Member Reviews

Fascinating! I got caught up in an American pyramid scheme all around exercise and nutritional shakes and went so far down the rabit hole, everything in this book felt like a checklist. This book was one of the first I read when I decided to get away from the situationa and heal myself. Very useful to a wide range of people.

A good exploration of the mentality behind the "clean eating" phenomenon and how it connects to / can lead to eating disorders. A large part of the book is less to do with discussion of orthorexia and more to do with the treatment of eating disorders however this connects well to its earlier arguments that orthorexia should be recognised, and treated, as seriously as anorexia or bulimia.

This brings some much-needed common sense and scientific reality to our "health" crazed culture and the snakeoil-peddling "fitspo" bloggers and lifestyle writers out there. Well done and urgently needed.

Good awareness book about the obéission to eat too healthy. Helps to think about balancing healthy nutrition and food obsession

This book does a fine job raising awareness about a type of disordered eating known as orthorexia nervosa. The section I found most helpful discussed possible triggers for disordered eating and signs and symptoms of orthorexia. This overview should provide enough information for readers to identify the warning signs in themselves or their loved ones.
I do wish the author had spent a little more time discussing people who start restricting their diets based on a doctor's advice due to legitimate health problems. For example, elimination diets are often recommended for those with autoimmune conditions, and many of these patients will have risk factors for disordered eating. It would have been nice to see more guidance on how to manage these conditions without slipping into an orthorexic mindset.
Ms. McGregor does describe what she believes a healthy diet should look like (assuming you have no health problems), and she also gives some suggestions for how to recover from orthorexia and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, you shouldn't expect this book to allow you to treat yourself. Ms. McGregor states that it's vital to work with a registered dietitian and a mental health professional with experience treating eating disorders.
Note that this is written in British English, and while the author has tried to address her content to both UK and US audiences, some of the material may be confusing or inaccurate for Americans. For example, the author mentions that psychologists can prescribe medication. I don't know whether that is true in the UK, but it is not true in most of the US; in all but a few states, the only mental health professionals who prescribe medication here are psychiatrists or psychiatric nurse practitioners, who she does not mention in this book.
In the end, I would say this is probably worth reading if you would like to have a better understanding of orthorexia, particularly if you or someone you care about is on a restrictive diet and you want to make sure that the diet doesn't become an obsession.
I volunteered to review an advanced reader copy of this book provided to me by the publisher and NetGalley. Because I have not seen the published version, I cannot comment on the final editing and formatting.

*thank you to NetGalley and Nourish Publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
4 stars.
Not too many people have heard of Orthorexia as it is still quite a new type of Eating Disorder. Though those who have an Eating Disorder quite possibly already have heard of it. This book is an interesting read as it does quite well at explaining and giving examples of, what this illness really is about. Those who are in search of information, or better understanding, will find this a helpful read.

Orthorexia is a relatively new not yet official eating disorder but it still impacts many and is as dangerous as Bulimia or Anorexia,the most common eating disorders.
As a sufferer of Anorexia previously I have been recovered for five years but each year can still be a struggle and I see a lot of myself and past traits and actions in this book.
We learn of the combination which results in Orthorexic tendencies as well as OCD factors which come into it as well as forms of stress which can be added pressure on top of all the preexisting things occurring within us.
We learn of how it can start, flourish and manifest the person into believing a clean diet is the only option possible and everything else is bad when its not. We learn of types of strict diets and see through case studies the health side effects which can occur as result.
This is one of the most essentially eye opening books on the newest eating disorder happening around us and this book is educating just when we need it.
Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

I loved how this book is a solid resource about orthorexia. Renee does an excellent job breaking down what exactly is going on when 'healthy eating' goes horribly wrong, the side effects of a low-carb diet and exactly what it is that makes orthorexia so dangerous. It is such an informative read and I highly recommend it for anyone going down the 'healthy eating' path.

This is the first book that I read that is completely dedicated to Orthorexia and I found it very good. I usually read about this disorders related to other eating disorders but this time the author took her time to describe in details and explain the vary hidden meaning of specific behavior. In the end it's not the solution for the problem but it is still a good first step to acknowledge a problem and try to find a solution trough a professional help..
Questo é il primo libro che leggo completamente dedicato all'ortoressia e penso sia fatto molto bene. Fino ad ora si leggeva di ortoressia soltanto collegata ad altri disturbi alimentari, ma stavolta l'autrice si prende il tempo di descriverne i vari aspetti e come possa essere collegata ad altri disturbi e come possa nascondersi dietro comportamenti di solito considerati "normali". Alla fine non é che risolve il problema, ma certamente questo libro é un primo passo per una corretta informazione e la ricerca di una soluzione attraverso un professionista.

Excellent book on this disorder that I never heard of before - which is surprising since I am heavily involved in the world of eating disorders.
Well documented and well explained, this made me step back and reconsider my food choices. It is clear that this book tells us that many people are struggling with what /how/ how much to eat.
The one negative is the book mentions anorexia and bulimia but ignores binge eating for the most part.
Not sure I am thrilled about having the possibility of ANOTHER eating disorder, based on the fact that diets don't work and we want to be "good" with our food - kind of depressing, but this book is an eye opener and vry interesting.