Member Reviews

I really liked how this book took me from one direction to the other. Never quite knowing where it was going to end up, which twin was the oddest and in the long run feeling sorry for the men. I liked the characters and the storyline was very new & different. . I would certainly recommend this book.

This is an unusual story around twins with completely different opinions and life goals. The narrator twin is fairly relaxed and has low expectations of her life, and is dangerously undemanding of herself. The other twin is driven, prone to episodes of self harm, bulimia etc and has huge expectations of herself. There are flashbacks to their childhood to explain the situation. I enjoyed some of the story but was unable to avoid a feeling of irritation with both twins at times. A theme of controlling partners runs through most of the book which is interesting.I can recommend it, with a few reservations.

I absolutely loved this story about a set of twins, I was guessing the whole way through and was wrong with each guess! Well written, a thoroughly good read that I didn’t want to put down!

This was an unusual yet brilliant book which was mesmerising, bewildering and confusing in equal measure.
I would recommend this highly.

With thanks to Harlequin UK and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I regret that I did not find White Bodies anywhere near as tense as other readers seem to have. The plot features twin sisters Tilda and Callie and their relationship; Tilda the doer and Callie the observer. Callie has an unhealthy love for Tilda - an obsession with Tilda's happiness and state of mind. An obsession that often results in Callie eating Tilda's possessions - hair, teeth, paper torn from her notebooks. I found it all rather distasteful.
Tilda loves Felix who Callie sees as a threat to Tilda's success as an actress. Is convinced that Felix is an abuser, controlling Tilda's every move. Similarities with 'Strangers On A Train' are obvious; the film is mentioned often as the plot develops around a conspiracy that felt far too contrived for me and leads to the more sickening side of online websites, as Callie continues with her fixation about Felix.
I found it all rather tedious. Well written in fairness, but tedious....

When I read the description of this book I was so intrigued and thought I would love it, but I just couldn’t get into it or past the authors style of writing.
I found the narrative robotic and couldn’t concentrate on the story. Unfortunately I did not finish it.

White Bodies is about obsessive relationships between twin sisters Callie and Tilda .Tilda has to be the star and Callie is happy to be in her shadow.I did find Callie's "eating"obsession disturbing .The whole book was a little crazy but enjoyable with a "Stranger on the train" vibe thrown in ! The last few chapters were a surprise ,a very good first novel .

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book. It was definately worth reading. It’s not what I expected, the storyline and the characters where great. The twist at the end was noticeable from the last few chapters, I knew which way it would end or with who rather. Glad I requested it definately worth 5 stars.

Die-hard fans of the good girl/bad girl domestic 'psychological thriller' will probably lap this up - with two sisters, one crazy; accusations of sexual control and abuse; murder, addictions and Hollywood, this has a frothy chick-lit feel to its thriller aspects.
I would say that Robins gives it all away far too early with an in-your-face clue (especially to anyone familiar with the genre) - despite the familiar elements (and it's getting harder to pull a trick out of the bag if you're just going for thrills) this amused and entertained me on a long commute. Fun rather than creepy

This is a psychological thriller about an obsessive relationship between twin sisters, Callie and Tilda.
Tilda is an aspiring actress who uses her beauty and charisma to draw people in. Callie is the obsessive, and at times, a little deranged twin caught in her sister’s shadow. When Tilda starts dating Felix, Callie begins to worry about her sister’s safety and her seemingly obsessive boyfriend, Felix. As a result, she becomes obsessed with becoming her twin’s saviour and joins an online group for abused partners. The plot unfolds from this point on. I really liked the setting and the characterisation, particularly the bookshop and Daphne, Wilf and the sisters, plus the girl's mother who was written really well and the topic of cancer dealt with in a touching and compelling way.
I was excited to get my hands on a copy of this book and read it quickly. I have to say the characterisation is really well done and the writing draws you in immediately. There is so much that’s good about the plot, storylines, dialogue and characterisation that you do feel compelled to keep reading. As this is a psychological thriller, all the components for a twisty turny read were there, and up until three quarters of the way in, I was hooked.
However I am afraid to say that I found the last quarter of this book a bit of a cop out. The writer uses a memory stick that is hidden to get some of the plot information across. Originally this is Tilda writing to a snooping Callie and I found this a little contrived. There are so many reasons why (based on the charaterisation that is done so well in the book)Tilda wouldn't do this and I didn’t really buy it. Also, in the last part of the book, Callie writes a letter to Tilda to let the reader know what she knows and again this seems contrived, particularly seeing as though Callie goes to see Tilda immediately after this. The ending felt rushed and I was surprised at it, mainly due to the fact that other reviewers had said it was a shock ending. Personally, I had guessed this already and so the ending for me, was a little dull and painful.
There were shockability parts of the book, eating hair and teeth (Callie) and other plot points and as a read, I really enjoyed 80% of it. It just felt to me the writer may have written herself into a corner and got out of it in a cliched and unimaginative way without really thinking it through. I was left feeling a little deflated and frustrated.
I would definitely read another book by this writer and for that reason I am giving it 3 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance copy.

