Member Reviews

I had such high hopes for this one.

It combined two of my favorite genres, sports and techie genius main characters. But sadly this fell short. The writing was horrible. It was like the author was thinking of the most blah dialogues between characters that had so much potential. It just wasn't a refined story. Almost like a first draft that could have been added on to.

Haylee is a double major from Cal-Tech comes to the Lancers football team to help facilitate a study in hopes of getting noticed my the study's financier, who is a tech genius who she happens to be in love with. Who she has met once. Then she meets Wish, a hunky professional football player who falls in love with her while she is in "love" with another person.

There was some cute banter between the players and Haylee that just wasn't enough to save the story.

Recommendation: Probably won't read it again. I'd skip this one.

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What happens when a "nerdy" double major from Cal-Tech gets thrown together with hunky professional football players? Fun, intrigue and magic! Haylee is a recent college graduate who takes a job as an assistant on a project to minimize concussions in football players in order to help land her dream job with the hunky/intelligent/philanthropist Carlos Rorsch. She just has to put up with the creepy and demeaning Dr. Samson for a few weeks to gain the experience necessary to put her right in the track of her dream man and her dream job. She is quickly assigned to several big time football players from the Super Bowl Champion Lancers. Her job is to measure their heads and assist with the specialized football helmets that will take readings to determine if the experimental gel formulated by Dr. Samson will help minimize the effects of hard impacts. She doesn't expect the crazy antics of high profile players Bam, Jordy, Troy, Sammy and Wish. (Let's not forget hunky Coach Riga). Haylee's looks are not missed by the big bad football players and they quickly fight for her attention. Their friendship comes easily and she quickly becomes thankful for these amazing men. They float like its their job, but she knows it's all just fun for most of them. These men are funny, warm and make her feel like one of the gang in no time.
"Do you have any questions?"
"I have one," Jordy, the pass rusher, said eagerly. "It's for Ms Kirk. Are you related to Captain James T. Kirk?"

She knew then, this was going to fun. Haylee had a hard time not being attracted to these men, except one. Wish Bennett. This thing between them was undeniable, but her heart belonged to someone else. Friends. She would be friends with Wish, Easy, right?

As the days go by, her affection for all the players grows, but especially for Wish. He has his eyes set on Haylee and he wants a shot to compete with her mystery man. Will he get a shot? Will Haylee give in?

I love that Kate Donovan gave us an intelligent, funny, focused, beautiful woman as the heroine of this story. Her football references are spot on and her players are kind, funny AND hot! I thoroughly enjoyed the friendship and banter between Haylee and the players . This intelligent girl seemed a little love sick at times but hey, I guess we all get a little silly when we are in love. I have not read the previous books in the story but I will now! This is a stand-alone with interconnected characters.

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Absolutely loved this story, Wish( loved the name) and Haylee were so cute together. It was refreshing not some major road block on their road to love. Rather like most people they had same insecurities and uncertainties we all face.

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What a fun story...tons of humor, witty banter, and best of all hot football players. This series has been great from the beginning, the author has taken subject matter that has been done ad nauseum, and turned it into a terrific series.

Haley and Wish were perfect from the start (though it took her awhile to come to that realization)...her with her sassiness and brains, he with his big heart and near instantaneous love for Haley. Through their interweaving journey towards their HEA, there was hilarity... in most part from Bam...with banter that literally made me smile, and heartwarming moments that takes your breath away.

I've always enjoyed Ms Donovan's writing and look forward to seeing what she has in-store next.

The ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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