Member Reviews

A fun and sexy science fiction novel. Packed with diversity and adventure, this one is sure to get the pages turning and make the hours disappear. So much fun and so worth giving it a go!

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This book was really unique. I haven’t read a story like this...ever! I loved the world, and the characters were nothing short of amazing!!

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The naturals are at risk of becoming extinct and it’s up to SS Captain Jennifer Hero and her team to stop the Syndols from exterminate the naturals by going back in time to the twenty seventh century and introduce a virus to correct the Syndols’ DNA. Jennifer doesn’t plan on going with her team but rather to twenty fifteenth century.

She finds herself stranded on an island, rescued by scientists, falling in love and reinventing herself in a century that she has admired from afar.

This is a scientific novel with numerous twists and turns where the reader can relate to some of Jennifer’s plights. I enjoyed reading it and can highly recommend it.

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Time travel's always a tricky one for me, but I believe readers in general will enjoy this.

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It’s a good read with enjoyable content and to those who read it , it’s interesting. Overall pleasing and enjoyable for the reader. If this is the genre that excites you your sure to be thoroughly happy.

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I think this book would be improved without the random illustrations or with an explanation for them. They're well done but distract from an interesting story. I really enjoyed reading this story, and I recommend it for those who love sci-fi adventures of the young adult variety.

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Jennifer came into the past with a mission to save the future, yet as soon as she arrived the mission fell by the wayside simply to explore the current year she arrived in and how she felt about it.

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Couldn't get into the story. Formatting made it quite confusing. But it's an ARC, a work in progress so I'll definitely check it out when the finished product is ready as the premise is rather interesting.

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I like sci-fi and I like erotica. I thought that mixing the two in one book is good. But this book was just not my cup of tea..

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*thank you to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*


I just couldn't get into this. It wasn't for me. I don't think it was the writing, just wasn't my type.

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I couldn't get into the book at first, but once I did it was fast paced. Levin blends hard science, with sci-fi fantasy very well. Anyone who loves time travel, sci-fi and secret agents will love this book. It also has some graphic sex scenes. I hope there is a sequel. I received an ARC copy from #NetGalley for an voluntary, honest review.

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Interesting story but not well executed

I liked the story Levin told. It had some interesting science fiction/time travel aspects. What I liked best were the detailed descriptions of locales and the scientific/archeological activities undertaken by the protagonists. However the biggest disappointment for me was what I felt to be poor dialogue. Every character spoke the same way and the dialogue read like prose and didn't seem natural. In addition, Levin repeated the emotional state of the protagonist ad infinitum to the point where I started skipping over some of it. Overall it was an interesting read but there is a lot better science fiction out there.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley for review purposes.

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I got a bit too confused with this book to like it.

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Thank you so much to booksgosocial via netgalley for sending me an ARC copy of 30th century escape by Mark Levin.

The fate of humanity is at stake because of the war with the Syndos.
Jennifer sends 300 people back in time to fix what went wrong when they originally designed and created the Syndos.

Time travel stories and me never really get along but I enjoyed the way the they were able to go back in time. The time travel and syfi made the story unique but I wasnt as theilled with the rest of the book. The characters and story were fine but for something every one writes about (time travel) the story needs to stand out not just the time travel aspect. Even though the time travel was done wonderfully.

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This was so awful I'm not certain where to start. The characters were 2-dimensional, the sci-fi, technology and environment were poorly explained and there was a total lack of atmosphere to the story. Everything seemed like a prop for the erotica, which was (at best) dull, repetitive and corny. I would give zero stars if possible.

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I am unable to provide a review at this time. Unfortunately, I DNFed this book in the first 18%. It just didn't hold my attention. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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