Member Reviews

Wow! Kate Douglas knows how to turn up the heat! Adam and Eve's story will break your heart while you grieve with him. His strength and that of Liana as she accepts her punishment and works to right the wrong she allowed to happen will wring your heart. As always, I strongly recommend starting with book one of this series and reading in order, otherwise you will be quite confused with much of the Chanku background.

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In the 10th installment of Kate Douglas’ wildly popular series of the fictional Chanku wolves, Wolf Tales 10: Adam is a take on the old saying “love is lovelier the second time around.” But, this is Kate Douglas we are talking about so she added an edgy romance full of twists and turns. This is also an erotica story, and surprise… surprise! It’s not only what happens under the sheets that gives you an adrenaline rush. There is enough action to satisfy the thrill seeker in you.
The book description (see below) gives enough information for the storyline. Anything I add will be a spoiler. But, if you are hesitating to read “Wolf Tales 10: Adam” because of the #10, please don’t. It is a standalone novel. You will meet characters from the earlier books, but they will be peripheral characters here so you really don’t need to know their back story.
Still, I must warn you. Chances are you will enjoy this book so much that your curiosity will get the better of you and read all the 9 books before it!
Wolf Tales 10: Adam is Rated M for Mature due to sexual content and fantasy violence.

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I loved this book. I can't wait to reading more from this author. Thanks to NetGalley, for this free copy. My opinion is my own.

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A big thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. First time reading this author. I rate this a 3. I tried to read it, put it down thinking I could come back to it and it would have more appeal. No such luck. I am not one for menages, but many will enjoy. Just not my cup of tea.

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From the first time I read this, to this rendition, the Chanku Wolves are amazing.

Douglas has given us a world of shifters that are magical and titillatingly, erotically believable. They burn the pages up with hot sex and a connection to the world and each other that in enviable. These books have a special place in my library they are THAT good.

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Not what I expected. But that is in the most positive way. Paranormal stories are normally not my thing but this one surprised me. Well written short story with a nice storyline and plot. I like that the characters and how they develop.
A passionate and emotional read with twists. Enjoyable and recommendable.

The epilogue is very welcomed and gives the story more to it and it finishes it better of than without it. There are passion, hot scenes and lots of chemistry in this amazing story.

I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Adam by Kate Douglas is the 10th book in the Wolf Tales series. I found I could read this one as a stand-alone novel. I have not read the other books in order and some I have not read at all, I was not lost in this book at all. I really love that in a series especially one that is ten books in progress.
Adam is a Chanku. Loving and sensual. A deep connection to his pack, soul connected to his mate.
His mate is taken from him tragically. Her death causes rage and vengeance to take hold of him. Especially for the healer Liana.
Liana demoted to a life as a mortal for her crimes. She must live life in the pack of the woman she killed. When she finds herself feeling human emotions and falling for the man of the mate she killed she is confused and really feels connected to Eve the woman she killed. She is scared. She knows she messed up but has no clue how to fix it.
There is one FF scene in this book the rest is MF. There is flogging, attempted suicide and an MM scene. This story has a lot of stories to tell and it is really good. If you are a fan of this series this is a must-read. I know I am a fangirl now I have read it.

Five Shooting Stars

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I voluntarily read an advanced reviewers copy of this book

When it comes to heat, action, love and family...this book brings it to another level! Overall Kate Douglas does a great job creating this world of shifters where all of the relationships are soooo flexible but definitely unbreakable where it really matters the most.

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This book started out sad and it took a bit for me to get into this book but after I got over the hump the book got a lot more interesting. I especially liked the bond between the members of this book.

The author did a great job writing this book. I loved the world the author created for the Chanku. I had no trouble understanding the book even though I have not read any of the first nine books in the series. I will probably go back and check them out though just because I really like this book And I look forward to reading more from this author.

I was given a copy of this from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I highly recommend this book! Adam and Liana were great characters who had really great chemistry together!!! I loved that Liana owned her past mistakes and made no excuses for her behavior. She was remorseful without being weak! Adam had a lot to work through and his "family" was there every step of the way, even when he maybe didn't deserve it. This story was SEXY and very smartly written!!

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Adam is one of the Chanku wolves, they have power over their mind, body, and soul but cannot change destiny. Adam loses his mate to an accident and once he feels her die he is shattered beyond what he ever imagined. As a Chanku they believe in a goddess and she is supposed to be of timeless wisdom. However, the goddess is given a demotion from immortal to human and is supposed to fill the space that Adam's mate filled. Only for Adam, the former goddess, becomes his new mate, as his mate replaces her and becomes the new goddess.

The books of the Chanku are great, but definitely are not for the timid reader they can be graphic and full of very descriptive scenes. Each book tells a new story of the characters, but also usually includes characters we've seen before. This is one is no different and is full of surprises.