Wow what can I say other than this book was hands down one of the best of this year. A true page turner that had me gripped from the very first page right to the last.

White Bodies by Jane Robins a thrilling four-star read. What can I say about this story without telling you too much, apart from its one of the most thrilling compelling stories I have read in this genre for a long time. You start to doubt the things you know as true in your own mind, the author has a great talent for revealing the story without giving you too many details, so the story is revealed like a literary onion layer by layer peeled away. The relationship between the twins Tilda and Callie was one that fascinated me and made me want to keep reading, the story was great and I couldn’t put it down. If you are looking for a thrilling read, that will have you wondering and questioning then this is the read for you.

Callie is a twin her sister is an actress and they live very different lives, Tilda is very out going Callie is quiet and not as confident but is intelligent in my view anyhow. The story is told by Callie who works in a bookshop and is just such a natural character and it's not hard to feel it's you telling the story as this is so well written I got completely engrossed in it. With some chapters you learn about the past their time in childhood but mostly its set in the present.. There are some great clues with a few red herrings thrown in to keep you guessing and some twists that I'm sure will catch you out but I'll let you see for yourself.
I have been given a free copy of this book from NetGalley in return for a honest review and I honestly recommend this book to you, I loved it.

White Bodies was genuinely creepy, but didn’t really reach the thriller factor for me. This was a novel that I couldn’t wait to dive into because the premise was promising, but it fell a little bit flat.

White Bodies was an interesting concept, with a great vibe running through it. Twins Tilda and Callie both have serious issues and this darkly serious book has a lot of twists and turns. With Callie getting sucked into a website that may be more than it seems, and Tilda seeming to fall deeper and deeper into the clutches of her sinister and controlling husband, the tension in the book built up deliciously towards the climax of Felix's death.
However, after that, it all seemed to go a bit flat, and I felt like a lot of the tension was lost. While Callie was certainly mixed up in something more than she had bargained for, the book's latter half lost the eerie, creepy feeling that had been building up in the beginning, and I was left plodding through the ending, unsurprised and unimpressed by the final reveals. Some great moments in this book, but ultimately, I don't think it will stick in my mind.

Callie & Tilda are twin sisters living in London. Tilda is a renowned actress & Callie works in a bookshop. Their lives are so different though they are close. Tilda meets the charming Felix, who sweeps her off her feet but as she starts to withdraw, Callie is concerned that Felix is a control freak plus after seeing Felix dunk Tilda in the river so she comes up spluttering, Callie becomes is even more worried for her twins' safety. What will she do to protect her sister?
This is an interesting psychological thriller story, which is seen through Callies eyes in the form of observations, and flashbacks to their childhood. Callie herself appears obsessed with her sister and has some strange behaviours so she can be close to her sister which makes you wonder if she is not imagining the problems her sister is having with Felix. Callie furthers this obsession to protect her sister by getting heavily involved in online forums, meeting up with some of the people she has been corresponding with, which then takes a sinister turn. The ending has a twist, which I partly saw coming and where the sisters must face the truth.
Robins is an interesting writer, with good narration from Callie and interesting multilayered characters. At times the street name Curzon Street kept popping up as though it was a reference to how posh it was, the use of brackets in places such as "coffee (her) and hot chocolate (me)" could be better written and the use of 'And' or 'Then' to begin a sentence made it feel slightly child like in the writing.
Overall it was a creepy read and would recommend it.

Well let's just say I'm pleased I don't live in Curzon Street where the characters in this book do! There is so much curtain twitching and dire deeds going on here that it's a very busy house. What do the neighbours think? That's just the beauty of this book as there's a lot going on that you don't see at first or you get the other's persons opinion and just who do you believe? This book messes with your head. Quite disturbing in many ways. Not a comfortable read but an interesting one. London is the backdrop but only vaguely.

Wow, what an, utterly absorbing story. Of course I thought I kew exactly what was going on, Callie's mental health issues were obvious , her obsession with her twin sister appeared extremely unhealthy. Certainly Felix's issues seemed less odd in comparison, and the dangers of getting involved in dark online forums were graphically illustrated.
But then came the side swipe of finding out the truth, and how Callie decides to deal with the revelation.
Much of the time I have to admit I did not really like the characters ,either Callie or Tilda, but their flaws made very good reading.