Member Reviews

I found the book quite good. I liked that it was short. Many books seem to feel like they have to be super long, when their message can actually be condensed into a more suitable length. I particularly liked the metaphors used in the book. I feel like Kelly Weinersmith is a very good science writer, and the humour that is contained in the comics is great as well. Overall, I highly recommend people to check out the book.

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I got a paper copy of this book from my library since the e-copy on NetGally was only a sample.

I'm not sure what I was expecting from this book, perhaps an out-of-this-world, mind-bending look at future technologies. Although I did learn some very interesting facts, there was nothing that wowed me. I found myself going to the Web to get a visual on some of the things that were being talked about. Instead of the cartoons that were meant to insert humour, I would have appreciated some pictures related to the technologies being addressed. I understand that the authors were trying to lighten up the book with these cartoons and some other "funny" text, but I don't think it quite worked. As well, I think diagrams would have gone a long way to support some of the explanations. That augmented reality pic obtained by looking at the cover with a downloaded app was really cool. More of these throughout the book would have worked nicely!
Overall this was an interesting book but just ok for me.

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Smart, funny, well researched and well worth a read.

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Recently I requested a science book on NetGalleys and was promptly sent...a third of it. The third comes from Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies that'll Improve or Ruin Everything, a bit of futurism/science fusion. The authors are the creators of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, and their artwork is part of the text. The part accessible via NetGalley only covered the falling costs of space travel, the feasibility of space elevators, and the potential if any in mining asteroids. Although the text itself was a nice mix of information and amusing commentary, I wasn't particularly interested in this section of the book. I wanted to read about 3D printing and advances in medicine, and I got cannons that shot things into space. It was perfectly entertaining, but just a tease.

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Netgalley only offers the first third of the book, although that isn’t mentioned anywhere (except I now notice, in other reviews). Still, what’s available to read is quite fun. I can only assume the rest of the book is equal in its level of humor and information. The drawings are charming and compliment the text well. My only complaint is that it is not the complete book.

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Unfortunately like other's said it is only a snippet of the full book. Overall I liked it but it did seem to gloss over quite a few things, and at times the humor got a little old. I would like to read the entire book because it's hard to judge based off one section.

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Unfortunately it was only a small section of the book but I really enjoyed what I read and would definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys learning new things in a fun way.

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(Review based on the sampler of the first part of the book, provided by NetGalley)

I really enjoyed the humoristic approach to technology and all the details that were covered.

The subjects were smartly chosen, and as a reader you really did learn (even though you were learning about hypothetical theories in parts). If you aren't a fan of technical text, even though it was laced with humor it's still packed with science, this might not be for you.

I didn't feel like all the pictures necessarily brought anything more to the book.

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I am a big fan of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, a very witty webcomic that plays on fairly clever ideas across disciplines such as philosophy, science, psychology, and the arts.

Soonish is a collaboration between the author of SMBC and his wife, a scientist. While I enjoyed this sample, I will say that it is less dark and satirical than SMBC, perhaps to appeal to a wider market.

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As all of the other reviews point out, it should be pointed out somewhere on Netgalley that this is a sample. Quite the bummer. You cannot review material objectively based on 1/4 of the full manuscript. The review reflects this, and not the content.

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Like other reviewers, I can't give a full review as this was only a sample of the book, featuring the first chapter. From what I have read, I would definitely give the full book a try (potentially as an audiobook) as I like the conversational style, albeit it does become a little bit mocking in tone on occasion. This book certainly looks at some interesting ideas, some of which fill me with dread and others that would be brilliant! Probably a little lacking on the science side, but for the lay reader, a good intro to the subject.

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I'm sorry to say I really didn't enjoy this sampler and I didn't make it all the way through. I found it very wordy without actually getting much across and found the writers mocking other scientists ideas (not matter how outlandish) unnecessary, made me not like then much and therefore now want to continue

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What a total bonus surprise this book was! I loved it- sophisticated science and a fantastic attitude. The chapters are set up from big backwards and the authors set each chapter up well.
They explain the practical considerations that can seem not to so sexy, for instance the impact of weight on rockets and the implications on expense and design, and weave them into the overall idea and program.

The clarity and the humor are a great and easy combination to read, so both educational and fun. I have not enjoyed a book this much since the Martian. Loved it!

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I really didn't know what to expect, when I came across Soonish on NetGalley, but decided as it is just a sampler of the book, to download and read the first chapters anyway.
I'm glad I did, because it turned out to be my type of book.
The authors try a future prognosis. Will we travel to Mars? Will we be able to "clone" organs or will my brain replace my iPad interface in the future?
As the answer to such questions, even with the best research, can only be an assumption, the authors approach the subject with a certain irony and the overall tone is light and cheerful, but that doesn't mean, the book offers some simple quirky, fun facts.
Actually, the contents come across as well researched and the book offers a lot of interesting information AND it's still very easy to digest and understand.
I also think the cover image is fabulous.
The book is now on my wishlist for my birthday and I'm looking forward to read it.

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Note: my copy of this book was only partial, covering only the first section of the book. That section related to space travel and asteroid mining. Which, while somewhat interesting, happens to be the topics I was least interested in reading about. I did enjoy the light and conversational tone that the book took in explaining issues and possible solutions.

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This was a pleasant surprise! Science, as we all know, is highly technical and just bloody complicated at its core, yet captivating like nothing else when you look at it from the surface. So how to combine these two aspects? In a funny, quirky way, just like my favourite sci-fi writers had done in the past! I already knew most of the facts and data in this preview, but that didn't discourage me from enjoying it thoroughly. The drawings were really funny, too, and the page design was a joy to look at. I may just put the complete book on my wishlist!

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This was just a sampler, but it did its job in that I would order it for the library.
The light-hearted way in which it is written is a fresh approach to what could easily become a science-heavy bore. Personally I’m not into space-related stuff so probably won’t read the full length version, but I know there are customers who would love it.

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A lighthearted look at an interesting array of subjects. It's written with a particular style, which was clearly attempting to make these subjects and concepts easier to grasp, but I did find that this bordered on the cynical or flipppant a little too often for my taste. I quite enjoyed the taster, but I think if I had the whole book to read I'd skip bits and focus on certain chapters which were of more interest to me.

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A reasonably interesting book exploring the evolution of technology. It was fun and informative but I wasn't blown away. I found myself skipping bits and skim reading. It was funny in parts but not written in a way that kept me engaged.

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First up thanks for fulfilling my wish. Secondly, sadly I just couldn't get into this book. I thought this would be a fun book about various topics, but I had to drag my butt through the introduction. It had some funny bits here and there, and also the random illustration, but other than that... it just didn't grab me. And this may have to do with me reading it online/on my tablet. I have noticed that sometimes books just work better in physical form.

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