Member Reviews

Carolyn Torrington’s romantic dreams of her childhood friend Lucas Rivers are shattered when the wily lord offers her a marriage of convenience to gain his inheritance. While it breaks her heart to say yes to the arrangement with a man she’s always loved, it’s the only way to secure her sisters’ futures. To the world, Lucas, Lord Foxhaven, is an irrepressible rogue, and wedded bliss is the furthest thing from his mind. But he’s been forced up to the mark by his father, and he’s certain the demure Carolyn won’t give him an iota of trouble—if only her voluptuous body weren’t driving him to distraction. As Carolyn struggles to keep her true feelings hidden, Lucas is drawn ever more powerfully by thoughts of unbridled passion, and he’s stunned by his burgeoning feelings for a woman he’s always seen as a friend. When a scheming Parisian relative threatens to take her from him for good, Lucas realizes he must stand up and be the man Carolyn always knew he could be—even as he suddenly comes to know he wants their marriage in name only to become quite real . . .
The book was decent. The plot was not bad. I liked both main characters. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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A nice story by an author new to me. I found it to be just... fine. Nothing groundbreaking. And the hero was very fickle, though I enjoyed the heroine. Some stereotypical villains, but they’re typical for this type of story. I’d probably read another by the author, depending on the description, but I’ll not be running out for it.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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A marriage in name only becomes way more. This traditional regency romance has tons of twists and turns to make it standout and stand alone. I recommend

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A nice, solid read, an enjoyable way to spend a couple of evenings.
This is the story of childhood friends Carolyn and Lucas.
Carolyn has long had romantic dreams of Lucas, but those come to a grinding halt when Lucas offers her a marriage of convenience only to gain his inheritance.
Will she win him over?

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I liked the plot, but I couldn't find the chemistry between characters.

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I got this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really like these marriage of convenience stories and this is one of them. You immediately like the female lead. One of the funny things about this story is Carolyns bosom – it seems to attract lots of attention by Foxhaven, the male lead. Seldom there are female leads with a bounty bosom, usually its “ripe” and a “handful” - let’s be realistic, little women were and are like that even at 20. I think this was one of the things I really enjoyed about the love story.
Next to that there were some a little unrealistic moments but so little that you can read over them easily – the whole part in France … I don’t know … it felt like somebody felt the need to throw something more into the pot, something that would not have been needed for this story.
It’s a novel you read quickly and you will enjoy!

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She has decisions to make that will affect her entire life. Will she make the right one?
I highly recommend! Thanks! Enjoy!
Carolintallahassee 👒

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I was grateful to receive a free copy of No Regrets in Exchange for an honest review. I fell in love with the concept of the story, and became quickly engaged in the story line. However, as the story progressed I started o lose interest. The story line involving Lucus' cousin, and being whisked away to France to attend parties was a little unrealistic. I also didn't understand why no one in Paris knew she was married. Anyway, great writing, the story just needed a different plot..

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Enjoyable read. Childhood best friends marry for all the wrong reasons and love to regret it. Will they find a solution or will it end in a scandalous divorce?

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"No Regrets" by Ann Lethbridge was an enjoyable read. That's not to say it didn't have its share of problems and silliness, but I enjoyed the story. Carolyn has loved her friend, Lucas, from afar for years. Lucas was a rake, Carolyn was the too-plump daughter of a local vicar, far beneath his notice. For reasons unbeknownst to Carolyn, Lucas asked for her hand after her father died and was quite dejected when she refused.
Lucas waits a year and asks again, actually plucks her from washing dishes at a party and puts her on his horse - forcing her hand. They can marry, live separate lives, and he will offer her sisters a season in London to catch fine husbands - they can divorce or continue to live apart and go on as planned.
Of course, nothing goes on as planned. They marry, Carolyn goes to London to enjoy the season and chaos starts. Carolyn believes Lucas will never see her as a desirable woman, even though he does. Lucas for his part runs hot and cold with Carolyn so often she never knows where she stands. For her part, she breaks, she leaves for France where she can forget Lucas.
Lucas follows her and more problems ensue. Carolyn has portrayed herself as a single woman, but her husband is now in the same country as her. There are villains in this story who want to ruin Carolyn and Lucas' lives and ultimately their happiness. I liked Carolyn's character, but wasn't as fond of Lucas. He should have decided what he wanted instead of being wishy-washy. It was an enjoyable read and I would read more by this author.

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While I enjoyed the book, I really did not like the male lead. It seemed like he changed too quickly at the end instead of a gradual change over the course of the story. I liked the female lead, but I wish she could have stood up for herself more. Instead she let him walk all over her. A good romance, but the characters could have been better.