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Wolf Tales Adam is everything we have come to expect from this hot paranormal series from Kate Douglas. Paranormal romances are some of my absolute favorites to read so when I find a series that I continue to enjoy it makes me very happy.

This book had my emotions all over the place. It was hot, it had moments that would make your heart ache, it was one I had a problem setting down when I had to do real like things. This series, well to be a little more specific, this book had that something special that makes it stand out from some of the others I have read. I won’t say what, because I want you to experience them for yourself.

Make sure you have this one on your TBR lists if you are a paranormal fan, because this is one book you will not want to miss.

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I love this series. This is such a great book. It is hot and full of sex just like the others in the series. Be prepared for sex scenes involving m/f/m, f/f & m/m. If you have never read a book by Kate Douglas you need to pick up this series and get started. You won't be able to put it down. Trust me.

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This is a very eccentric book that revolves around sex and wolves. If has a good yet cheesy plot. If you are looking for a quick read than this is the book for you. However it does deal with some broad topics.

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Great read, really draws you into a different world. The story has plenty of drama and emotion. The characters are great and the sex is off the charts hot. I really liked it.

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If you’re looking for a hot page turner, in the genre of paranormal romance. Then look no further than Wolf Tales 10: Adam penned by Kate Douglas. If you never read one of Kate Douglas books, then you’re in for a big treat.
Wolf Tales 10: Adams was a scorching page turner. You won’t be complaining that this book didn’t have enough sex.
Adam Wolf had it all a job he loves doing and a lasting bond he shares with his life mate. Until one day he lost everything in a matter of seconds. But where to lay the blame!
It seems that for the Chanku they have a goddess to make sure that nothing bad befalls them before their time. However, Liana the goddess who was supposed to be looking out for Adam Wolf and his life mate was otherwise engaged and failed her charges. For that penalty, Liana was relegated to live her life out as a human.
To me, Liana didn’t have it so bad. I think she had more action as a human than if she would have stayed as a goddess.
I don’t how I really feel about this book. I can’t decide if her coming to terms as a human was the plot-line or Liana realizing that being a goddess was so overrated.

****But be advised that this story was originally published on July 1st, 2009.****

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I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review. This is the first book i have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Adam is a shiftshaping wolf who loses his wife and learns to love again. Liana is an immortal who is sent to earth as a mortal after becoming self serving of her own desires. This is a highly erotic book and is well written. I plan to read others in this series and I highly recommend this book as a great read.

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No training wheels here, this is for experienced readers only. You want to cross your legs for this one. This is my first read where the sexuality of every character is fluid, and I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand it's sexy, vivid, dirty, and a buffet of sensual individuals. On the other hand you don't want everything at the buffet piled on one plate, everyone was loving everyone all the time. I wish it was just focused a little more on Adam and Liana alone. Being book 20 in the series the reader doesn't get to truly know any of the characters or their roles in the pack. I guess I'll have to start at book 1, legs crossed.

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Wolf Tales 10: Adam is an out-of-this-world all-consuming paranormal romance that will reshape what you thought you knew about well written paranormal and show you what true literary perfection looks like. You will find yourself swept away and held captive within this decadently intoxicating and deeply emotional world of stunning shapeshifters. I love when I find an original twist on the paranormal and this one shocked and rocked my world to its very foundation. This book is what a paranormal story should look like – an unshakable plot, breathtakingly challenging characters, and a never-ending flow of honest love and pure hope above all.

Adam Wolf has built a life that he loves and enjoys with his entire being. He has a mate that loves and accepts his completely and a pack that provides him with the deep emotional and physical connection that he will always crave as a Chanku shapeshifter. He literally could not ask for anything more. Without warning, his mate dies in an accident leaving him utterly devastated and hanging onto life by a thread. Not seeing any farther then the painful haze that surrounds his heart, he separates himself from his beloved pack and viciously grieves his terrible loss. No light can penetrate through his eyes and heart, and yet a surprising shift in the Chanku world makes him take notice as it leaves him dazed and confused. Is there a future for Adam that does not end in excruciating pain and debilitating loneliness?

The characters I encountered with this incredible story stretched my imagination and tipped me up and over my boundaries until I was completely lost to my senses and their tender ministrations. This is a world unlike any other that I have ever encountered before, and my heart will never allow me to forget it. Constantly surrounded by intense emotions and deep connection with the characters left my senses reeling in surprise and amazement. This story is a brilliant masterpiece that has forever seared itself to my very soul.

Kate Douglas has placed her work on the level of a true master of romance. Her stories are infused with everything that I hold dear – a deep and fulfilling connection, pure, unwavering love, and encouragement to be true to yourself. This author understand her reader’s hopes and desires on a level that others have yet to attain. Her writing never shies away from the hard topics of life and yet never fails to open its arms to love and hope along the way. There is a precious heart and a breathtaking soul that speaks, imagines, and breathes life into each and every precious jewel that is sent out into the world to illuminate and shine its light on the good in those around us.

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