Member Reviews

*I received this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Through The Awakening of Magic, Christian Boustead manages to spin a fanciful tale centered on danger and adventure in a world full of strange mythical creatures. The opening scene of the novel starts off with a damsel in distress named Rose, who is saved by Kye and Eloo, two magical creatures. As the strong progresses, we discover that there is more to Rose than what is apparent as she joins her saviors in their quest to defeat the darklings who are trying to take over the Wereding world. Their journey across the desertland is filled with numerous side adventures reminiscent of the Hobbit meets the Neverending Story. If you love magical worlds filled with goblins and werewolves, then this will be a great pick me up for you.

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While a captivating story, this book is not for me. However, it is a magnificent book for magic lovers. it is also a great book for those who make a surprising discovery in their own lives, as it is relate able in a way (although i doubt many people will find out they are not human and can use magic). as the characters continue their journey, the reader is there the whole time, loving, hating, and even being embarrassed with the characters.

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I found the story to be captivating, the author's imagination is breathtaking at times. I got lost in the story and enjoyed it a lot! Thank you for the opportunity!

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I found it a great pleasure to read this book. When I pick up my tablet and don’t want to put it down or be disturbed then I know I am going to enjoy writing the review. This is one of those happy days!

This book has some wonderfully crafted characters and a really well thought out plot that took me on a wonderful, exciting fantasy journey.

Christian Boustead has crafted an amazing and vast fantasy world that feels as well developed as the superb characters that we encounter. It really does leave us wanting more and sets the pace and expectations for further books. It leaves questions unanswered but is a well rounded well written first in series.

As a fan of the fantasy genre, I found The Awakening of Magic a pleasure to immerse myself in.

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Can you imagine finding out you aren't just human? What if the mystical creatures you were raised to believe were evil turned out to be the only ones who could help you? Follow along as Rose tries to save her family and find justice for her father, all while having everything she was raised to believe challenged. Brilliantly written.

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I absolutely enjoyed this book. Thanks to Kindles Unlimited I was able to read this more than once and then read the next books in the series. I love the magic of this book, who doesn't love the paranormal, especially the sexy ones that appear in this book. There at so many magical characters you just have to read this book. Thank you NetGalley and Christian Boustead for allowing me to read this book and write a honest review.

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