Member Reviews

Fun and fasvinating look at the changing face of the future. I would love to read the full title.

An interesting and amusing take on how life might be in the near future. Great little book as a gift or for dipping in and out of.

Note: This was a sample, not the whole book.
I am a bit of a space nerd, however I'm not very good with the whole science part. I always get a bit 'lost' with things I can't reasonably comprehend (I'm a logical thinker - a lot like Mr Spock!). A lot of times I'll start to read about space exploration & give up because it starts to sound a lot like Klingon to me, and I get frustrated that I don't really understand a lot of it. However from the sample of 'Soonish' I read,' I understood. It's a fascinating delve into the hows and whys of space travel, along with stories, explanatory similes - I will definitely be seeking out the full version of this book (I'd LOVE an audiobook!), and if you've any interest in space, but aren't really sure where to start, I'd recommend you do too.

Interesting vision of how space exploration and flight could develop and what the future could possibly mean for the human race.

I enjoyed this sampler, but my interest waned halfway through. I wouldn't seek out the whole book, but that's just a matter of personal taste.

I only got access to the sampler. But from the sample I got I thought it was very good. The comic strips were funny, fitted with the text, and in some cases carried on progressing stories. The language used in the body of the text was informative but also fun with little quips. The subject matter was well balanced between looking forward and relating to current advances or past incidents. I feel I learned a lot, even just from a sampler, and I imagine the full book would be excellent read for anyone with half an interest in the (immediate) future of space exploration

Unfortunately it wasn't what I was expecting. It is well written but the content didn't grip me totally. I guess I didn't read the blurb well before starting, .

The ideal guide for those who want to understand the fascination with science fiction.
This is an easy to understand guide to the exciting world of technologies which are probable not impossible and explains why predictions are so hard to make. This just makes Steve Jobs look even more clever in coming up with innovations that were possible and successful!
It's also a quick catchup on the evolution of technology in a fun and humourous style that makes this an easy read for a non-fiction.
I want to give it to every 11 year old, girls and boys, to inspire them in all that's out there to still be discovered or created. Man has set foot on the moon and lived in space but that's such a small step in the galaxy let alone the universe.
After reading this I felt inspired and reinvigorated. An apt companion for all science fiction lovers. I hope there's regular updates as the author's predictions become reality.
I received a free copy from net galley.com for my fair and honest review.

Let me preface this with two caveats: firstly, this was a sample, so just one chapter and not the whole book; secondly, I am a complete science ignoramus, so was expecting just barely to be able to cope. However, it's so user-friendly that even I managed to follow some pretty complex theories and was totally engaged. The comics are appealing (the Dr Elvis one particularly!) and the writing is just really accessible and fun to read. I learnt a lot already and look forward to getting the complete text.

A great little sample that is well researched and full of anecdotal humour! Perfect for the science geek in your life!

From the sample, this looks to be a very interesting book. Written in an easy reading, informal style broken up with colourful pictures. While predicting where technology and science might go in the future, there is good background about where it has come from to get to the present. One to dip in and out of during a lunch break so I will definitely be buying this for the school library.

This is an interesting book, with lots of facts in the sampler on space travel and different methods on how it could be achieved. Rather a heavy going book in places for me, but would imagine my husband would soak these facts up.

Its hard to form an opinion on the whole book based on a sample but I have mixed feelings on this one. The style could get a little irritating if it carried on through the whole book. It is jokey and friendly while trying to explaIn some very deep and complex concepts. It made sense and I understood it but I don't know that I would be in a hurry to read the rest of the book.

The sampler did just what it was supposed to - it made me instantly want to read the whole thing and so order it. Serious topics covered in a humorous way with illustrations - just brilliant

Explains a lot of very complicated concepts without resorting to maths which is no mean feat. Covers a lot of ground; jokey but in a slightly corny way. A moderately interesting read- jury's out whether I would buy it for the rest

Good ideas, engaging language... but the book quickly lost my interest because of the forced humour and a slight tone of condescension. I respect humility in futurology authors much better.
My impression is solely based on the Sampler. There is a chance that further chapters are much better! But the sampled did not work for me at all.