without being condescending, and I would love to read more.

However, that being said, I did have some issues. For one, I really didn't like the drawings. I found that they were a joke in the middle of a really interesting explanation that would distract me from what was happening, and, because I have a terrible habit of just forgetting things even if I was just reading them, I kept forgetting what had been said and having to go back and re-read paragraphs everytime there was a comic. Also, I wasn't a fan of the smattering of jokes. I know Zach is a comic artist, and that some people might enjoy the joking, but I just felt it distracted me from the serious science stuff being discussed.

I'm considering reading this whole book, it's so easy to read and really interesting. The jokes and comics are making me hesitant, but I'll see how I feel!

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It's difficult to write a full review from a partial of a book, but I did enjoy what I read, and I will probably buy the full version so I can read more.

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I really enjoyed this book. I am definitely a science nerd. I love stuff like this, about technology and how it might impact our lives in the future. I only got to read an excerpt from the book, but I really enjoyed what I read. The book starts out with the very big and goes to the very small. The first chapter starts with cheaper space travel - because why can't we go all Star Trek yet and what's it going to take? The authors break it down, with what space travel involves and why it is so expensive. I also love the style. The whole book is written for readers like me, who really dig science, but aren't experts at it. Then there are cartoons, because we get a little distracted too. 

I would definitely recommend this one. I think it would also be a great gift for the science nerds you love, including your teenagers.

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