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On the whole, I really liked this book but very often I felt like kicking the hero and the heroine just a teeny tiny bit because they drove me crazy with the way they kept thinking that they didn't love and didn't care for each other. Every time I felt as if they should finally, FINALLY realize that there was a bit more to their marriage than just a bargain they dodged that realization quite successfully. Unfortunately.
Somewhere in between, there were things happening that simply were a bit too much: Too much drama, too much angst and too many obstacles to break through.

It was entertaining and despite my frustration concerning their relationship and the way they always failed to understand what they meant to each other (speaking, you know, this simple act of speaking to each other, might have been a big help - if they had ever bothered to try it), I seldom put the book down. I just had to know what happened next but that didn't prevent me from getting frustrated all over again when "it" happened again and again and they just didn't get it.

Consequently, there wasn't that much chemistry between our hero and our heroine, you knew that they were in love, it was obvious but it was a bit lacking in the "sparks-compartment". The hero and the heroine, as well as the other characters, remained somewhat flat.

Nevertheless, it kept me well entertained and I enjoyed reading it despite all those things that I mentioned above.

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Too much insta-love for me to enjoy so I DNFed. Thanks for the opportunity though :)

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I was frustrated with the hero for being clueless. I was frustrated with the heroine for being at best naive (at worst a little stupid). But it did have some high points and there was much adventuring at the end which, while a bit melodramatic, was entertaining.

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It had been a while since I read a Regency Romance and I loved it. This book started out with a bang and the pace never let up. It has a great story and the hero is sexy as sin. I literally couldn't put it down. I started reading it late Friday night and I was done by Saturday afternoon. It has twist and turns, mystery and danger. All of it very well written and the ending was awesome. I recommend this book highly.

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This the story of Lucas and Carolyn. Long time childhood friends who marry for all the wrong reasons. Yet they care deeply about each other, even though they don't realize that about each other. What ever can go wrong , does. But eventually lucas and Carolyn do make their way back to each other. The story flowed easily and the characters were very likable. The only criticism I have is that there was too much that went wrong. Everytime i thought they finally would work it out something else went wrong. But eventually HEA.

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This book is a terrific story of two people who have been friends since childhood, Lucas and Carolyn. Lucas is being forced by his father to marry and he pushes Carolyn into it with him to help her and her sisters who are now without parents and living on the edge of poverty. Lucas also has other reasons of his own. Lucas and Carolyn agree to this marriage in name only and it has a few other caveats as well. The two become involved in an interesting bit of unexpected intrigue that involves several colorful characters. All the while each of them has begun to think that they may want more than a marriage without meaning, but is afraid to admit it to the other.
This was a well written and thoroughly enjoyable novel which I can recommend to readers who enjoy some intrigue with their romance!

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I am voluntarily submitting my honest review after receiving an ARC of this book from NetGalley

I find myself having a hard time to know what to say about this novel. On the one hand, I got so hooked that I stayed up almost all night so I could finish this book in one sitting, so clearly, No Regrets is entertaining. But at the same time, the emotions this book stirred up in me were far from pleasant throughout the entire book I bounced from anger to sadness to humiliation to depression until the very end. Luc's treatment of Caro is absolutely reprehensible, and her shockingly low self-esteem and acceptance of it is tragic. Worse, despite his abhorrent behavior, Lucas is Caro's only hope for salvation when two even worse men take advantage of her naivete and prey upon her. If the purpose of literature is to evoke emotion, that I cared enough about Caro's plight to stay up to finish this book is testament enough to the quality of the book. Still, the fact that I wanted beat all of the men in the book for most of it, and cajole Caro into standing up for herself until she joined in--left me feeling unsettled about the experience. This is the first book I have read by Ann Lethbridge, but I am definitely intrigued and will seek out more of her work in the future.

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This is the second book I have read that the main female character belittles herself throughout the book. I get that you want to get across how she's been picked on but it's to much. Make a point about it a couple times and move on with the story. I got through 50% of the book and it was still happening. I couldn't finish it. I liked the story otherwise but just felt like it was depressing to be so down on yourself so often.

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I disliked this book in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin. The H is an absolute jerk, the h is so immature and irritating that I couldn't care when she was in distress, and essentially all the supporting characters are total asses. I wish I had just not finished the book, it was that annoying. The author's attempt to humanize the H was just stupid and did not make him mo likeable, it just made it more obvious he didn't care for the h. The heroine wallowing in self pity and self esteem issues wasn't sympathetic at all. And far too many slang and cant language made reading those parts painful. I couldn't even muster any empathy for the heroine in distress, I was just frustrated by the stupidity of everyone involved. The rescue should have been the HEA, not continuing the pain for months longer. I am terribly disappointed in this book, will never read this author again if this is a typical "romance " for her.

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